path: root/themes/CodeIT/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-content/
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Diffstat (limited to 'themes/CodeIT/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-content/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-content/ b/themes/CodeIT/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-content/
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index c6727fb..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-content/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-weight: 2
-title: "Thème Documentation - Contenu"
-date: 2020-03-05T16:30:05+08:00
-lastmod: 2020-03-05T16:30:05+08:00
-draft: false
-author: "Sunt Programator!"
-authorLink: ""
-description: "Découvrez comment créer et organiser votre contenu rapidement et intuitivement dans le thème CodeIT."
- - name: "featured-image"
- src: "featured-image.jpg"
-tags: ["content", "Markdown"]
-categories: ["documentation"]
-lightgallery: true
- auto: false
- enable: true
-Découvrez comment créer et organiser votre contenu rapidement et intuitivement dans le thème **CodeIT**.
-{{< admonition warning >}}
-Sorry, this article has not been completely translated into **French**.
-Welcome to take the time to propose a translation by [:(fas fa-code-branch fa-fw): making a PR]( to the theme!
-{{< /admonition >}}
-## 1 Contents Organization {#contents-organization}
-A few suggestions to help you get a good looking site quickly:
-- Keep post pages in the `content/posts` directory, for example: `content/posts/`
-- Keep other pages in the `content` directory, for example: `content/`
-- Local resources organization
-{{< admonition note "Local Resource Reference" >}}
-There are three ways to reference local resources such as **images** and **music**:
-1. Using [page resources]( in [page bundles](
- You can reference page resources by the value for `Resources.GetMatch` or the filepath of the resource relative to the page directory directly.
-2. Store resources in the **assets** directory, which is `/assets` by default.
- The filepath of the resource to reference in the post is relative to the assets directory.
-3. Store resources in the **static** directory, which is `/static` by default.
- The filepath of the resource to reference in the post is relative to the static directory.
-The **priority** of references is also in the above order.
-There are many places in the theme where the above local resource references can be used,
-such as **links**, **images**, `image` shortcode, `music` shortcode and some params in the **front matter**.
-Images in page resources or assets directory [processing](
-will be supported in the future.
-It's really cool! :(far fa-grin-squint fa-fw):
-{{< /admonition >}}
-## 2 Front Matter {#front-matter}
-**Hugo** allows you to add front matter in `yaml`, `toml` or `json` to your content files.
-{{< admonition >}}
-**Not all** of the below front matters need to be set in each of your posts.
-It is necessary only if the front matters and the `page` part in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) are inconsistent.
-{{< /admonition >}}
-Here is a front matter example:
-title: "My First Post"
-subtitle: ""
-date: 2020-03-04T15:58:26+08:00
-lastmod: 2020-03-04T15:58:26+08:00
-draft: true
-author: ""
-authorLink: ""
-description: ""
-license: ""
-images: []
-tags: []
-categories: []
-featuredImage: ""
-featuredImagePreview: ""
-hiddenFromHomePage: false
-hiddenFromSearch: false
-twemoji: false
-lightgallery: true
-ruby: true
-fraction: true
-fontawesome: true
-linkToMarkdown: true
-rssFullText: false
- enable: true
- auto: true
- copy: true
- # ...
- enable: true
- # ...
- accessToken: ""
- # ...
- enable: true
- # ...
- enable: true
- # ...
- css:
- # someCSS = "some.css"
- # located in "assets/"
- # Or
- # someCSS = ""
- js:
- # someJS = "some.js"
- # located in "assets/"
- # Or
- # someJS = ""
- images: []
- # ...
-- **title**: the title for the content.
-- **subtitle**: the subtitle for the content.
-- **date**: the datetime assigned to this page, which is usually fetched from the `date` field in front matter, but this behaviour is configurabl in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **lastmod**: the datetime at which the content was last modified.
-- **draft**: if `true`, the content will not be rendered unless the `--buildDrafts`/`-D` flag is passed to the `hugo` command.
-- **author**: the author for the content.
-- **authorLink**: the link of the author.
-- **description**: the description for the content.
-- **license**: the special lisence for this content.
-- **images**: page images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards.
-- **tags**: the tags for the content.
-- **categories**: the categories for the content.
-- **featuredImage**: the featured image for the content.
-- **featuredImagePreview**: the featured image for the content preview in the home page.
-- **hiddenFromHomePage**: if `true`, the content will not be shown in the home page.
-- **hiddenFromSearch**: if `true`, the content will not be shown in the search results.
-- **twemoji**: if `true`, the content will enable the twemoji.
-- **lightgallery**: if `true`, images in the content will be shown as the gallery.
-- **ruby**: if `true`, the content will enable the [ruby extended syntax](#ruby).
-- **fraction**: if `true`, the content will enable the [fraction extended syntax](#fraction).
-- **fontawesome**: if `true`, the content will enable the [Font Awesome extended syntax](#fontawesome).
-- **linkToMarkdown**: if `true`, the footer of the content will be shown the link to the orignal Markdown file.
-- **rssFullText**: if `true`, the full text content will be shown in RSS.
-- **toc**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **code**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **math**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **mapbox**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **share**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **comment**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **library**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-- **seo**: the same as the `` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-{{< admonition tip >}}
-**featuredImage** and **featuredImagePreview** support the complete usage of [local resource references](#contents-organization).
-If the page resource with `name: featured-image` or `name: featured-image-preview` is set in the front matter,
-it is not necessary to set the parameter `featuredImage` or `featuredImagePreview`:
- - name: featured-image
- src: featured-image.jpg
- - name: featured-image-preview
- src: featured-image-preview.jpg
-{{< /admonition >}}
-## 3 Content Summaries
-**CodeIT** theme uses the summary of the content to display abstract information in the home page. Hugo can generate summaries of your content.
-![Summary Preview](summary.png "Summary Preview")
-### Automatic Summary Splitting
-By default, Hugo automatically takes the first 70 words of your content as its summary.
-You may customize the summary length by setting `summaryLength` in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-If you are creating content in a [CJK]^(Chinese/Japanese/Korean) language and want to use Hugo’s automatic summary splitting, set `hasCJKLanguage` to `true` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-### Manual Summary Splitting
-Alternatively, you may add the `<!--more-->` summary divider where you want to split the article.
-Content that comes before the summary divider will be used as that content’s summary.
-{{< admonition >}}
-Be careful to enter `<!--more-->` exactly; i.e., all lowercase and with no whitespace.
-{{< /admonition >}}
-### Front Matter Summary
-You might want your summary to be something other than the text that starts the article. In this case you can provide a separate summary in the `summary` variable of the article front matter.
-### Use Description as Summary
-You might want your description in the `description` variable of the article front matter as the summary.
-You may add the `<!--more-->` summary divider at the start of the article. Keep content that comes before the summary divider empty. Then **CodeIT** theme will use your description as the summary.
-### Priority Order of Summary Selection
-Because there are multiple ways in which a summary can be specified it is useful to understand the order. It is as follows:
-1. If there is a `<!--more-->` summary divider present in the article but no content is before the divider, the description will be used as the summary.
-2. If there is a `<!--more-->` summary divider present in the article the text up to the divider will be provided as per the manual summary split method.
-3. If there is a summary variable in the article front matter the value of the variable will be provided as per the front matter summary method.
-4. The text at the start of the article will be provided as per the automatic summary split method.
-{{< admonition >}}
-It is not recommended to include rich text block elements in the summary, which will cause typographic errors. Such as code blocks, pictures, tables, etc.
-{{< /admonition >}}
-## 4 Basic Markdown Syntax
-This part is shown in the [basic markdown syntax page](../basic-markdown-syntax/).
-## 5 Extended Markdown Syntax {#extended-markdown-syntax}
-**CodeIT** theme has some extended syntax elements for you to write articles.
-### Emoji Support
-This part is shown in the [emoji support page](../emoji-support/).
-### Mathematical Formula
-**CodeIT** theme supports mathematical formulas based on [$ \KaTeX $](
-Set the property `enable = true` under `[params.math]` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration)
-and the property `math: true` of the article front matter to enable the automatic rendering of mathematical formulas.
-{{< admonition tip >}}
-Here is a list of [$ \TeX $ functions supported by $ \KaTeX $](
-{{< /admonition >}}
-#### Block Formula
-The default block delimiters are `$$`/`$$` and `\\[`/`\\]`:
-$$ c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} $$
-\\[ f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{f}(\xi) e^{2 \pi i \xi x} d \xi \\]
-The rendered output looks like this:
-$$ c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} $$
-\\[ f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{f}(\xi) e^{2 \pi i \xi x} d \xi \\]
-#### Inline Formula
-The default inline delimiters are `$`/`$` and `\\(`/`\\)`:
-$ c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} $ and \\( f(x)=\int\_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{f}(\xi) e^{2 \pi i \xi x} d \xi \\)
-The rendered output looks like this:
-$ c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} $ and \\( f(x)=\int\_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{f}(\xi) e^{2 \pi i \xi x} d \xi \\)
-{{< admonition tip >}}
-You can add more block and inline delimiters in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
-{{< /admonition >}}
-#### Copy-tex
-**[Copy-tex](** is an extension for **$ \KaTeX $**.
-By the extension, when selecting and copying $ \KaTeX $ rendered elements, copies their $ \LaTeX $ source to the clipboard.
-Set the property `copyTex = true` under `[params.math]` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) to enable Copy-tex.
-Select and copy the formula rendered in the previous section, and you can find that the copied content is the LaTeX source code.
-#### mhchem
-**[mhchem](** is an extension for **$ \KaTeX $**.
-By the extension, you can write beautiful chemical equations easily in the article.
-Set the property `mhchem = true` under `[params.math]` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) to enable mhchem.
-$$ \ce{CO2 + C -> 2 CO} $$
-$$ \ce{Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-} $$
-The rendered output looks like this:
-$$ \ce{CO2 + C -> 2 CO} $$
-$$ \ce{Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-} $$
-### Ruby Annotation {#ruby}
-An extended Markdown syntax for **ruby annotation** is supported in **CodeIT** theme:
-[Hugo]{?^}(An open-source static site generator)
-The rendered output looks like this:
-[Hugo]^(An open-source static site generator)
-### Fraction {#fraction}
-An extended Markdown syntax for **fraction** is supported in **CodeIT** theme:
-The rendered output looks like this:
-### Font Awesome {#fontawesome}
-**CodeIT** theme uses [Font Awesome]( as the icon library.
-You can easily use these icons in your articles.
-Get the `class` of icons you wanted from the [Font Awesome website](
-Gone camping! {?:}(fas fa-campground fa-fw): Be back soon.
-That is so funny! {?:}(far fa-grin-tears):
-The rendered output looks like this:
-Gone camping! :(fas fa-campground fa-fw): Be back soon.
-That is so funny! :(far fa-grin-tears):
-### Escape character {#escape-character}
-In some special cases (when writing this theme documentation :(far fa-grin-squint-tears):),
-your content will conflict with basic or extended Markdown syntax, and it is inevitable.
-The escape character syntax can help you build the content you wanted:
-{{??}X} -> X
-For example, two `:` will enable emoji syntax, which is not the behavior you want. The escape character syntax is like this:
-The rendered output looks like this:
-**{?:}joy{?:}** instead of **:joy:**
-{{< admonition tip >}}
-This is related to **[an issue for Hugo](**, which has not been resolved.
-{{< /admonition >}}
-Another example is:
-The rendered output looks like this:
-**[link{?]}(#escape-character)** instead of **[link](#escape-character)**.