path: root/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default
diff options
authorChristoph Cullmann <>2024-04-29 22:50:58 +0200
committerChristoph Cullmann <>2024-04-29 22:50:58 +0200
commit015090549306ba6fd0c84a874b58559c4a1fa8fb (patch)
tree75fdfde4a7a3eb2431b36d1bad7409939be5e4d5 /themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default
parentccbdfed13b8195d550899d66bf193d2fd33880e9 (diff)
update theme without example page
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/hugo.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/hugo.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index d058b6d..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/hugo.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# -- Site Configuration --
-# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
-theme = "blowfish"
-baseURL = "https://localhost:1313"
-defaultContentLanguage = "en"
-disableLanguages = [] #to allow translation work requiring shipping to production
-# pluralizeListTitles = "true" # hugo function useful for non-english languages, find out more in
-enableRobotsTXT = true
-paginate = 100
-summaryLength = 30
-hasCJKLanguage = true
-buildDrafts = false
-buildFuture = false
-googleAnalytics = "G-PEDMYR1V0K"
- anchor = 'Center'
- tag = "tags"
- category = "categories"
- author = "authors"
- series = "series"
- changefreq = 'always'
- filename = 'sitemap.xml'
- priority = 0.5
- home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
- threshold = 0
- toLower = false
- [[related.indices]]
- name = "tags"
- weight = 100
- [[related.indices]]
- name = "categories"
- weight = 100
- [[related.indices]]
- name = "series"
- weight = 50
- [[related.indices]]
- name = "authors"
- weight = 20
- [[related.indices]]
- name = "date"
- weight = 10
- [[related.indices]]
- applyFilter = false
- name = 'fragmentrefs'
- type = 'fragments'
- weight = 10
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.en.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.en.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cfc253..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.en.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-languageCode = "en"
-languageName = "English"
-weight = 1
-title = "Blowfish"
- displayName = "English"
- isoCode = "en"
- rtl = false
- dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
- logo = "img/blowfish_logo_transparent.png"
- description = "A powerful, lightweight theme for Hugo."
- name = "Blowfish"
- image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
- headline = "A powerful, lightweight theme for Hugo."
- bio = "A powerful, lightweight theme for Hugo."
- links = [
- { x-twitter = "" },
- { github = "" },
- ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/ b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77004b5..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-languageCode = "it"
-languageName = "Italiano"
-weight = 2
-title = "Blowfish"
- displayName = "Italiano"
- isoCode = "it"
- rtl = false
- dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
- logo = "img/blowfish_logo_transparent.png"
- description = "Un potente, leggero tema per Hugo."
- name = "Blowfish"
- image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
- headline = "Un potente, leggero tema per Hugo."
- bio = "Un potente, leggero tema per Hugo."
- links = [
- { x-twitter = "" },
- { github = "" },
- ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.ja.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.ja.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d319b..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.ja.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-languageCode = "ja"
-languageName = "日本語"
-weight = 3
-title = "Blowfish"
- displayName = "日本語"
- isoCode = "ja"
- rtl = false
- dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
- logo = "img/blowfish_logo_transparent.png"
- description = "強力で、軽量な Hugo のテーマです。"
- name = "Blowfish"
- image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
- headline = "強力で、軽量な Hugo のテーマです。"
- bio = "強力で、軽量な Hugo のテーマです。"
- links = [
- { x-twitter = "" },
- { github = "" },
- ]
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.zh-cn.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.zh-cn.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdfc05..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/languages.zh-cn.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-languageCode = "zh-cn"
-languageName = "简体中文"
-weight = 4
-title = "Blowfish"
- displayName = "简体中文"
- isoCode = "zh-cn"
- rtl = false
- dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
- logo = "img/blowfish_logo_transparent.png"
- description = "一个强大、轻量级的 Hugo 主题。"
- name = "Blowfish"
- image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
- headline = "一个强大、轻量级的 Hugo 主题。"
- bio = "一个强大、轻量级的 Hugo 主题。"
- links = [
- { x-twitter = "" },
- { github = "" },
- ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/markup.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/markup.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5449fc..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/markup.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# -- Markup --
-# These settings are required for the theme to function.
- unsafe = true
- noClasses = false
- startLevel = 2
- endLevel = 4
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.en.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.en.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3886d5e..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.en.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -- Main Menu --
-# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
-# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
-# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
-# name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
-# pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
-# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
-# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
-# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.
- name = "Docs"
- pageRef = "docs"
- weight = 10
- name = "Shortcodes"
- pageRef = "docs/shortcodes"
- weight = 15
- name = "Examples"
- weight = 20
- name = "Samples"
- parent = "Examples"
- pageRef = "samples"
- weight = 16
- name = "Showcase"
- parent = "Examples"
- pageRef = "examples"
- weight = 30
- name = "Recipes"
- parent = "Examples"
- pageRef = "guides"
- weight = 40
- name = "Users"
- pageRef = "users"
- weight = 90
- name = "Merch"
- url = ""
- weight = 100
-# name = "Test"
-# pageRef = "pagTest"
-# weight = 1000
- identifier = "twitter"
- pre = "x-twitter"
- url = ""
- weight = 200
-# identifier = "mastodon"
-# pre = "mastodon"
-# weight = 300
-# url = ""
- identifier = "github"
- pre = "github"
- url = ""
- weight = 400
-# -- Footer Menu --
-# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
-# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
- [[footer]]
- name = "Tags"
- pageRef = "tags"
- weight = 10
- [[footer]]
- name = "Authors"
- pageRef = "authors"
- weight = 20
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/ b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6cda29..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -- Main Menu --
-# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
-# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
-# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
-# name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
-# pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
-# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
-# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
-# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.
- name = "Documenti"
- pageRef = "docs"
- weight = 10
- name = "Shortcodes"
- pageRef = "docs/shortcodes"
- weight = 15
- name = "Esempi"
- weight = 20
- name = "Campioni"
- parent = "Esempi"
- pageRef = "samples"
- weight = 16
- name = "Vetrina"
- parent = "Esempi"
- pageRef = "examples"
- weight = 30
- name = "Ricette"
- parent = "Esempi"
- pageRef = "guides"
- weight = 40
- name = "Utenti"
- pageRef = "users"
- weight = 90
- name = "Merch"
- url = ""
- weight = 100
-# name = "Test"
-# pageRef = "pagTest"
-# weight = 1000
- identifier = "twitter"
- pre = "x-twitter"
- url = ""
- weight = 200
-# identifier = "mastodon"
-# pre = "mastodon"
-# weight = 300
-# url = ""
- identifier = "github"
- pre = "github"
- url = ""
- weight = 400
-# -- Footer Menu --
-# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
-# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
- [[footer]]
- name = "Tags"
- pageRef = "tags"
- weight = 10
- [[footer]]
- name = "Autori"
- pageRef = "authors"
- weight = 20 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.ja.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.ja.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 930c6aa..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.ja.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -- メインメニュー --
-# メインメニューはページトップのヘッダーに表示されます。
-# 利用可能なパラメーターは name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight です。
-# 最もシンプルなメニュー設定はこちらです:
-# name = このメニューリンクに表示される名前
-# pageRef = ページやセクションのリンクに利用される識別子
-# デフォルトでは、メニューはアルファベット順に並べられます。
-# これは、 weight value で上書き可能です。
-# このメニューは weight が低い値から高い値に順に表示されます。
- name = "資料"
- pageRef = "docs"
- weight = 10
- name = "ショートコード"
- pageRef = "docs/shortcodes"
- weight = 15
- name = "例"
- weight = 20
- name = "サンプル"
- parent = "例"
- pageRef = "samples"
- weight = 16
- name = "ショーケース"
- parent = "例"
- pageRef = "examples"
- weight = 30
- name = "レシピ"
- parent = "例"
- pageRef = "guides"
- weight = 40
- name = "ユーザー"
- pageRef = "users"
- weight = 90
- name = "グッズ"
- url = ""
- weight = 100
-# name = "テスト"
-# pageRef = "pagTest"
-# weight = 1000
- identifier = "twitter"
- pre = "x-twitter"
- url = ""
- weight = 200
-# identifier = "mastodon"
-# pre = "mastodon"
-# weight = 300
-# url = ""
- identifier = "github"
- pre = "github"
- url = ""
- weight = 400
-# -- フッターメニュー --
-# このフッターメニューはページ下部のコピーライト表示の前に表示されます。
-# 上記のメインメニューと同様に設定できます。
- [[footer]]
- name = "タグ"
- pageRef = "tags"
- weight = 10
- [[footer]]
- name = "著者"
- pageRef = "authors"
- weight = 20
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.zh-cn.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.zh-cn.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6100b29..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/menus.zh-cn.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -- Main Menu --
-# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
-# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
-# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
-# name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
-# pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
-# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
-# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
-# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.
- name = "文档"
- pageRef = "docs"
- weight = 10
- name = "简码"
- pageRef = "docs/shortcodes"
- weight = 15
- name = "示例"
- weight = 20
- name = "功能示例"
- parent = "示例"
- pageRef = "samples"
- weight = 16
- name = "模板示例"
- parent = "示例"
- pageRef = "examples"
- weight = 30
- name = "部署指南"
- parent = "示例"
- pageRef = "guides"
- weight = 40
- name = "用户列表"
- pageRef = "users"
- weight = 90
- name = "周边"
- url = ""
- weight = 100
-# name = "Test"
-# pageRef = "pagTest"
-# weight = 1000
- identifier = "twitter"
- pre = "x-twitter"
- url = ""
- weight = 200
-# identifier = "mastodon"
-# pre = "mastodon"
-# weight = 300
-# url = ""
- identifier = "github"
- pre = "github"
- url = ""
- weight = 400
-# -- Footer Menu --
-# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
-# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
- [[footer]]
- name = "标签"
- pageRef = "tags"
- weight = 10
- [[footer]]
- name = "作者"
- pageRef = "authors"
- weight = 20
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/params.toml b/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/params.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0022e15..0000000
--- a/themes/blowfish/exampleSite/config/_default/params.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# -- Theme Options --
-# These options control how the theme functions and allow you to
-# customise the display of your website.
-# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
-colorScheme = "blowfish"
-defaultAppearance = "dark" # valid options: light or dark
-autoSwitchAppearance = true
-enableSearch = true
-enableCodeCopy = true
-mainSections = ["docs"]
-# robots = ""
-disableImageOptimization = false
-disableTextInHeader = false
-defaultBackgroundImage = "/img/background.svg"
-defaultFeaturedImage = "/img/featured.svg"
-highlightCurrentMenuArea = true
-smartTOC = true
-smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = false
- layout = "fixed" # valid options: basic, fixed, fixed-fill, fixed-gradient, fixed-fill-blur
- showMenu = true
- showCopyright = true
- showThemeAttribution = true
- showAppearanceSwitcher = true
- showScrollToTop = true
- layout = "custom" # valid options: page, profile, hero, card, background, custom
- # homepageImage = "/img/iceland.jpg" # used in: hero, and card
- showRecent = false
- showRecentItems = 6
- showMoreLink = true
- showMoreLinkDest = "docs"
- cardView = true
- cardViewScreenWidth = false
- layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when layout equals background
- showDate = false
- showViews = true
- showLikes = true
- showDateOnlyInArticle = false
- showDateUpdated = false
- showAuthor = true
- # showAuthorBottom = false
- showHero = true
- heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
- layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
- showBreadcrumbs = true
- showDraftLabel = true
- showEdit = true
- editURL = ""
- editAppendPath = true
- seriesOpened = false
- showHeadingAnchors = true
- showPagination = true
- invertPagination = false
- showReadingTime = true
- showTableOfContents = true
- showRelatedContent = true
- relatedContentLimit = 6
- showTaxonomies = true
- showAuthorsBadges = true
- showWordCount = false
- sharingLinks = [ "linkedin", "twitter", "reddit", "whatsapp", "telegram", "pinterest", "facebook", "email"]
- showZenMode = true
- showHero = true
- heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
- layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
- layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = false
- showBreadcrumbs = false
- showSummary = false
- showViews = true
- showLikes = true
- showTableOfContents = true
- showCards = true
- groupByYear = false
- cardView = true
- cardViewScreenWidth = false
- constrainItemsWidth = false
- excludedKinds = []
- showTermCount = true
- showHero = true
- heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
- showBreadcrumbs = false
- showViews = true
- showLikes = true
- showTableOfContents = true
- cardView = false
- showHero = true
- heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
- showBreadcrumbs = false
- showViews = true
- showLikes = true
- showTableOfContents = true
- groupByYear = false
- cardView = true
- cardViewScreenWidth = false
- apiKey = "AIzaSyB5tqlqDky77Vb4Tc4apiHV4hRZI18KGiY"
- authDomain = ""
- projectId = "blowfish-21fff"
- storageBucket = ""
- messagingSenderId = "60108104191"
- appId = "1:60108104191:web:039842ebe1370698b487ca"
- measurementId = "G-PEDMYR1V0K"
- # site = "ABC12345"
- # domain = ""
- # websiteid = "ABC12345"
- # domain = ""
- identifier = "nunocoracao"
- globalWidget = true
- globalWidgetMessage = ""
- globalWidgetColor = "#FFDD00"
- globalWidgetPosition = "Right"
- # google = ""
- # bing = ""
- # pinterest = ""
- # yandex = ""