#pragma once /* The way how "handedness" is decided (which half is which), see https://docs.qmk.fm/#/feature_split_keyboard?id=setting-handedness for more options. */ #define MASTER_LEFT // #define MASTER_RIGHT //#define TAPPING_TERM 170 #define TAPPING_TERM 170 // Prevent normal rollover on alphas from accidentally triggering mods. #define IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT // Enable rapid switch from tap to hold, disables double tap hold auto-repeat. #define TAPPING_FORCE_HOLD // Auto Shift #define NO_AUTO_SHIFT_ALPHA #define AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT TAPPING_TERM #define AUTO_SHIFT_NO_SETUP #undef LOCKING_SUPPORT_ENABLE #undef LOCKING_RESYNC_ENABLE #define NO_ACTION_ONESHOT //#define NO_ACTION_TAPPING //#define NO_MUSIC_MODE #define COMBO_COUNT 1