import type { MermaidConfig } from '../../config.type.js'; export declare const lineBreakRegex: RegExp; /** * Gets the rows of lines in a string * * @param s - The string to check the lines for * @returns The rows in that string */ export declare const getRows: (s?: string) => string[]; /** * Removes script tags from a text * * @param txt - The text to sanitize * @returns The safer text */ export declare const removeScript: (txt: string) => string; export declare const sanitizeText: (text: string, config: MermaidConfig) => string; export declare const sanitizeTextOrArray: (a: string | string[] | string[][], config: MermaidConfig) => string | string[]; /** * Whether or not a text has any line breaks * * @param text - The text to test * @returns Whether or not the text has breaks */ export declare const hasBreaks: (text: string) => boolean; /** * Splits on
tags * * @param text - Text to split * @returns List of lines as strings */ export declare const splitBreaks: (text: string) => string[]; /** * Converts a string/boolean into a boolean * * @param val - String or boolean to convert * @returns The result from the input */ export declare const evaluate: (val?: string | boolean) => boolean; /** * Wrapper around Math.max which removes non-numeric values * Returns the larger of a set of supplied numeric expressions. * @param values - Numeric expressions to be evaluated * @returns The smaller value */ export declare const getMax: (...values: number[]) => number; /** * Wrapper around Math.min which removes non-numeric values * Returns the smaller of a set of supplied numeric expressions. * @param values - Numeric expressions to be evaluated * @returns The smaller value */ export declare const getMin: (...values: number[]) => number; /** * Makes generics in typescript syntax * * @example * Array of array of strings in typescript syntax * * ```js * // returns "Array>" * parseGenericTypes('Array~Array~string~~'); * ``` * @param text - The text to convert * @returns The converted string */ export declare const parseGenericTypes: (input: string) => string; export declare const countOccurrence: (string: string, substring: string) => number; export declare const isMathMLSupported: () => boolean; export declare const katexRegex: RegExp; /** * Whether or not a text has KaTeX delimiters * * @param text - The text to test * @returns Whether or not the text has KaTeX delimiters */ export declare const hasKatex: (text: string) => boolean; /** * Computes the minimum dimensions needed to display a div containing MathML * * @param text - The text to test * @param config - Configuration for Mermaid * @returns Object containing \{width, height\} */ export declare const calculateMathMLDimensions: (text: string, config: MermaidConfig) => Promise<{ width: number; height: number; }>; /** * Attempts to render and return the KaTeX portion of a string with MathML * * @param text - The text to test * @param config - Configuration for Mermaid * @returns String containing MathML if KaTeX is supported, or an error message if it is not and stylesheets aren't present */ export declare const renderKatex: (text: string, config: MermaidConfig) => Promise; declare const _default: { getRows: (s?: string | undefined) => string[]; sanitizeText: (text: string, config: MermaidConfig) => string; sanitizeTextOrArray: (a: string | string[] | string[][], config: MermaidConfig) => string | string[]; hasBreaks: (text: string) => boolean; splitBreaks: (text: string) => string[]; lineBreakRegex: RegExp; removeScript: (txt: string) => string; getUrl: (useAbsolute: boolean) => string; evaluate: (val?: string | boolean | undefined) => boolean; getMax: (...values: number[]) => number; getMin: (...values: number[]) => number; }; export default _default;