import { select } from "d3"; import { serialize, compile, stringify } from "stylis"; import { g as getConfig, l as log, f as setConfig, h as getSiteConfig, u as updateSiteConfig, r as reset, i as defaultConfig, s as setLogLevel, a as addDirective, j as evaluate, k as saveConfigFromInitialize, t as theme, m as setSiteConfig } from "./config-389b86ff.js"; import { a as registerDiagram, r as registerLazyLoadedDiagrams, d as detectType, g as getDiagram, e as extractFrontMatter, b as getDiagramLoader, U as UnknownDiagramError, p as parseDirective, u as utils, c as directiveSanitizer, f as getStyles } from "./utils-d5eeff82.js"; import { r as renderer } from "./errorRenderer-d05351b9.js"; import DOMPurify from "dompurify"; import isEmpty from "lodash-es/isEmpty.js"; const version = "10.0.2"; const id$i = "c4"; const detector$i = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*C4Context|C4Container|C4Component|C4Dynamic|C4Deployment/) !== null; }; const loader$i = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./c4Diagram-f9e67060.js"); return { id: id$i, diagram }; }; const plugin$i = { id: id$i, detector: detector$i, loader: loader$i }; const c4 = plugin$i; const id$h = "flowchart"; const detector$h = (txt, config) => { var _a, _b; if (((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" || ((_b = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _b.defaultRenderer) === "elk") { return false; } return txt.match(/^\s*graph/) !== null; }; const loader$h = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./flowDiagram-42bb1e4d.js"); return { id: id$h, diagram }; }; const plugin$h = { id: id$h, detector: detector$h, loader: loader$h }; const flowchart = plugin$h; const id$g = "flowchart-v2"; const detector$g = (txt, config) => { var _a, _b, _c; if (((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-d3" || ((_b = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _b.defaultRenderer) === "elk") { return false; } if (txt.match(/^\s*graph/) !== null && ((_c = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _c.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return true; } return txt.match(/^\s*flowchart/) !== null; }; const loader$g = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./flowDiagram-v2-4c9a7611.js"); return { id: id$g, diagram }; }; const plugin$g = { id: id$g, detector: detector$g, loader: loader$g }; const flowchartV2 = plugin$g; const id$f = "er"; const detector$f = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*erDiagram/) !== null; }; const loader$f = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./erDiagram-25977acd.js"); return { id: id$f, diagram }; }; const plugin$f = { id: id$f, detector: detector$f, loader: loader$f }; const er = plugin$f; const id$e = "gitGraph"; const detector$e = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*gitGraph/) !== null; }; const loader$e = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./gitGraphDiagram-30dcca6d.js"); return { id: id$e, diagram }; }; const plugin$e = { id: id$e, detector: detector$e, loader: loader$e }; const git = plugin$e; const id$d = "gantt"; const detector$d = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*gantt/) !== null; }; const loader$d = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./ganttDiagram-41439120.js"); return { id: id$d, diagram }; }; const plugin$d = { id: id$d, detector: detector$d, loader: loader$d }; const gantt = plugin$d; const id$c = "info"; const detector$c = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*info/) !== null; }; const loader$c = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./infoDiagram-1b335302.js"); return { id: id$c, diagram }; }; const plugin$c = { id: id$c, detector: detector$c, loader: loader$c }; const info = plugin$c; const id$b = "pie"; const detector$b = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*pie/) !== null; }; const loader$b = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./pieDiagram-905ac727.js"); return { id: id$b, diagram }; }; const plugin$b = { id: id$b, detector: detector$b, loader: loader$b }; const pie = plugin$b; const id$a = "requirement"; const detector$a = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*requirement(Diagram)?/) !== null; }; const loader$a = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./requirementDiagram-84e9ae78.js"); return { id: id$a, diagram }; }; const plugin$a = { id: id$a, detector: detector$a, loader: loader$a }; const requirement = plugin$a; const id$9 = "sequence"; const detector$9 = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*sequenceDiagram/) !== null; }; const loader$9 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./sequenceDiagram-2c95880e.js"); return { id: id$9, diagram }; }; const plugin$9 = { id: id$9, detector: detector$9, loader: loader$9 }; const sequence = plugin$9; const id$8 = "class"; const detector$8 = (txt, config) => { var _a; if (((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.class) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return false; } return txt.match(/^\s*classDiagram/) !== null; }; const loader$8 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./classDiagram-4456d403.js"); return { id: id$8, diagram }; }; const plugin$8 = { id: id$8, detector: detector$8, loader: loader$8 }; const classDiagram = plugin$8; const id$7 = "classDiagram"; const detector$7 = (txt, config) => { var _a; if (txt.match(/^\s*classDiagram/) !== null && ((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.class) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return true; } return txt.match(/^\s*classDiagram-v2/) !== null; }; const loader$7 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./classDiagram-v2-539b00ca.js"); return { id: id$7, diagram }; }; const plugin$7 = { id: id$7, detector: detector$7, loader: loader$7 }; const classDiagramV2 = plugin$7; const id$6 = "state"; const detector$6 = (txt, config) => { var _a; if (((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.state) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return false; } return txt.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) !== null; }; const loader$6 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./stateDiagram-95825141.js"); return { id: id$6, diagram }; }; const plugin$6 = { id: id$6, detector: detector$6, loader: loader$6 }; const state = plugin$6; const id$5 = "stateDiagram"; const detector$5 = (text, config) => { var _a, _b; if (text.match(/^\s*stateDiagram-v2/) !== null) { return true; } if (text.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) && ((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.state) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return true; } if (text.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) && ((_b = config == null ? void 0 : config.state) == null ? void 0 : _b.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper") { return true; } return false; }; const loader$5 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./stateDiagram-v2-1cc5d8ed.js"); return { id: id$5, diagram }; }; const plugin$5 = { id: id$5, detector: detector$5, loader: loader$5 }; const stateV2 = plugin$5; const id$4 = "journey"; const detector$4 = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*journey/) !== null; }; const loader$4 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./journeyDiagram-ded66ec9.js"); return { id: id$4, diagram }; }; const plugin$4 = { id: id$4, detector: detector$4, loader: loader$4 }; const journey = plugin$4; const id$3 = "error"; const detector$3 = (text) => { return text.toLowerCase().trim() === "error"; }; const loader$3 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./errorDiagram-bb949655.js"); return { id: id$3, diagram }; }; const plugin$3 = { id: id$3, detector: detector$3, loader: loader$3 }; const error = plugin$3; const id$2 = "flowchart-elk"; const detector$2 = (txt, config) => { var _a; if ( // If diagram explicitly states flowchart-elk txt.match(/^\s*flowchart-elk/) || // If a flowchart/graph diagram has their default renderer set to elk txt.match(/^\s*flowchart|graph/) && ((_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _a.defaultRenderer) === "elk" ) { return true; } return false; }; const loader$2 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./flowchart-elk-definition-c9fc5e04.js"); return { id: id$2, diagram }; }; const plugin$2 = { id: id$2, detector: detector$2, loader: loader$2 }; const flowchartElk = plugin$2; const id$1 = "timeline"; const detector$1 = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*timeline/) !== null; }; const loader$1 = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./timeline-definition-24ebf147.js"); return { id: id$1, diagram }; }; const plugin$1 = { id: id$1, detector: detector$1, loader: loader$1 }; const timeline = plugin$1; const id = "mindmap"; const detector = (txt) => { return txt.match(/^\s*mindmap/) !== null; }; const loader = async () => { const { diagram } = await import("./mindmap-definition-c8a05b8a.js"); return { id, diagram }; }; const plugin = { id, detector, loader }; const mindmap = plugin; let hasLoadedDiagrams = false; const addDiagrams = () => { if (hasLoadedDiagrams) { return; } hasLoadedDiagrams = true; registerDiagram( "---", // --- diagram type may appear if YAML front-matter is not parsed correctly { db: { clear: () => { } }, styles: {}, // should never be used renderer: {}, // should never be used parser: { parser: { yy: {} }, parse: () => { throw new Error( "Diagrams beginning with --- are not valid. If you were trying to use a YAML front-matter, please ensure that you've correctly opened and closed the YAML front-matter with un-indented `---` blocks" ); } }, init: () => null // no op }, (text) => { return text.toLowerCase().trimStart().startsWith("---"); } ); registerLazyLoadedDiagrams( error, c4, classDiagramV2, classDiagram, er, gantt, info, pie, requirement, sequence, flowchartElk, flowchartV2, flowchart, mindmap, timeline, git, stateV2, state, journey ); }; class Diagram { constructor(text) { var _a, _b; this.text = text; this.type = "graph"; this.text += "\n"; const cnf = getConfig(); try { this.type = detectType(text, cnf); } catch (e) { this.type = "error"; this.detectError = e; } const diagram = getDiagram(this.type); log.debug("Type " + this.type); this.db = diagram.db; (_b = (_a = this.db).clear) == null ? void 0 :; this.renderer = diagram.renderer; this.parser = diagram.parser; const originalParse = this.parser.parse.bind(this.parser); this.parser.parse = (text2) => originalParse(extractFrontMatter(text2, this.db)); this.parser.parser.yy = this.db; if (diagram.init) { diagram.init(cnf);"Initialized diagram " + this.type, cnf); } this.parse(); } parse() { var _a, _b; if (this.detectError) { throw this.detectError; } (_b = (_a = this.db).clear) == null ? void 0 :; this.parser.parse(this.text); } async render(id2, version2) { await this.renderer.draw(this.text, id2, version2, this); } getParser() { return this.parser; } getType() { return this.type; } } const getDiagramFromText = async (text) => { const type = detectType(text, getConfig()); try { getDiagram(type); } catch (error2) { const loader2 = getDiagramLoader(type); if (!loader2) { throw new UnknownDiagramError(`Diagram ${type} not found.`); } const { id: id2, diagram } = await loader2(); registerDiagram(id2, diagram); } return new Diagram(text); }; let interactionFunctions = []; const addFunction = (func) => { interactionFunctions.push(func); }; const attachFunctions = () => { interactionFunctions.forEach((f) => { f(); }); interactionFunctions = []; }; const SVG_ROLE = "graphics-document document"; function setA11yDiagramInfo(svg, diagramType) { svg.attr("role", SVG_ROLE); if (!isEmpty(diagramType)) { svg.attr("aria-roledescription", diagramType); } } function addSVGa11yTitleDescription(svg, a11yTitle, a11yDesc, baseId) { if (svg.insert === void 0) { return; } if (a11yTitle || a11yDesc) { if (a11yDesc) { const descId = "chart-desc-" + baseId; svg.attr("aria-describedby", descId); svg.insert("desc", ":first-child").attr("id", descId).text(a11yDesc); } if (a11yTitle) { const titleId = "chart-title-" + baseId; svg.attr("aria-labelledby", titleId); svg.insert("title", ":first-child").attr("id", titleId).text(a11yTitle); } } else { return; } } const CLASSDEF_DIAGRAMS = ["graph", "flowchart", "flowchart-v2", "stateDiagram", "stateDiagram-v2"]; const MAX_TEXTLENGTH = 5e4; const MAX_TEXTLENGTH_EXCEEDED_MSG = "graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa"; const SECURITY_LVL_SANDBOX = "sandbox"; const SECURITY_LVL_LOOSE = "loose"; const XMLNS_SVG_STD = ""; const XMLNS_XLINK_STD = ""; const XMLNS_XHTML_STD = ""; const IFRAME_WIDTH = "100%"; const IFRAME_HEIGHT = "100%"; const IFRAME_STYLES = "border:0;margin:0;"; const IFRAME_BODY_STYLE = "margin:0"; const IFRAME_SANDBOX_OPTS = "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups"; const IFRAME_NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG = 'The "iframe" tag is not supported by your browser.'; const DOMPURIFY_TAGS = ["foreignobject"]; const DOMPURIFY_ATTR = ["dominant-baseline"]; async function parse(text, parseOptions) { addDiagrams(); let error2; try { const diagram = await getDiagramFromText(text); diagram.parse(); } catch (err) { error2 = err; } if (parseOptions == null ? void 0 : parseOptions.suppressErrors) { return error2 === void 0; } if (error2) { throw error2; } } const encodeEntities = function(text) { let txt = text; txt = txt.replace(/style.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(s) { return s.substring(0, s.length - 1); }); txt = txt.replace(/classDef.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(s) { return s.substring(0, s.length - 1); }); txt = txt.replace(/#\w+;/g, function(s) { const innerTxt = s.substring(1, s.length - 1); const isInt = /^\+?\d+$/.test(innerTxt); if (isInt) { return "fl°°" + innerTxt + "¶ß"; } else { return "fl°" + innerTxt + "¶ß"; } }); return txt; }; const decodeEntities = function(text) { let txt = text; txt = txt.replace(/fl°°/g, "&#"); txt = txt.replace(/fl°/g, "&"); txt = txt.replace(/¶ß/g, ";"); return txt; }; const cssImportantStyles = (cssClass, element, cssClasses = []) => { return ` .${cssClass} ${element} { ${cssClasses.join(" !important; ")} !important; }`; }; const createCssStyles = (config, graphType, classDefs = {}) => { var _a; let cssStyles = ""; if (config.themeCSS !== void 0) { cssStyles += ` ${config.themeCSS}`; } if (config.fontFamily !== void 0) { cssStyles += ` :root { --mermaid-font-family: ${config.fontFamily}}`; } if (config.altFontFamily !== void 0) { cssStyles += ` :root { --mermaid-alt-font-family: ${config.altFontFamily}}`; } if (!isEmpty(classDefs) && CLASSDEF_DIAGRAMS.includes(graphType)) { const htmlLabels = config.htmlLabels || ((_a = config.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : _a.htmlLabels); const cssHtmlElements = ["> *", "span"]; const cssShapeElements = ["rect", "polygon", "ellipse", "circle", "path"]; const cssElements = htmlLabels ? cssHtmlElements : cssShapeElements; for (const classId in classDefs) { const styleClassDef = classDefs[classId]; if (!isEmpty(styleClassDef.styles)) { cssElements.forEach((cssElement) => { cssStyles += cssImportantStyles(, cssElement, styleClassDef.styles); }); } if (!isEmpty(styleClassDef.textStyles)) { cssStyles += cssImportantStyles(, "tspan", styleClassDef.textStyles); } } } return cssStyles; }; const createUserStyles = (config, graphType, classDefs, svgId) => { const userCSSstyles = createCssStyles(config, graphType, classDefs); const allStyles = getStyles(graphType, userCSSstyles, config.themeVariables); return serialize(compile(`${svgId}{${allStyles}}`), stringify); }; const cleanUpSvgCode = (svgCode = "", inSandboxMode, useArrowMarkerUrls) => { let cleanedUpSvg = svgCode; if (!useArrowMarkerUrls && !inSandboxMode) { cleanedUpSvg = cleanedUpSvg.replace(/marker-end="url\(.*?#/g, 'marker-end="url(#'); } cleanedUpSvg = decodeEntities(cleanedUpSvg); cleanedUpSvg = cleanedUpSvg.replace(/
/g, "
"); return cleanedUpSvg; }; const putIntoIFrame = (svgCode = "", svgElement) => { const height = svgElement ? svgElement.viewBox.baseVal.height + "px" : IFRAME_HEIGHT; const base64encodedSrc = btoa('' + svgCode + ""); return ``; }; const appendDivSvgG = (parentRoot, id2, enclosingDivId, divStyle, svgXlink) => { const enclosingDiv = parentRoot.append("div"); enclosingDiv.attr("id", enclosingDivId); if (divStyle) { enclosingDiv.attr("style", divStyle); } const svgNode = enclosingDiv.append("svg").attr("id", id2).attr("width", "100%").attr("xmlns", XMLNS_SVG_STD); if (svgXlink) { svgNode.attr("xmlns:xlink", svgXlink); } svgNode.append("g"); return parentRoot; }; function sandboxedIframe(parentNode, iFrameId) { return parentNode.append("iframe").attr("id", iFrameId).attr("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%;").attr("sandbox", ""); } const removeExistingElements = (doc, id2, divId, iFrameId) => { var _a, _b, _c; (_a = doc.getElementById(id2)) == null ? void 0 : _a.remove(); (_b = doc.getElementById(divId)) == null ? void 0 : _b.remove(); (_c = doc.getElementById(iFrameId)) == null ? void 0 : _c.remove(); }; const render = async function(id2, text, svgContainingElement) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; addDiagrams(); reset(); const graphInit = utils.detectInit(text); if (graphInit) { directiveSanitizer(graphInit); addDirective(graphInit); } const config = getConfig(); log.debug(config); if (text.length > ((config == null ? void 0 : config.maxTextSize) ?? MAX_TEXTLENGTH)) { text = MAX_TEXTLENGTH_EXCEEDED_MSG; } text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); const idSelector = "#" + id2; const iFrameID = "i" + id2; const iFrameID_selector = "#" + iFrameID; const enclosingDivID = "d" + id2; const enclosingDivID_selector = "#" + enclosingDivID; let root = select("body"); const isSandboxed = config.securityLevel === SECURITY_LVL_SANDBOX; const isLooseSecurityLevel = config.securityLevel === SECURITY_LVL_LOOSE; const fontFamily = config.fontFamily; if (svgContainingElement !== void 0) { if (svgContainingElement) { svgContainingElement.innerHTML = ""; } if (isSandboxed) { const iframe = sandboxedIframe(select(svgContainingElement), iFrameID); root = select(iframe.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body); root.node().style.margin = 0; } else { root = select(svgContainingElement); } appendDivSvgG(root, id2, enclosingDivID, `font-family: ${fontFamily}`, XMLNS_XLINK_STD); } else { removeExistingElements(document, id2, enclosingDivID, iFrameID); if (isSandboxed) { const iframe = sandboxedIframe(select("body"), iFrameID); root = select(iframe.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body); root.node().style.margin = 0; } else { root = select("body"); } appendDivSvgG(root, id2, enclosingDivID); } text = encodeEntities(text); let diag; let parseEncounteredException; try { diag = await getDiagramFromText(text); } catch (error2) { diag = new Diagram("error"); parseEncounteredException = error2; } const element =; const graphType = diag.type; const svg = element.firstChild; const firstChild = svg.firstChild; const diagramClassDefs = CLASSDEF_DIAGRAMS.includes(graphType) ? diag.renderer.getClasses(text, diag) : {}; const rules = createUserStyles( config, graphType, // @ts-ignore convert renderer to TS. diagramClassDefs, idSelector ); const style1 = document.createElement("style"); style1.innerHTML = rules; svg.insertBefore(style1, firstChild); try { await diag.renderer.draw(text, id2, version, diag); } catch (e) { renderer.draw(text, id2, version); throw e; } const svgNode =`${enclosingDivID_selector} svg`); const a11yTitle = (_b = (_a = diag.db).getAccTitle) == null ? void 0 :; const a11yDescr = (_d = (_c = diag.db).getAccDescription) == null ? void 0 :; addA11yInfo(graphType, svgNode, a11yTitle, a11yDescr);`[id="${id2}"]`).selectAll("foreignobject > *").attr("xmlns", XMLNS_XHTML_STD); let svgCode =; log.debug("config.arrowMarkerAbsolute", config.arrowMarkerAbsolute); svgCode = cleanUpSvgCode(svgCode, isSandboxed, evaluate(config.arrowMarkerAbsolute)); if (isSandboxed) { const svgEl = + " svg").node(); svgCode = putIntoIFrame(svgCode, svgEl); } else if (!isLooseSecurityLevel) { svgCode = DOMPurify.sanitize(svgCode, { ADD_TAGS: DOMPURIFY_TAGS, ADD_ATTR: DOMPURIFY_ATTR }); } attachFunctions(); const tmpElementSelector = isSandboxed ? iFrameID_selector : enclosingDivID_selector; const node = select(tmpElementSelector).node(); if (node && "remove" in node) { node.remove(); } if (parseEncounteredException) { throw parseEncounteredException; } return { svg: svgCode, bindFunctions: diag.db.bindFunctions }; }; function initialize(options = {}) { var _a; if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.fontFamily) && !((_a = options.themeVariables) == null ? void 0 : _a.fontFamily)) { if (!options.themeVariables) { options.themeVariables = {}; } options.themeVariables.fontFamily = options.fontFamily; } saveConfigFromInitialize(options); if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.theme) && options.theme in theme) { options.themeVariables = theme[options.theme].getThemeVariables( options.themeVariables ); } else if (options) { options.themeVariables = theme.default.getThemeVariables(options.themeVariables); } const config = typeof options === "object" ? setSiteConfig(options) : getSiteConfig(); setLogLevel(config.logLevel); addDiagrams(); } function addA11yInfo(graphType, svgNode, a11yTitle, a11yDescr) { setA11yDiagramInfo(svgNode, graphType); addSVGa11yTitleDescription(svgNode, a11yTitle, a11yDescr, svgNode.attr("id")); } const mermaidAPI = Object.freeze({ render, parse, parseDirective, initialize, getConfig, setConfig, getSiteConfig, updateSiteConfig, reset: () => { reset(); }, globalReset: () => { reset(defaultConfig); }, defaultConfig }); setLogLevel(getConfig().logLevel); reset(getConfig()); export { addFunction as a, decodeEntities as d, mermaidAPI as m }; //#