import { sanitizeUrl } from "@braintree/sanitize-url"; import { select, curveBasis, curveBasisClosed, curveBasisOpen, curveBumpX, curveBumpY, curveBundle, curveCardinalClosed, curveCardinalOpen, curveCardinal, curveCatmullRomClosed, curveCatmullRomOpen, curveCatmullRom, curveLinear, curveLinearClosed, curveMonotoneX, curveMonotoneY, curveNatural, curveStep, curveStepAfter, curveStepBefore } from "d3"; import { l as log$1, a as addDirective, s as setLogLevel$1, g as getConfig$1, b as sanitizeText$1, c as assignWithDepth, d as common$1, e as configKeys } from "./config-389b86ff.js"; import { s as setupGraphViewbox$1 } from "./setupGraphViewbox-e35e4124.js"; import { c as commonDb } from "./commonDb-2ace122b.js"; import memoize from "lodash-es/memoize.js"; /*! js-yaml 4.1.0 @license MIT */ function isNothing(subject) { return typeof subject === "undefined" || subject === null; } function isObject(subject) { return typeof subject === "object" && subject !== null; } function toArray(sequence) { if (Array.isArray(sequence)) return sequence; else if (isNothing(sequence)) return []; return [sequence]; } function extend(target, source) { var index, length, key, sourceKeys; if (source) { sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); for (index = 0, length = sourceKeys.length; index < length; index += 1) { key = sourceKeys[index]; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; } function repeat(string, count) { var result = "", cycle; for (cycle = 0; cycle < count; cycle += 1) { result += string; } return result; } function isNegativeZero(number) { return number === 0 && Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / number; } var isNothing_1 = isNothing; var isObject_1 = isObject; var toArray_1 = toArray; var repeat_1 = repeat; var isNegativeZero_1 = isNegativeZero; var extend_1 = extend; var common = { isNothing: isNothing_1, isObject: isObject_1, toArray: toArray_1, repeat: repeat_1, isNegativeZero: isNegativeZero_1, extend: extend_1 }; function formatError(exception2, compact) { var where = "", message = exception2.reason || "(unknown reason)"; if (!exception2.mark) return message; if ( { where += 'in "' + + '" '; } where += "(" + (exception2.mark.line + 1) + ":" + (exception2.mark.column + 1) + ")"; if (!compact && exception2.mark.snippet) { where += "\n\n" + exception2.mark.snippet; } return message + " " + where; } function YAMLException$1(reason, mark) {; = "YAMLException"; this.reason = reason; this.mark = mark; this.message = formatError(this, false); if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } else { this.stack = new Error().stack || ""; } } YAMLException$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); YAMLException$1.prototype.constructor = YAMLException$1; YAMLException$1.prototype.toString = function toString(compact) { return + ": " + formatError(this, compact); }; var exception = YAMLException$1; function getLine(buffer, lineStart, lineEnd, position, maxLineLength) { var head = ""; var tail = ""; var maxHalfLength = Math.floor(maxLineLength / 2) - 1; if (position - lineStart > maxHalfLength) { head = " ... "; lineStart = position - maxHalfLength + head.length; } if (lineEnd - position > maxHalfLength) { tail = " ..."; lineEnd = position + maxHalfLength - tail.length; } return { str: head + buffer.slice(lineStart, lineEnd).replace(/\t/g, "→") + tail, pos: position - lineStart + head.length // relative position }; } function padStart(string, max) { return common.repeat(" ", max - string.length) + string; } function makeSnippet(mark, options) { options = Object.create(options || null); if (!mark.buffer) return null; if (!options.maxLength) options.maxLength = 79; if (typeof options.indent !== "number") options.indent = 1; if (typeof options.linesBefore !== "number") options.linesBefore = 3; if (typeof options.linesAfter !== "number") options.linesAfter = 2; var re = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g; var lineStarts = [0]; var lineEnds = []; var match; var foundLineNo = -1; while (match = re.exec(mark.buffer)) { lineEnds.push(match.index); lineStarts.push(match.index + match[0].length); if (mark.position <= match.index && foundLineNo < 0) { foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 2; } } if (foundLineNo < 0) foundLineNo = lineStarts.length - 1; var result = "", i, line; var lineNoLength = Math.min(mark.line + options.linesAfter, lineEnds.length).toString().length; var maxLineLength = options.maxLength - (options.indent + lineNoLength + 3); for (i = 1; i <= options.linesBefore; i++) { if (foundLineNo - i < 0) break; line = getLine( mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo - i], lineEnds[foundLineNo - i], mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo - i]), maxLineLength ); result = common.repeat(" ", options.indent) + padStart((mark.line - i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) + " | " + line.str + "\n" + result; } line = getLine(mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo], lineEnds[foundLineNo], mark.position, maxLineLength); result += common.repeat(" ", options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) + " | " + line.str + "\n"; result += common.repeat("-", options.indent + lineNoLength + 3 + line.pos) + "^\n"; for (i = 1; i <= options.linesAfter; i++) { if (foundLineNo + i >= lineEnds.length) break; line = getLine( mark.buffer, lineStarts[foundLineNo + i], lineEnds[foundLineNo + i], mark.position - (lineStarts[foundLineNo] - lineStarts[foundLineNo + i]), maxLineLength ); result += common.repeat(" ", options.indent) + padStart((mark.line + i + 1).toString(), lineNoLength) + " | " + line.str + "\n"; } return result.replace(/\n$/, ""); } var snippet = makeSnippet; var TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [ "kind", "multi", "resolve", "construct", "instanceOf", "predicate", "represent", "representName", "defaultStyle", "styleAliases" ]; var YAML_NODE_KINDS = [ "scalar", "sequence", "mapping" ]; function compileStyleAliases(map2) { var result = {}; if (map2 !== null) { Object.keys(map2).forEach(function(style) { map2[style].forEach(function(alias) { result[String(alias)] = style; }); }); } return result; } function Type$1(tag, options) { options = options || {}; Object.keys(options).forEach(function(name) { if (TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(name) === -1) { throw new exception('Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.'); } }); this.options = options; this.tag = tag; this.kind = options["kind"] || null; this.resolve = options["resolve"] || function() { return true; }; this.construct = options["construct"] || function(data) { return data; }; this.instanceOf = options["instanceOf"] || null; this.predicate = options["predicate"] || null; this.represent = options["represent"] || null; this.representName = options["representName"] || null; this.defaultStyle = options["defaultStyle"] || null; this.multi = options["multi"] || false; this.styleAliases = compileStyleAliases(options["styleAliases"] || null); if (YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind) === -1) { throw new exception('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.'); } } var type = Type$1; function compileList(schema2, name) { var result = []; schema2[name].forEach(function(currentType) { var newIndex = result.length; result.forEach(function(previousType, previousIndex) { if (previousType.tag === currentType.tag && previousType.kind === currentType.kind && previousType.multi === currentType.multi) { newIndex = previousIndex; } }); result[newIndex] = currentType; }); return result; } function compileMap() { var result = { scalar: {}, sequence: {}, mapping: {}, fallback: {}, multi: { scalar: [], sequence: [], mapping: [], fallback: [] } }, index, length; function collectType(type2) { if (type2.multi) { result.multi[type2.kind].push(type2); result.multi["fallback"].push(type2); } else { result[type2.kind][type2.tag] = result["fallback"][type2.tag] = type2; } } for (index = 0, length = arguments.length; index < length; index += 1) { arguments[index].forEach(collectType); } return result; } function Schema$1(definition) { return this.extend(definition); } Schema$1.prototype.extend = function extend2(definition) { var implicit = []; var explicit = []; if (definition instanceof type) { explicit.push(definition); } else if (Array.isArray(definition)) { explicit = explicit.concat(definition); } else if (definition && (Array.isArray(definition.implicit) || Array.isArray(definition.explicit))) { if (definition.implicit) implicit = implicit.concat(definition.implicit); if (definition.explicit) explicit = explicit.concat(definition.explicit); } else { throw new exception("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })"); } implicit.forEach(function(type$1) { if (!(type$1 instanceof type)) { throw new exception("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object."); } if (type$1.loadKind && type$1.loadKind !== "scalar") { throw new exception("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported."); } if (type$1.multi) { throw new exception("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit."); } }); explicit.forEach(function(type$1) { if (!(type$1 instanceof type)) { throw new exception("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object."); } }); var result = Object.create(Schema$1.prototype); result.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(implicit); result.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(explicit); result.compiledImplicit = compileList(result, "implicit"); result.compiledExplicit = compileList(result, "explicit"); result.compiledTypeMap = compileMap(result.compiledImplicit, result.compiledExplicit); return result; }; var schema = Schema$1; var str = new type(",2002:str", { kind: "scalar", construct: function(data) { return data !== null ? data : ""; } }); var seq = new type(",2002:seq", { kind: "sequence", construct: function(data) { return data !== null ? data : []; } }); var map = new type(",2002:map", { kind: "mapping", construct: function(data) { return data !== null ? data : {}; } }); var failsafe = new schema({ explicit: [ str, seq, map ] }); function resolveYamlNull(data) { if (data === null) return true; var max = data.length; return max === 1 && data === "~" || max === 4 && (data === "null" || data === "Null" || data === "NULL"); } function constructYamlNull() { return null; } function isNull(object) { return object === null; } var _null = new type(",2002:null", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlNull, construct: constructYamlNull, predicate: isNull, represent: { canonical: function() { return "~"; }, lowercase: function() { return "null"; }, uppercase: function() { return "NULL"; }, camelcase: function() { return "Null"; }, empty: function() { return ""; } }, defaultStyle: "lowercase" }); function resolveYamlBoolean(data) { if (data === null) return false; var max = data.length; return max === 4 && (data === "true" || data === "True" || data === "TRUE") || max === 5 && (data === "false" || data === "False" || data === "FALSE"); } function constructYamlBoolean(data) { return data === "true" || data === "True" || data === "TRUE"; } function isBoolean(object) { return === "[object Boolean]"; } var bool = new type(",2002:bool", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlBoolean, construct: constructYamlBoolean, predicate: isBoolean, represent: { lowercase: function(object) { return object ? "true" : "false"; }, uppercase: function(object) { return object ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; }, camelcase: function(object) { return object ? "True" : "False"; } }, defaultStyle: "lowercase" }); function isHexCode(c) { return 48 <= c && c <= 57 || 65 <= c && c <= 70 || 97 <= c && c <= 102; } function isOctCode(c) { return 48 <= c && c <= 55; } function isDecCode(c) { return 48 <= c && c <= 57; } function resolveYamlInteger(data) { if (data === null) return false; var max = data.length, index = 0, hasDigits = false, ch; if (!max) return false; ch = data[index]; if (ch === "-" || ch === "+") { ch = data[++index]; } if (ch === "0") { if (index + 1 === max) return true; ch = data[++index]; if (ch === "b") { index++; for (; index < max; index++) { ch = data[index]; if (ch === "_") continue; if (ch !== "0" && ch !== "1") return false; hasDigits = true; } return hasDigits && ch !== "_"; } if (ch === "x") { index++; for (; index < max; index++) { ch = data[index]; if (ch === "_") continue; if (!isHexCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false; hasDigits = true; } return hasDigits && ch !== "_"; } if (ch === "o") { index++; for (; index < max; index++) { ch = data[index]; if (ch === "_") continue; if (!isOctCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) return false; hasDigits = true; } return hasDigits && ch !== "_"; } } if (ch === "_") return false; for (; index < max; index++) { ch = data[index]; if (ch === "_") continue; if (!isDecCode(data.charCodeAt(index))) { return false; } hasDigits = true; } if (!hasDigits || ch === "_") return false; return true; } function constructYamlInteger(data) { var value = data, sign = 1, ch; if (value.indexOf("_") !== -1) { value = value.replace(/_/g, ""); } ch = value[0]; if (ch === "-" || ch === "+") { if (ch === "-") sign = -1; value = value.slice(1); ch = value[0]; } if (value === "0") return 0; if (ch === "0") { if (value[1] === "b") return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 2); if (value[1] === "x") return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 16); if (value[1] === "o") return sign * parseInt(value.slice(2), 8); } return sign * parseInt(value, 10); } function isInteger(object) { return === "[object Number]" && (object % 1 === 0 && !common.isNegativeZero(object)); } var int = new type(",2002:int", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlInteger, construct: constructYamlInteger, predicate: isInteger, represent: { binary: function(obj) { return obj >= 0 ? "0b" + obj.toString(2) : "-0b" + obj.toString(2).slice(1); }, octal: function(obj) { return obj >= 0 ? "0o" + obj.toString(8) : "-0o" + obj.toString(8).slice(1); }, decimal: function(obj) { return obj.toString(10); }, /* eslint-disable max-len */ hexadecimal: function(obj) { return obj >= 0 ? "0x" + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase() : "-0x" + obj.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1); } }, defaultStyle: "decimal", styleAliases: { binary: [2, "bin"], octal: [8, "oct"], decimal: [10, "dec"], hexadecimal: [16, "hex"] } }); var YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN = new RegExp( // 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers "^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$" ); function resolveYamlFloat(data) { if (data === null) return false; if (!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(data) || // Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_` // Probably should update regexp & check speed data[data.length - 1] === "_") { return false; } return true; } function constructYamlFloat(data) { var value, sign; value = data.replace(/_/g, "").toLowerCase(); sign = value[0] === "-" ? -1 : 1; if ("+-".indexOf(value[0]) >= 0) { value = value.slice(1); } if (value === ".inf") { return sign === 1 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (value === ".nan") { return NaN; } return sign * parseFloat(value, 10); } var SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/; function representYamlFloat(object, style) { var res; if (isNaN(object)) { switch (style) { case "lowercase": return ".nan"; case "uppercase": return ".NAN"; case "camelcase": return ".NaN"; } } else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === object) { switch (style) { case "lowercase": return ".inf"; case "uppercase": return ".INF"; case "camelcase": return ".Inf"; } } else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === object) { switch (style) { case "lowercase": return "-.inf"; case "uppercase": return "-.INF"; case "camelcase": return "-.Inf"; } } else if (common.isNegativeZero(object)) { return "-0.0"; } res = object.toString(10); return SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(res) ? res.replace("e", ".e") : res; } function isFloat(object) { return === "[object Number]" && (object % 1 !== 0 || common.isNegativeZero(object)); } var float = new type(",2002:float", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlFloat, construct: constructYamlFloat, predicate: isFloat, represent: representYamlFloat, defaultStyle: "lowercase" }); var json = failsafe.extend({ implicit: [ _null, bool, int, float ] }); var core = json; var YAML_DATE_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$" ); var YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP = new RegExp( "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$" ); function resolveYamlTimestamp(data) { if (data === null) return false; if (YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true; if (YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data) !== null) return true; return false; } function constructYamlTimestamp(data) { var match, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction = 0, delta = null, tz_hour, tz_minute, date; match = YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(data); if (match === null) match = YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(data); if (match === null) throw new Error("Date resolve error"); year = +match[1]; month = +match[2] - 1; day = +match[3]; if (!match[4]) { return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day)); } hour = +match[4]; minute = +match[5]; second = +match[6]; if (match[7]) { fraction = match[7].slice(0, 3); while (fraction.length < 3) { fraction += "0"; } fraction = +fraction; } if (match[9]) { tz_hour = +match[10]; tz_minute = +(match[11] || 0); delta = (tz_hour * 60 + tz_minute) * 6e4; if (match[9] === "-") delta = -delta; } date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction)); if (delta) date.setTime(date.getTime() - delta); return date; } function representYamlTimestamp(object) { return object.toISOString(); } var timestamp = new type(",2002:timestamp", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlTimestamp, construct: constructYamlTimestamp, instanceOf: Date, represent: representYamlTimestamp }); function resolveYamlMerge(data) { return data === "<<" || data === null; } var merge = new type(",2002:merge", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlMerge }); var BASE64_MAP = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r"; function resolveYamlBinary(data) { if (data === null) return false; var code, idx, bitlen = 0, max = data.length, map2 = BASE64_MAP; for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) { code = map2.indexOf(data.charAt(idx)); if (code > 64) continue; if (code < 0) return false; bitlen += 6; } return bitlen % 8 === 0; } function constructYamlBinary(data) { var idx, tailbits, input = data.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ""), max = input.length, map2 = BASE64_MAP, bits = 0, result = []; for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) { if (idx % 4 === 0 && idx) { result.push(bits >> 16 & 255); result.push(bits >> 8 & 255); result.push(bits & 255); } bits = bits << 6 | map2.indexOf(input.charAt(idx)); } tailbits = max % 4 * 6; if (tailbits === 0) { result.push(bits >> 16 & 255); result.push(bits >> 8 & 255); result.push(bits & 255); } else if (tailbits === 18) { result.push(bits >> 10 & 255); result.push(bits >> 2 & 255); } else if (tailbits === 12) { result.push(bits >> 4 & 255); } return new Uint8Array(result); } function representYamlBinary(object) { var result = "", bits = 0, idx, tail, max = object.length, map2 = BASE64_MAP; for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) { if (idx % 3 === 0 && idx) { result += map2[bits >> 18 & 63]; result += map2[bits >> 12 & 63]; result += map2[bits >> 6 & 63]; result += map2[bits & 63]; } bits = (bits << 8) + object[idx]; } tail = max % 3; if (tail === 0) { result += map2[bits >> 18 & 63]; result += map2[bits >> 12 & 63]; result += map2[bits >> 6 & 63]; result += map2[bits & 63]; } else if (tail === 2) { result += map2[bits >> 10 & 63]; result += map2[bits >> 4 & 63]; result += map2[bits << 2 & 63]; result += map2[64]; } else if (tail === 1) { result += map2[bits >> 2 & 63]; result += map2[bits << 4 & 63]; result += map2[64]; result += map2[64]; } return result; } function isBinary(obj) { return === "[object Uint8Array]"; } var binary = new type(",2002:binary", { kind: "scalar", resolve: resolveYamlBinary, construct: constructYamlBinary, predicate: isBinary, represent: representYamlBinary }); var _hasOwnProperty$3 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var _toString$2 = Object.prototype.toString; function resolveYamlOmap(data) { if (data === null) return true; var objectKeys = [], index, length, pair, pairKey, pairHasKey, object = data; for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) { pair = object[index]; pairHasKey = false; if (_toString$ !== "[object Object]") return false; for (pairKey in pair) { if (_hasOwnProperty$, pairKey)) { if (!pairHasKey) pairHasKey = true; else return false; } } if (!pairHasKey) return false; if (objectKeys.indexOf(pairKey) === -1) objectKeys.push(pairKey); else return false; } return true; } function constructYamlOmap(data) { return data !== null ? data : []; } var omap = new type(",2002:omap", { kind: "sequence", resolve: resolveYamlOmap, construct: constructYamlOmap }); var _toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString; function resolveYamlPairs(data) { if (data === null) return true; var index, length, pair, keys, result, object = data; result = new Array(object.length); for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) { pair = object[index]; if (_toString$ !== "[object Object]") return false; keys = Object.keys(pair); if (keys.length !== 1) return false; result[index] = [keys[0], pair[keys[0]]]; } return true; } function constructYamlPairs(data) { if (data === null) return []; var index, length, pair, keys, result, object = data; result = new Array(object.length); for (index = 0, length = object.length; index < length; index += 1) { pair = object[index]; keys = Object.keys(pair); result[index] = [keys[0], pair[keys[0]]]; } return result; } var pairs = new type(",2002:pairs", { kind: "sequence", resolve: resolveYamlPairs, construct: constructYamlPairs }); var _hasOwnProperty$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function resolveYamlSet(data) { if (data === null) return true; var key, object = data; for (key in object) { if (_hasOwnProperty$, key)) { if (object[key] !== null) return false; } } return true; } function constructYamlSet(data) { return data !== null ? data : {}; } var set = new type(",2002:set", { kind: "mapping", resolve: resolveYamlSet, construct: constructYamlSet }); var _default = core.extend({ implicit: [ timestamp, merge ], explicit: [ binary, omap, pairs, set ] }); var _hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var CONTEXT_FLOW_IN = 1; var CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT = 2; var CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN = 3; var CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT = 4; var CHOMPING_CLIP = 1; var CHOMPING_STRIP = 2; var CHOMPING_KEEP = 3; var PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/; var PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/; var PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS = /[,\[\]\{\}]/; var PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i; var PATTERN_TAG_URI = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i; function _class(obj) { return; } function is_EOL(c) { return c === 10 || c === 13; } function is_WHITE_SPACE(c) { return c === 9 || c === 32; } function is_WS_OR_EOL(c) { return c === 9 || c === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13; } function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(c) { return c === 44 || c === 91 || c === 93 || c === 123 || c === 125; } function fromHexCode(c) { var lc; if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { return c - 48; } lc = c | 32; if (97 <= lc && lc <= 102) { return lc - 97 + 10; } return -1; } function escapedHexLen(c) { if (c === 120) { return 2; } if (c === 117) { return 4; } if (c === 85) { return 8; } return 0; } function fromDecimalCode(c) { if (48 <= c && c <= 57) { return c - 48; } return -1; } function simpleEscapeSequence(c) { return c === 48 ? "\0" : c === 97 ? "\x07" : c === 98 ? "\b" : c === 116 ? " " : c === 9 ? " " : c === 110 ? "\n" : c === 118 ? "\v" : c === 102 ? "\f" : c === 114 ? "\r" : c === 101 ? "\x1B" : c === 32 ? " " : c === 34 ? '"' : c === 47 ? "/" : c === 92 ? "\\" : c === 78 ? "…" : c === 95 ? " " : c === 76 ? "\u2028" : c === 80 ? "\u2029" : ""; } function charFromCodepoint(c) { if (c <= 65535) { return String.fromCharCode(c); } return String.fromCharCode( (c - 65536 >> 10) + 55296, (c - 65536 & 1023) + 56320 ); } var simpleEscapeCheck = new Array(256); var simpleEscapeMap = new Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { simpleEscapeCheck[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i) ? 1 : 0; simpleEscapeMap[i] = simpleEscapeSequence(i); } function State$1(input, options) { this.input = input; this.filename = options["filename"] || null; this.schema = options["schema"] || _default; this.onWarning = options["onWarning"] || null; this.legacy = options["legacy"] || false; this.json = options["json"] || false; this.listener = options["listener"] || null; this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit; this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap; this.length = input.length; this.position = 0; this.line = 0; this.lineStart = 0; this.lineIndent = 0; this.firstTabInLine = -1; this.documents = []; } function generateError(state, message) { var mark = { name: state.filename, buffer: state.input.slice(0, -1), // omit trailing \0 position: state.position, line: state.line, column: state.position - state.lineStart }; mark.snippet = snippet(mark); return new exception(message, mark); } function throwError(state, message) { throw generateError(state, message); } function throwWarning(state, message) { if (state.onWarning) {, generateError(state, message)); } } var directiveHandlers = { YAML: function handleYamlDirective(state, name, args) { var match, major, minor; if (state.version !== null) { throwError(state, "duplication of %YAML directive"); } if (args.length !== 1) { throwError(state, "YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"); } match = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(args[0]); if (match === null) { throwError(state, "ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"); } major = parseInt(match[1], 10); minor = parseInt(match[2], 10); if (major !== 1) { throwError(state, "unacceptable YAML version of the document"); } state.version = args[0]; state.checkLineBreaks = minor < 2; if (minor !== 1 && minor !== 2) { throwWarning(state, "unsupported YAML version of the document"); } }, TAG: function handleTagDirective(state, name, args) { var handle, prefix; if (args.length !== 2) { throwError(state, "TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"); } handle = args[0]; prefix = args[1]; if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(handle)) { throwError(state, "ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"); } if (_hasOwnProperty$, handle)) { throwError(state, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle'); } if (!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(prefix)) { throwError(state, "ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive"); } try { prefix = decodeURIComponent(prefix); } catch (err) { throwError(state, "tag prefix is malformed: " + prefix); } state.tagMap[handle] = prefix; } }; function captureSegment(state, start, end, checkJson) { var _position, _length, _character, _result; if (start < end) { _result = state.input.slice(start, end); if (checkJson) { for (_position = 0, _length = _result.length; _position < _length; _position += 1) { _character = _result.charCodeAt(_position); if (!(_character === 9 || 32 <= _character && _character <= 1114111)) { throwError(state, "expected valid JSON character"); } } } else if (PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(_result)) { throwError(state, "the stream contains non-printable characters"); } state.result += _result; } } function mergeMappings(state, destination, source, overridableKeys) { var sourceKeys, key, index, quantity; if (!common.isObject(source)) { throwError(state, "cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"); } sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); for (index = 0, quantity = sourceKeys.length; index < quantity; index += 1) { key = sourceKeys[index]; if (!_hasOwnProperty$, key)) { destination[key] = source[key]; overridableKeys[key] = true; } } } function storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, startLine, startLineStart, startPos) { var index, quantity; if (Array.isArray(keyNode)) { keyNode =; for (index = 0, quantity = keyNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) { if (Array.isArray(keyNode[index])) { throwError(state, "nested arrays are not supported inside keys"); } if (typeof keyNode === "object" && _class(keyNode[index]) === "[object Object]") { keyNode[index] = "[object Object]"; } } } if (typeof keyNode === "object" && _class(keyNode) === "[object Object]") { keyNode = "[object Object]"; } keyNode = String(keyNode); if (_result === null) { _result = {}; } if (keyTag === ",2002:merge") { if (Array.isArray(valueNode)) { for (index = 0, quantity = valueNode.length; index < quantity; index += 1) { mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode[index], overridableKeys); } } else { mergeMappings(state, _result, valueNode, overridableKeys); } } else { if (!state.json && !_hasOwnProperty$, keyNode) && _hasOwnProperty$, keyNode)) { state.line = startLine || state.line; state.lineStart = startLineStart || state.lineStart; state.position = startPos || state.position; throwError(state, "duplicated mapping key"); } if (keyNode === "__proto__") { Object.defineProperty(_result, keyNode, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: valueNode }); } else { _result[keyNode] = valueNode; } delete overridableKeys[keyNode]; } return _result; } function readLineBreak(state) { var ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch === 10) { state.position++; } else if (ch === 13) { state.position++; if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 10) { state.position++; } } else { throwError(state, "a line break is expected"); } state.line += 1; state.lineStart = state.position; state.firstTabInLine = -1; } function skipSeparationSpace(state, allowComments, checkIndent) { var lineBreaks = 0, ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); while (ch !== 0) { while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { if (ch === 9 && state.firstTabInLine === -1) { state.firstTabInLine = state.position; } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (allowComments && ch === 35) { do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } while (ch !== 10 && ch !== 13 && ch !== 0); } if (is_EOL(ch)) { readLineBreak(state); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); lineBreaks++; state.lineIndent = 0; while (ch === 32) { state.lineIndent++; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } } else { break; } } if (checkIndent !== -1 && lineBreaks !== 0 && state.lineIndent < checkIndent) { throwWarning(state, "deficient indentation"); } return lineBreaks; } function testDocumentSeparator(state) { var _position = state.position, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position); if ((ch === 45 || ch === 46) && ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 1) && ch === state.input.charCodeAt(_position + 2)) { _position += 3; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(_position); if (ch === 0 || is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) { return true; } } return false; } function writeFoldedLines(state, count) { if (count === 1) { state.result += " "; } else if (count > 1) { state.result += common.repeat("\n", count - 1); } } function readPlainScalar(state, nodeIndent, withinFlowCollection) { var preceding, following, captureStart, captureEnd, hasPendingContent, _line, _lineStart, _lineIndent, _kind = state.kind, _result = state.result, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) || is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch) || ch === 35 || ch === 38 || ch === 42 || ch === 33 || ch === 124 || ch === 62 || ch === 39 || ch === 34 || ch === 37 || ch === 64 || ch === 96) { return false; } if (ch === 63 || ch === 45) { following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1); if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) || withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) { return false; } } state.kind = "scalar"; state.result = ""; captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; hasPendingContent = false; while (ch !== 0) { if (ch === 58) { following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1); if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following) || withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(following)) { break; } } else if (ch === 35) { preceding = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position - 1); if (is_WS_OR_EOL(preceding)) { break; } } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state) || withinFlowCollection && is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) { break; } else if (is_EOL(ch)) { _line = state.line; _lineStart = state.lineStart; _lineIndent = state.lineIndent; skipSeparationSpace(state, false, -1); if (state.lineIndent >= nodeIndent) { hasPendingContent = true; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); continue; } else { state.position = captureEnd; state.line = _line; state.lineStart = _lineStart; state.lineIndent = _lineIndent; break; } } if (hasPendingContent) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false); writeFoldedLines(state, state.line - _line); captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; hasPendingContent = false; } if (!is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { captureEnd = state.position + 1; } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, false); if (state.result) { return true; } state.kind = _kind; state.result = _result; return false; } function readSingleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) { var ch, captureStart, captureEnd; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch !== 39) { return false; } state.kind = "scalar"; state.result = ""; state.position++; captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) { if (ch === 39) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if (ch === 39) { captureStart = state.position; state.position++; captureEnd = state.position; } else { return true; } } else if (is_EOL(ch)) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true); writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent)); captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) { throwError(state, "unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"); } else { state.position++; captureEnd = state.position; } } throwError(state, "unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar"); } function readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, nodeIndent) { var captureStart, captureEnd, hexLength, hexResult, tmp, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch !== 34) { return false; } state.kind = "scalar"; state.result = ""; state.position++; captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) { if (ch === 34) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true); state.position++; return true; } else if (ch === 92) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, true); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if (is_EOL(ch)) { skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent); } else if (ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck[ch]) { state.result += simpleEscapeMap[ch]; state.position++; } else if ((tmp = escapedHexLen(ch)) > 0) { hexLength = tmp; hexResult = 0; for (; hexLength > 0; hexLength--) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if ((tmp = fromHexCode(ch)) >= 0) { hexResult = (hexResult << 4) + tmp; } else { throwError(state, "expected hexadecimal character"); } } state.result += charFromCodepoint(hexResult); state.position++; } else { throwError(state, "unknown escape sequence"); } captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; } else if (is_EOL(ch)) { captureSegment(state, captureStart, captureEnd, true); writeFoldedLines(state, skipSeparationSpace(state, false, nodeIndent)); captureStart = captureEnd = state.position; } else if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) { throwError(state, "unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"); } else { state.position++; captureEnd = state.position; } } throwError(state, "unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar"); } function readFlowCollection(state, nodeIndent) { var readNext = true, _line, _lineStart, _pos, _tag = state.tag, _result, _anchor = state.anchor, following, terminator, isPair, isExplicitPair, isMapping, overridableKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), keyNode, keyTag, valueNode, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch === 91) { terminator = 93; isMapping = false; _result = []; } else if (ch === 123) { terminator = 125; isMapping = true; _result = {}; } else { return false; } if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result; } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); while (ch !== 0) { skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch === terminator) { state.position++; state.tag = _tag; state.anchor = _anchor; state.kind = isMapping ? "mapping" : "sequence"; state.result = _result; return true; } else if (!readNext) { throwError(state, "missed comma between flow collection entries"); } else if (ch === 44) { throwError(state, "expected the node content, but found ','"); } keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null; isPair = isExplicitPair = false; if (ch === 63) { following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1); if (is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) { isPair = isExplicitPair = true; state.position++; skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent); } } _line = state.line; _lineStart = state.lineStart; _pos = state.position; composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true); keyTag = state.tag; keyNode = state.result; skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if ((isExplicitPair || state.line === _line) && ch === 58) { isPair = true; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent); composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN, false, true); valueNode = state.result; } if (isMapping) { storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos); } else if (isPair) { _result.push(storeMappingPair(state, null, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _line, _lineStart, _pos)); } else { _result.push(keyNode); } skipSeparationSpace(state, true, nodeIndent); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch === 44) { readNext = true; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } else { readNext = false; } } throwError(state, "unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection"); } function readBlockScalar(state, nodeIndent) { var captureStart, folding, chomping = CHOMPING_CLIP, didReadContent = false, detectedIndent = false, textIndent = nodeIndent, emptyLines = 0, atMoreIndented = false, tmp, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch === 124) { folding = false; } else if (ch === 62) { folding = true; } else { return false; } state.kind = "scalar"; state.result = ""; while (ch !== 0) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if (ch === 43 || ch === 45) { if (CHOMPING_CLIP === chomping) { chomping = ch === 43 ? CHOMPING_KEEP : CHOMPING_STRIP; } else { throwError(state, "repeat of a chomping mode identifier"); } } else if ((tmp = fromDecimalCode(ch)) >= 0) { if (tmp === 0) { throwError(state, "bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"); } else if (!detectedIndent) { textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1; detectedIndent = true; } else { throwError(state, "repeat of an indentation width identifier"); } } else { break; } } if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)); if (ch === 35) { do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } while (!is_EOL(ch) && ch !== 0); } } while (ch !== 0) { readLineBreak(state); state.lineIndent = 0; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); while ((!detectedIndent || state.lineIndent < textIndent) && ch === 32) { state.lineIndent++; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (!detectedIndent && state.lineIndent > textIndent) { textIndent = state.lineIndent; } if (is_EOL(ch)) { emptyLines++; continue; } if (state.lineIndent < textIndent) { if (chomping === CHOMPING_KEEP) { state.result += common.repeat("\n", didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines); } else if (chomping === CHOMPING_CLIP) { if (didReadContent) { state.result += "\n"; } } break; } if (folding) { if (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { atMoreIndented = true; state.result += common.repeat("\n", didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines); } else if (atMoreIndented) { atMoreIndented = false; state.result += common.repeat("\n", emptyLines + 1); } else if (emptyLines === 0) { if (didReadContent) { state.result += " "; } } else { state.result += common.repeat("\n", emptyLines); } } else { state.result += common.repeat("\n", didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines); } didReadContent = true; detectedIndent = true; emptyLines = 0; captureStart = state.position; while (!is_EOL(ch) && ch !== 0) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } captureSegment(state, captureStart, state.position, false); } return true; } function readBlockSequence(state, nodeIndent) { var _line, _tag = state.tag, _anchor = state.anchor, _result = [], following, detected = false, ch; if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false; if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result; } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); while (ch !== 0) { if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) { state.position = state.firstTabInLine; throwError(state, "tab characters must not be used in indentation"); } if (ch !== 45) { break; } following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1); if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) { break; } detected = true; state.position++; if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) { if (state.lineIndent <= nodeIndent) { _result.push(null); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); continue; } } _line = state.line; composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN, false, true); _result.push(state.result); skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && ch !== 0) { throwError(state, "bad indentation of a sequence entry"); } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) { break; } } if (detected) { state.tag = _tag; state.anchor = _anchor; state.kind = "sequence"; state.result = _result; return true; } return false; } function readBlockMapping(state, nodeIndent, flowIndent) { var following, allowCompact, _line, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos, _tag = state.tag, _anchor = state.anchor, _result = {}, overridableKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), keyTag = null, keyNode = null, valueNode = null, atExplicitKey = false, detected = false, ch; if (state.firstTabInLine !== -1) return false; if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = _result; } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); while (ch !== 0) { if (!atExplicitKey && state.firstTabInLine !== -1) { state.position = state.firstTabInLine; throwError(state, "tab characters must not be used in indentation"); } following = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1); _line = state.line; if ((ch === 63 || ch === 58) && is_WS_OR_EOL(following)) { if (ch === 63) { if (atExplicitKey) { storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos); keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null; } detected = true; atExplicitKey = true; allowCompact = true; } else if (atExplicitKey) { atExplicitKey = false; allowCompact = true; } else { throwError(state, "incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"); } state.position += 1; ch = following; } else { _keyLine = state.line; _keyLineStart = state.lineStart; _keyPos = state.position; if (!composeNode(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT, false, true)) { break; } if (state.line === _line) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (ch === 58) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if (!is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) { throwError(state, "a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"); } if (atExplicitKey) { storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos); keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null; } detected = true; atExplicitKey = false; allowCompact = false; keyTag = state.tag; keyNode = state.result; } else if (detected) { throwError(state, "can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed"); } else { state.tag = _tag; state.anchor = _anchor; return true; } } else if (detected) { throwError(state, "can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key"); } else { state.tag = _tag; state.anchor = _anchor; return true; } } if (state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) { if (atExplicitKey) { _keyLine = state.line; _keyLineStart = state.lineStart; _keyPos = state.position; } if (composeNode(state, nodeIndent, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, true, allowCompact)) { if (atExplicitKey) { keyNode = state.result; } else { valueNode = state.result; } } if (!atExplicitKey) { storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, valueNode, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos); keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null; } skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); } if ((state.line === _line || state.lineIndent > nodeIndent) && ch !== 0) { throwError(state, "bad indentation of a mapping entry"); } else if (state.lineIndent < nodeIndent) { break; } } if (atExplicitKey) { storeMappingPair(state, _result, overridableKeys, keyTag, keyNode, null, _keyLine, _keyLineStart, _keyPos); } if (detected) { state.tag = _tag; state.anchor = _anchor; state.kind = "mapping"; state.result = _result; } return detected; } function readTagProperty(state) { var _position, isVerbatim = false, isNamed = false, tagHandle, tagName, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch !== 33) return false; if (state.tag !== null) { throwError(state, "duplication of a tag property"); } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); if (ch === 60) { isVerbatim = true; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } else if (ch === 33) { isNamed = true; tagHandle = "!!"; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } else { tagHandle = "!"; } _position = state.position; if (isVerbatim) { do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } while (ch !== 0 && ch !== 62); if (state.position < state.length) { tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } else { throwError(state, "unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag"); } } else { while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) { if (ch === 33) { if (!isNamed) { tagHandle = state.input.slice(_position - 1, state.position + 1); if (!PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(tagHandle)) { throwError(state, "named tag handle cannot contain such characters"); } isNamed = true; _position = state.position + 1; } else { throwError(state, "tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks"); } } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } tagName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position); if (PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(tagName)) { throwError(state, "tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters"); } } if (tagName && !PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(tagName)) { throwError(state, "tag name cannot contain such characters: " + tagName); } try { tagName = decodeURIComponent(tagName); } catch (err) { throwError(state, "tag name is malformed: " + tagName); } if (isVerbatim) { state.tag = tagName; } else if (_hasOwnProperty$, tagHandle)) { state.tag = state.tagMap[tagHandle] + tagName; } else if (tagHandle === "!") { state.tag = "!" + tagName; } else if (tagHandle === "!!") { state.tag = ",2002:" + tagName; } else { throwError(state, 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"'); } return true; } function readAnchorProperty(state) { var _position, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch !== 38) return false; if (state.anchor !== null) { throwError(state, "duplication of an anchor property"); } ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); _position = state.position; while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (state.position === _position) { throwError(state, "name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"); } state.anchor = state.input.slice(_position, state.position); return true; } function readAlias(state) { var _position, alias, ch; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (ch !== 42) return false; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); _position = state.position; while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch) && !is_FLOW_INDICATOR(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (state.position === _position) { throwError(state, "name of an alias node must contain at least one character"); } alias = state.input.slice(_position, state.position); if (!_hasOwnProperty$, alias)) { throwError(state, 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"'); } state.result = state.anchorMap[alias]; skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); return true; } function composeNode(state, parentIndent, nodeContext, allowToSeek, allowCompact) { var allowBlockStyles, allowBlockScalars, allowBlockCollections, indentStatus = 1, atNewLine = false, hasContent = false, typeIndex, typeQuantity, typeList, type2, flowIndent, blockIndent; if (state.listener !== null) { state.listener("open", state); } state.tag = null; state.anchor = null; state.kind = null; state.result = null; allowBlockStyles = allowBlockScalars = allowBlockCollections = CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext || CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN === nodeContext; if (allowToSeek) { if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) { atNewLine = true; if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) { indentStatus = 1; } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) { indentStatus = 0; } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) { indentStatus = -1; } } } if (indentStatus === 1) { while (readTagProperty(state) || readAnchorProperty(state)) { if (skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1)) { atNewLine = true; allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles; if (state.lineIndent > parentIndent) { indentStatus = 1; } else if (state.lineIndent === parentIndent) { indentStatus = 0; } else if (state.lineIndent < parentIndent) { indentStatus = -1; } } else { allowBlockCollections = false; } } } if (allowBlockCollections) { allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact; } if (indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT === nodeContext) { if (CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT === nodeContext) { flowIndent = parentIndent; } else { flowIndent = parentIndent + 1; } blockIndent = state.position - state.lineStart; if (indentStatus === 1) { if (allowBlockCollections && (readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent) || readBlockMapping(state, blockIndent, flowIndent)) || readFlowCollection(state, flowIndent)) { hasContent = true; } else { if (allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar(state, flowIndent) || readSingleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent) || readDoubleQuotedScalar(state, flowIndent)) { hasContent = true; } else if (readAlias(state)) { hasContent = true; if (state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null) { throwError(state, "alias node should not have any properties"); } } else if (readPlainScalar(state, flowIndent, CONTEXT_FLOW_IN === nodeContext)) { hasContent = true; if (state.tag === null) { state.tag = "?"; } } if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result; } } } else if (indentStatus === 0) { hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence(state, blockIndent); } } if (state.tag === null) { if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result; } } else if (state.tag === "?") { if (state.result !== null && state.kind !== "scalar") { throwError(state, 'unacceptable node kind for ! tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + state.kind + '"'); } for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = state.implicitTypes.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) { type2 = state.implicitTypes[typeIndex]; if (type2.resolve(state.result)) { state.result = type2.construct(state.result); state.tag = type2.tag; if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result; } break; } } } else if (state.tag !== "!") { if (_hasOwnProperty$[state.kind || "fallback"], state.tag)) { type2 = state.typeMap[state.kind || "fallback"][state.tag]; } else { type2 = null; typeList = state.typeMap.multi[state.kind || "fallback"]; for (typeIndex = 0, typeQuantity = typeList.length; typeIndex < typeQuantity; typeIndex += 1) { if (state.tag.slice(0, typeList[typeIndex].tag.length) === typeList[typeIndex].tag) { type2 = typeList[typeIndex]; break; } } } if (!type2) { throwError(state, "unknown tag !<" + state.tag + ">"); } if (state.result !== null && type2.kind !== state.kind) { throwError(state, "unacceptable node kind for !<" + state.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type2.kind + '", not "' + state.kind + '"'); } if (!type2.resolve(state.result, state.tag)) { throwError(state, "cannot resolve a node with !<" + state.tag + "> explicit tag"); } else { state.result = type2.construct(state.result, state.tag); if (state.anchor !== null) { state.anchorMap[state.anchor] = state.result; } } } if (state.listener !== null) { state.listener("close", state); } return state.tag !== null || state.anchor !== null || hasContent; } function readDocument(state) { var documentStart = state.position, _position, directiveName, directiveArgs, hasDirectives = false, ch; state.version = null; state.checkLineBreaks = state.legacy; state.tagMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); state.anchorMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); while ((ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position)) !== 0) { skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); ch = state.input.charCodeAt(state.position); if (state.lineIndent > 0 || ch !== 37) { break; } hasDirectives = true; ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); _position = state.position; while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } directiveName = state.input.slice(_position, state.position); directiveArgs = []; if (directiveName.length < 1) { throwError(state, "directive name must not be less than one character in length"); } while (ch !== 0) { while (is_WHITE_SPACE(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } if (ch === 35) { do { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } while (ch !== 0 && !is_EOL(ch)); break; } if (is_EOL(ch)) break; _position = state.position; while (ch !== 0 && !is_WS_OR_EOL(ch)) { ch = state.input.charCodeAt(++state.position); } directiveArgs.push(state.input.slice(_position, state.position)); } if (ch !== 0) readLineBreak(state); if (_hasOwnProperty$, directiveName)) { directiveHandlers[directiveName](state, directiveName, directiveArgs); } else { throwWarning(state, 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"'); } } skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); if (state.lineIndent === 0 && state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 45 && state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 1) === 45 && state.input.charCodeAt(state.position + 2) === 45) { state.position += 3; skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); } else if (hasDirectives) { throwError(state, "directives end mark is expected"); } composeNode(state, state.lineIndent - 1, CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT, false, true); skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); if (state.checkLineBreaks && PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(state.input.slice(documentStart, state.position))) { throwWarning(state, "non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"); } state.documents.push(state.result); if (state.position === state.lineStart && testDocumentSeparator(state)) { if (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 46) { state.position += 3; skipSeparationSpace(state, true, -1); } return; } if (state.position < state.length - 1) { throwError(state, "end of the stream or a document separator is expected"); } else { return; } } function loadDocuments(input, options) { input = String(input); options = options || {}; if (input.length !== 0) { if (input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 10 && input.charCodeAt(input.length - 1) !== 13) { input += "\n"; } if (input.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) { input = input.slice(1); } } var state = new State$1(input, options); var nullpos = input.indexOf("\0"); if (nullpos !== -1) { state.position = nullpos; throwError(state, "null byte is not allowed in input"); } state.input += "\0"; while (state.input.charCodeAt(state.position) === 32) { state.lineIndent += 1; state.position += 1; } while (state.position < state.length - 1) { readDocument(state); } return state.documents; } function loadAll$1(input, iterator2, options) { if (iterator2 !== null && typeof iterator2 === "object" && typeof options === "undefined") { options = iterator2; iterator2 = null; } var documents = loadDocuments(input, options); if (typeof iterator2 !== "function") { return documents; } for (var index = 0, length = documents.length; index < length; index += 1) { iterator2(documents[index]); } } function load$1(input, options) { var documents = loadDocuments(input, options); if (documents.length === 0) { return void 0; } else if (documents.length === 1) { return documents[0]; } throw new exception("expected a single document in the stream, but found more"); } var loadAll_1 = loadAll$1; var load_1 = load$1; var loader = { loadAll: loadAll_1, load: load_1 }; var FAILSAFE_SCHEMA = failsafe; var load = loader.load; const frontMatterRegex = /^-{3}\s*[\n\r](.*?)[\n\r]-{3}\s*[\n\r]+/s; function extractFrontMatter(text, db) { var _a; const matches = text.match(frontMatterRegex); if (matches) { const parsed = load(matches[1], { // To keep things simple, only allow strings, arrays, and plain objects. // schema: FAILSAFE_SCHEMA }); if (parsed == null ? void 0 : parsed.title) { (_a = db.setDiagramTitle) == null ? void 0 :, parsed.title); } return text.slice(matches[0].length); } else { return text; } } const themes = {}; const getStyles = (type2, userStyles, options) => { let diagramStyles = ""; if (type2 in themes && themes[type2]) { diagramStyles = themes[type2](options); } else { log$1.warn(`No theme found for ${type2}`); } return ` & { font-family: ${options.fontFamily}; font-size: ${options.fontSize}; fill: ${options.textColor} } /* Classes common for multiple diagrams */ & .error-icon { fill: ${options.errorBkgColor}; } & .error-text { fill: ${options.errorTextColor}; stroke: ${options.errorTextColor}; } & .edge-thickness-normal { stroke-width: 2px; } & .edge-thickness-thick { stroke-width: 3.5px } & .edge-pattern-solid { stroke-dasharray: 0; } & .edge-pattern-dashed{ stroke-dasharray: 3; } .edge-pattern-dotted { stroke-dasharray: 2; } & .marker { fill: ${options.lineColor}; stroke: ${options.lineColor}; } & .marker.cross { stroke: ${options.lineColor}; } & svg { font-family: ${options.fontFamily}; font-size: ${options.fontSize}; } ${diagramStyles} ${userStyles} `; }; const addStylesForDiagram = (type2, diagramTheme) => { themes[type2] = diagramTheme; }; const getStyles$1 = getStyles; let currentDirective = {}; const parseDirective$1 = function(p, statement, context, type2) { log$1.debug("parseDirective is being called", statement, context, type2); try { if (statement !== void 0) { statement = statement.trim(); switch (context) { case "open_directive": currentDirective = {}; break; case "type_directive": if (!currentDirective) { throw new Error("currentDirective is undefined"); } currentDirective.type = statement.toLowerCase(); break; case "arg_directive": if (!currentDirective) { throw new Error("currentDirective is undefined"); } currentDirective.args = JSON.parse(statement); break; case "close_directive": handleDirective(p, currentDirective, type2); currentDirective = void 0; break; } } } catch (error) { log$1.error( `Error while rendering sequenceDiagram directive: ${statement} jison context: ${context}` ); log$1.error(error.message); } }; const handleDirective = function(p, directive2, type2) { log$`Directive type=${directive2.type} with args:`, directive2.args); switch (directive2.type) { case "init": case "initialize": { ["config"].forEach((prop) => { if (directive2.args[prop] !== void 0) { if (type2 === "flowchart-v2") { type2 = "flowchart"; } directive2.args[type2] = directive2.args[prop]; delete directive2.args[prop]; } }); log$"sanitize in handleDirective", directive2.args); directiveSanitizer(directive2.args); log$"sanitize in handleDirective (done)", directive2.args); addDirective(directive2.args); break; } case "wrap": case "nowrap": if (p && p["setWrap"]) { p.setWrap(directive2.type === "wrap"); } break; case "themeCss": log$1.warn("themeCss encountered"); break; default: log$1.warn( `Unhandled directive: source: '%%{${directive2.type}: ${JSON.stringify( directive2.args ? directive2.args : {} )}}%%`, directive2 ); break; } }; const log = log$1; const setLogLevel = setLogLevel$1; const getConfig = getConfig$1; const sanitizeText = (text) => sanitizeText$1(text, getConfig()); const setupGraphViewbox = setupGraphViewbox$1; const getCommonDb = () => { return commonDb; }; const parseDirective = (p, statement, context, type2) => parseDirective$1(p, statement, context, type2); const diagrams = {}; const registerDiagram = (id, diagram, detector) => { if (diagrams[id]) { throw new Error(`Diagram ${id} already registered.`); } diagrams[id] = diagram; if (detector) { addDetector(id, detector); } addStylesForDiagram(id, diagram.styles); if (diagram.injectUtils) { diagram.injectUtils( log, setLogLevel, getConfig, sanitizeText, setupGraphViewbox, getCommonDb(), parseDirective ); } }; const getDiagram = (name) => { if (name in diagrams) { return diagrams[name]; } throw new Error(`Diagram ${name} not found.`); }; class UnknownDiagramError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "UnknownDiagramError"; } } const directive$1 = /%{2}{\s*(?:(\w+)\s*:|(\w+))\s*(?:(\w+)|((?:(?!}%{2}).|\r?\n)*))?\s*(?:}%{2})?/gi; const anyComment = /\s*%%.*\n/gm; const detectors = {}; const detectType = function(text, config) { text = text.replace(frontMatterRegex, "").replace(directive$1, "").replace(anyComment, "\n"); for (const [key, { detector }] of Object.entries(detectors)) { const diagram = detector(text, config); if (diagram) { return key; } } throw new UnknownDiagramError( `No diagram type detected matching given configuration for text: ${text}` ); }; const registerLazyLoadedDiagrams = (...diagrams2) => { for (const { id, detector, loader: loader2 } of diagrams2) { addDetector(id, detector, loader2); } }; const loadRegisteredDiagrams = async () => { log$1.debug(`Loading registered diagrams`); const results = await Promise.allSettled( Object.entries(detectors).map(async ([key, { detector, loader: loader2 }]) => { if (loader2) { try { getDiagram(key); } catch (error) { try { const { diagram, id } = await loader2(); registerDiagram(id, diagram, detector); } catch (err) { log$1.error(`Failed to load external diagram with key ${key}. Removing from detectors.`); delete detectors[key]; throw err; } } } }) ); const failed = results.filter((result) => result.status === "rejected"); if (failed.length > 0) { log$1.error(`Failed to load ${failed.length} external diagrams`); for (const res of failed) { log$1.error(res); } throw new Error(`Failed to load ${failed.length} external diagrams`); } }; const addDetector = (key, detector, loader2) => { if (detectors[key]) { log$1.error(`Detector with key ${key} already exists`); } else { detectors[key] = { detector, loader: loader2 }; } log$1.debug(`Detector with key ${key} added${loader2 ? " with loader" : ""}`); }; const getDiagramLoader = (key) => { return detectors[key].loader; }; const d3CurveTypes = { curveBasis, curveBasisClosed, curveBasisOpen, curveBumpX, curveBumpY, curveBundle, curveCardinalClosed, curveCardinalOpen, curveCardinal, curveCatmullRomClosed, curveCatmullRomOpen, curveCatmullRom, curveLinear, curveLinearClosed, curveMonotoneX, curveMonotoneY, curveNatural, curveStep, curveStepAfter, curveStepBefore }; const directive = /%{2}{\s*(?:(\w+)\s*:|(\w+))\s*(?:(\w+)|((?:(?!}%{2}).|\r?\n)*))?\s*(?:}%{2})?/gi; const directiveWithoutOpen = /\s*(?:(\w+)(?=:):|(\w+))\s*(?:(\w+)|((?:(?!}%{2}).|\r?\n)*))?\s*(?:}%{2})?/gi; const detectInit = function(text, config) { const inits = detectDirective(text, /(?:init\b)|(?:initialize\b)/); let results = {}; if (Array.isArray(inits)) { const args = => init.args); directiveSanitizer(args); results = assignWithDepth(results, [...args]); } else { results = inits.args; } if (results) { let type2 = detectType(text, config); ["config"].forEach((prop) => { if (results[prop] !== void 0) { if (type2 === "flowchart-v2") { type2 = "flowchart"; } results[type2] = results[prop]; delete results[prop]; } }); } return results; }; const detectDirective = function(text, type2 = null) { try { const commentWithoutDirectives = new RegExp( `[%]{2}(?![{]${directiveWithoutOpen.source})(?=[}][%]{2}).* `, "ig" ); text = text.trim().replace(commentWithoutDirectives, "").replace(/'/gm, '"'); log$1.debug( `Detecting diagram directive${type2 !== null ? " type:" + type2 : ""} based on the text:${text}` ); let match; const result = []; while ((match = directive.exec(text)) !== null) { if (match.index === directive.lastIndex) { directive.lastIndex++; } if (match && !type2 || type2 && match[1] && match[1].match(type2) || type2 && match[2] && match[2].match(type2)) { const type22 = match[1] ? match[1] : match[2]; const args = match[3] ? match[3].trim() : match[4] ? JSON.parse(match[4].trim()) : null; result.push({ type: type22, args }); } } if (result.length === 0) { result.push({ type: text, args: null }); } return result.length === 1 ? result[0] : result; } catch (error) { log$1.error( `ERROR: ${error.message} - Unable to parse directive ${type2 !== null ? " type:" + type2 : ""} based on the text:${text}` ); return { type: null, args: null }; } }; const isSubstringInArray = function(str2, arr) { for (const [i, element] of arr.entries()) { if (element.match(str2)) { return i; } } return -1; }; function interpolateToCurve(interpolate, defaultCurve) { if (!interpolate) { return defaultCurve; } const curveName = `curve${interpolate.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + interpolate.slice(1)}`; return d3CurveTypes[curveName] || defaultCurve; } function formatUrl(linkStr, config) { const url = linkStr.trim(); if (url) { if (config.securityLevel !== "loose") { return sanitizeUrl(url); } return url; } } const runFunc = (functionName, ...params) => { const arrPaths = functionName.split("."); const len = arrPaths.length - 1; const fnName = arrPaths[len]; let obj = window; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj = obj[arrPaths[i]]; if (!obj) { return; } } obj[fnName](...params); }; function distance(p1, p2) { return p1 && p2 ? Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2)) : 0; } function traverseEdge(points) { let prevPoint; let totalDistance = 0; points.forEach((point) => { totalDistance += distance(point, prevPoint); prevPoint = point; }); let remainingDistance = totalDistance / 2; let center = void 0; prevPoint = void 0; points.forEach((point) => { if (prevPoint && !center) { const vectorDistance = distance(point, prevPoint); if (vectorDistance < remainingDistance) { remainingDistance -= vectorDistance; } else { const distanceRatio = remainingDistance / vectorDistance; if (distanceRatio <= 0) { center = prevPoint; } if (distanceRatio >= 1) { center = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; } if (distanceRatio > 0 && distanceRatio < 1) { center = { x: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.x + distanceRatio * point.x, y: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.y + distanceRatio * point.y }; } } } prevPoint = point; }); return center; } function calcLabelPosition(points) { if (points.length === 1) { return points[0]; } return traverseEdge(points); } const calcCardinalityPosition = (isRelationTypePresent, points, initialPosition) => { let prevPoint; log$`our points ${JSON.stringify(points)}`); if (points[0] !== initialPosition) { points = points.reverse(); } const distanceToCardinalityPoint = 25; let remainingDistance = distanceToCardinalityPoint; let center; prevPoint = void 0; points.forEach((point) => { if (prevPoint && !center) { const vectorDistance = distance(point, prevPoint); if (vectorDistance < remainingDistance) { remainingDistance -= vectorDistance; } else { const distanceRatio = remainingDistance / vectorDistance; if (distanceRatio <= 0) { center = prevPoint; } if (distanceRatio >= 1) { center = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; } if (distanceRatio > 0 && distanceRatio < 1) { center = { x: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.x + distanceRatio * point.x, y: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.y + distanceRatio * point.y }; } } } prevPoint = point; }); const d = isRelationTypePresent ? 10 : 5; const angle = Math.atan2(points[0].y - center.y, points[0].x - center.x); const cardinalityPosition = { x: 0, y: 0 }; cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2; return cardinalityPosition; }; function calcTerminalLabelPosition(terminalMarkerSize, position, _points) { let points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_points)); let prevPoint; log$"our points", points); if (position !== "start_left" && position !== "start_right") { points = points.reverse(); } points.forEach((point) => { prevPoint = point; }); const distanceToCardinalityPoint = 25 + terminalMarkerSize; let remainingDistance = distanceToCardinalityPoint; let center; prevPoint = void 0; points.forEach((point) => { if (prevPoint && !center) { const vectorDistance = distance(point, prevPoint); if (vectorDistance < remainingDistance) { remainingDistance -= vectorDistance; } else { const distanceRatio = remainingDistance / vectorDistance; if (distanceRatio <= 0) { center = prevPoint; } if (distanceRatio >= 1) { center = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; } if (distanceRatio > 0 && distanceRatio < 1) { center = { x: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.x + distanceRatio * point.x, y: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.y + distanceRatio * point.y }; } } } prevPoint = point; }); const d = 10 + terminalMarkerSize * 0.5; const angle = Math.atan2(points[0].y - center.y, points[0].x - center.x); const cardinalityPosition = { x: 0, y: 0 }; cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2; if (position === "start_left") { cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle + Math.PI) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle + Math.PI) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2; } if (position === "end_right") { cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle - Math.PI) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2 - 5; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle - Math.PI) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2 - 5; } if (position === "end_left") { cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2 - 5; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2 - 5; } return cardinalityPosition; } function getStylesFromArray(arr) { let style = ""; let labelStyle = ""; for (const element of arr) { if (element !== void 0) { if (element.startsWith("color:") || element.startsWith("text-align:")) { labelStyle = labelStyle + element + ";"; } else { style = style + element + ";"; } } } return { style, labelStyle }; } let cnt = 0; const generateId = () => { cnt++; return "id-" + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 12) + "-" + cnt; }; function makeid(length) { let result = ""; const characters = "0123456789abcdef"; const charactersLength = characters.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; } const random = (options) => { return makeid(options.length); }; const getTextObj = function() { return { x: 0, y: 0, fill: void 0, anchor: "start", style: "#666", width: 100, height: 100, textMargin: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, valign: void 0 }; }; const drawSimpleText = function(elem, textData) { const nText = textData.text.replace(common$1.lineBreakRegex, " "); const [, _fontSizePx] = parseFontSize(textData.fontSize); const textElem = elem.append("text"); textElem.attr("x", textData.x); textElem.attr("y", textData.y);"text-anchor", textData.anchor);"font-family", textData.fontFamily);"font-size", _fontSizePx);"font-weight", textData.fontWeight); textElem.attr("fill", textData.fill); if (textData.class !== void 0) { textElem.attr("class", textData.class); } const span = textElem.append("tspan"); span.attr("x", textData.x + textData.textMargin * 2); span.attr("fill", textData.fill); span.text(nText); return textElem; }; const wrapLabel = memoize( (label, maxWidth, config) => { if (!label) { return label; } config = Object.assign( { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial", joinWith: "
" }, config ); if (common$1.lineBreakRegex.test(label)) { return label; } const words = label.split(" "); const completedLines = []; let nextLine = ""; words.forEach((word, index) => { const wordLength = calculateTextWidth(`${word} `, config); const nextLineLength = calculateTextWidth(nextLine, config); if (wordLength > maxWidth) { const { hyphenatedStrings, remainingWord } = breakString(word, maxWidth, "-", config); completedLines.push(nextLine, ...hyphenatedStrings); nextLine = remainingWord; } else if (nextLineLength + wordLength >= maxWidth) { completedLines.push(nextLine); nextLine = word; } else { nextLine = [nextLine, word].filter(Boolean).join(" "); } const currentWord = index + 1; const isLastWord = currentWord === words.length; if (isLastWord) { completedLines.push(nextLine); } }); return completedLines.filter((line) => line !== "").join(config.joinWith); }, (label, maxWidth, config) => `${label}${maxWidth}${config.fontSize}${config.fontWeight}${config.fontFamily}${config.joinWith}` ); const breakString = memoize( (word, maxWidth, hyphenCharacter = "-", config) => { config = Object.assign( { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial", margin: 0 }, config ); const characters = [...word]; const lines = []; let currentLine = ""; characters.forEach((character, index) => { const nextLine = `${currentLine}${character}`; const lineWidth = calculateTextWidth(nextLine, config); if (lineWidth >= maxWidth) { const currentCharacter = index + 1; const isLastLine = characters.length === currentCharacter; const hyphenatedNextLine = `${nextLine}${hyphenCharacter}`; lines.push(isLastLine ? nextLine : hyphenatedNextLine); currentLine = ""; } else { currentLine = nextLine; } }); return { hyphenatedStrings: lines, remainingWord: currentLine }; }, (word, maxWidth, hyphenCharacter = "-", config) => `${word}${maxWidth}${hyphenCharacter}${config.fontSize}${config.fontWeight}${config.fontFamily}` ); function calculateTextHeight(text, config) { config = Object.assign( { fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial", margin: 15 }, config ); return calculateTextDimensions(text, config).height; } function calculateTextWidth(text, config) { config = Object.assign({ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial" }, config); return calculateTextDimensions(text, config).width; } const calculateTextDimensions = memoize( (text, config) => { config = Object.assign({ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: "Arial" }, config); const { fontSize, fontFamily, fontWeight } = config; if (!text) { return { width: 0, height: 0 }; } const [, _fontSizePx] = parseFontSize(fontSize); const fontFamilies = ["sans-serif", fontFamily]; const lines = text.split(common$1.lineBreakRegex); const dims = []; const body = select("body"); if (!body.remove) { return { width: 0, height: 0, lineHeight: 0 }; } const g = body.append("svg"); for (const fontFamily2 of fontFamilies) { let cheight = 0; const dim = { width: 0, height: 0, lineHeight: 0 }; for (const line of lines) { const textObj = getTextObj(); textObj.text = line; const textElem = drawSimpleText(g, textObj).style("font-size", _fontSizePx).style("font-weight", fontWeight).style("font-family", fontFamily2); const bBox = (textElem._groups || textElem)[0][0].getBBox(); dim.width = Math.round(Math.max(dim.width, bBox.width)); cheight = Math.round(bBox.height); dim.height += cheight; dim.lineHeight = Math.round(Math.max(dim.lineHeight, cheight)); } dims.push(dim); } g.remove(); const index = isNaN(dims[1].height) || isNaN(dims[1].width) || isNaN(dims[1].lineHeight) || dims[0].height > dims[1].height && dims[0].width > dims[1].width && dims[0].lineHeight > dims[1].lineHeight ? 0 : 1; return dims[index]; }, (text, config) => `${text}${config.fontSize}${config.fontWeight}${config.fontFamily}` ); const initIdGenerator = class iterator { constructor(deterministic, seed) { this.deterministic = deterministic; this.seed = seed; this.count = seed ? seed.length : 0; } next() { if (!this.deterministic) { return; } return this.count++; } }; let decoder; const entityDecode = function(html) { decoder = decoder || document.createElement("div"); html = escape(html).replace(/%26/g, "&").replace(/%23/g, "#").replace(/%3B/g, ";"); decoder.innerHTML = html; return unescape(decoder.textContent); }; const directiveSanitizer = (args) => { log$1.debug("directiveSanitizer called with", args); if (typeof args === "object") { if (args.length) { args.forEach((arg) => directiveSanitizer(arg)); } else { Object.keys(args).forEach((key) => { log$1.debug("Checking key", key); if (key.startsWith("__")) { log$1.debug("sanitize deleting __ option", key); delete args[key]; } if (key.includes("proto")) { log$1.debug("sanitize deleting proto option", key); delete args[key]; } if (key.includes("constr")) { log$1.debug("sanitize deleting constr option", key); delete args[key]; } if (key.includes("themeCSS")) { log$1.debug("sanitizing themeCss option"); args[key] = sanitizeCss(args[key]); } if (key.includes("fontFamily")) { log$1.debug("sanitizing fontFamily option"); args[key] = sanitizeCss(args[key]); } if (key.includes("altFontFamily")) { log$1.debug("sanitizing altFontFamily option"); args[key] = sanitizeCss(args[key]); } if (!configKeys.includes(key)) { log$1.debug("sanitize deleting option", key); delete args[key]; } else { if (typeof args[key] === "object") { log$1.debug("sanitize deleting object", key); directiveSanitizer(args[key]); } } }); } } if (args.themeVariables) { const kArr = Object.keys(args.themeVariables); for (const k of kArr) { const val = args.themeVariables[k]; if (val && val.match && !val.match(/^[\d "#%(),.;A-Za-z]+$/)) { args.themeVariables[k] = ""; } } } log$1.debug("After sanitization", args); }; const sanitizeCss = (str2) => { let startCnt = 0; let endCnt = 0; for (const element of str2) { if (startCnt < endCnt) { return "{ /* ERROR: Unbalanced CSS */ }"; } if (element === "{") { startCnt++; } else if (element === "}") { endCnt++; } } if (startCnt !== endCnt) { return "{ /* ERROR: Unbalanced CSS */ }"; } return str2; }; function isDetailedError(error) { return "str" in error; } function getErrorMessage(error) { if (error instanceof Error) { return error.message; } return String(error); } const insertTitle = (parent, cssClass, titleTopMargin, title) => { if (!title) { return; } const bounds = parent.node().getBBox(); parent.append("text").text(title).attr("x", bounds.x + bounds.width / 2).attr("y", -titleTopMargin).attr("class", cssClass); }; const parseFontSize = (fontSize) => { if (typeof fontSize === "number") { return [fontSize, fontSize + "px"]; } const fontSizeNumber = parseInt(fontSize, 10); if (Number.isNaN(fontSizeNumber)) { return [void 0, void 0]; } else if (fontSize === String(fontSizeNumber)) { return [fontSizeNumber, fontSize + "px"]; } else { return [fontSizeNumber, fontSize]; } }; const utils = { assignWithDepth, wrapLabel, calculateTextHeight, calculateTextWidth, calculateTextDimensions, detectInit, detectDirective, isSubstringInArray, interpolateToCurve, calcLabelPosition, calcCardinalityPosition, calcTerminalLabelPosition, formatUrl, getStylesFromArray, generateId, random, runFunc, entityDecode, initIdGenerator, directiveSanitizer, sanitizeCss, insertTitle, parseFontSize }; export { UnknownDiagramError as U, registerDiagram as a, getDiagramLoader as b, directiveSanitizer as c, detectType as d, extractFrontMatter as e, getStyles$1 as f, getDiagram as g, getErrorMessage as h, isDetailedError as i, calculateTextWidth as j, calculateTextHeight as k, loadRegisteredDiagrams as l, getStylesFromArray as m, interpolateToCurve as n, random as o, parseDirective$1 as p, getConfig as q, registerLazyLoadedDiagrams as r, setupGraphViewbox as s, parseFontSize as t, utils as u, generateId as v, wrapLabel as w }; //#