{{/* Determine the correct context and scope */}} {{/* This allows for different logic depending on where the partial is called */}} {{ $context := . }} {{ $scope := default nil }} {{ if (reflect.IsMap . ) }} {{ $context = .context }} {{ $scope = cond (not .scope) nil .scope }} {{ end }} {{ with $context }} {{ $meta := newScratch }} {{/* Gather partials for this context */}} {{ if (.Params.showViews | default (.Site.Params.taxonomy.showViews | default false)) }} {{ $meta.Add "partials" (slice (partial "meta/views.html" .)) }} {{ end }} {{ if (.Params.showLikes | default (.Site.Params.taxonomy.showLikes | default false)) }} {{ $meta.Add "partials" (slice (partial "meta/likes.html" .)) }} {{ end }} {{ if and (eq $scope "single") (.Params.showLikes | default (.Site.Params.taxonomy.showLikes | default false)) }} {{ $meta.Add "partials" (slice (partial "meta/likes_button.html" .)) }} {{ end }}
{{/* Output partials */}} {{ with ($meta.Get "partials") }} {{ delimit . "·" | safeHTML}} {{ end }}
{{ end }}