path: root/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js
diff options
authorChristoph Cullmann <>2024-06-26 21:44:28 +0200
committerChristoph Cullmann <>2024-06-26 21:44:28 +0200
commit58e2c9ae87f09dac79ecf962331ae2c51f4ba7f1 (patch)
treed819d1747427f81d1883a715ec60d13d575053e4 /themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js
parentb1a7697b03cfb0143af78993387f758836e842bf (diff)
update the theme
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js')
1 files changed, 1083 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js b/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22185ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/edges-16357fde.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+import { l as g, p as H, c as b, b7 as Q, j as B, d as q, A as j, F as lt } from "./mermaid-9f2aa176.js";
+import { a as st } from "./createText-03b82060.js";
+import { l as ct } from "./line-24d93f1b.js";
+const ht = (e, t, a, i) => {
+ t.forEach((l) => {
+ wt[l](e, a, i);
+ });
+}, ot = (e, t, a) => {
+ g.trace("Making markers for ", a), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-extensionStart").attr("class", "marker extension " + t).attr("refX", 18).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 1,7 L18,13 V 1 Z"), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-extensionEnd").attr("class", "marker extension " + t).attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 28).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 1,1 V 13 L18,7 Z");
+}, yt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-compositionStart").attr("class", "marker composition " + t).attr("refX", 18).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-compositionEnd").attr("class", "marker composition " + t).attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 28).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z");
+}, ft = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-aggregationStart").attr("class", "marker aggregation " + t).attr("refX", 18).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-aggregationEnd").attr("class", "marker aggregation " + t).attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 28).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z");
+}, pt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-dependencyStart").attr("class", "marker dependency " + t).attr("refX", 6).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 5,7 L9,13 L1,7 L9,1 Z"), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-dependencyEnd").attr("class", "marker dependency " + t).attr("refX", 13).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 28).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L14,7 L9,1 Z");
+}, dt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-lollipopStart").attr("class", "marker lollipop " + t).attr("refX", 13).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("circle").attr("stroke", "black").attr("fill", "transparent").attr("cx", 7).attr("cy", 7).attr("r", 6), e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-lollipopEnd").attr("class", "marker lollipop " + t).attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 190).attr("markerHeight", 240).attr("orient", "auto").append("circle").attr("stroke", "black").attr("fill", "transparent").attr("cx", 7).attr("cy", 7).attr("r", 6);
+}, xt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-pointEnd").attr("class", "marker " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10").attr("refX", 6).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 12).attr("markerHeight", 12).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 1).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0"), e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-pointStart").attr("class", "marker " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10").attr("refX", 4.5).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 12).attr("markerHeight", 12).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 0 5 L 10 10 L 10 0 z").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 1).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0");
+}, gt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-circleEnd").attr("class", "marker " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10").attr("refX", 11).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 11).attr("markerHeight", 11).attr("orient", "auto").append("circle").attr("cx", "5").attr("cy", "5").attr("r", "5").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 1).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0"), e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-circleStart").attr("class", "marker " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 10 10").attr("refX", -1).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 11).attr("markerHeight", 11).attr("orient", "auto").append("circle").attr("cx", "5").attr("cy", "5").attr("r", "5").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 1).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0");
+}, ut = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-crossEnd").attr("class", "marker cross " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 11 11").attr("refX", 12).attr("refY", 5.2).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 11).attr("markerHeight", 11).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 1,1 l 9,9 M 10,1 l -9,9").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 2).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0"), e.append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-crossStart").attr("class", "marker cross " + t).attr("viewBox", "0 0 11 11").attr("refX", -1).attr("refY", 5.2).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 11).attr("markerHeight", 11).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 1,1 l 9,9 M 10,1 l -9,9").attr("class", "arrowMarkerPath").style("stroke-width", 2).style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0");
+}, bt = (e, t, a) => {
+ e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", a + "_" + t + "-barbEnd").attr("refX", 19).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 14).attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth").attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 19,7 L9,13 L14,7 L9,1 Z");
+}, wt = {
+ extension: ot,
+ composition: yt,
+ aggregation: ft,
+ dependency: pt,
+ lollipop: dt,
+ point: xt,
+ circle: gt,
+ cross: ut,
+ barb: bt
+}, hr = ht;
+function mt(e, t) {
+ t && e.attr("style", t);
+function kt(e) {
+ const t = B(document.createElementNS("", "foreignObject")), a = t.append("xhtml:div"), i = e.label, l = e.isNode ? "nodeLabel" : "edgeLabel";
+ return a.html(
+ '<span class="' + l + '" ' + (e.labelStyle ? 'style="' + e.labelStyle + '"' : "") + ">" + i + "</span>"
+ ), mt(a, e.labelStyle),"display", "inline-block"),"white-space", "nowrap"), a.attr("xmlns", ""), t.node();
+const vt = (e, t, a, i) => {
+ let l = e || "";
+ if (typeof l == "object" && (l = l[0]), H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ l = l.replace(/\\n|\n/g, "<br />"), g.debug("vertexText" + l);
+ const r = {
+ isNode: i,
+ label: Q(l).replace(
+ /fa[blrs]?:fa-[\w-]+/g,
+ // cspell: disable-line
+ (n) => `<i class='${n.replace(":", " ")}'></i>`
+ ),
+ labelStyle: t.replace("fill:", "color:")
+ };
+ return kt(r);
+ } else {
+ const r = document.createElementNS("", "text");
+ r.setAttribute("style", t.replace("color:", "fill:"));
+ let s = [];
+ typeof l == "string" ? s = l.split(/\\n|\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi) : Array.isArray(l) ? s = l : s = [];
+ for (const n of s) {
+ const c = document.createElementNS("", "tspan");
+ c.setAttributeNS("", "xml:space", "preserve"), c.setAttribute("dy", "1em"), c.setAttribute("x", "0"), a ? c.setAttribute("class", "title-row") : c.setAttribute("class", "row"), c.textContent = n.trim(), r.appendChild(c);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+}, R = vt, M = async (e, t, a, i) => {
+ let l;
+ const r = t.useHtmlLabels || H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels);
+ a ? l = a : l = "node default";
+ const s = e.insert("g").attr("class", l).attr("id", t.domId ||, n = s.insert("g").attr("class", "label").attr("style", t.labelStyle);
+ let c;
+ t.labelText === void 0 ? c = "" : c = typeof t.labelText == "string" ? t.labelText : t.labelText[0];
+ const o = n.node();
+ let h;
+ t.labelType === "markdown" ? h = st(n, q(Q(c), b()), {
+ useHtmlLabels: r,
+ width: t.width || b().flowchart.wrappingWidth,
+ classes: "markdown-node-label"
+ }) : h = o.appendChild(
+ R(
+ q(Q(c), b()),
+ t.labelStyle,
+ !1,
+ i
+ )
+ );
+ let y = h.getBBox();
+ const p = t.padding / 2;
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const f = h.children[0], x = B(h), k = f.getElementsByTagName("img");
+ if (k) {
+ const d = c.replace(/<img[^>]*>/g, "").trim() === "";
+ await Promise.all(
+ [...k].map(
+ (u) => new Promise((S) => {
+ function E() {
+ if ( = "flex", = "column", d) {
+ const C = b().fontSize ? b().fontSize : window.getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize, W = 5, A = parseInt(C, 10) * W + "px";
+ = A, = A;
+ } else
+ = "100%";
+ S(u);
+ }
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ u.complete && E();
+ }), u.addEventListener("error", E), u.addEventListener("load", E);
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ y = f.getBoundingClientRect(), x.attr("width", y.width), x.attr("height", y.height);
+ }
+ return r ? n.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")") : n.attr("transform", "translate(0, " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), t.centerLabel && n.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), n.insert("rect", ":first-child"), { shapeSvg: s, bbox: y, halfPadding: p, label: n };
+}, m = (e, t) => {
+ const a = t.node().getBBox();
+ e.width = a.width, e.height = a.height;
+function I(e, t, a, i) {
+ return e.insert("polygon", ":first-child").attr(
+ "points",
+ {
+ return l.x + "," + l.y;
+ }).join(" ")
+ ).attr("class", "label-container").attr("transform", "translate(" + -t / 2 + "," + a / 2 + ")");
+function Lt(e, t) {
+ return e.intersect(t);
+function it(e, t, a, i) {
+ var l = e.x, r = e.y, s = l - i.x, n = r - i.y, c = Math.sqrt(t * t * n * n + a * a * s * s), o = Math.abs(t * a * s / c);
+ i.x < l && (o = -o);
+ var h = Math.abs(t * a * n / c);
+ return i.y < r && (h = -h), { x: l + o, y: r + h };
+function St(e, t, a) {
+ return it(e, t, t, a);
+function Mt(e, t, a, i) {
+ var l, r, s, n, c, o, h, y, p, f, x, k, d, u, S;
+ if (l = t.y - e.y, s = e.x - t.x, c = t.x * e.y - e.x * t.y, p = l * a.x + s * a.y + c, f = l * i.x + s * i.y + c, !(p !== 0 && f !== 0 && J(p, f)) && (r = i.y - a.y, n = a.x - i.x, o = i.x * a.y - a.x * i.y, h = r * e.x + n * e.y + o, y = r * t.x + n * t.y + o, !(h !== 0 && y !== 0 && J(h, y)) && (x = l * n - r * s, x !== 0)))
+ return k = Math.abs(x / 2), d = s * o - n * c, u = d < 0 ? (d - k) / x : (d + k) / x, d = r * c - l * o, S = d < 0 ? (d - k) / x : (d + k) / x, { x: u, y: S };
+function J(e, t) {
+ return e * t > 0;
+function Tt(e, t, a) {
+ var i = e.x, l = e.y, r = [], s = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ typeof t.forEach == "function" ? t.forEach(function(x) {
+ s = Math.min(s, x.x), n = Math.min(n, x.y);
+ }) : (s = Math.min(s, t.x), n = Math.min(n, t.y));
+ for (var c = i - e.width / 2 - s, o = l - e.height / 2 - n, h = 0; h < t.length; h++) {
+ var y = t[h], p = t[h < t.length - 1 ? h + 1 : 0], f = Mt(
+ e,
+ a,
+ { x: c + y.x, y: o + y.y },
+ { x: c + p.x, y: o + p.y }
+ );
+ f && r.push(f);
+ }
+ return r.length ? (r.length > 1 && r.sort(function(x, k) {
+ var d = x.x - a.x, u = x.y - a.y, S = Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u), E = k.x - a.x, C = k.y - a.y, W = Math.sqrt(E * E + C * C);
+ return S < W ? -1 : S === W ? 0 : 1;
+ }), r[0]) : e;
+const Et = (e, t) => {
+ var a = e.x, i = e.y, l = t.x - a, r = t.y - i, s = e.width / 2, n = e.height / 2, c, o;
+ return Math.abs(r) * s > Math.abs(l) * n ? (r < 0 && (n = -n), c = r === 0 ? 0 : n * l / r, o = n) : (l < 0 && (s = -s), c = s, o = l === 0 ? 0 : s * r / l), { x: a + c, y: i + o };
+}, Bt = Et, w = {
+ node: Lt,
+ circle: St,
+ ellipse: it,
+ polygon: Tt,
+ rect: Bt
+}, Ct = async (e, t) => {
+ t.useHtmlLabels || b().flowchart.htmlLabels || (t.centerLabel = !0);
+ const { shapeSvg: i, bbox: l, halfPadding: r } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ "node " + t.classes,
+ !0
+ );
+"Classes = ", t.classes);
+ const s = i.insert("rect", ":first-child");
+ return s.attr("rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("x", -l.width / 2 - r).attr("y", -l.height / 2 - r).attr("width", l.width + t.padding).attr("height", l.height + t.padding), m(t, s), t.intersect = function(n) {
+ return w.rect(t, n);
+ }, i;
+}, $t = Ct, _t = (e) => {
+ const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ for (const a of e)
+ switch (a) {
+ case "x":
+ t.add("right"), t.add("left");
+ break;
+ case "y":
+ t.add("up"), t.add("down");
+ break;
+ default:
+ t.add(a);
+ break;
+ }
+ return t;
+}, Rt = (e, t, a) => {
+ const i = _t(e), l = 2, r = t.height + 2 * a.padding, s = r / l, n = t.width + 2 * s + a.padding, c = a.padding / 2;
+ return i.has("right") && i.has("left") && i.has("up") && i.has("down") ? [
+ // Bottom
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n / 2, y: 2 * c },
+ { x: n - s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: 0 },
+ // Right
+ { x: n, y: -r / 3 },
+ { x: n + 2 * c, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: n, y: -2 * r / 3 },
+ { x: n, y: -r },
+ // Top
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: n / 2, y: -r - 2 * c },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ // Left
+ { x: 0, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -2 * r / 3 },
+ { x: -2 * c, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 3 }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("left") && i.has("up") ? [
+ { x: s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n - s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 2 }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("left") && i.has("down") ? [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: n, y: 0 }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("up") && i.has("down") ? [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -s },
+ { x: n, y: -r + s },
+ { x: 0, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("left") && i.has("up") && i.has("down") ? [
+ { x: n, y: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: -s },
+ { x: 0, y: -r + s },
+ { x: n, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("left") ? [
+ { x: s, y: 0 },
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -c },
+ { x: n - s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 2 }
+ ] : i.has("up") && i.has("down") ? [
+ // Bottom center
+ { x: n / 2, y: 0 },
+ // Left pont of bottom arrow
+ { x: 0, y: -c },
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ // Left top over vertical section
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: 0, y: -r + c },
+ // Top of arrow
+ { x: n / 2, y: -r },
+ { x: n, y: -r + c },
+ // Top of right vertical bar
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -c },
+ { x: n, y: -c }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("up") ? [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -s },
+ { x: 0, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("right") && i.has("down") ? [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("left") && i.has("up") ? [
+ { x: n, y: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: -s },
+ { x: n, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("left") && i.has("down") ? [
+ { x: n, y: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -r }
+ ] : i.has("right") ? [
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -c },
+ { x: n - s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ // top left corner of arrow
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: s, y: -r + c }
+ ] : i.has("left") ? [
+ { x: s, y: 0 },
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ // Two points, the right corners
+ { x: n - s, y: -c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 2 }
+ ] : i.has("up") ? [
+ // Bottom center
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ // Left top over vertical section
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: 0, y: -r + c },
+ // Top of arrow
+ { x: n / 2, y: -r },
+ { x: n, y: -r + c },
+ // Top of right vertical bar
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -c }
+ ] : i.has("down") ? [
+ // Bottom center
+ { x: n / 2, y: 0 },
+ // Left pont of bottom arrow
+ { x: 0, y: -c },
+ { x: s, y: -c },
+ // Left top over vertical section
+ { x: s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r + c },
+ { x: n - s, y: -c },
+ { x: n, y: -c }
+ ] : [{ x: 0, y: 0 }];
+}, K = (e) => e ? " " + e : "", _ = (e, t) => `${t || "node default"}${K(e.classes)} ${K(
+ e.class
+)}`, P = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = l + r, n = [
+ { x: s / 2, y: 0 },
+ { x: s, y: -s / 2 },
+ { x: s / 2, y: -s },
+ { x: 0, y: -s / 2 }
+ ];
+"Question main (Circle)");
+ const c = I(a, s, s, n);
+ return c.attr("style",, m(t, c), t.intersect = function(o) {
+ return g.warn("Intersect called"), w.polygon(t, n, o);
+ }, a;
+}, Ht = (e, t) => {
+ const a = e.insert("g").attr("class", "node default").attr("id", t.domId ||, i = 28, l = [
+ { x: 0, y: i / 2 },
+ { x: i / 2, y: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: -i / 2 },
+ { x: -i / 2, y: 0 }
+ ];
+ return a.insert("polygon", ":first-child").attr(
+ "points",
+ {
+ return s.x + "," + s.y;
+ }).join(" ")
+ ).attr("class", "state-start").attr("r", 7).attr("width", 28).attr("height", 28), t.width = 28, t.height = 28, t.intersect = function(s) {
+ return, 14, s);
+ }, a;
+}, It = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = 4, r = i.height + t.padding, s = r / l, n = i.width + 2 * s + t.padding, c = [
+ { x: s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n - s, y: 0 },
+ { x: n, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: n - s, y: -r },
+ { x: s, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 2 }
+ ], o = I(a, n, r, c);
+ return o.attr("style",, m(t, o), t.intersect = function(h) {
+ return w.polygon(t, c, h);
+ }, a;
+}, Nt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(e, t, void 0, !0), l = 2, r = i.height + 2 * t.padding, s = r / l, n = i.width + 2 * s + t.padding, c = Rt(t.directions, i, t), o = I(a, n, r, c);
+ return o.attr("style",, m(t, o), t.intersect = function(h) {
+ return w.polygon(t, c, h);
+ }, a;
+}, Ot = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: -r / 2, y: 0 },
+ { x: l, y: 0 },
+ { x: l, y: -r },
+ { x: -r / 2, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r / 2 }
+ ];
+ return I(a, l, r, s).attr("style",, t.width = l + r, t.height = r, t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, Wt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(e, t, _(t), !0), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: -2 * r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l - r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + 2 * r / 6, y: -r },
+ { x: r / 6, y: -r }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, Xt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: 2 * r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l - 2 * r / 6, y: -r },
+ { x: -r / 6, y: -r }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, Yt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: -2 * r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + 2 * r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l - r / 6, y: -r },
+ { x: r / 6, y: -r }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, At = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l - r / 6, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + 2 * r / 6, y: -r },
+ { x: -2 * r / 6, y: -r }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, Dt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + r / 2, y: 0 },
+ { x: l, y: -r / 2 },
+ { x: l + r / 2, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, jt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = l / 2, s = r / (2.5 + l / 50), n = i.height + s + t.padding, c = "M 0," + s + " a " + r + "," + s + " 0,0,0 " + l + " 0 a " + r + "," + s + " 0,0,0 " + -l + " 0 l 0," + n + " a " + r + "," + s + " 0,0,0 " + l + " 0 l 0," + -n, o = a.attr("label-offset-y", s).insert("path", ":first-child").attr("style","d", c).attr("transform", "translate(" + -l / 2 + "," + -(n / 2 + s) + ")");
+ return m(t, o), t.intersect = function(h) {
+ const y = w.rect(t, h), p = y.x - t.x;
+ if (r != 0 && (Math.abs(p) < t.width / 2 || Math.abs(p) == t.width / 2 && Math.abs(y.y - t.y) > t.height / 2 - s)) {
+ let f = s * s * (1 - p * p / (r * r));
+ f != 0 && (f = Math.sqrt(f)), f = s - f, h.y - t.y > 0 && (f = -f), y.y += f;
+ }
+ return y;
+ }, a;
+}, Ut = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i, halfPadding: l } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ "node " + t.classes + " " + t.class,
+ !0
+ ), r = a.insert("rect", ":first-child"), s = t.positioned ? t.width : i.width + t.padding, n = t.positioned ? t.height : i.height + t.padding, c = t.positioned ? -s / 2 : -i.width / 2 - l, o = t.positioned ? -n / 2 : -i.height / 2 - l;
+ if (r.attr("class", "basic label-container").attr("style","rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("x", c).attr("y", o).attr("width", s).attr("height", n), t.props) {
+ const h = new Set(Object.keys(t.props));
+ t.props.borders && (V(r, t.props.borders, s, n), h.delete("borders")), h.forEach((y) => {
+ g.warn(`Unknown node property ${y}`);
+ });
+ }
+ return m(t, r), t.intersect = function(h) {
+ return w.rect(t, h);
+ }, a;
+}, zt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i, halfPadding: l } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ "node " + t.classes,
+ !0
+ ), r = a.insert("rect", ":first-child"), s = t.positioned ? t.width : i.width + t.padding, n = t.positioned ? t.height : i.height + t.padding, c = t.positioned ? -s / 2 : -i.width / 2 - l, o = t.positioned ? -n / 2 : -i.height / 2 - l;
+ if (r.attr("class", "basic cluster composite label-container").attr("style","rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("x", c).attr("y", o).attr("width", s).attr("height", n), t.props) {
+ const h = new Set(Object.keys(t.props));
+ t.props.borders && (V(r, t.props.borders, s, n), h.delete("borders")), h.forEach((y) => {
+ g.warn(`Unknown node property ${y}`);
+ });
+ }
+ return m(t, r), t.intersect = function(h) {
+ return w.rect(t, h);
+ }, a;
+}, Zt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a } = await M(e, t, "label", !0);
+ g.trace("Classes = ", t.class);
+ const i = a.insert("rect", ":first-child"), l = 0, r = 0;
+ if (i.attr("width", l).attr("height", r), a.attr("class", "label edgeLabel"), t.props) {
+ const s = new Set(Object.keys(t.props));
+ t.props.borders && (V(i, t.props.borders, l, r), s.delete("borders")), s.forEach((n) => {
+ g.warn(`Unknown node property ${n}`);
+ });
+ }
+ return m(t, i), t.intersect = function(s) {
+ return w.rect(t, s);
+ }, a;
+function V(e, t, a, i) {
+ const l = [], r = (n) => {
+ l.push(n, 0);
+ }, s = (n) => {
+ l.push(0, n);
+ };
+ t.includes("t") ? (g.debug("add top border"), r(a)) : s(a), t.includes("r") ? (g.debug("add right border"), r(i)) : s(i), t.includes("b") ? (g.debug("add bottom border"), r(a)) : s(a), t.includes("l") ? (g.debug("add left border"), r(i)) : s(i), e.attr("stroke-dasharray", l.join(" "));
+const Gt = (e, t) => {
+ let a;
+ t.classes ? a = "node " + t.classes : a = "node default";
+ const i = e.insert("g").attr("class", a).attr("id", t.domId ||, l = i.insert("rect", ":first-child"), r = i.insert("line"), s = i.insert("g").attr("class", "label"), n = t.labelText.flat ? t.labelText.flat() : t.labelText;
+ let c = "";
+ typeof n == "object" ? c = n[0] : c = n,"Label text abc79", c, n, typeof n == "object");
+ const o = s.node().appendChild(R(c, t.labelStyle, !0, !0));
+ let h = { width: 0, height: 0 };
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const k = o.children[0], d = B(o);
+ h = k.getBoundingClientRect(), d.attr("width", h.width), d.attr("height", h.height);
+ }
+"Text 2", n);
+ const y = n.slice(1, n.length);
+ let p = o.getBBox();
+ const f = s.node().appendChild(
+ R(y.join ? y.join("<br/>") : y, t.labelStyle, !0, !0)
+ );
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const k = f.children[0], d = B(f);
+ h = k.getBoundingClientRect(), d.attr("width", h.width), d.attr("height", h.height);
+ }
+ const x = t.padding / 2;
+ return B(f).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + // (titleBox.width - bbox.width) / 2 +
+ (h.width > p.width ? 0 : (p.width - h.width) / 2) + ", " + (p.height + x + 5) + ")"
+ ), B(o).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + // (titleBox.width - bbox.width) / 2 +
+ (h.width < p.width ? 0 : -(p.width - h.width) / 2) + ", 0)"
+ ), h = s.node().getBBox(), s.attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate(" + -h.width / 2 + ", " + (-h.height / 2 - x + 3) + ")"
+ ), l.attr("class", "outer title-state").attr("x", -h.width / 2 - x).attr("y", -h.height / 2 - x).attr("width", h.width + t.padding).attr("height", h.height + t.padding), r.attr("class", "divider").attr("x1", -h.width / 2 - x).attr("x2", h.width / 2 + x).attr("y1", -h.height / 2 - x + p.height + x).attr("y2", -h.height / 2 - x + p.height + x), m(t, l), t.intersect = function(k) {
+ return w.rect(t, k);
+ }, i;
+}, Ft = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.height + t.padding, r = i.width + l / 4 + t.padding, s = a.insert("rect", ":first-child").attr("style","rx", l / 2).attr("ry", l / 2).attr("x", -r / 2).attr("y", -l / 2).attr("width", r).attr("height", l);
+ return m(t, s), t.intersect = function(n) {
+ return w.rect(t, n);
+ }, a;
+}, Qt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i, halfPadding: l } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), r = a.insert("circle", ":first-child");
+ return r.attr("style","rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("r", i.width / 2 + l).attr("width", i.width + t.padding).attr("height", i.height + t.padding),"Circle main"), m(t, r), t.intersect = function(s) {
+ return"Circle intersect", t, i.width / 2 + l, s),, i.width / 2 + l, s);
+ }, a;
+}, Vt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i, halfPadding: l } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), r = 5, s = a.insert("g", ":first-child"), n = s.insert("circle"), c = s.insert("circle");
+ return s.attr("class", t.class), n.attr("style","rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("r", i.width / 2 + l + r).attr("width", i.width + t.padding + r * 2).attr("height", i.height + t.padding + r * 2), c.attr("style","rx", t.rx).attr("ry", t.ry).attr("r", i.width / 2 + l).attr("width", i.width + t.padding).attr("height", i.height + t.padding),"DoubleCircle main"), m(t, n), t.intersect = function(o) {
+ return"DoubleCircle intersect", t, i.width / 2 + l + r, o),, i.width / 2 + l + r, o);
+ }, a;
+}, qt = async (e, t) => {
+ const { shapeSvg: a, bbox: i } = await M(
+ e,
+ t,
+ _(t, void 0),
+ !0
+ ), l = i.width + t.padding, r = i.height + t.padding, s = [
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: l, y: 0 },
+ { x: l, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: -r },
+ { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ { x: -8, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + 8, y: 0 },
+ { x: l + 8, y: -r },
+ { x: -8, y: -r },
+ { x: -8, y: 0 }
+ ], n = I(a, l, r, s);
+ return n.attr("style",, m(t, n), t.intersect = function(c) {
+ return w.polygon(t, s, c);
+ }, a;
+}, Jt = (e, t) => {
+ const a = e.insert("g").attr("class", "node default").attr("id", t.domId ||, i = a.insert("circle", ":first-child");
+ return i.attr("class", "state-start").attr("r", 7).attr("width", 14).attr("height", 14), m(t, i), t.intersect = function(l) {
+ return, 7, l);
+ }, a;
+}, tt = (e, t, a) => {
+ const i = e.insert("g").attr("class", "node default").attr("id", t.domId ||;
+ let l = 70, r = 10;
+ a === "LR" && (l = 10, r = 70);
+ const s = i.append("rect").attr("x", -1 * l / 2).attr("y", -1 * r / 2).attr("width", l).attr("height", r).attr("class", "fork-join");
+ return m(t, s), t.height = t.height + t.padding / 2, t.width = t.width + t.padding / 2, t.intersect = function(n) {
+ return w.rect(t, n);
+ }, i;
+}, Kt = (e, t) => {
+ const a = e.insert("g").attr("class", "node default").attr("id", t.domId ||, i = a.insert("circle", ":first-child"), l = a.insert("circle", ":first-child");
+ return l.attr("class", "state-start").attr("r", 7).attr("width", 14).attr("height", 14), i.attr("class", "state-end").attr("r", 5).attr("width", 10).attr("height", 10), m(t, l), t.intersect = function(r) {
+ return, 7, r);
+ }, a;
+}, Pt = (e, t) => {
+ const a = t.padding / 2, i = 4, l = 8;
+ let r;
+ t.classes ? r = "node " + t.classes : r = "node default";
+ const s = e.insert("g").attr("class", r).attr("id", t.domId ||, n = s.insert("rect", ":first-child"), c = s.insert("line"), o = s.insert("line");
+ let h = 0, y = i;
+ const p = s.insert("g").attr("class", "label");
+ let f = 0;
+ const x = t.classData.annotations && t.classData.annotations[0], k = t.classData.annotations[0] ? "«" + t.classData.annotations[0] + "»" : "", d = p.node().appendChild(R(k, t.labelStyle, !0, !0));
+ let u = d.getBBox();
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const v = d.children[0], L = B(d);
+ u = v.getBoundingClientRect(), L.attr("width", u.width), L.attr("height", u.height);
+ }
+ t.classData.annotations[0] && (y += u.height + i, h += u.width);
+ let S = t.classData.label;
+ t.classData.type !== void 0 && t.classData.type !== "" && (b().flowchart.htmlLabels ? S += "&lt;" + t.classData.type + "&gt;" : S += "<" + t.classData.type + ">");
+ const E = p.node().appendChild(R(S, t.labelStyle, !0, !0));
+ B(E).attr("class", "classTitle");
+ let C = E.getBBox();
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const v = E.children[0], L = B(E);
+ C = v.getBoundingClientRect(), L.attr("width", C.width), L.attr("height", C.height);
+ }
+ y += C.height + i, C.width > h && (h = C.width);
+ const W = [];
+ t.classData.members.forEach((v) => {
+ const L = v.getDisplayDetails();
+ let X = L.displayText;
+ b().flowchart.htmlLabels && (X = X.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"));
+ const N = p.node().appendChild(
+ R(
+ X,
+ L.cssStyle ? L.cssStyle : t.labelStyle,
+ !0,
+ !0
+ )
+ );
+ let $ = N.getBBox();
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const F = N.children[0], D = B(N);
+ $ = F.getBoundingClientRect(), D.attr("width", $.width), D.attr("height", $.height);
+ }
+ $.width > h && (h = $.width), y += $.height + i, W.push(N);
+ }), y += l;
+ const A = [];
+ if (t.classData.methods.forEach((v) => {
+ const L = v.getDisplayDetails();
+ let X = L.displayText;
+ b().flowchart.htmlLabels && (X = X.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;"));
+ const N = p.node().appendChild(
+ R(
+ X,
+ L.cssStyle ? L.cssStyle : t.labelStyle,
+ !0,
+ !0
+ )
+ );
+ let $ = N.getBBox();
+ if (H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels)) {
+ const F = N.children[0], D = B(N);
+ $ = F.getBoundingClientRect(), D.attr("width", $.width), D.attr("height", $.height);
+ }
+ $.width > h && (h = $.width), y += $.height + i, A.push(N);
+ }), y += l, x) {
+ let v = (h - u.width) / 2;
+ B(d).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + (-1 * h / 2 + v) + ", " + -1 * y / 2 + ")"
+ ), f = u.height + i;
+ }
+ let nt = (h - C.width) / 2;
+ return B(E).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + (-1 * h / 2 + nt) + ", " + (-1 * y / 2 + f) + ")"
+ ), f += C.height + i, c.attr("class", "divider").attr("x1", -h / 2 - a).attr("x2", h / 2 + a).attr("y1", -y / 2 - a + l + f).attr("y2", -y / 2 - a + l + f), f += l, W.forEach((v) => {
+ B(v).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + -h / 2 + ", " + (-1 * y / 2 + f + l / 2) + ")"
+ );
+ const L = v == null ? void 0 : v.getBBox();
+ f += ((L == null ? void 0 : L.height) ?? 0) + i;
+ }), f += l, o.attr("class", "divider").attr("x1", -h / 2 - a).attr("x2", h / 2 + a).attr("y1", -y / 2 - a + l + f).attr("y2", -y / 2 - a + l + f), f += l, A.forEach((v) => {
+ B(v).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate( " + -h / 2 + ", " + (-1 * y / 2 + f) + ")"
+ );
+ const L = v == null ? void 0 : v.getBBox();
+ f += ((L == null ? void 0 : L.height) ?? 0) + i;
+ }), n.attr("style","class", "outer title-state").attr("x", -h / 2 - a).attr("y", -(y / 2) - a).attr("width", h + t.padding).attr("height", y + t.padding), m(t, n), t.intersect = function(v) {
+ return w.rect(t, v);
+ }, s;
+}, rt = {
+ rhombus: P,
+ composite: zt,
+ question: P,
+ rect: Ut,
+ labelRect: Zt,
+ rectWithTitle: Gt,
+ choice: Ht,
+ circle: Qt,
+ doublecircle: Vt,
+ stadium: Ft,
+ hexagon: It,
+ block_arrow: Nt,
+ rect_left_inv_arrow: Ot,
+ lean_right: Wt,
+ lean_left: Xt,
+ trapezoid: Yt,
+ inv_trapezoid: At,
+ rect_right_inv_arrow: Dt,
+ cylinder: jt,
+ start: Jt,
+ end: Kt,
+ note: $t,
+ subroutine: qt,
+ fork: tt,
+ join: tt,
+ class_box: Pt
+let Y = {};
+const or = async (e, t, a) => {
+ let i, l;
+ if ( {
+ let r;
+ b().securityLevel === "sandbox" ? r = "_top" : t.linkTarget && (r = t.linkTarget || "_blank"), i = e.insert("svg:a").attr("xlink:href","target", r), l = await rt[t.shape](i, t, a);
+ } else
+ l = await rt[t.shape](e, t, a), i = l;
+ return t.tooltip && l.attr("title", t.tooltip), t.class && l.attr("class", "node default " + t.class), i.attr("data-node", "true"), i.attr("data-id",, Y[] = i, t.haveCallback && Y[].attr("class", Y[].attr("class") + " clickable"), i;
+}, yr = (e, t) => {
+ Y[] = e;
+}, fr = () => {
+ Y = {};
+}, pr = (e) => {
+ const t = Y[];
+ g.trace(
+ "Transforming node",
+ e.diff,
+ e,
+ "translate(" + (e.x - e.width / 2 - 5) + ", " + e.width / 2 + ")"
+ );
+ const a = 8, i = e.diff || 0;
+ return e.clusterNode ? t.attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate(" + (e.x + i - e.width / 2) + ", " + (e.y - e.height / 2 - a) + ")"
+ ) : t.attr("transform", "translate(" + e.x + ", " + e.y + ")"), i;
+}, tr = ({
+ flowchart: e
+}) => {
+ var l, r;
+ const t = ((l = e == null ? void 0 : e.subGraphTitleMargin) == null ? void 0 : ?? 0, a = ((r = e == null ? void 0 : e.subGraphTitleMargin) == null ? void 0 : r.bottom) ?? 0, i = t + a;
+ return {
+ subGraphTitleTopMargin: t,
+ subGraphTitleBottomMargin: a,
+ subGraphTitleTotalMargin: i
+ };
+}, O = {
+ aggregation: 18,
+ extension: 18,
+ composition: 18,
+ dependency: 6,
+ lollipop: 13.5,
+ arrow_point: 5.3
+function U(e, t) {
+ if (e === void 0 || t === void 0)
+ return { angle: 0, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0 };
+ e = Z(e), t = Z(t);
+ const [a, i] = [e.x, e.y], [l, r] = [t.x, t.y], s = l - a, n = r - i;
+ return { angle: Math.atan(n / s), deltaX: s, deltaY: n };
+const Z = (e) => Array.isArray(e) ? { x: e[0], y: e[1] } : e, rr = (e) => ({
+ x: function(t, a, i) {
+ let l = 0;
+ if (a === 0 && Object.hasOwn(O, e.arrowTypeStart)) {
+ const { angle: r, deltaX: s } = U(i[0], i[1]);
+ l = O[e.arrowTypeStart] * Math.cos(r) * (s >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ } else if (a === i.length - 1 && Object.hasOwn(O, e.arrowTypeEnd)) {
+ const { angle: r, deltaX: s } = U(
+ i[i.length - 1],
+ i[i.length - 2]
+ );
+ l = O[e.arrowTypeEnd] * Math.cos(r) * (s >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ return Z(t).x + l;
+ },
+ y: function(t, a, i) {
+ let l = 0;
+ if (a === 0 && Object.hasOwn(O, e.arrowTypeStart)) {
+ const { angle: r, deltaY: s } = U(i[0], i[1]);
+ l = O[e.arrowTypeStart] * Math.abs(Math.sin(r)) * (s >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ } else if (a === i.length - 1 && Object.hasOwn(O, e.arrowTypeEnd)) {
+ const { angle: r, deltaY: s } = U(
+ i[i.length - 1],
+ i[i.length - 2]
+ );
+ l = O[e.arrowTypeEnd] * Math.abs(Math.sin(r)) * (s >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ return Z(t).y + l;
+ }
+}), ar = (e, t, a, i, l) => {
+ t.arrowTypeStart && at(e, "start", t.arrowTypeStart, a, i, l), t.arrowTypeEnd && at(e, "end", t.arrowTypeEnd, a, i, l);
+}, er = {
+ arrow_cross: "cross",
+ arrow_point: "point",
+ arrow_barb: "barb",
+ arrow_circle: "circle",
+ aggregation: "aggregation",
+ extension: "extension",
+ composition: "composition",
+ dependency: "dependency",
+ lollipop: "lollipop"
+}, at = (e, t, a, i, l, r) => {
+ const s = er[a];
+ if (!s) {
+ g.warn(`Unknown arrow type: ${a}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const n = t === "start" ? "Start" : "End";
+ e.attr(`marker-${t}`, `url(${i}#${l}_${r}-${s}${n})`);
+let G = {}, T = {};
+const dr = () => {
+ G = {}, T = {};
+}, xr = (e, t) => {
+ const a = H(b().flowchart.htmlLabels), i = t.labelType === "markdown" ? st(e, t.label, {
+ style: t.labelStyle,
+ useHtmlLabels: a,
+ addSvgBackground: !0
+ }) : R(t.label, t.labelStyle), l = e.insert("g").attr("class", "edgeLabel"), r = l.insert("g").attr("class", "label");
+ r.node().appendChild(i);
+ let s = i.getBBox();
+ if (a) {
+ const c = i.children[0], o = B(i);
+ s = c.getBoundingClientRect(), o.attr("width", s.width), o.attr("height", s.height);
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", "translate(" + -s.width / 2 + ", " + -s.height / 2 + ")"), G[] = l, t.width = s.width, t.height = s.height;
+ let n;
+ if (t.startLabelLeft) {
+ const c = R(t.startLabelLeft, t.labelStyle), o = e.insert("g").attr("class", "edgeTerminals"), h = o.insert("g").attr("class", "inner");
+ n = h.node().appendChild(c);
+ const y = c.getBBox();
+ h.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), T[] || (T[] = {}), T[].startLeft = o, z(n, t.startLabelLeft);
+ }
+ if (t.startLabelRight) {
+ const c = R(t.startLabelRight, t.labelStyle), o = e.insert("g").attr("class", "edgeTerminals"), h = o.insert("g").attr("class", "inner");
+ n = o.node().appendChild(c), h.node().appendChild(c);
+ const y = c.getBBox();
+ h.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), T[] || (T[] = {}), T[].startRight = o, z(n, t.startLabelRight);
+ }
+ if (t.endLabelLeft) {
+ const c = R(t.endLabelLeft, t.labelStyle), o = e.insert("g").attr("class", "edgeTerminals"), h = o.insert("g").attr("class", "inner");
+ n = h.node().appendChild(c);
+ const y = c.getBBox();
+ h.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), o.node().appendChild(c), T[] || (T[] = {}), T[].endLeft = o, z(n, t.endLabelLeft);
+ }
+ if (t.endLabelRight) {
+ const c = R(t.endLabelRight, t.labelStyle), o = e.insert("g").attr("class", "edgeTerminals"), h = o.insert("g").attr("class", "inner");
+ n = h.node().appendChild(c);
+ const y = c.getBBox();
+ h.attr("transform", "translate(" + -y.width / 2 + ", " + -y.height / 2 + ")"), o.node().appendChild(c), T[] || (T[] = {}), T[].endRight = o, z(n, t.endLabelRight);
+ }
+ return i;
+function z(e, t) {
+ b().flowchart.htmlLabels && e && ( = t.length * 9 + "px", = "12px");
+const gr = (e, t) => {
+ g.debug("Moving label abc88 ",, e.label, G[], t);
+ let a = t.updatedPath ? t.updatedPath : t.originalPath;
+ const i = b(), { subGraphTitleTotalMargin: l } = tr(i);
+ if (e.label) {
+ const r = G[];
+ let s = e.x, n = e.y;
+ if (a) {
+ const c = j.calcLabelPosition(a);
+ g.debug(
+ "Moving label " + e.label + " from (",
+ s,
+ ",",
+ n,
+ ") to (",
+ c.x,
+ ",",
+ c.y,
+ ") abc88"
+ ), t.updatedPath && (s = c.x, n = c.y);
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", `translate(${s}, ${n + l / 2})`);
+ }
+ if (e.startLabelLeft) {
+ const r = T[].startLeft;
+ let s = e.x, n = e.y;
+ if (a) {
+ const c = j.calcTerminalLabelPosition(e.arrowTypeStart ? 10 : 0, "start_left", a);
+ s = c.x, n = c.y;
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", `translate(${s}, ${n})`);
+ }
+ if (e.startLabelRight) {
+ const r = T[].startRight;
+ let s = e.x, n = e.y;
+ if (a) {
+ const c = j.calcTerminalLabelPosition(
+ e.arrowTypeStart ? 10 : 0,
+ "start_right",
+ a
+ );
+ s = c.x, n = c.y;
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", `translate(${s}, ${n})`);
+ }
+ if (e.endLabelLeft) {
+ const r = T[].endLeft;
+ let s = e.x, n = e.y;
+ if (a) {
+ const c = j.calcTerminalLabelPosition(e.arrowTypeEnd ? 10 : 0, "end_left", a);
+ s = c.x, n = c.y;
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", `translate(${s}, ${n})`);
+ }
+ if (e.endLabelRight) {
+ const r = T[].endRight;
+ let s = e.x, n = e.y;
+ if (a) {
+ const c = j.calcTerminalLabelPosition(e.arrowTypeEnd ? 10 : 0, "end_right", a);
+ s = c.x, n = c.y;
+ }
+ r.attr("transform", `translate(${s}, ${n})`);
+ }
+}, sr = (e, t) => {
+ const a = e.x, i = e.y, l = Math.abs(t.x - a), r = Math.abs(t.y - i), s = e.width / 2, n = e.height / 2;
+ return l >= s || r >= n;
+}, ir = (e, t, a) => {
+ g.debug(`intersection calc abc89:
+ outsidePoint: ${JSON.stringify(t)}
+ insidePoint : ${JSON.stringify(a)}
+ node : x:${e.x} y:${e.y} w:${e.width} h:${e.height}`);
+ const i = e.x, l = e.y, r = Math.abs(i - a.x), s = e.width / 2;
+ let n = a.x < t.x ? s - r : s + r;
+ const c = e.height / 2, o = Math.abs(t.y - a.y), h = Math.abs(t.x - a.x);
+ if (Math.abs(l - t.y) * s > Math.abs(i - t.x) * c) {
+ let y = a.y < t.y ? t.y - c - l : l - c - t.y;
+ n = h * y / o;
+ const p = {
+ x: a.x < t.x ? a.x + n : a.x - h + n,
+ y: a.y < t.y ? a.y + o - y : a.y - o + y
+ };
+ return n === 0 && (p.x = t.x, p.y = t.y), h === 0 && (p.x = t.x), o === 0 && (p.y = t.y), g.debug(`abc89 topp/bott calc, Q ${o}, q ${y}, R ${h}, r ${n}`, p), p;
+ } else {
+ a.x < t.x ? n = t.x - s - i : n = i - s - t.x;
+ let y = o * n / h, p = a.x < t.x ? a.x + h - n : a.x - h + n, f = a.y < t.y ? a.y + y : a.y - y;
+ return g.debug(`sides calc abc89, Q ${o}, q ${y}, R ${h}, r ${n}`, { _x: p, _y: f }), n === 0 && (p = t.x, f = t.y), h === 0 && (p = t.x), o === 0 && (f = t.y), { x: p, y: f };
+ }
+}, et = (e, t) => {
+ g.debug("abc88 cutPathAtIntersect", e, t);
+ let a = [], i = e[0], l = !1;
+ return e.forEach((r) => {
+ if (!sr(t, r) && !l) {
+ const s = ir(t, i, r);
+ let n = !1;
+ a.forEach((c) => {
+ n = n || c.x === s.x && c.y === s.y;
+ }), a.some((c) => c.x === s.x && c.y === s.y) || a.push(s), l = !0;
+ } else
+ i = r, l || a.push(r);
+ }), a;
+}, ur = function(e, t, a, i, l, r, s) {
+ let n = a.points;
+ g.debug("abc88 InsertEdge: edge=", a, "e=", t);
+ let c = !1;
+ const o = r.node(t.v);
+ var h = r.node(t.w);
+ h != null && h.intersect && (o != null && o.intersect) && (n = n.slice(1, a.points.length - 1), n.unshift(o.intersect(n[0])), n.push(h.intersect(n[n.length - 1]))), a.toCluster && (g.debug("to cluster abc88", i[a.toCluster]), n = et(a.points, i[a.toCluster].node), c = !0), a.fromCluster && (g.debug("from cluster abc88", i[a.fromCluster]), n = et(n.reverse(), i[a.fromCluster].node).reverse(), c = !0);
+ const y = n.filter((C) => !Number.isNaN(C.y));
+ let p = lt;
+ a.curve && (l === "graph" || l === "flowchart") && (p = a.curve);
+ const { x: f, y: x } = rr(a), k = ct().x(f).y(x).curve(p);
+ let d;
+ switch (a.thickness) {
+ case "normal":
+ d = "edge-thickness-normal";
+ break;
+ case "thick":
+ d = "edge-thickness-thick";
+ break;
+ case "invisible":
+ d = "edge-thickness-thick";
+ break;
+ default:
+ d = "";
+ }
+ switch (a.pattern) {
+ case "solid":
+ d += " edge-pattern-solid";
+ break;
+ case "dotted":
+ d += " edge-pattern-dotted";
+ break;
+ case "dashed":
+ d += " edge-pattern-dashed";
+ break;
+ }
+ const u = e.append("path").attr("d", k(y)).attr("id","class", " " + d + (a.classes ? " " + a.classes : "")).attr("style",;
+ let S = "";
+ (b().flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute || b().state.arrowMarkerAbsolute) && (S = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname +, S = S.replace(/\(/g, "\\("), S = S.replace(/\)/g, "\\)")), ar(u, a, S, s, l);
+ let E = {};
+ return c && (E.updatedPath = n), E.originalPath = a.points, E;
+export {
+ hr as a,
+ fr as b,
+ R as c,
+ dr as d,
+ or as e,
+ xr as f,
+ tr as g,
+ ur as h,
+ Bt as i,
+ gr as j,
+ rr as k,
+ M as l,
+ ar as m,
+ pr as p,
+ yr as s,
+ m as u