path: root/themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/
diff options
authorChristoph Cullmann <>2021-02-18 21:44:01 +0100
committerChristoph Cullmann <>2021-02-18 21:44:01 +0100
commite9ec93a471d9a753db01b682e75c52b32adf16f2 (patch)
tree5f6d9a2b7d90852965b6d24f9db6a9198570c03b /themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/
parentbcafaafff80184537a3116de5341a8caa24d63f4 (diff)
use LoveIt theme, self hosted
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/')
1 files changed, 1041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/ b/themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0cd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/content/posts/theme-documentation-basics/
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+weight: 1
+title: "Theme Documentation - Basics"
+date: 2020-03-06T21:29:01+08:00
+lastmod: 2020-03-06T21:29:01+08:00
+draft: false
+author: "Dillon"
+authorLink: ""
+description: "Discover what the Hugo - LoveIt theme is all about and the core-concepts behind it."
+- name: "featured-image"
+ src: "featured-image.jpg"
+tags: ["installation", "configuration"]
+categories: ["documentation"]
+lightgallery: true
+ auto: false
+Discover what the Hugo - **LoveIt** theme is all about and the core-concepts behind it.
+## 1 Requirements
+Thanks to the simplicity of Hugo, [Hugo]( is the only dependency of this theme.
+Just install latest version of [:(far fa-file-archive fa-fw): Hugo (> 0.62.0)]( for your OS (**Windows**, **Linux**, **macOS**).
+{{< admonition note "Why not support earlier versions of Hugo?" >}}
+Since [Markdown Render Hooks]( was introduced in the [Hugo Christmas Edition](, this theme only supports Hugo versions above **0.62.0**.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition tip "Hugo extended version is recommended" >}}
+Since some features of this theme need to processes :(fab fa-sass fa-fw): SCSS to :(fab fa-css3 fa-fw): CSS, it is recommended to use Hugo **extended** version for better experience.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+## 2 Installation
+The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you learn more about it by following this [great documentation for beginners](
+### 2.1 Create Your Project
+Hugo provides a `new` command to create a new website:
+hugo new site my_website
+cd my_website
+### 2.2 Install the Theme
+The **LoveIt** theme’s repository is: [](
+You can download the [latest release :(far fa-file-archive fa-fw): .zip file]( of the theme and extract it in the `themes` directory.
+Alternatively, clone this repository to the `themes` directory:
+git clone themes/LoveIt
+Or, create an empty git repository and make this repository a submodule of your site directory:
+git init
+git submodule add themes/LoveIt
+### 2.3 Basic Configuration {#basic-configuration}
+The following is a basic configuration for the LoveIt theme:
+baseURL = ""
+# [en, zh-cn, fr, ...] determines default content language
+defaultContentLanguage = "en"
+# language code
+languageCode = "en"
+title = "My New Hugo Site"
+# Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo
+theme = "LoveIt"
+ # LoveIt theme version
+ version = "0.2.X"
+ [[menu.main]]
+ identifier = "posts"
+ # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
+ pre = ""
+ # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
+ post = ""
+ name = "Posts"
+ url = "/posts/"
+ # title will be shown when you hover on this menu link
+ title = ""
+ weight = 1
+ [[menu.main]]
+ identifier = "tags"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Tags"
+ url = "/tags/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 2
+ [[menu.main]]
+ identifier = "categories"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Categories"
+ url = "/categories/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 3
+# Markup related configuration in Hugo
+ # Syntax Highlighting (
+ [markup.highlight]
+ # false is a necessary configuration (
+ noClasses = false
+{{< admonition >}}
+When building the website, you can set a theme by using `--theme` option. However, we suggest you modify the configuration file (**config.toml**) and set the theme as the default.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+### 2.4 Create Your First Post
+Here is the way to create your first post:
+hugo new posts/
+Feel free to edit the post file by adding some sample content and replacing the title value in the beginning of the file.
+{{< admonition >}}
+By default all posts and pages are created as a draft. If you want to render these pages, remove the property `draft: true` from the metadata, set the property `draft: false` or add `-D`/`--buildDrafts` parameter to `hugo` command.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+### 2.5 Launching the Website Locally
+Launch by using the following command:
+hugo serve
+Go to `http://localhost:1313`.
+![Basic configuration preview](basic-configuration-preview.png "Basic configuration preview")
+{{< admonition tip >}}
+When you run `hugo serve`, when the contents of the files change, the page automatically refreshes with the changes.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition >}}
+Since the theme use `.Scratch` in Hugo to implement some features,
+it is highly recommended that you add `--disableFastRender` parameter to `hugo server` command for the live preview of the page you are editing.
+hugo serve --disableFastRender
+{{< /admonition >}}
+### 2.6 Build the Website
+When your site is ready to deploy, run the following command:
+A `public` folder will be generated, containing all static content and assets for your website. It can now be deployed on any web server.
+{{< admonition tip >}}
+The website can be automatically published and hosted with [Netlify]( (Read more about [Automated HUGO deployments with Netlify](
+Alternatively, you can use [AWS Amplify](, [Github pages](, [Render]( and more...
+{{< /admonition >}}
+## 3 Configuration
+### 3.1 Site Configuration {#site-configuration}
+In addition to [Hugo global configuration]( and [menu configuration](#basic-configuration), **LoveIt** lets you define the following parameters in your site configuration (here is a `config.toml`, whose values are default).
+Please open the code block below to view the complete sample configuration :(far fa-hand-point-down fa-fw)::
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}} LoveIt theme version
+ version = "0.2.X"
+ # site description
+ description = "This is My New Hugo Site"
+ # site keywords
+ keywords = ["Theme", "Hugo"]
+ # site default theme ("light", "dark", "auto")
+ defaultTheme = "auto"
+ # public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
+ gitRepo = ""
+ # {{< version 0.1.1 >}} which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used
+ # ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
+ fingerprint = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} date format
+ dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
+ # website images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
+ images = ["/logo.png"]
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} App icon config
+ []
+ # optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
+ title = "LoveIt"
+ # whether to omit favicon resource links
+ noFavicon = false
+ # modern SVG favicon to use in place of older style .png and .ico files
+ svgFavicon = ""
+ # Android browser theme color
+ themeColor = "#ffffff"
+ # Safari mask icon color
+ iconColor = "#5bbad5"
+ # Windows v8-10 tile color
+ tileColor = "#da532c"
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Search config
+ []
+ enable = true
+ # type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia")
+ type = "lunr"
+ # max index length of the chunked content
+ contentLength = 4000
+ # placeholder of the search bar
+ placeholder = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.1 >}} max number of results length
+ maxResultLength = 10
+ # {{< version 0.2.3 >}} snippet length of the result
+ snippetLength = 30
+ # {{< version 0.2.1 >}} HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
+ highlightTag = "em"
+ # {{< version 0.2.4 >}} whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
+ absoluteURL = false
+ []
+ index = ""
+ appID = ""
+ searchKey = ""
+ # Header config
+ [params.header]
+ # desktop header mode ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
+ desktopMode = "fixed"
+ # mobile header mode ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
+ mobileMode = "auto"
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Header title config
+ [params.header.title]
+ # URL of the LOGO
+ logo = ""
+ # title name
+ name = ""
+ # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
+ pre = ""
+ # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
+ post = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.5 >}} whether to use typeit animation for title name
+ typeit = false
+ # Footer config
+ [params.footer]
+ enable = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Custom content (HTML format is supported)
+ custom = ''
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to show Hugo and theme info
+ hugo = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to show copyright info
+ copyright = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to show the author
+ author = true
+ # Site creation time
+ since = 2019
+ # ICP info only in China (HTML format is supported)
+ icp = ""
+ # license info (HTML format is supported)
+ license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreffer" href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Section (all posts) page config
+ [params.section]
+ # special amount of posts in each section page
+ paginate = 20
+ # date format (month and day)
+ dateFormat = "01-02"
+ # amount of RSS pages
+ rss = 10
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} List (category or tag) page config
+ [params.list]
+ # special amount of posts in each list page
+ paginate = 20
+ # date format (month and day)
+ dateFormat = "01-02"
+ # amount of RSS pages
+ rss = 10
+ # Home page config
+ [params.home]
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} amount of RSS pages
+ rss = 10
+ # Home page profile
+ [params.home.profile]
+ enable = true
+ # Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
+ gravatarEmail = ""
+ # URL of avatar shown in home page
+ avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
+ # {{< version 0.2.7 changed >}} title shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
+ title = ""
+ # subtitle shown in home page
+ subtitle = "This is My New Hugo Site"
+ # whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
+ typeit = true
+ # whether to show social links
+ social = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} disclaimer (HTML format is supported)
+ disclaimer = ""
+ # Home page posts
+ [params.home.posts]
+ enable = true
+ # special amount of posts in each home posts page
+ paginate = 6
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 deleted >}} replaced with hiddenFromHomePage in
+ # default behavior when you don't set "hiddenFromHomePage" in front matter
+ defaultHiddenFromHomePage = false
+ # Social config about the author
+ []
+ GitHub = "xxxx"
+ Linkedin = ""
+ Twitter = "xxxx"
+ Instagram = "xxxx"
+ Facebook = "xxxx"
+ Telegram = "xxxx"
+ Medium = ""
+ Gitlab = ""
+ Youtubelegacy = ""
+ Youtubecustom = ""
+ Youtubechannel = ""
+ Tumblr = ""
+ Quora = ""
+ Keybase = ""
+ Pinterest = ""
+ Reddit = ""
+ Codepen = ""
+ FreeCodeCamp = ""
+ Bitbucket = ""
+ Stackoverflow = ""
+ Weibo = ""
+ Odnoklassniki = ""
+ VK = ""
+ Flickr = ""
+ Xing = ""
+ Snapchat = ""
+ Soundcloud = ""
+ Spotify = ""
+ Bandcamp = ""
+ Paypal = ""
+ Fivehundredpx = ""
+ Mix = ""
+ Goodreads = ""
+ Lastfm = ""
+ Foursquare = ""
+ Hackernews = ""
+ Kickstarter = ""
+ Patreon = ""
+ Steam = ""
+ Twitch = ""
+ Strava = ""
+ Skype = ""
+ Whatsapp = ""
+ Zhihu = ""
+ Douban = ""
+ Angellist = ""
+ Slidershare = ""
+ Jsfiddle = ""
+ Deviantart = ""
+ Behance = ""
+ Dribbble = ""
+ Wordpress = ""
+ Vine = ""
+ Googlescholar = ""
+ Researchgate = ""
+ Mastodon = ""
+ Thingiverse = ""
+ Devto = ""
+ Gitea = ""
+ XMPP = ""
+ Matrix = ""
+ Bilibili = ""
+ Email = ""
+ RSS = true # {{< version 0.2.0 >}}
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}} Page config
+ []
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to hide a page from home page
+ hiddenFromHomePage = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to hide a page from search results
+ hiddenFromSearch = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to enable twemoji
+ twemoji = false
+ # whether to enable lightgallery
+ lightgallery = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to enable the ruby extended syntax
+ ruby = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to enable the fraction extended syntax
+ fraction = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} whether to enable the fontawesome extended syntax
+ fontawesome = true
+ # whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
+ linkToMarkdown = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.4 >}} whether to show the full text content in RSS
+ rssFullText = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Table of the contents config
+ []
+ # whether to enable the table of the contents
+ enable = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.9 >}} whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
+ keepStatic = true
+ # whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
+ auto = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}} {{< link "" KaTeX >}} mathematical formulas
+ []
+ enable = true
+ # default block delimiter is $$ ... $$ and \\[ ... \\]
+ blockLeftDelimiter = ""
+ blockRightDelimiter = ""
+ # default inline delimiter is $ ... $ and \\( ... \\)
+ inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
+ inlineRightDelimiter = ""
+ # KaTeX extension copy_tex
+ copyTex = true
+ # KaTeX extension mhchem
+ mhchem = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Code config
+ []
+ # whether to show the copy button of the code block
+ copy = true
+ # the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
+ maxShownLines = 10
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} {{< link "" "Mapbox GL JS" >}} config
+ []
+ # access token of Mapbox GL JS
+ accessToken = ""
+ # style for the light theme
+ lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
+ # style for the dark theme
+ darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9"
+ # whether to add {{< link "" NavigationControl >}}
+ navigation = true
+ # whether to add {{< link "" GeolocateControl >}}
+ geolocate = true
+ # whether to add {{< link "" ScaleControl >}}
+ scale = true
+ # whether to add {{< link "" FullscreenControl >}}
+ fullscreen = true
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}} social share links in post page
+ []
+ enable = true
+ Twitter = true
+ Facebook = true
+ Linkedin = false
+ Whatsapp = true
+ Pinterest = false
+ Tumblr = false
+ HackerNews = false
+ Reddit = false
+ VK = false
+ Buffer = false
+ Xing = false
+ Line = true
+ Instapaper = false
+ Pocket = false
+ Digg = false
+ Stumbleupon = false
+ Flipboard = false
+ Weibo = true
+ Renren = false
+ Myspace = true
+ Blogger = true
+ Baidu = false
+ Odnoklassniki = false
+ Evernote = true
+ Skype = false
+ Trello = false
+ Mix = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}} Comment config
+ []
+ enable = true
+ # {{< link "" Disqus >}} comment config
+ []
+ # {{< version 0.1.1 >}}
+ enable = false
+ # Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
+ shortname = ""
+ # {{< link "" Gitalk >}} comment config
+ []
+ # {{< version 0.1.1 >}}
+ enable = false
+ owner = ""
+ repo = ""
+ clientId = ""
+ clientSecret = ""
+ # {{< link "" Valine >}} comment config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ appId = ""
+ appKey = ""
+ placeholder = ""
+ avatar = "mp"
+ meta= ""
+ pageSize = 10
+ lang = ""
+ visitor = true
+ recordIP = true
+ highlight = true
+ enableQQ = false
+ serverURLs = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.6 >}} emoji data file name, default is "google.yml"
+ # ("apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml")
+ # located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/data/emoji/" directory
+ # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
+ # "assets/data/emoji/"
+ emoji = ""
+ # {{< link "" "Facebook comment" >}} config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ width = "100%"
+ numPosts = 10
+ appId = ""
+ languageCode = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} {{< link "" "Telegram comments" >}} config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ siteID = ""
+ limit = 5
+ height = ""
+ color = ""
+ colorful = true
+ dislikes = false
+ outlined = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} {{< link "" "Commento" >}} comment config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ # {{< version 0.2.5 >}} {{< link "" "Utterances" >}} comment config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ # owner/repo
+ repo = ""
+ issueTerm = "pathname"
+ label = ""
+ lightTheme = "github-light"
+ darkTheme = "github-dark"
+ # {{< version 0.2.7 >}} Third-party library config
+ []
+ []
+ # someCSS = "some.css"
+ # located in "assets/"
+ # Or
+ # someCSS = ""
+ []
+ # someJavascript = "some.js"
+ # located in "assets/"
+ # Or
+ # someJavascript = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.10 changed >}} Page SEO config
+ []
+ # image URL
+ images = []
+ # Publisher info
+ []
+ name = ""
+ logoUrl = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.5 >}} TypeIt config
+ [params.typeit]
+ # typing speed between each step (measured in milliseconds)
+ speed = 100
+ # blinking speed of the cursor (measured in milliseconds)
+ cursorSpeed = 1000
+ # character used for the cursor (HTML format is supported)
+ cursorChar = "|"
+ # cursor duration after typing finishing (measured in milliseconds, "-1" means unlimited)
+ duration = -1
+ # Site verification code config for Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu
+ [params.verification]
+ google = ""
+ bing = ""
+ yandex = ""
+ pinterest = ""
+ baidu = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.10 >}} Site SEO config
+ [params.seo]
+ # image URL
+ image = ""
+ # thumbnail URL
+ thumbnailUrl = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 >}} Analytics config
+ []
+ enable = false
+ # Google Analytics
+ []
+ id = ""
+ # whether to anonymize IP
+ anonymizeIP = true
+ # Fathom Analytics
+ []
+ id = ""
+ # server url for your tracker if you're self hosting
+ server = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.7 >}} Cookie consent config
+ [params.cookieconsent]
+ enable = true
+ # text strings used for Cookie consent banner
+ [params.cookieconsent.content]
+ message = ""
+ dismiss = ""
+ link = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.7 changed >}} CDN config for third-party library files
+ [params.cdn]
+ # CDN data file name, disabled by default
+ # ("jsdelivr.yml")
+ # located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/" directory
+ # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
+ # "assets/data/cdn/"
+ data = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.8 >}} Compatibility config
+ [params.compatibility]
+ # whether to use to be compatible with older browsers
+ polyfill = false
+ # whether to use object-fit-images to be compatible with older browsers
+ objectFit = false
+# Markup related config in Hugo
+ # {{< link "" "Syntax Highlighting" >}}
+ [markup.highlight]
+ codeFences = true
+ guessSyntax = true
+ lineNos = true
+ lineNumbersInTable = true
+ # false is a necessary configuration
+ # ({{< link "" >}})
+ noClasses = false
+ # Goldmark is from Hugo 0.60 the default library used for Markdown
+ [markup.goldmark]
+ [markup.goldmark.extensions]
+ definitionList = true
+ footnote = true
+ linkify = true
+ strikethrough = true
+ table = true
+ taskList = true
+ typographer = true
+ [markup.goldmark.renderer]
+ # whether to use HTML tags directly in the document
+ unsafe = true
+ # Table Of Contents settings
+ [markup.tableOfContents]
+ startLevel = 2
+ endLevel = 6
+# Author config
+ name = "xxxx"
+ email = ""
+ link = ""
+# Sitemap config
+ changefreq = "weekly"
+ filename = "sitemap.xml"
+ priority = 0.5
+# {{< link "" "Permalinks config" >}}
+ # posts = ":year/:month/:filename"
+ posts = ":filename"
+# {{< link "" "Privacy config" >}}
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 deleted >}} privacy of the Google Analytics (replaced by
+ [privacy.googleAnalytics]
+ # ...
+ [privacy.twitter]
+ enableDNT = true
+ []
+ privacyEnhanced = true
+# Options to make output .md files
+ [mediaTypes."text/plain"]
+ suffixes = ["md"]
+# Options to make output .md files
+ mediaType = "text/plain"
+ isPlainText = true
+ isHTML = false
+# Options to make hugo output files
+ # {{< version 0.2.0 changed >}}
+ home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
+ page = ["HTML", "MarkDown"]
+ section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
+ taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
+ taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]
+{{< admonition >}}
+Note that some of these parameters are explained in details in other sections of this documentation.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition note "Hugo environments" >}}
+Default environments are `development` with `hugo serve` and `production` with `hugo`.
+Due to limitations in the local `development` environment,
+the **comment system**, **CDN** and **fingerprint** will not be enabled in the `development` environment.
+You could enable these features with `hugo serve -e production`.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition tip "Tips about CDN Configuration" >}}
+{{< version 0.2.7 changed >}}
+ # CDN data file name, disabled by default
+ # ("jsdelivr.yml")
+ data = ""
+The default CDN data file is located in `themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/` directory.
+You can store your own data file in the same path under your project: `assets/data/cdn/`.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition tip "Tips about social Configuration" >}}
+{{< version 0.2.0 >}}
+You can directly set your ID to get a default social link and its icon:
+ Mastodon = "@xxxx"
+The social link generated is ``.
+Or You can set more options through a dict:
+ []
+ # weight when arranging icons (the greater the weight, the later the icon is positioned)
+ weight = 0
+ # your social ID
+ id = "@xxxx"
+ # prefix of your social link
+ prefix = ""
+ # content hovering on the icon
+ title = "Mastodon"
+The default data of all supported social links is located in `themes/LoveIt/assets/data/social.yaml`,
+which is you can refer to.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+![Complete configuration preview](complete-configuration-preview.png "Complete configuration preview")
+### 3.2 Favicons, Browserconfig, Manifest
+It is recommended to put your own favicons:
+* apple-touch-icon.png (180x180)
+* favicon-32x32.png (32x32)
+* favicon-16x16.png (16x16)
+* mstile-150x150.png (150x150)
+* android-chrome-192x192.png (192x192)
+* android-chrome-512x512.png (512x512)
+into `/static`. They’re easily created via [](
+Customize `browserconfig.xml` and `site.webmanifest` to set theme-color and background-color.
+### 3.3 Style Customization
+{{< version 0.2.8 changed >}}
+{{< admonition >}}
+Hugo **extended** version is necessary for the style customization.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+**LoveIt** theme has been built to be as configurable as possible by defining custom `.scss` style files.
+The directory including the custom `.scss` style files is `assets/css` relative to **your project root directory**.
+In `assets/css/_override.scss`, you can override the variables in `themes/LoveIt/assets/css/_variables.scss` to customize the style.
+Here is a example:
+@import url(',700&display=swap&subset=latin-ext');
+$code-font-family: Fira Mono, Source Code Pro, Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
+In `assets/css/_custom.scss`, you can add some css style code to customize the style.
+## 4 Multilingual and i18n
+**LoveIt** theme is fully compatible with Hugo multilingual mode, which provides in-browser language switching.
+![Language Switch](language-switch.gif "Language Switch")
+### 4.1 Compatibility {#language-compatibility}
+{{< version 0.2.10 changed >}}
+| Language | Hugo Code | HTML `lang` Attribute | Theme Docs | Lunr.js Support |
+|:-------------------- |:---------:|:---------------------:|:-----------------------------:|:-----------------------------:|
+| English | `en` | `en` | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Simplified Chinese | `zh-cn` | `zh-CN` | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| French | `fr` | `fr` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Polish | `pl` | `pl` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-square fa-fw): |
+| Brazilian Portuguese | `pt-br` | `pt-BR` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Italian | `it` | `it` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Spanish | `es` | `es` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| German | `de` | `de` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| German | `de` | `de` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Serbian | `sr` | `sr` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-square fa-fw): |
+| Russian | `ru` | `ru` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Romanian | `ro` | `ro` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+| Vietnamese | `vi` | `vi` | :(far fa-square fa-fw): | :(far fa-check-square fa-fw): |
+### 4.2 Basic Configuration
+After learning [how Hugo handle multilingual websites](, define your languages in your [site configuration](#site-configuration).
+For example with English, Chinese and French website:
+# [en, zh-cn, fr, pl, ...] determines default content language
+defaultContentLanguage = "en"
+ [languages.en]
+ weight = 1
+ title = "My New Hugo Site"
+ languageCode = "en"
+ languageName = "English"
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "posts"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Posts"
+ url = "/posts/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 1
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "tags"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Tags"
+ url = "/tags/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 2
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "categories"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Categories"
+ url = "/categories/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 3
+ [languages.zh-cn]
+ weight = 2
+ title = "我的全新 Hugo 网站"
+ # language code, CN only here
+ languageCode = "zh-CN"
+ languageName = "简体中文"
+ # whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
+ hasCJKLanguage = true
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "posts"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "文章"
+ url = "/posts/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 1
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "tags"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "标签"
+ url = "/tags/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 2
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "categories"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "分类"
+ url = "/categories/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 3
+ []
+ weight = 3
+ title = "Mon nouveau site Hugo"
+ languageCode = "fr"
+ languageName = "Français"
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "posts"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Postes"
+ url = "/posts/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 1
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "tags"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ name = "Balises"
+ url = "/tags/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 2
+ [[]]
+ identifier = "categories"
+ name = "Catégories"
+ pre = ""
+ post = ""
+ url = "/categories/"
+ title = ""
+ weight = 3
+Then, for each new page, append the language code to the file name.
+Single file `` is split in three files:
+* in English: ``
+* in Chinese: ``
+* in French: ``
+{{< admonition >}}
+Be aware that only translated pages are displayed in menu. It’s not replaced with default language content.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition tip >}}
+Use [Front Matter parameter]( to translate urls too.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+### 4.3 Overwrite Translation Strings
+Translations strings are used for common default values used in the theme. Translations are available in [some languages](#language-compatibility), but you may use another language or want to override default values.
+To override these values, create a new file in your local i18n folder `i18n/<languageCode>.toml` and inspire yourself from `themes/LoveIt/i18n/en.toml`.
+By the way, as these translations could be used by other people, please take the time to propose a translation by [:(fas fa-code-branch fa-fw): making a PR]( to the theme!
+## 5 Search
+{{< version 0.2.0 >}}
+Based on [Lunr.js]( or [algolia](, searching is supported in **LoveIt** theme.
+### 5.1 Output Configuration
+In order to generate `index.json` for searching, add `JSON` output file type to the `home` of the `outputs` part in your [site configuration](#site-configuration).
+ home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
+### 5.2 Search Configuration
+Based on `index.json` generated by Hugo, you could activate searching.
+Here is the search configuration in your [site configuration](#site-configuration):
+ enable = true
+ # type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia")
+ type = "lunr"
+ # max index length of the chunked content
+ contentLength = 4000
+ # placeholder of the search bar
+ placeholder = ""
+ # {{< version 0.2.1 >}} max number of results length
+ maxResultLength = 10
+ # {{< version 0.2.3 >}} snippet length of the result
+ snippetLength = 30
+ # {{< version 0.2.1 >}} HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
+ highlightTag = "em"
+ # {{< version 0.2.4 >}} whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
+ absoluteURL = false
+ []
+ index = ""
+ appID = ""
+ searchKey = ""
+{{< admonition note "How to choose search engine?" >}}
+The following is a comparison of two search engines:
+* `lunr`: simple, no need to synchronize `index.json`, no limit for `contentLength`,
+ but high bandwidth and low performance (Especially for Chinese which needs a large segmentit library)
+* `algolia`: high performance and low bandwidth, but need to synchronize `index.json` and limit for `contentLength`
+{{< version 0.2.3 >}} The content of the post is separated by `h2` and `h3` HTML tag to improve query performance and basically implement full-text search.
+`contentLength` is used to limit the max index length of the part starting with `h2` and `h3` HTML tag.
+{{< /admonition >}}
+{{< admonition tip "Tips about algolia" >}}
+You need to upload `index.json` files to algolia to activate searching.
+You could upload the `index.json` files by browsers but a CLI tool may be better.
+[Algolia Atomic]( is a good choice.
+To be compatible with Hugo multilingual mode,
+you need to upload different `index.json` for each language to the different index of algolia, such as `zh-cn/index.json` or `fr/index.json`...
+{{< /admonition >}}