path: root/themes/CodeIT/assets/data
diff options
authorChristoph Cullmann <>2022-08-14 19:01:21 +0200
committerChristoph Cullmann <>2022-08-14 19:01:21 +0200
commit51fb029ca27d67d7cd67352cdede45e5b25868f7 (patch)
tree6d8e34b2abdc757310ffe11189e926d017417bae /themes/CodeIT/assets/data
parent260b6803e78609e16ad3d59792f1681d9df0f1e4 (diff)
switch back to LoveIt, other theme is deprectated
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/CodeIT/assets/data')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1212 deletions
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/cdn/jsdelivr.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/cdn/jsdelivr.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35ef4fc..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/cdn/jsdelivr.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- libFiles:
- # simple-icons@2.14.0
- simpleIcons:
- # normalize.css@8.0.1
- normalizeCSS: normalize.css@8.0.1/normalize.min.css
- # fontawesome-free@5.13.0
- fontawesomeFreeCSS: '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free@5.13.0/css/all.min.css'
- # animate.css@3.7.2
- animateCSS: animate.css@3.7.2/animate.min.css
- # smooth-scroll@16.1.3
- smoothScrollJS: smooth-scroll@16.1.3/dist/smooth-scroll.min.js
- # autocomplete.js@0.37.1
- autocompleteJS: autocomplete.js@0.37.1/dist/autocomplete.min.js
- # lunr.js@2.3.8
- lunrJS: lunr@2.3.8/lunr.min.js
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- algoliasearchJS: algoliasearch@4.2.0/dist/algoliasearch-lite.umd.min.js
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- lazysizesJS: lazysizes@5.2.2/lazysizes.min.js
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- objectFitImagesJS: object-fit-images@3.2.4/dist/ofi.min.js
- # twemoji@13.0.0
- twemojiJS: twemoji@13.0.0/dist/twemoji.min.js
- # lightgallery.js@1.2.0
- # lg-thumbnail.js@1.2.0
- # lg-zoom.js@1.2.0
- lightgalleryCSS: lightgallery.js@1.2.0/dist/css/lightgallery.min.css
- lightgalleryJS: lightgallery.js@1.2.0/dist/js/lightgallery.min.js
- lightgalleryThumbnailJS: lg-thumbnail.js@1.2.0/dist/lg-thumbnail.min.js
- lightgalleryZoomJS: lg-zoom.js@1.2.0/dist/lg-zoom.min.js
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- clipboardJS: clipboard@2.0.6/dist/clipboard.min.js
- # sharer.js@0.4.0
- sharerJS: sharer.js@0.4.0/sharer.min.js
- # typeit@7.0.4
- typeitJS: typeit@7.0.4/dist/typeit.min.js
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- katexCSS: katex@0.13.11/dist/katex.min.css
- katexJS: katex@0.13.11/dist/katex.min.js
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- katexCopyTexJS: katex@0.13.11/dist/contrib/copy-tex.min.js
- katexMhchemJS: katex@0.13.11/dist/contrib/mhchem.min.js
- # mermaid@8.5.1
- mermaidJS: mermaid@8.5.1/dist/mermaid.min.js
- # echarts@4.8.0
- echartsJS: echarts@4.8.0/dist/echarts.min.js
- echartsMacaronsJS: echarts@4.8.0/theme/macarons.min.js
- # mapbox-gl@1.10.1
- mapboxGLCSS: mapbox-gl@1.10.1/dist/mapbox-gl.min.css
- mapboxGLJS: mapbox-gl@1.10.1/dist/mapbox-gl.min.js
- # aplayer@1.10.1
- aplayerCSS: aplayer@1.10.1/dist/APlayer.min.css
- aplayerJS: aplayer@1.10.1/dist/APlayer.min.js
- # meting@2.0.1
- metingJS: meting@2.0.1/dist/Meting.min.js
- # gitalk@1.6.2
- gitalkCSS: gitalk@1.6.2/dist/gitalk.min.css
- gitalkJS: gitalk@1.6.2/dist/gitalk.min.js
- # valine@1.4.14
- valineJS: valine@1.4.14/dist/Valine.min.js
- # cookieconsent@3.1.1
- cookieconsentCSS: cookieconsent@3.1.1/build/cookieconsent.min.css
- cookieconsentJS: cookieconsent@3.1.1/build/cookieconsent.min.js
- # twikoo@1.4.3
- twikooJS: twikoo@1.4.3/dist/twikoo.all.min.js
- # waline@1.3.3
- walineJS: waline/client@1.3.3/dist/Waline.min.js
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9cee9..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/apple.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-emojiCDN: ''
- '100': 1f4af.png
- grinning: 1f600.png
- smiley: 1f603.png
- smile: 1f604.png
- grin: 1f601.png
- laughing: 1f606.png
- sweat_smile: 1f605.png
- rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png
- joy: 1f602.png
- slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png
- upside_down_face: 1f643.png
- wink: 1f609.png
- blush: 1f60a.png
- innocent: 1f607.png
- smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png
- heart_eyes: 1f60d.png
- star-struck: 1f929.png
- kissing_heart: 1f618.png
- kissing: 1f617.png
- relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png
- kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png
- kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png
- yum: 1f60b.png
- stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png
- stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png
- zany_face: 1f92a.png
- stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png
- money_mouth_face: 1f911.png
- hugging_face: 1f917.png
- face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png
- shushing_face: 1f92b.png
- thinking_face: 1f914.png
- zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png
- face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png
- neutral_face: 1f610.png
- expressionless: 1f611.png
- no_mouth: 1f636.png
- smirk: 1f60f.png
- unamused: 1f612.png
- face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png
- grimacing: 1f62c.png
- lying_face: 1f925.png
- relieved: 1f60c.png
- pensive: 1f614.png
- sleepy: 1f62a.png
- drooling_face: 1f924.png
- sleeping: 1f634.png
- mask: 1f637.png
- face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png
- face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png
- nauseated_face: 1f922.png
- face_vomiting: 1f92e.png
- sneezing_face: 1f927.png
- hot_face: 1f975.png
- cold_face: 1f976.png
- woozy_face: 1f974.png
- dizzy_face: 1f635.png
- exploding_head: 1f92f.png
- face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png
- partying_face: 1f973.png
- sunglasses: 1f60e.png
- nerd_face: 1f913.png
- face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png
- confused: 1f615.png
- worried: 1f61f.png
- slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png
- white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png
- open_mouth: 1f62e.png
- hushed: 1f62f.png
- astonished: 1f632.png
- flushed: 1f633.png
- pleading_face: 1f97a.png
- frowning: 1f626.png
- anguished: 1f627.png
- fearful: 1f628.png
- cold_sweat: 1f630.png
- disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png
- cry: 1f622.png
- sob: 1f62d.png
- scream: 1f631.png
- confounded: 1f616.png
- persevere: 1f623.png
- disappointed: 1f61e.png
- sweat: 1f613.png
- weary: 1f629.png
- tired_face: 1f62b.png
- yawning_face: 1f971.png
- triumph: 1f624.png
- rage: 1f621.png
- angry: 1f620.png
- face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png
- smiling_imp: 1f608.png
- imp: 1f47f.png
- skull: 1f480.png
- skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png
- hankey: 1f4a9.png
- clown_face: 1f921.png
- japanese_ogre: 1f479.png
- japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png
- ghost: 1f47b.png
- alien: 1f47d.png
- space_invader: 1f47e.png
- robot_face: 1f916.png
- smiley_cat: 1f63a.png
- smile_cat: 1f638.png
- joy_cat: 1f639.png
- heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png
- smirk_cat: 1f63c.png
- kissing_cat: 1f63d.png
- scream_cat: 1f640.png
- crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png
- pouting_cat: 1f63e.png
- see_no_evil: 1f648.png
- hear_no_evil: 1f649.png
- speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png
- kiss: 1f48b.png
- love_letter: 1f48c.png
- cupid: 1f498.png
- gift_heart: 1f49d.png
- sparkling_heart: 1f496.png
- heartpulse: 1f497.png
- heartbeat: 1f493.png
- revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png
- two_hearts: 1f495.png
- heart_decoration: 1f49f.png
- heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png
- broken_heart: 1f494.png
- heart: 2764-fe0f.png
- orange_heart: 1f9e1.png
- yellow_heart: 1f49b.png
- green_heart: 1f49a.png
- blue_heart: 1f499.png
- purple_heart: 1f49c.png
- brown_heart: 1f90e.png
- black_heart: 1f5a4.png
- white_heart: 1f90d.png
- anger: 1f4a2.png
- boom: 1f4a5.png
- dizzy: 1f4ab.png
- sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png
- dash: 1f4a8.png
- hole: 1f573-fe0f.png
- bomb: 1f4a3.png
- speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png
- left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png
- right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png
- thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png
- zzz: 1f4a4.png
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f987491..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/facebook.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-emojiCDN: ''
- '100': 1f4af.png
- grinning: 1f600.png
- smiley: 1f603.png
- smile: 1f604.png
- grin: 1f601.png
- laughing: 1f606.png
- sweat_smile: 1f605.png
- rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png
- joy: 1f602.png
- slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png
- upside_down_face: 1f643.png
- wink: 1f609.png
- blush: 1f60a.png
- innocent: 1f607.png
- smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png
- heart_eyes: 1f60d.png
- star-struck: 1f929.png
- kissing_heart: 1f618.png
- kissing: 1f617.png
- relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png
- kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png
- kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png
- yum: 1f60b.png
- stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png
- stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png
- zany_face: 1f92a.png
- stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png
- money_mouth_face: 1f911.png
- hugging_face: 1f917.png
- face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png
- shushing_face: 1f92b.png
- thinking_face: 1f914.png
- zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png
- face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png
- neutral_face: 1f610.png
- expressionless: 1f611.png
- no_mouth: 1f636.png
- smirk: 1f60f.png
- unamused: 1f612.png
- face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png
- grimacing: 1f62c.png
- lying_face: 1f925.png
- relieved: 1f60c.png
- pensive: 1f614.png
- sleepy: 1f62a.png
- drooling_face: 1f924.png
- sleeping: 1f634.png
- mask: 1f637.png
- face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png
- face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png
- nauseated_face: 1f922.png
- face_vomiting: 1f92e.png
- sneezing_face: 1f927.png
- hot_face: 1f975.png
- cold_face: 1f976.png
- woozy_face: 1f974.png
- dizzy_face: 1f635.png
- exploding_head: 1f92f.png
- face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png
- partying_face: 1f973.png
- sunglasses: 1f60e.png
- nerd_face: 1f913.png
- face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png
- confused: 1f615.png
- worried: 1f61f.png
- slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png
- white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png
- open_mouth: 1f62e.png
- hushed: 1f62f.png
- astonished: 1f632.png
- flushed: 1f633.png
- pleading_face: 1f97a.png
- frowning: 1f626.png
- anguished: 1f627.png
- fearful: 1f628.png
- cold_sweat: 1f630.png
- disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png
- cry: 1f622.png
- sob: 1f62d.png
- scream: 1f631.png
- confounded: 1f616.png
- persevere: 1f623.png
- disappointed: 1f61e.png
- sweat: 1f613.png
- weary: 1f629.png
- tired_face: 1f62b.png
- yawning_face: 1f971.png
- triumph: 1f624.png
- rage: 1f621.png
- angry: 1f620.png
- face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png
- smiling_imp: 1f608.png
- imp: 1f47f.png
- skull: 1f480.png
- skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png
- hankey: 1f4a9.png
- clown_face: 1f921.png
- japanese_ogre: 1f479.png
- japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png
- ghost: 1f47b.png
- alien: 1f47d.png
- space_invader: 1f47e.png
- robot_face: 1f916.png
- smiley_cat: 1f63a.png
- smile_cat: 1f638.png
- joy_cat: 1f639.png
- heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png
- smirk_cat: 1f63c.png
- kissing_cat: 1f63d.png
- scream_cat: 1f640.png
- crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png
- pouting_cat: 1f63e.png
- see_no_evil: 1f648.png
- hear_no_evil: 1f649.png
- speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png
- kiss: 1f48b.png
- love_letter: 1f48c.png
- cupid: 1f498.png
- gift_heart: 1f49d.png
- sparkling_heart: 1f496.png
- heartpulse: 1f497.png
- heartbeat: 1f493.png
- revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png
- two_hearts: 1f495.png
- heart_decoration: 1f49f.png
- heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png
- broken_heart: 1f494.png
- heart: 2764-fe0f.png
- orange_heart: 1f9e1.png
- yellow_heart: 1f49b.png
- green_heart: 1f49a.png
- blue_heart: 1f499.png
- purple_heart: 1f49c.png
- brown_heart: 1f90e.png
- black_heart: 1f5a4.png
- white_heart: 1f90d.png
- anger: 1f4a2.png
- boom: 1f4a5.png
- dizzy: 1f4ab.png
- sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png
- dash: 1f4a8.png
- hole: 1f573-fe0f.png
- bomb: 1f4a3.png
- speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png
- left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png
- right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png
- thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png
- zzz: 1f4a4.png
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/google.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/google.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7137ccb..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/google.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-emojiCDN: ''
- '100': 1f4af.png
- grinning: 1f600.png
- smiley: 1f603.png
- smile: 1f604.png
- grin: 1f601.png
- laughing: 1f606.png
- sweat_smile: 1f605.png
- rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png
- joy: 1f602.png
- slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png
- upside_down_face: 1f643.png
- wink: 1f609.png
- blush: 1f60a.png
- innocent: 1f607.png
- smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png
- heart_eyes: 1f60d.png
- star-struck: 1f929.png
- kissing_heart: 1f618.png
- kissing: 1f617.png
- relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png
- kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png
- kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png
- yum: 1f60b.png
- stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png
- stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png
- zany_face: 1f92a.png
- stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png
- money_mouth_face: 1f911.png
- hugging_face: 1f917.png
- face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png
- shushing_face: 1f92b.png
- thinking_face: 1f914.png
- zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png
- face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png
- neutral_face: 1f610.png
- expressionless: 1f611.png
- no_mouth: 1f636.png
- smirk: 1f60f.png
- unamused: 1f612.png
- face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png
- grimacing: 1f62c.png
- lying_face: 1f925.png
- relieved: 1f60c.png
- pensive: 1f614.png
- sleepy: 1f62a.png
- drooling_face: 1f924.png
- sleeping: 1f634.png
- mask: 1f637.png
- face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png
- face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png
- nauseated_face: 1f922.png
- face_vomiting: 1f92e.png
- sneezing_face: 1f927.png
- hot_face: 1f975.png
- cold_face: 1f976.png
- woozy_face: 1f974.png
- dizzy_face: 1f635.png
- exploding_head: 1f92f.png
- face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png
- partying_face: 1f973.png
- sunglasses: 1f60e.png
- nerd_face: 1f913.png
- face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png
- confused: 1f615.png
- worried: 1f61f.png
- slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png
- white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png
- open_mouth: 1f62e.png
- hushed: 1f62f.png
- astonished: 1f632.png
- flushed: 1f633.png
- pleading_face: 1f97a.png
- frowning: 1f626.png
- anguished: 1f627.png
- fearful: 1f628.png
- cold_sweat: 1f630.png
- disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png
- cry: 1f622.png
- sob: 1f62d.png
- scream: 1f631.png
- confounded: 1f616.png
- persevere: 1f623.png
- disappointed: 1f61e.png
- sweat: 1f613.png
- weary: 1f629.png
- tired_face: 1f62b.png
- yawning_face: 1f971.png
- triumph: 1f624.png
- rage: 1f621.png
- angry: 1f620.png
- face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png
- smiling_imp: 1f608.png
- imp: 1f47f.png
- skull: 1f480.png
- skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png
- hankey: 1f4a9.png
- clown_face: 1f921.png
- japanese_ogre: 1f479.png
- japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png
- ghost: 1f47b.png
- alien: 1f47d.png
- space_invader: 1f47e.png
- robot_face: 1f916.png
- smiley_cat: 1f63a.png
- smile_cat: 1f638.png
- joy_cat: 1f639.png
- heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png
- smirk_cat: 1f63c.png
- kissing_cat: 1f63d.png
- scream_cat: 1f640.png
- crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png
- pouting_cat: 1f63e.png
- see_no_evil: 1f648.png
- hear_no_evil: 1f649.png
- speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png
- kiss: 1f48b.png
- love_letter: 1f48c.png
- cupid: 1f498.png
- gift_heart: 1f49d.png
- sparkling_heart: 1f496.png
- heartpulse: 1f497.png
- heartbeat: 1f493.png
- revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png
- two_hearts: 1f495.png
- heart_decoration: 1f49f.png
- heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png
- broken_heart: 1f494.png
- heart: 2764-fe0f.png
- orange_heart: 1f9e1.png
- yellow_heart: 1f49b.png
- green_heart: 1f49a.png
- blue_heart: 1f499.png
- purple_heart: 1f49c.png
- brown_heart: 1f90e.png
- black_heart: 1f5a4.png
- white_heart: 1f90d.png
- anger: 1f4a2.png
- boom: 1f4a5.png
- dizzy: 1f4ab.png
- sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png
- dash: 1f4a8.png
- hole: 1f573-fe0f.png
- bomb: 1f4a3.png
- speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png
- left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png
- right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png
- thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png
- zzz: 1f4a4.png
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 97365c6..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/emoji/twitter.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-emojiCDN: ''
- '100': 1f4af.png
- grinning: 1f600.png
- smiley: 1f603.png
- smile: 1f604.png
- grin: 1f601.png
- laughing: 1f606.png
- sweat_smile: 1f605.png
- rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: 1f923.png
- joy: 1f602.png
- slightly_smiling_face: 1f642.png
- upside_down_face: 1f643.png
- wink: 1f609.png
- blush: 1f60a.png
- innocent: 1f607.png
- smiling_face_with_3_hearts: 1f970.png
- heart_eyes: 1f60d.png
- star-struck: 1f929.png
- kissing_heart: 1f618.png
- kissing: 1f617.png
- relaxed: 263a-fe0f.png
- kissing_closed_eyes: 1f61a.png
- kissing_smiling_eyes: 1f619.png
- yum: 1f60b.png
- stuck_out_tongue: 1f61b.png
- stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 1f61c.png
- zany_face: 1f92a.png
- stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 1f61d.png
- money_mouth_face: 1f911.png
- hugging_face: 1f917.png
- face_with_hand_over_mouth: 1f92d.png
- shushing_face: 1f92b.png
- thinking_face: 1f914.png
- zipper_mouth_face: 1f910.png
- face_with_raised_eyebrow: 1f928.png
- neutral_face: 1f610.png
- expressionless: 1f611.png
- no_mouth: 1f636.png
- smirk: 1f60f.png
- unamused: 1f612.png
- face_with_rolling_eyes: 1f644.png
- grimacing: 1f62c.png
- lying_face: 1f925.png
- relieved: 1f60c.png
- pensive: 1f614.png
- sleepy: 1f62a.png
- drooling_face: 1f924.png
- sleeping: 1f634.png
- mask: 1f637.png
- face_with_thermometer: 1f912.png
- face_with_head_bandage: 1f915.png
- nauseated_face: 1f922.png
- face_vomiting: 1f92e.png
- sneezing_face: 1f927.png
- hot_face: 1f975.png
- cold_face: 1f976.png
- woozy_face: 1f974.png
- dizzy_face: 1f635.png
- exploding_head: 1f92f.png
- face_with_cowboy_hat: 1f920.png
- partying_face: 1f973.png
- sunglasses: 1f60e.png
- nerd_face: 1f913.png
- face_with_monocle: 1f9d0.png
- confused: 1f615.png
- worried: 1f61f.png
- slightly_frowning_face: 1f641.png
- white_frowning_face: 2639-fe0f.png
- open_mouth: 1f62e.png
- hushed: 1f62f.png
- astonished: 1f632.png
- flushed: 1f633.png
- pleading_face: 1f97a.png
- frowning: 1f626.png
- anguished: 1f627.png
- fearful: 1f628.png
- cold_sweat: 1f630.png
- disappointed_relieved: 1f625.png
- cry: 1f622.png
- sob: 1f62d.png
- scream: 1f631.png
- confounded: 1f616.png
- persevere: 1f623.png
- disappointed: 1f61e.png
- sweat: 1f613.png
- weary: 1f629.png
- tired_face: 1f62b.png
- yawning_face: 1f971.png
- triumph: 1f624.png
- rage: 1f621.png
- angry: 1f620.png
- face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 1f92c.png
- smiling_imp: 1f608.png
- imp: 1f47f.png
- skull: 1f480.png
- skull_and_crossbones: 2620-fe0f.png
- hankey: 1f4a9.png
- clown_face: 1f921.png
- japanese_ogre: 1f479.png
- japanese_goblin: 1f47a.png
- ghost: 1f47b.png
- alien: 1f47d.png
- space_invader: 1f47e.png
- robot_face: 1f916.png
- smiley_cat: 1f63a.png
- smile_cat: 1f638.png
- joy_cat: 1f639.png
- heart_eyes_cat: 1f63b.png
- smirk_cat: 1f63c.png
- kissing_cat: 1f63d.png
- scream_cat: 1f640.png
- crying_cat_face: 1f63f.png
- pouting_cat: 1f63e.png
- see_no_evil: 1f648.png
- hear_no_evil: 1f649.png
- speak_no_evil: 1f64a.png
- kiss: 1f48b.png
- love_letter: 1f48c.png
- cupid: 1f498.png
- gift_heart: 1f49d.png
- sparkling_heart: 1f496.png
- heartpulse: 1f497.png
- heartbeat: 1f493.png
- revolving_hearts: 1f49e.png
- two_hearts: 1f495.png
- heart_decoration: 1f49f.png
- heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament: 2763-fe0f.png
- broken_heart: 1f494.png
- heart: 2764-fe0f.png
- orange_heart: 1f9e1.png
- yellow_heart: 1f49b.png
- green_heart: 1f49a.png
- blue_heart: 1f499.png
- purple_heart: 1f49c.png
- brown_heart: 1f90e.png
- black_heart: 1f5a4.png
- white_heart: 1f90d.png
- anger: 1f4a2.png
- boom: 1f4a5.png
- dizzy: 1f4ab.png
- sweat_drops: 1f4a6.png
- dash: 1f4a8.png
- hole: 1f573-fe0f.png
- bomb: 1f4a3.png
- speech_balloon: 1f4ac.png
- left_speech_bubble: 1f5e8-fe0f.png
- right_anger_bubble: 1f5ef-fe0f.png
- thought_balloon: 1f4ad.png
- zzz: 1f4a4.png
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/polyfill.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/polyfill.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 048d555..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/polyfill.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- - html5shiv
- - Object.values
- - Promise
- - fetch
- - Element.prototype.after
- - Element.prototype.closest
- - requestAnimationFrame
- - CustomEvent
- - Promise
- - Object.entries
- - Object.assign
- - Array.prototype.fill
- - Array.prototype.find
- - Array.from
- - IntersectionObserver
- - Math.sign
- - Object.assign
- - Promise
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/social.yml b/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/social.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b9cb43c..0000000
--- a/themes/CodeIT/assets/data/social.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-# 001: Github
- Weight: 1
- Prefix:
- Title: GitHub
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-github fa-fw
-# 002: LinkedIn
- Weight: 2
- Prefix:
- Title: LinkedIn
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-linkedin fa-fw
-# 003: Twitter
- Weight: 3
- Prefix:
- Title: Twitter
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-twitter fa-fw
-# 004: Instagram
- Weight: 4
- Prefix:
- Title: Instagram
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-instagram fa-fw
-# 005: facebook
- Weight: 5
- Prefix:
- Title: facebook
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-facebook fa-fw
-# 006: Telegram
- Weight: 6
- Prefix:
- Title: Telegram
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-telegram-plane fa-fw
-# 007: Medium
- Weight: 7
- Prefix:
- Title: Medium
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-medium fa-fw
-# 008: GitLab
- Weight: 8
- Prefix:
- Title: GitLab
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-gitlab fa-fw
-# 009: YouTube Legacy
- Weight: 9
- Prefix:
- Title: YouTube
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-youtube fa-fw
-# 010: YouTube Custom
- Weight: 10
- Prefix:
- Title: YouTube
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-youtube fa-fw
-# 011: YouTube Channel
- Weight: 11
- Prefix:
- Title: YouTube
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-youtube fa-fw
-# 012: Tumblr
- Weight: 12
- Template:
- Title: Tumblr
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-tumblr fa-fw
-# 013: Quora
- Weight: 13
- Prefix:
- Title: Quora
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-quora fa-fw
-# 014: Keybase
- Weight: 14
- Prefix:
- Title: Keybase
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-keybase fa-fw
-# 015: Pinterest
- Weight: 15
- Prefix:
- Title: Pinterest
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-pinterest fa-fw
-# 016: Reddit
- Weight: 16
- Prefix:
- Title: Reddit
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-reddit fa-fw
-# 017: CodePen
- Weight: 17
- Prefix:
- Title: CodePen
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-codepen fa-fw
-# 018: freeCodeCamp
- Weight: 18
- Prefix:
- Title: freeCodeCamp
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-free-code-camp fa-fw
-# 019: Bitbucket
- Weight: 19
- Prefix:
- Title: Bitbucket
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-bitbucket fa-fw
-# 020: Stack Overflow
- Weight: 20
- Prefix:
- Title: Stack Overflow
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-stack-overflow
-# 021: 微博
- Weight: 21
- Prefix:
- Title: 微博
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-weibo fa-fw
-# 022: OK.RU
- Weight: 22
- Prefix:
- Title: OK.RU
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-odnoklassniki fa-fw
-# 023: VK
- Weight: 23
- Prefix:
- Title: VK
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-vk fa-fw
-# 024: Flickr
- Weight: 24
- Prefix:
- Title: Flickr
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-flickr fa-fw
-# 025: Xing
- Weight: 25
- Prefix:
- Title: Xing
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-xing fa-fw
-# 026: Snapchat
- Weight: 26
- Prefix:
- Title: Snapchat
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-snapchat fa-fw
-# 027: SoundCloud
- Weight: 27
- Prefix:
- Title: SoundCloud
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-soundcloud fa-fw
-# 028: Spotify
- Weight: 28
- Prefix:
- Title: Spotify
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-spotify fa-fw
-# 029: Bandcamp
- Weight: 29
- Template:
- Title: Bandcamp
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-bandcamp fa-fw
-# 030: PayPal
- Weight: 30
- Prefix:
- Title: PayPal
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-paypal fa-fw
-# 031: 500px
- Weight: 31
- Prefix:
- Title: 500px
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-500px fa-fw
-# 032: Mix
- Weight: 32
- Prefix:
- Title: Mix
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-mix fa-fw
-# 033: Goodreads
- Weight: 33
- Prefix:
- Title: Goodreads
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-goodreads fa-fw
-# 034:
- Weight: 34
- Prefix:
- Title:
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-lastfm fa-fw
-# 035: Foursquare
- Weight: 35
- Prefix:
- Title: Foursquare
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-foursquare fa-fw
-# 036: Hacker News
- Weight: 36
- Template:
- Title: Hacker News
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-hacker-news fa-fw
-# 037: Kickstarter
- Weight: 37
- Prefix:
- Title: Kickstarter
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-kickstarter fa-fw
-# 038: Patreon
- Weight: 38
- Prefix:
- Title: Patreon
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-patreon fa-fw
-# 039: Steam
- Weight: 39
- Prefix:
- Title: Steam
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-steam fa-fw
-# 040: Twitch
- Weight: 40
- Prefix:
- Title: Twitch
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-twitch fa-fw
-# 041: Strava
- Weight: 41
- Prefix:
- Title: Strava
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-strava fa-fw
-# 042: Skype
- Weight: 42
- Template: "skype:"
- Title: Skype
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-skype fa-fw
-# 043: WhatsApp
- Weight: 43
- Prefix:
- Title: WhatsApp
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-whatsapp fa-fw
-# 044: 知乎
- Weight: 44
- Prefix:
- Title: 知乎
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: zhihu
-# 045: 豆瓣
- Weight: 45
- Prefix:
- Title: 豆瓣
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: douban
-# 046: Angellist
- Weight: 46
- Prefix:
- Title: Angellist
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-angellist fa-fw
-# 047: SlideShare
- Weight: 47
- Prefix:
- Title: SlideShare
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-slideshare fa-fw
-# 048: JSFiddle
- Weight: 48
- Prefix:
- Title: JSFiddle
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-jsfiddle fa-fw
-# 049: DeviantArt
- Weight: 49
- Template:
- Title: DeviantArt
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-deviantart fa-fw
-# 050: Behance
- Weight: 50
- Prefix:
- Title: Behance
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-behance fa-fw
-# 051: Dribbble
- Weight: 51
- Prefix:
- Title: Dribbble
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-dribbble fa-fw
-# 052: WordPress
- Weight: 52
- Template:
- Title: WordPress
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-wordpress fa-fw
-# 053: Vine
- Weight: 53
- Prefix:
- Title: Vine
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-vine fa-fw
-# 054: Google Scholar
- Weight: 54
- Template:
- Title: Google Scholar
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: googlescholar
-# 055: ResearchGate
- Weight: 55
- Prefix:
- Title: ResearchGate
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-researchgate fa-fw
-# 056: Mastodon
- Weight: 56
- Prefix:
- Title: Mastodon
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-mastodon fa-fw
-# 057: Thingiverse
- Weight: 57
- Prefix:
- Title: Thingiverse
- Icon:
- Src: svg/icons/thingiverse.svg
-# 058: Dev.To
- Weight: 58
- Prefix:
- Title: Dev.To
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-dev fa-fw
-# 059: Gitea
- Weight: 59
- Title: Gitea
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: gitea
-# 060: XMPP
- Weight: 60
- Template: xmpp:%v
- Title: XMPP
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: xmpp
-# 061: Matrix
- Weight: 61
- Prefix:
- Title: Matrix
- Icon:
- Simpleicons: matrix
-# 062: bilibili
- Weight: 62
- Prefix:
- Title: bilibili
- Icon:
- Src: svg/icons/bilibili.svg
-# 063: Email
- Weight: 63
- Template: mailto:%v
- Title: Email
- Icon:
- Class: far fa-envelope fa-fw
-# 064: RSS
- Weight: 64
- Url: /index.xml
- Title: RSS
- Newtab: true
- Icon:
- Class: fas fa-rss fa-fw
-# 065: RSS
- Weight: 65
- Prefix:
- Title: ORCID
- Newtab: true
- Icon:
- Class: fab fa-orcid fa-fw