import { m as Ve } from "./mermaidAPI-51c0c26b.js"; import { g as Ut, b as ve, e as le, c as je, f as Qt, l as _e } from "./config-e567ef17.js"; import { s as Ue, g as Fe, a as ze, b as Xe } from "./commonDb-4dc3d465.js"; import { s as ke, q as Yt, w as We, v as xe } from "./utils-aa888deb.js"; import { c as Qe } from "./setupGraphViewbox-a4603a92.js"; import "./errorRenderer-a3c4bedb.js"; var qt = function() { var e = function(Ot, _, x, m) { for (x = x || {}, m = Ot.length; m--; x[Ot[m]] = _) ; return x; }, t = [1, 6], i = [1, 7], o = [1, 8], l = [1, 9], n = [1, 16], r = [1, 11], a = [1, 12], s = [1, 13], u = [1, 14], d = [1, 15], y = [1, 27], p = [1, 33], C = [1, 34], T = [1, 35], R = [1, 36], D = [1, 37], L = [1, 72], Y = [1, 73], Q = [1, 74], H = [1, 75], q = [1, 76], G = [1, 77], K = [1, 78], J = [1, 38], Z = [1, 39], $ = [1, 40], tt = [1, 41], et = [1, 42], nt = [1, 43], it = [1, 44], st = [1, 45], at = [1, 46], rt = [1, 47], lt = [1, 48], ot = [1, 49], ct = [1, 50], ht = [1, 51], ut = [1, 52], dt = [1, 53], ft = [1, 54], pt = [1, 55], yt = [1, 56], gt = [1, 57], bt = [1, 59], _t = [1, 60], xt = [1, 61], mt = [1, 62], Et = [1, 63], vt = [1, 64], kt = [1, 65], At = [1, 66], Ct = [1, 67], wt = [1, 68], Tt = [1, 69], Nt = [24, 52], $t = [24, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], It = [15, 24, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], E = [1, 94], v = [1, 95], k = [1, 96], A = [1, 97], w = [15, 24, 52], fe = [7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28], pe = [15, 24, 43, 52], zt = [15, 24, 43, 52, 86, 87, 89, 90], Dt = [15, 43], te = [44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], ee = { trace: function() { }, yy: {}, symbols_: { error: 2, start: 3, mermaidDoc: 4, direction: 5, directive: 6, direction_tb: 7, direction_bt: 8, direction_rl: 9, direction_lr: 10, graphConfig: 11, openDirective: 12, typeDirective: 13, closeDirective: 14, NEWLINE: 15, ":": 16, argDirective: 17, open_directive: 18, type_directive: 19, arg_directive: 20, close_directive: 21, C4_CONTEXT: 22, statements: 23, EOF: 24, C4_CONTAINER: 25, C4_COMPONENT: 26, C4_DYNAMIC: 27, C4_DEPLOYMENT: 28, otherStatements: 29, diagramStatements: 30, otherStatement: 31, title: 32, accDescription: 33, acc_title: 34, acc_title_value: 35, acc_descr: 36, acc_descr_value: 37, acc_descr_multiline_value: 38, boundaryStatement: 39, boundaryStartStatement: 40, boundaryStopStatement: 41, boundaryStart: 42, LBRACE: 43, ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY: 44, attributes: 45, SYSTEM_BOUNDARY: 46, BOUNDARY: 47, CONTAINER_BOUNDARY: 48, NODE: 49, NODE_L: 50, NODE_R: 51, RBRACE: 52, diagramStatement: 53, PERSON: 54, PERSON_EXT: 55, SYSTEM: 56, SYSTEM_DB: 57, SYSTEM_QUEUE: 58, SYSTEM_EXT: 59, SYSTEM_EXT_DB: 60, SYSTEM_EXT_QUEUE: 61, CONTAINER: 62, CONTAINER_DB: 63, CONTAINER_QUEUE: 64, CONTAINER_EXT: 65, CONTAINER_EXT_DB: 66, CONTAINER_EXT_QUEUE: 67, COMPONENT: 68, COMPONENT_DB: 69, COMPONENT_QUEUE: 70, COMPONENT_EXT: 71, COMPONENT_EXT_DB: 72, COMPONENT_EXT_QUEUE: 73, REL: 74, BIREL: 75, REL_U: 76, REL_D: 77, REL_L: 78, REL_R: 79, REL_B: 80, REL_INDEX: 81, UPDATE_EL_STYLE: 82, UPDATE_REL_STYLE: 83, UPDATE_LAYOUT_CONFIG: 84, attribute: 85, STR: 86, STR_KEY: 87, STR_VALUE: 88, ATTRIBUTE: 89, ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY: 90, $accept: 0, $end: 1 }, terminals_: { 2: "error", 7: "direction_tb", 8: "direction_bt", 9: "direction_rl", 10: "direction_lr", 15: "NEWLINE", 16: ":", 18: "open_directive", 19: "type_directive", 20: "arg_directive", 21: "close_directive", 22: "C4_CONTEXT", 24: "EOF", 25: "C4_CONTAINER", 26: "C4_COMPONENT", 27: "C4_DYNAMIC", 28: "C4_DEPLOYMENT", 32: "title", 33: "accDescription", 34: "acc_title", 35: "acc_title_value", 36: "acc_descr", 37: "acc_descr_value", 38: "acc_descr_multiline_value", 43: "LBRACE", 44: "ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY", 46: "SYSTEM_BOUNDARY", 47: "BOUNDARY", 48: "CONTAINER_BOUNDARY", 49: "NODE", 50: "NODE_L", 51: "NODE_R", 52: "RBRACE", 54: "PERSON", 55: "PERSON_EXT", 56: "SYSTEM", 57: "SYSTEM_DB", 58: "SYSTEM_QUEUE", 59: "SYSTEM_EXT", 60: "SYSTEM_EXT_DB", 61: "SYSTEM_EXT_QUEUE", 62: "CONTAINER", 63: "CONTAINER_DB", 64: "CONTAINER_QUEUE", 65: "CONTAINER_EXT", 66: "CONTAINER_EXT_DB", 67: "CONTAINER_EXT_QUEUE", 68: "COMPONENT", 69: "COMPONENT_DB", 70: "COMPONENT_QUEUE", 71: "COMPONENT_EXT", 72: "COMPONENT_EXT_DB", 73: "COMPONENT_EXT_QUEUE", 74: "REL", 75: "BIREL", 76: "REL_U", 77: "REL_D", 78: "REL_L", 79: "REL_R", 80: "REL_B", 81: "REL_INDEX", 82: "UPDATE_EL_STYLE", 83: "UPDATE_REL_STYLE", 84: "UPDATE_LAYOUT_CONFIG", 86: "STR", 87: "STR_KEY", 88: "STR_VALUE", 89: "ATTRIBUTE", 90: "ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY" }, productions_: [0, [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [5, 1], [5, 1], [5, 1], [5, 1], [4, 1], [6, 4], [6, 6], [12, 1], [13, 1], [17, 1], [14, 1], [11, 4], [11, 4], [11, 4], [11, 4], [11, 4], [23, 1], [23, 1], [23, 2], [29, 1], [29, 2], [29, 3], [31, 1], [31, 1], [31, 2], [31, 2], [31, 1], [39, 3], [40, 3], [40, 3], [40, 4], [42, 2], [42, 2], [42, 2], [42, 2], [42, 2], [42, 2], [42, 2], [41, 1], [30, 1], [30, 2], [30, 3], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 1], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [53, 2], [45, 1], [45, 2], [85, 1], [85, 2], [85, 1], [85, 1]], performAction: function(_, x, m, g, O, h, Vt) { var f = h.length - 1; switch (O) { case 4: g.setDirection("TB"); break; case 5: g.setDirection("BT"); break; case 6: g.setDirection("RL"); break; case 7: g.setDirection("LR"); break; case 11: g.parseDirective("%%{", "open_directive"); break; case 12: break; case 13: h[f] = h[f].trim().replace(/'/g, '"'), g.parseDirective(h[f], "arg_directive"); break; case 14: g.parseDirective("}%%", "close_directive", "c4Context"); break; case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: g.setC4Type(h[f - 3]); break; case 26: g.setTitle(h[f].substring(6)), this.$ = h[f].substring(6); break; case 27: g.setAccDescription(h[f].substring(15)), this.$ = h[f].substring(15); break; case 28: this.$ = h[f].trim(), g.setTitle(this.$); break; case 29: case 30: this.$ = h[f].trim(), g.setAccDescription(this.$); break; case 35: case 36: h[f].splice(2, 0, "ENTERPRISE"), g.addPersonOrSystemBoundary(...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 37: g.addPersonOrSystemBoundary(...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 38: h[f].splice(2, 0, "CONTAINER"), g.addContainerBoundary(...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 39: g.addDeploymentNode("node", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 40: g.addDeploymentNode("nodeL", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 41: g.addDeploymentNode("nodeR", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 42: g.popBoundaryParseStack(); break; case 46: g.addPersonOrSystem("person", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 47: g.addPersonOrSystem("external_person", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 48: g.addPersonOrSystem("system", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 49: g.addPersonOrSystem("system_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 50: g.addPersonOrSystem("system_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 51: g.addPersonOrSystem("external_system", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 52: g.addPersonOrSystem("external_system_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 53: g.addPersonOrSystem("external_system_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 54: g.addContainer("container", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 55: g.addContainer("container_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 56: g.addContainer("container_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 57: g.addContainer("external_container", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 58: g.addContainer("external_container_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 59: g.addContainer("external_container_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 60: g.addComponent("component", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 61: g.addComponent("component_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 62: g.addComponent("component_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 63: g.addComponent("external_component", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 64: g.addComponent("external_component_db", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 65: g.addComponent("external_component_queue", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 67: g.addRel("rel", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 68: g.addRel("birel", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 69: g.addRel("rel_u", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 70: g.addRel("rel_d", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 71: g.addRel("rel_l", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 72: g.addRel("rel_r", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 73: g.addRel("rel_b", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 74: h[f].splice(0, 1), g.addRel("rel", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 75: g.updateElStyle("update_el_style", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 76: g.updateRelStyle("update_rel_style", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 77: g.updateLayoutConfig("update_layout_config", ...h[f]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 78: this.$ = [h[f]]; break; case 79: h[f].unshift(h[f - 1]), this.$ = h[f]; break; case 80: case 82: this.$ = h[f].trim(); break; case 81: let Pt = {}; Pt[h[f - 1].trim()] = h[f].trim(), this.$ = Pt; break; case 83: this.$ = ""; break; } }, table: [{ 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: t, 8: i, 9: o, 10: l, 11: 5, 12: 10, 18: n, 22: r, 25: a, 26: s, 27: u, 28: d }, { 1: [3] }, { 1: [2, 1] }, { 1: [2, 2] }, { 3: 17, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: t, 8: i, 9: o, 10: l, 11: 5, 12: 10, 18: n, 22: r, 25: a, 26: s, 27: u, 28: d }, { 1: [2, 8] }, { 1: [2, 4] }, { 1: [2, 5] }, { 1: [2, 6] }, { 1: [2, 7] }, { 13: 18, 19: [1, 19] }, { 15: [1, 20] }, { 15: [1, 21] }, { 15: [1, 22] }, { 15: [1, 23] }, { 15: [1, 24] }, { 19: [2, 11] }, { 1: [2, 3] }, { 14: 25, 16: [1, 26], 21: y }, e([16, 21], [2, 12]), { 23: 28, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 23: 79, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 23: 80, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 23: 81, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 23: 82, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 15: [1, 83] }, { 17: 84, 20: [1, 85] }, { 15: [2, 14] }, { 24: [1, 86] }, e(Nt, [2, 20], { 53: 32, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 30: 87, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }), e(Nt, [2, 21]), e($t, [2, 23], { 15: [1, 88] }), e(Nt, [2, 43], { 15: [1, 89] }), e(It, [2, 26]), e(It, [2, 27]), { 35: [1, 90] }, { 37: [1, 91] }, e(It, [2, 30]), { 45: 92, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 98, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 99, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 100, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 101, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 102, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 103, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 104, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 105, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 106, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 107, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 108, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 109, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 110, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 111, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 112, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 113, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 114, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 115, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 116, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, e(w, [2, 66]), { 45: 117, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 118, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 119, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 120, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 121, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 122, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 123, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 124, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 125, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 126, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 127, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 30: 128, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 53: 32, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }, { 15: [1, 130], 43: [1, 129] }, { 45: 131, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 132, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 133, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 134, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 135, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 136, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 45: 137, 85: 93, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }, { 24: [1, 138] }, { 24: [1, 139] }, { 24: [1, 140] }, { 24: [1, 141] }, e(fe, [2, 9]), { 14: 142, 21: y }, { 21: [2, 13] }, { 1: [2, 15] }, e(Nt, [2, 22]), e($t, [2, 24], { 31: 31, 29: 143, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D }), e(Nt, [2, 44], { 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 53: 32, 39: 58, 40: 70, 42: 71, 23: 144, 32: p, 33: C, 34: T, 36: R, 38: D, 44: L, 46: Y, 47: Q, 48: H, 49: q, 50: G, 51: K, 54: J, 55: Z, 56: $, 57: tt, 58: et, 59: nt, 60: it, 61: st, 62: at, 63: rt, 64: lt, 65: ot, 66: ct, 67: ht, 68: ut, 69: dt, 70: ft, 71: pt, 72: yt, 73: gt, 74: bt, 75: _t, 76: xt, 77: mt, 78: Et, 79: vt, 80: kt, 81: At, 82: Ct, 83: wt, 84: Tt }), e(It, [2, 28]), e(It, [2, 29]), e(w, [2, 46]), e(pe, [2, 78], { 85: 93, 45: 145, 86: E, 87: v, 89: k, 90: A }), e(zt, [2, 80]), { 88: [1, 146] }, e(zt, [2, 82]), e(zt, [2, 83]), e(w, [2, 47]), e(w, [2, 48]), e(w, [2, 49]), e(w, [2, 50]), e(w, [2, 51]), e(w, [2, 52]), e(w, [2, 53]), e(w, [2, 54]), e(w, [2, 55]), e(w, [2, 56]), e(w, [2, 57]), e(w, [2, 58]), e(w, [2, 59]), e(w, [2, 60]), e(w, [2, 61]), e(w, [2, 62]), e(w, [2, 63]), e(w, [2, 64]), e(w, [2, 65]), e(w, [2, 67]), e(w, [2, 68]), e(w, [2, 69]), e(w, [2, 70]), e(w, [2, 71]), e(w, [2, 72]), e(w, [2, 73]), e(w, [2, 74]), e(w, [2, 75]), e(w, [2, 76]), e(w, [2, 77]), { 41: 147, 52: [1, 148] }, { 15: [1, 149] }, { 43: [1, 150] }, e(Dt, [2, 35]), e(Dt, [2, 36]), e(Dt, [2, 37]), e(Dt, [2, 38]), e(Dt, [2, 39]), e(Dt, [2, 40]), e(Dt, [2, 41]), { 1: [2, 16] }, { 1: [2, 17] }, { 1: [2, 18] }, { 1: [2, 19] }, { 15: [1, 151] }, e($t, [2, 25]), e(Nt, [2, 45]), e(pe, [2, 79]), e(zt, [2, 81]), e(w, [2, 31]), e(w, [2, 42]), e(te, [2, 32]), e(te, [2, 33], { 15: [1, 152] }), e(fe, [2, 10]), e(te, [2, 34])], defaultActions: { 2: [2, 1], 3: [2, 2], 5: [2, 8], 6: [2, 4], 7: [2, 5], 8: [2, 6], 9: [2, 7], 16: [2, 11], 17: [2, 3], 27: [2, 14], 85: [2, 13], 86: [2, 15], 138: [2, 16], 139: [2, 17], 140: [2, 18], 141: [2, 19] }, parseError: function(_, x) { if (x.recoverable) this.trace(_); else { var m = new Error(_); throw m.hash = x, m; } }, parse: function(_) { var x = this, m = [0], g = [], O = [null], h = [], Vt = this.table, f = "", Pt = 0, ye = 0, Ne = 2, ge = 1, Be =, 1), S = Object.create(this.lexer), Mt = { yy: {} }; for (var ie in this.yy), ie) && (Mt.yy[ie] = this.yy[ie]); S.setInput(_, Mt.yy), Mt.yy.lexer = S, Mt.yy.parser = this, typeof S.yylloc > "u" && (S.yylloc = {}); var se = S.yylloc; h.push(se); var Ye = S.options && S.options.ranges; typeof Mt.yy.parseError == "function" ? this.parseError = Mt.yy.parseError : this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError; function Ie() { var X; return X = g.pop() || S.lex() || ge, typeof X != "number" && (X instanceof Array && (g = X, X = g.pop()), X = x.symbols_[X] || X), X; } for (var M, Lt, N, ae, Bt = {}, Xt, z, be, Wt; ; ) { if (Lt = m[m.length - 1], this.defaultActions[Lt] ? N = this.defaultActions[Lt] : ((M === null || typeof M > "u") && (M = Ie()), N = Vt[Lt] && Vt[Lt][M]), typeof N > "u" || !N.length || !N[0]) { var re = ""; Wt = []; for (Xt in Vt[Lt]) this.terminals_[Xt] && Xt > Ne && Wt.push("'" + this.terminals_[Xt] + "'"); S.showPosition ? re = "Parse error on line " + (Pt + 1) + `: ` + S.showPosition() + ` Expecting ` + Wt.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[M] || M) + "'" : re = "Parse error on line " + (Pt + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (M == ge ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[M] || M) + "'"), this.parseError(re, { text: S.match, token: this.terminals_[M] || M, line: S.yylineno, loc: se, expected: Wt }); } if (N[0] instanceof Array && N.length > 1) throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + Lt + ", token: " + M); switch (N[0]) { case 1: m.push(M), O.push(S.yytext), h.push(S.yylloc), m.push(N[1]), M = null, ye = S.yyleng, f = S.yytext, Pt = S.yylineno, se = S.yylloc; break; case 2: if (z = this.productions_[N[1]][1], Bt.$ = O[O.length - z], Bt._$ = { first_line: h[h.length - (z || 1)].first_line, last_line: h[h.length - 1].last_line, first_column: h[h.length - (z || 1)].first_column, last_column: h[h.length - 1].last_column }, Ye && (Bt._$.range = [ h[h.length - (z || 1)].range[0], h[h.length - 1].range[1] ]), ae = this.performAction.apply(Bt, [ f, ye, Pt, Mt.yy, N[1], O, h ].concat(Be)), typeof ae < "u") return ae; z && (m = m.slice(0, -1 * z * 2), O = O.slice(0, -1 * z), h = h.slice(0, -1 * z)), m.push(this.productions_[N[1]][0]), O.push(Bt.$), h.push(Bt._$), be = Vt[m[m.length - 2]][m[m.length - 1]], m.push(be); break; case 3: return !0; } } return !0; } }, Le = function() { var Ot = { EOF: 1, parseError: function(x, m) { if (this.yy.parser) this.yy.parser.parseError(x, m); else throw new Error(x); }, // resets the lexer, sets new input setInput: function(_, x) { return this.yy = x || this.yy || {}, this._input = _, this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = !1, this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0, this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "", this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"], this.yylloc = { first_line: 1, first_column: 0, last_line: 1, last_column: 0 }, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [0, 0]), this.offset = 0, this; }, // consumes and returns one char from the input input: function() { var _ = this._input[0]; this.yytext += _, this.yyleng++, this.offset++, this.match += _, this.matched += _; var x = _.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g); return x ? (this.yylineno++, this.yylloc.last_line++) : this.yylloc.last_column++, this.options.ranges && this.yylloc.range[1]++, this._input = this._input.slice(1), _; }, // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input unput: function(_) { var x = _.length, m = _.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); this._input = _ + this._input, this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - x), this.offset -= x; var g = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1), this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1), m.length - 1 && (this.yylineno -= m.length - 1); var O = this.yylloc.range; return this.yylloc = { first_line: this.yylloc.first_line, last_line: this.yylineno + 1, first_column: this.yylloc.first_column, last_column: m ? (m.length === g.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + g[g.length - m.length].length - m[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - x }, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [O[0], O[0] + this.yyleng - x]), this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this; }, // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action more: function() { return this._more = !0, this; }, // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead. reject: function() { if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) this._backtrack = !0; else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true). ` + this.showPosition(), { text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno }); return this; }, // retain first n characters of the match less: function(_) { this.unput(this.match.slice(_)); }, // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages pastInput: function() { var _ = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); return (_.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + _.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages upcomingInput: function() { var _ = this.match; return _.length < 20 && (_ += this._input.substr(0, 20 - _.length)), (_.substr(0, 20) + (_.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages showPosition: function() { var _ = this.pastInput(), x = new Array(_.length + 1).join("-"); return _ + this.upcomingInput() + ` ` + x + "^"; }, // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token test_match: function(_, x) { var m, g, O; if (this.options.backtrack_lexer && (O = { yylineno: this.yylineno, yylloc: { first_line: this.yylloc.first_line, last_line: this.last_line, first_column: this.yylloc.first_column, last_column: this.yylloc.last_column }, yytext: this.yytext, match: this.match, matches: this.matches, matched: this.matched, yyleng: this.yyleng, offset: this.offset, _more: this._more, _input: this._input, yy: this.yy, conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0), done: this.done }, this.options.ranges && (O.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0))), g = _[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g), g && (this.yylineno += g.length), this.yylloc = { first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, last_line: this.yylineno + 1, first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, last_column: g ? g[g.length - 1].length - g[g.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + _[0].length }, this.yytext += _[0], this.match += _[0], this.matches = _, this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng]), this._more = !1, this._backtrack = !1, this._input = this._input.slice(_[0].length), this.matched += _[0], m =, this.yy, this, x, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]), this.done && this._input && (this.done = !1), m) return m; if (this._backtrack) { for (var h in O) this[h] = O[h]; return !1; } return !1; }, // return next match in input next: function() { if (this.done) return this.EOF; this._input || (this.done = !0); var _, x, m, g; this._more || (this.yytext = "", this.match = ""); for (var O = this._currentRules(), h = 0; h < O.length; h++) if (m = this._input.match(this.rules[O[h]]), m && (!x || m[0].length > x[0].length)) { if (x = m, g = h, this.options.backtrack_lexer) { if (_ = this.test_match(m, O[h]), _ !== !1) return _; if (this._backtrack) { x = !1; continue; } else return !1; } else if (!this.options.flex) break; } return x ? (_ = this.test_match(x, O[g]), _ !== !1 ? _ : !1) : this._input === "" ? this.EOF : this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. Unrecognized text. ` + this.showPosition(), { text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno }); }, // return next match that has a token lex: function() { var x =; return x || this.lex(); }, // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack) begin: function(x) { this.conditionStack.push(x); }, // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack popState: function() { var x = this.conditionStack.length - 1; return x > 0 ? this.conditionStack.pop() : this.conditionStack[0]; }, // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state _currentRules: function() { return this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1] ? this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules : this.conditions.INITIAL.rules; }, // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available topState: function(x) { return x = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(x || 0), x >= 0 ? this.conditionStack[x] : "INITIAL"; }, // alias for begin(condition) pushState: function(x) { this.begin(x); }, // return the number of states currently on the stack stateStackSize: function() { return this.conditionStack.length; }, options: {}, performAction: function(x, m, g, O) { switch (g) { case 0: return this.begin("open_directive"), 18; case 1: return 7; case 2: return 8; case 3: return 9; case 4: return 10; case 5: return this.begin("type_directive"), 19; case 6: return this.popState(), this.begin("arg_directive"), 16; case 7: return this.popState(), this.popState(), 21; case 8: return 20; case 9: return 32; case 10: return 33; case 11: return this.begin("acc_title"), 34; case 12: return this.popState(), "acc_title_value"; case 13: return this.begin("acc_descr"), 36; case 14: return this.popState(), "acc_descr_value"; case 15: this.begin("acc_descr_multiline"); break; case 16: this.popState(); break; case 17: return "acc_descr_multiline_value"; case 18: break; case 19: c; break; case 20: return 15; case 21: break; case 22: return 22; case 23: return 25; case 24: return 26; case 25: return 27; case 26: return 28; case 27: return this.begin("person_ext"), 55; case 28: return this.begin("person"), 54; case 29: return this.begin("system_ext_queue"), 61; case 30: return this.begin("system_ext_db"), 60; case 31: return this.begin("system_ext"), 59; case 32: return this.begin("system_queue"), 58; case 33: return this.begin("system_db"), 57; case 34: return this.begin("system"), 56; case 35: return this.begin("boundary"), 47; case 36: return this.begin("enterprise_boundary"), 44; case 37: return this.begin("system_boundary"), 46; case 38: return this.begin("container_ext_queue"), 67; case 39: return this.begin("container_ext_db"), 66; case 40: return this.begin("container_ext"), 65; case 41: return this.begin("container_queue"), 64; case 42: return this.begin("container_db"), 63; case 43: return this.begin("container"), 62; case 44: return this.begin("container_boundary"), 48; case 45: return this.begin("component_ext_queue"), 73; case 46: return this.begin("component_ext_db"), 72; case 47: return this.begin("component_ext"), 71; case 48: return this.begin("component_queue"), 70; case 49: return this.begin("component_db"), 69; case 50: return this.begin("component"), 68; case 51: return this.begin("node"), 49; case 52: return this.begin("node"), 49; case 53: return this.begin("node_l"), 50; case 54: return this.begin("node_r"), 51; case 55: return this.begin("rel"), 74; case 56: return this.begin("birel"), 75; case 57: return this.begin("rel_u"), 76; case 58: return this.begin("rel_u"), 76; case 59: return this.begin("rel_d"), 77; case 60: return this.begin("rel_d"), 77; case 61: return this.begin("rel_l"), 78; case 62: return this.begin("rel_l"), 78; case 63: return this.begin("rel_r"), 79; case 64: return this.begin("rel_r"), 79; case 65: return this.begin("rel_b"), 80; case 66: return this.begin("rel_index"), 81; case 67: return this.begin("update_el_style"), 82; case 68: return this.begin("update_rel_style"), 83; case 69: return this.begin("update_layout_config"), 84; case 70: return "EOF_IN_STRUCT"; case 71: return this.begin("attribute"), "ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY"; case 72: this.begin("attribute"); break; case 73: this.popState(), this.popState(); break; case 74: return 90; case 75: break; case 76: return 90; case 77: this.begin("string"); break; case 78: this.popState(); break; case 79: return "STR"; case 80: this.begin("string_kv"); break; case 81: return this.begin("string_kv_key"), "STR_KEY"; case 82: this.popState(), this.begin("string_kv_value"); break; case 83: return "STR_VALUE"; case 84: this.popState(), this.popState(); break; case 85: return "STR"; case 86: return "LBRACE"; case 87: return "RBRACE"; case 88: return "SPACE"; case 89: return "EOL"; case 90: return 24; } }, rules: [/^(?:%%\{)/, /^(?:.*direction\s+TB[^\n]*)/, /^(?:.*direction\s+BT[^\n]*)/, /^(?:.*direction\s+RL[^\n]*)/, /^(?:.*direction\s+LR[^\n]*)/, /^(?:((?:(?!\}%%)[^:.])*))/, /^(?::)/, /^(?:\}%%)/, /^(?:((?:(?!\}%%).|\n)*))/, /^(?:title\s[^#\n;]+)/, /^(?:accDescription\s[^#\n;]+)/, /^(?:accTitle\s*:\s*)/, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/, /^(?:accDescr\s*:\s*)/, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/, /^(?:accDescr\s*\{\s*)/, /^(?:[\}])/, /^(?:[^\}]*)/, /^(?:%%(?!\{)*[^\n]*(\r?\n?)+)/, /^(?:%%[^\n]*(\r?\n)*)/, /^(?:\s*(\r?\n)+)/, /^(?:\s+)/, /^(?:C4Context\b)/, /^(?:C4Container\b)/, /^(?:C4Component\b)/, /^(?:C4Dynamic\b)/, /^(?:C4Deployment\b)/, /^(?:Person_Ext\b)/, /^(?:Person\b)/, /^(?:SystemQueue_Ext\b)/, /^(?:SystemDb_Ext\b)/, /^(?:System_Ext\b)/, /^(?:SystemQueue\b)/, /^(?:SystemDb\b)/, /^(?:System\b)/, /^(?:Boundary\b)/, /^(?:Enterprise_Boundary\b)/, /^(?:System_Boundary\b)/, /^(?:ContainerQueue_Ext\b)/, /^(?:ContainerDb_Ext\b)/, /^(?:Container_Ext\b)/, /^(?:ContainerQueue\b)/, /^(?:ContainerDb\b)/, /^(?:Container\b)/, /^(?:Container_Boundary\b)/, /^(?:ComponentQueue_Ext\b)/, /^(?:ComponentDb_Ext\b)/, /^(?:Component_Ext\b)/, /^(?:ComponentQueue\b)/, /^(?:ComponentDb\b)/, /^(?:Component\b)/, /^(?:Deployment_Node\b)/, /^(?:Node\b)/, /^(?:Node_L\b)/, /^(?:Node_R\b)/, /^(?:Rel\b)/, /^(?:BiRel\b)/, /^(?:Rel_Up\b)/, /^(?:Rel_U\b)/, /^(?:Rel_Down\b)/, /^(?:Rel_D\b)/, /^(?:Rel_Left\b)/, /^(?:Rel_L\b)/, /^(?:Rel_Right\b)/, /^(?:Rel_R\b)/, /^(?:Rel_Back\b)/, /^(?:RelIndex\b)/, /^(?:UpdateElementStyle\b)/, /^(?:UpdateRelStyle\b)/, /^(?:UpdateLayoutConfig\b)/, /^(?:$)/, /^(?:[(][ ]*[,])/, /^(?:[(])/, /^(?:[)])/, /^(?:,,)/, /^(?:,)/, /^(?:[ ]*["]["])/, /^(?:[ ]*["])/, /^(?:["])/, /^(?:[^"]*)/, /^(?:[ ]*[\$])/, /^(?:[^=]*)/, /^(?:[=][ ]*["])/, /^(?:[^"]+)/, /^(?:["])/, /^(?:[^,]+)/, /^(?:\{)/, /^(?:\})/, /^(?:[\s]+)/, /^(?:[\n\r]+)/, /^(?:$)/], conditions: { acc_descr_multiline: { rules: [16, 17], inclusive: !1 }, acc_descr: { rules: [14], inclusive: !1 }, acc_title: { rules: [12], inclusive: !1 }, close_directive: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, arg_directive: { rules: [7, 8], inclusive: !1 }, type_directive: { rules: [6, 7], inclusive: !1 }, open_directive: { rules: [5], inclusive: !1 }, string_kv_value: { rules: [83, 84], inclusive: !1 }, string_kv_key: { rules: [82], inclusive: !1 }, string_kv: { rules: [81], inclusive: !1 }, string: { rules: [78, 79], inclusive: !1 }, attribute: { rules: [73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 85], inclusive: !1 }, update_layout_config: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, update_rel_style: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, update_el_style: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_b: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_r: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_l: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_d: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_u: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, rel_bi: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, rel: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, node_r: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, node_l: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, node: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, index: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, rel_index: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, component_ext_queue: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, component_ext_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, component_ext: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, component_queue: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, component_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, component: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container_boundary: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container_ext_queue: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, container_ext_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container_ext: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container_queue: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, container: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, birel: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_boundary: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, enterprise_boundary: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, boundary: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_ext_queue: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_ext_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_ext: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_queue: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system_db: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, system: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, person_ext: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, person: { rules: [70, 71, 72, 73], inclusive: !1 }, INITIAL: { rules: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90], inclusive: !0 } } }; return Ot; }(); ee.lexer = Le; function ne() { this.yy = {}; } return ne.prototype = ee, ee.Parser = ne, new ne(); }(); qt.parser = qt; const He = qt; let j = [], Rt = [""], P = "global", V = "", F = [ { alias: "global", label: { text: "global" }, type: { text: "global" }, tags: null, link: null, parentBoundary: "" } ], Ft = [], he = "", ue = !1, Gt = 4, Kt = 2; var Ae; const qe = function() { return Ae; }, Ge = function(e) { Ae = ve(e, Ut()); }, Ke = function(e, t, i) { Ve.parseDirective(this, e, t, i); }, Je = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r, a, s) { if (e == null || t === void 0 || t === null || i === void 0 || i === null || o === void 0 || o === null) return; let u = {}; const d = Ft.find((y) => y.from === t && === i); if (d ? u = d : Ft.push(u), u.type = e, u.from = t, = i, u.label = { text: o }, l == null) u.techn = { text: "" }; else if (typeof l == "object") { let [y, p] = Object.entries(l)[0]; u[y] = { text: p }; } else u.techn = { text: l }; if (n == null) u.descr = { text: "" }; else if (typeof n == "object") { let [y, p] = Object.entries(n)[0]; u[y] = { text: p }; } else u.descr = { text: n }; if (typeof r == "object") { let [y, p] = Object.entries(r)[0]; u[y] = p; } else u.sprite = r; if (typeof a == "object") { let [y, p] = Object.entries(a)[0]; u[y] = p; } else u.tags = a; if (typeof s == "object") { let [y, p] = Object.entries(s)[0]; u[y] = p; } else = s; u.wrap = St(); }, Ze = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r) { if (t === null || i === null) return; let a = {}; const s = j.find((u) => u.alias === t); if (s && t === s.alias ? a = s : (a.alias = t, j.push(a)), i == null ? a.label = { text: "" } : a.label = { text: i }, o == null) a.descr = { text: "" }; else if (typeof o == "object") { let [u, d] = Object.entries(o)[0]; a[u] = { text: d }; } else a.descr = { text: o }; if (typeof l == "object") { let [u, d] = Object.entries(l)[0]; a[u] = d; } else a.sprite = l; if (typeof n == "object") { let [u, d] = Object.entries(n)[0]; a[u] = d; } else a.tags = n; if (typeof r == "object") { let [u, d] = Object.entries(r)[0]; a[u] = d; } else = r; a.typeC4Shape = { text: e }, a.parentBoundary = P, a.wrap = St(); }, $e = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r, a) { if (t === null || i === null) return; let s = {}; const u = j.find((d) => d.alias === t); if (u && t === u.alias ? s = u : (s.alias = t, j.push(s)), i == null ? s.label = { text: "" } : s.label = { text: i }, o == null) s.techn = { text: "" }; else if (typeof o == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(o)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.techn = { text: o }; if (l == null) s.descr = { text: "" }; else if (typeof l == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(l)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.descr = { text: l }; if (typeof n == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(n)[0]; s[d] = y; } else s.sprite = n; if (typeof r == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(r)[0]; s[d] = y; } else s.tags = r; if (typeof a == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(a)[0]; s[d] = y; } else = a; s.wrap = St(), s.typeC4Shape = { text: e }, s.parentBoundary = P; }, t0 = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r, a) { if (t === null || i === null) return; let s = {}; const u = j.find((d) => d.alias === t); if (u && t === u.alias ? s = u : (s.alias = t, j.push(s)), i == null ? s.label = { text: "" } : s.label = { text: i }, o == null) s.techn = { text: "" }; else if (typeof o == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(o)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.techn = { text: o }; if (l == null) s.descr = { text: "" }; else if (typeof l == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(l)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.descr = { text: l }; if (typeof n == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(n)[0]; s[d] = y; } else s.sprite = n; if (typeof r == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(r)[0]; s[d] = y; } else s.tags = r; if (typeof a == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(a)[0]; s[d] = y; } else = a; s.wrap = St(), s.typeC4Shape = { text: e }, s.parentBoundary = P; }, e0 = function(e, t, i, o, l) { if (e === null || t === null) return; let n = {}; const r = F.find((a) => a.alias === e); if (r && e === r.alias ? n = r : (n.alias = e, F.push(n)), t == null ? n.label = { text: "" } : n.label = { text: t }, i == null) n.type = { text: "system" }; else if (typeof i == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(i)[0]; n[a] = { text: s }; } else n.type = { text: i }; if (typeof o == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(o)[0]; n[a] = s; } else n.tags = o; if (typeof l == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(l)[0]; n[a] = s; } else = l; n.parentBoundary = P, n.wrap = St(), V = P, P = e, Rt.push(V); }, n0 = function(e, t, i, o, l) { if (e === null || t === null) return; let n = {}; const r = F.find((a) => a.alias === e); if (r && e === r.alias ? n = r : (n.alias = e, F.push(n)), t == null ? n.label = { text: "" } : n.label = { text: t }, i == null) n.type = { text: "container" }; else if (typeof i == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(i)[0]; n[a] = { text: s }; } else n.type = { text: i }; if (typeof o == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(o)[0]; n[a] = s; } else n.tags = o; if (typeof l == "object") { let [a, s] = Object.entries(l)[0]; n[a] = s; } else = l; n.parentBoundary = P, n.wrap = St(), V = P, P = e, Rt.push(V); }, i0 = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r, a) { if (t === null || i === null) return; let s = {}; const u = F.find((d) => d.alias === t); if (u && t === u.alias ? s = u : (s.alias = t, F.push(s)), i == null ? s.label = { text: "" } : s.label = { text: i }, o == null) s.type = { text: "node" }; else if (typeof o == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(o)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.type = { text: o }; if (l == null) s.descr = { text: "" }; else if (typeof l == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(l)[0]; s[d] = { text: y }; } else s.descr = { text: l }; if (typeof r == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(r)[0]; s[d] = y; } else s.tags = r; if (typeof a == "object") { let [d, y] = Object.entries(a)[0]; s[d] = y; } else = a; s.nodeType = e, s.parentBoundary = P, s.wrap = St(), V = P, P = t, Rt.push(V); }, s0 = function() { P = V, Rt.pop(), V = Rt.pop(), Rt.push(V); }, a0 = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r, a, s, u, d) { let y = j.find((p) => p.alias === t); if (!(y === void 0 && (y = F.find((p) => p.alias === t), y === void 0))) { if (i != null) if (typeof i == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(i)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.bgColor = i; if (o != null) if (typeof o == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(o)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.fontColor = o; if (l != null) if (typeof l == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(l)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.borderColor = l; if (n != null) if (typeof n == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(n)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.shadowing = n; if (r != null) if (typeof r == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(r)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.shape = r; if (a != null) if (typeof a == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(a)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.sprite = a; if (s != null) if (typeof s == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(s)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.techn = s; if (u != null) if (typeof u == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(u)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.legendText = u; if (d != null) if (typeof d == "object") { let [p, C] = Object.entries(d)[0]; y[p] = C; } else y.legendSprite = d; } }, r0 = function(e, t, i, o, l, n, r) { const a = Ft.find((s) => s.from === t && === i); if (a !== void 0) { if (o != null) if (typeof o == "object") { let [s, u] = Object.entries(o)[0]; a[s] = u; } else a.textColor = o; if (l != null) if (typeof l == "object") { let [s, u] = Object.entries(l)[0]; a[s] = u; } else a.lineColor = l; if (n != null) if (typeof n == "object") { let [s, u] = Object.entries(n)[0]; a[s] = parseInt(u); } else a.offsetX = parseInt(n); if (r != null) if (typeof r == "object") { let [s, u] = Object.entries(r)[0]; a[s] = parseInt(u); } else a.offsetY = parseInt(r); } }, l0 = function(e, t, i) { let o = Gt, l = Kt; if (typeof t == "object") { const n = Object.values(t)[0]; o = parseInt(n); } else o = parseInt(t); if (typeof i == "object") { const n = Object.values(i)[0]; l = parseInt(n); } else l = parseInt(i); o >= 1 && (Gt = o), l >= 1 && (Kt = l); }, o0 = function() { return Gt; }, c0 = function() { return Kt; }, h0 = function() { return P; }, u0 = function() { return V; }, Ce = function(e) { return e == null ? j : j.filter((t) => t.parentBoundary === e); }, d0 = function(e) { return j.find((t) => t.alias === e); }, f0 = function(e) { return Object.keys(Ce(e)); }, p0 = function(e) { return e == null ? F : F.filter((t) => t.parentBoundary === e); }, y0 = function() { return Ft; }, g0 = function() { return he; }, b0 = function(e) { ue = e; }, St = function() { return ue; }, _0 = function() { j = [], F = [ { alias: "global", label: { text: "global" }, type: { text: "global" }, tags: null, link: null, parentBoundary: "" } ], V = "", P = "global", Rt = [""], Ft = [], Rt = [""], he = "", ue = !1, Gt = 4, Kt = 2; }, x0 = { SOLID: 0, DOTTED: 1, NOTE: 2, SOLID_CROSS: 3, DOTTED_CROSS: 4, SOLID_OPEN: 5, DOTTED_OPEN: 6, LOOP_START: 10, LOOP_END: 11, ALT_START: 12, ALT_ELSE: 13, ALT_END: 14, OPT_START: 15, OPT_END: 16, ACTIVE_START: 17, ACTIVE_END: 18, PAR_START: 19, PAR_AND: 20, PAR_END: 21, RECT_START: 22, RECT_END: 23, SOLID_POINT: 24, DOTTED_POINT: 25 }, m0 = { FILLED: 0, OPEN: 1 }, E0 = { LEFTOF: 0, RIGHTOF: 1, OVER: 2 }, v0 = function(e) { he = ve(e, Ut()); }, we = { addPersonOrSystem: Ze, addPersonOrSystemBoundary: e0, addContainer: $e, addContainerBoundary: n0, addComponent: t0, addDeploymentNode: i0, popBoundaryParseStack: s0, addRel: Je, updateElStyle: a0, updateRelStyle: r0, updateLayoutConfig: l0, autoWrap: St, setWrap: b0, getC4ShapeArray: Ce, getC4Shape: d0, getC4ShapeKeys: f0, getBoundarys: p0, getCurrentBoundaryParse: h0, getParentBoundaryParse: u0, getRels: y0, getTitle: g0, getC4Type: qe, getC4ShapeInRow: o0, getC4BoundaryInRow: c0, setAccTitle: Ue, getAccTitle: Fe, getAccDescription: ze, setAccDescription: Xe, parseDirective: Ke, getConfig: () => Ut().c4, clear: _0, LINETYPE: x0, ARROWTYPE: m0, PLACEMENT: E0, setTitle: v0, setC4Type: Ge // apply, }, de = function(e, t) { const i = e.append("rect"); if (i.attr("x", t.x), i.attr("y", t.y), i.attr("fill", t.fill), i.attr("stroke", t.stroke), i.attr("width", t.width), i.attr("height", t.height), i.attr("rx", t.rx), i.attr("ry", t.ry), t.attrs !== "undefined" && t.attrs !== null) for (let o in t.attrs) i.attr(o, t.attrs[o]); return t.class !== "undefined" && i.attr("class", t.class), i; }, Te = function(e, t, i, o, l, n) { const r = e.append("image"); r.attr("width", t), r.attr("height", i), r.attr("x", o), r.attr("y", l); let a = n.startsWith("data:image/png;base64") ? n : ke(n); r.attr("xlink:href", a); }, k0 = (e, t, i) => { const o = e.append("g"); let l = 0; for (let n of t) { let r = n.textColor ? n.textColor : "#444444", a = n.lineColor ? n.lineColor : "#444444", s = n.offsetX ? parseInt(n.offsetX) : 0, u = n.offsetY ? parseInt(n.offsetY) : 0, d = ""; if (l === 0) { let p = o.append("line"); p.attr("x1", n.startPoint.x), p.attr("y1", n.startPoint.y), p.attr("x2", n.endPoint.x), p.attr("y2", n.endPoint.y), p.attr("stroke-width", "1"), p.attr("stroke", a),"fill", "none"), n.type !== "rel_b" && p.attr("marker-end", "url(" + d + "#arrowhead)"), (n.type === "birel" || n.type === "rel_b") && p.attr("marker-start", "url(" + d + "#arrowend)"), l = -1; } else { let p = o.append("path"); p.attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke-width", "1").attr("stroke", a).attr( "d", "Mstartx,starty Qcontrolx,controly stopx,stopy ".replaceAll("startx", n.startPoint.x).replaceAll("starty", n.startPoint.y).replaceAll( "controlx", n.startPoint.x + (n.endPoint.x - n.startPoint.x) / 2 - (n.endPoint.x - n.startPoint.x) / 4 ).replaceAll("controly", n.startPoint.y + (n.endPoint.y - n.startPoint.y) / 2).replaceAll("stopx", n.endPoint.x).replaceAll("stopy", n.endPoint.y) ), n.type !== "rel_b" && p.attr("marker-end", "url(" + d + "#arrowhead)"), (n.type === "birel" || n.type === "rel_b") && p.attr("marker-start", "url(" + d + "#arrowend)"); } let y = i.messageFont(); W(i)( n.label.text, o, Math.min(n.startPoint.x, n.endPoint.x) + Math.abs(n.endPoint.x - n.startPoint.x) / 2 + s, Math.min(n.startPoint.y, n.endPoint.y) + Math.abs(n.endPoint.y - n.startPoint.y) / 2 + u, n.label.width, n.label.height, { fill: r }, y ), n.techn && n.techn.text !== "" && (y = i.messageFont(), W(i)( "[" + n.techn.text + "]", o, Math.min(n.startPoint.x, n.endPoint.x) + Math.abs(n.endPoint.x - n.startPoint.x) / 2 + s, Math.min(n.startPoint.y, n.endPoint.y) + Math.abs(n.endPoint.y - n.startPoint.y) / 2 + i.messageFontSize + 5 + u, Math.max(n.label.width, n.techn.width), n.techn.height, { fill: r, "font-style": "italic" }, y )); } }, A0 = function(e, t, i) { const o = e.append("g"); let l = t.bgColor ? t.bgColor : "none", n = t.borderColor ? t.borderColor : "#444444", r = t.fontColor ? t.fontColor : "black", a = { "stroke-width": 1, "stroke-dasharray": "7.0,7.0" }; t.nodeType && (a = { "stroke-width": 1 }); let s = { x: t.x, y: t.y, fill: l, stroke: n, width: t.width, height: t.height, rx: 2.5, ry: 2.5, attrs: a }; de(o, s); let u = i.boundaryFont(); u.fontWeight = "bold", u.fontSize = u.fontSize + 2, u.fontColor = r, W(i)( t.label.text, o, t.x, t.y + t.label.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: "#444444" }, u ), t.type && t.type.text !== "" && (u = i.boundaryFont(), u.fontColor = r, W(i)( t.type.text, o, t.x, t.y + t.type.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: "#444444" }, u )), t.descr && t.descr.text !== "" && (u = i.boundaryFont(), u.fontSize = u.fontSize - 2, u.fontColor = r, W(i)( t.descr.text, o, t.x, t.y + t.descr.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: "#444444" }, u )); }, C0 = function(e, t, i) { var y; let o = t.bgColor ? t.bgColor : i[t.typeC4Shape.text + "_bg_color"], l = t.borderColor ? t.borderColor : i[t.typeC4Shape.text + "_border_color"], n = t.fontColor ? t.fontColor : "#FFFFFF", r = ""; switch (t.typeC4Shape.text) { case "person": r = ""; break; case "external_person": r = ""; break; } const a = e.append("g"); a.attr("class", "person-man"); const s = Oe(); switch (t.typeC4Shape.text) { case "person": case "external_person": case "system": case "external_system": case "container": case "external_container": case "component": case "external_component": s.x = t.x, s.y = t.y, s.fill = o, s.width = t.width, s.height = t.height, s.stroke = l, s.rx = 2.5, s.ry = 2.5, s.attrs = { "stroke-width": 0.5 }, de(a, s); break; case "system_db": case "external_system_db": case "container_db": case "external_container_db": case "component_db": case "external_component_db": a.append("path").attr("fill", o).attr("stroke-width", "0.5").attr("stroke", l).attr( "d", "Mstartx,startyc0,-10 half,-10 half,-10c0,0 half,0 half,10l0,heightc0,10 -half,10 -half,10c0,0 -half,0 -half,-10l0,-height".replaceAll("startx", t.x).replaceAll("starty", t.y).replaceAll("half", t.width / 2).replaceAll("height", t.height) ), a.append("path").attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke-width", "0.5").attr("stroke", l).attr( "d", "Mstartx,startyc0,10 half,10 half,10c0,0 half,0 half,-10".replaceAll("startx", t.x).replaceAll("starty", t.y).replaceAll("half", t.width / 2) ); break; case "system_queue": case "external_system_queue": case "container_queue": case "external_container_queue": case "component_queue": case "external_component_queue": a.append("path").attr("fill", o).attr("stroke-width", "0.5").attr("stroke", l).attr( "d", "Mstartx,startylwidth,0c5,0 5,half 5,halfc0,0 0,half -5,halfl-width,0c-5,0 -5,-half -5,-halfc0,0 0,-half 5,-half".replaceAll("startx", t.x).replaceAll("starty", t.y).replaceAll("width", t.width).replaceAll("half", t.height / 2) ), a.append("path").attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke-width", "0.5").attr("stroke", l).attr( "d", "Mstartx,startyc-5,0 -5,half -5,halfc0,half 5,half 5,half".replaceAll("startx", t.x + t.width).replaceAll("starty", t.y).replaceAll("half", t.height / 2) ); break; } let u = L0(i, t.typeC4Shape.text); switch (a.append("text").attr("fill", n).attr("font-family", u.fontFamily).attr("font-size", u.fontSize - 2).attr("font-style", "italic").attr("lengthAdjust", "spacing").attr("textLength", t.typeC4Shape.width).attr("x", t.x + t.width / 2 - t.typeC4Shape.width / 2).attr("y", t.y + t.typeC4Shape.Y).text("<<" + t.typeC4Shape.text + ">>"), t.typeC4Shape.text) { case "person": case "external_person": Te( a, 48, 48, t.x + t.width / 2 - 24, t.y + t.image.Y, r ); break; } let d = i[t.typeC4Shape.text + "Font"](); return d.fontWeight = "bold", d.fontSize = d.fontSize + 2, d.fontColor = n, W(i)( t.label.text, a, t.x, t.y + t.label.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: n }, d ), d = i[t.typeC4Shape.text + "Font"](), d.fontColor = n, t.techn && ((y = t.techn) == null ? void 0 : y.text) !== "" ? W(i)( t.techn.text, a, t.x, t.y + t.techn.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: n, "font-style": "italic" }, d ) : t.type && t.type.text !== "" && W(i)( t.type.text, a, t.x, t.y + t.type.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: n, "font-style": "italic" }, d ), t.descr && t.descr.text !== "" && (d = i.personFont(), d.fontColor = n, W(i)( t.descr.text, a, t.x, t.y + t.descr.Y, t.width, t.height, { fill: n }, d )), t.height; }, w0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("symbol").attr("id", "database").attr("fill-rule", "evenodd").attr("clip-rule", "evenodd").append("path").attr("transform", "scale(.5)").attr( "d", "M12.258.001l. 20.499v.01l." ); }, T0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("symbol").attr("id", "computer").attr("width", "24").attr("height", "24").append("path").attr("transform", "scale(.5)").attr( "d", "M2 2v13h20v-13h-20zm18 11h-16v-9h16v9zm-10.228 6l.466-1h3.524l.467 1h-4.457zm14.228 3h-24l2-6h2.104l-1.33 4h18.45l-1.297-4h2.073l2 6zm-5-10h-14v-7h14v7z" ); }, O0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("symbol").attr("id", "clock").attr("width", "24").attr("height", "24").append("path").attr("transform", "scale(.5)").attr( "d", "M12 2c5.514 0 10 4.486 10 10s-4.486 10-10 10-10-4.486-10-10 4.486-10 10-10zm0-2c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12s5.373 12 12 12 12-5.373 12-12-5.373-12-12-12zm5.848 12.459c. 1.111-6.547 1.111-.719 0-1.301-.582-1.301-1.301 0-.512.77-5.447 1.125-7.445.034-.192.312-.181.343.014l.985 6.238 5.394 1.011z" ); }, R0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", "arrowhead").attr("refX", 9).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 12).attr("markerHeight", 12).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z"); }, S0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", "arrowend").attr("refX", 1).attr("refY", 5).attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("markerWidth", 12).attr("markerHeight", 12).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z"); }, D0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", "filled-head").attr("refX", 18).attr("refY", 7).attr("markerWidth", 20).attr("markerHeight", 28).attr("orient", "auto").append("path").attr("d", "M 18,7 L9,13 L14,7 L9,1 Z"); }, P0 = function(e) { e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", "sequencenumber").attr("refX", 15).attr("refY", 15).attr("markerWidth", 60).attr("markerHeight", 40).attr("orient", "auto").append("circle").attr("cx", 15).attr("cy", 15).attr("r", 6); }, M0 = function(e) { const i = e.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id", "crosshead").attr("markerWidth", 15).attr("markerHeight", 8).attr("orient", "auto").attr("refX", 16).attr("refY", 4); i.append("path").attr("fill", "black").attr("stroke", "#000000").style("stroke-dasharray", "0, 0").attr("stroke-width", "1px").attr("d", "M 9,2 V 6 L16,4 Z"), i.append("path").attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke", "#000000").style("stroke-dasharray", "0, 0").attr("stroke-width", "1px").attr("d", "M 0,1 L 6,7 M 6,1 L 0,7"); }, Oe = function() { return { x: 0, y: 0, fill: "#EDF2AE", stroke: "#666", width: 100, anchor: "start", height: 100, rx: 0, ry: 0 }; }, L0 = (e, t) => ({ fontFamily: e[t + "FontFamily"], fontSize: e[t + "FontSize"], fontWeight: e[t + "FontWeight"] }), W = function() { function e(l, n, r, a, s, u, d) { const y = n.append("text").attr("x", r + s / 2).attr("y", a + u / 2 + 5).style("text-anchor", "middle").text(l); o(y, d); } function t(l, n, r, a, s, u, d, y) { const { fontSize: p, fontFamily: C, fontWeight: T } = y, R = l.split(le.lineBreakRegex); for (let D = 0; D < R.length; D++) { const L = D * p - p * (R.length - 1) / 2, Y = n.append("text").attr("x", r + s / 2).attr("y", a).style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("dominant-baseline", "middle").style("font-size", p).style("font-weight", T).style("font-family", C); Y.append("tspan").attr("dy", L).text(R[D]).attr("alignment-baseline", "mathematical"), o(Y, d); } } function i(l, n, r, a, s, u, d, y) { const p = n.append("switch"), T = p.append("foreignObject").attr("x", r).attr("y", a).attr("width", s).attr("height", u).append("xhtml:div").style("display", "table").style("height", "100%").style("width", "100%"); T.append("div").style("display", "table-cell").style("text-align", "center").style("vertical-align", "middle").text(l), t(l, p, r, a, s, u, d, y), o(T, d); } function o(l, n) { for (const r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && l.attr(r, n[r]); } return function(l) { return l.textPlacement === "fo" ? i : l.textPlacement === "old" ? e : t; }; }(), U = { drawRect: de, drawBoundary: A0, drawC4Shape: C0, drawRels: k0, drawImage: Te, insertArrowHead: R0, insertArrowEnd: S0, insertArrowFilledHead: D0, insertDynamicNumber: P0, insertArrowCrossHead: M0, insertDatabaseIcon: w0, insertComputerIcon: T0, insertClockIcon: O0, getNoteRect: Oe, sanitizeUrl: ke // TODO why is this exported? }; let Jt = 0, Zt = 0, Re = 4, oe = 2; qt.yy = we; let b = {}; class Se { constructor(t) { = "", = {}, = void 0, = void 0, = void 0, = void 0, = void 0, this.nextData = {}, this.nextData.startx = void 0, this.nextData.stopx = void 0, this.nextData.starty = void 0, this.nextData.stopy = void 0, this.nextData.cnt = 0, ce(t.db.getConfig()); } setData(t, i, o, l) { this.nextData.startx = = t, this.nextData.stopx = = i, this.nextData.starty = = o, this.nextData.stopy = = l; } updateVal(t, i, o, l) { t[i] === void 0 ? t[i] = o : t[i] = l(o, t[i]); } insert(t) { this.nextData.cnt = this.nextData.cnt + 1; let i = this.nextData.startx === this.nextData.stopx ? this.nextData.stopx + t.margin : this.nextData.stopx + t.margin * 2, o = i + t.width, l = this.nextData.starty + t.margin * 2, n = l + t.height; (i >= || o >= || this.nextData.cnt > Re) && (i = this.nextData.startx + t.margin + b.nextLinePaddingX, l = this.nextData.stopy + t.margin * 2, this.nextData.stopx = o = i + t.width, this.nextData.starty = this.nextData.stopy, this.nextData.stopy = n = l + t.height, this.nextData.cnt = 1), t.x = i, t.y = l, this.updateVal(, "startx", i, Math.min), this.updateVal(, "starty", l, Math.min), this.updateVal(, "stopx", o, Math.max), this.updateVal(, "stopy", n, Math.max), this.updateVal(this.nextData, "startx", i, Math.min), this.updateVal(this.nextData, "starty", l, Math.min), this.updateVal(this.nextData, "stopx", o, Math.max), this.updateVal(this.nextData, "stopy", n, Math.max); } init(t) { = "", = { startx: void 0, stopx: void 0, starty: void 0, stopy: void 0, widthLimit: void 0 }, this.nextData = { startx: void 0, stopx: void 0, starty: void 0, stopy: void 0, cnt: 0 }, ce(t.db.getConfig()); } bumpLastMargin(t) { += t, += t; } } const ce = function(e) { je(b, e), e.fontFamily && (b.personFontFamily = b.systemFontFamily = b.messageFontFamily = e.fontFamily), e.fontSize && (b.personFontSize = b.systemFontSize = b.messageFontSize = e.fontSize), e.fontWeight && (b.personFontWeight = b.systemFontWeight = b.messageFontWeight = e.fontWeight); }, jt = (e, t) => ({ fontFamily: e[t + "FontFamily"], fontSize: e[t + "FontSize"], fontWeight: e[t + "FontWeight"] }), Ht = (e) => ({ fontFamily: e.boundaryFontFamily, fontSize: e.boundaryFontSize, fontWeight: e.boundaryFontWeight }), N0 = (e) => ({ fontFamily: e.messageFontFamily, fontSize: e.messageFontSize, fontWeight: e.messageFontWeight }); function I(e, t, i, o, l) { if (!t[e].width) if (i) t[e].text = We(t[e].text, l, o), t[e].textLines = t[e].text.split(le.lineBreakRegex).length, t[e].width = l, t[e].height = xe(t[e].text, o); else { let n = t[e].text.split(le.lineBreakRegex); t[e].textLines = n.length; let r = 0; t[e].height = 0, t[e].width = 0; for (const a of n) t[e].width = Math.max( Yt(a, o), t[e].width ), r = xe(a, o), t[e].height = t[e].height + r; } } const De = function(e, t, i) { t.x =, t.y =, t.width = -, t.height = -, t.label.y = b.c4ShapeMargin - 35; let o = t.wrap && b.wrap, l = Ht(b); l.fontSize = l.fontSize + 2, l.fontWeight = "bold"; let n = Yt(t.label.text, l); I("label", t, o, l, n), U.drawBoundary(e, t, b); }, Pe = function(e, t, i, o) { let l = 0; for (const n of o) { l = 0; const r = i[n]; let a = jt(b, r.typeC4Shape.text); switch (a.fontSize = a.fontSize - 2, r.typeC4Shape.width = Yt( "<<" + r.typeC4Shape.text + ">>", a ), r.typeC4Shape.height = a.fontSize + 2, r.typeC4Shape.Y = b.c4ShapePadding, l = r.typeC4Shape.Y + r.typeC4Shape.height - 4, r.image = { width: 0, height: 0, Y: 0 }, r.typeC4Shape.text) { case "person": case "external_person": r.image.width = 48, r.image.height = 48, r.image.Y = l, l = r.image.Y + r.image.height; break; } r.sprite && (r.image.width = 48, r.image.height = 48, r.image.Y = l, l = r.image.Y + r.image.height); let s = r.wrap && b.wrap, u = b.width - b.c4ShapePadding * 2, d = jt(b, r.typeC4Shape.text); if (d.fontSize = d.fontSize + 2, d.fontWeight = "bold", I("label", r, s, d, u), r.label.Y = l + 8, l = r.label.Y + r.label.height, r.type && r.type.text !== "") { r.type.text = "[" + r.type.text + "]"; let C = jt(b, r.typeC4Shape.text); I("type", r, s, C, u), r.type.Y = l + 5, l = r.type.Y + r.type.height; } else if (r.techn && r.techn.text !== "") { r.techn.text = "[" + r.techn.text + "]"; let C = jt(b, r.techn.text); I("techn", r, s, C, u), r.techn.Y = l + 5, l = r.techn.Y + r.techn.height; } let y = l, p = r.label.width; if (r.descr && r.descr.text !== "") { let C = jt(b, r.typeC4Shape.text); I("descr", r, s, C, u), r.descr.Y = l + 20, l = r.descr.Y + r.descr.height, p = Math.max(r.label.width, r.descr.width), y = l - r.descr.textLines * 5; } p = p + b.c4ShapePadding, r.width = Math.max(r.width || b.width, p, b.width), r.height = Math.max(r.height || b.height, y, b.height), r.margin = r.margin || b.c4ShapeMargin, e.insert(r), U.drawC4Shape(t, r, b); } e.bumpLastMargin(b.c4ShapeMargin); }; class B { constructor(t, i) { this.x = t, this.y = i; } } let me = function(e, t) { let i = e.x, o = e.y, l = t.x, n = t.y, r = i + e.width / 2, a = o + e.height / 2, s = Math.abs(i - l), u = Math.abs(o - n), d = u / s, y = e.height / e.width, p = null; return o == n && i < l ? p = new B(i + e.width, a) : o == n && i > l ? p = new B(i, a) : i == l && o < n ? p = new B(r, o + e.height) : i == l && o > n && (p = new B(r, o)), i > l && o < n ? y >= d ? p = new B(i, a + d * e.width / 2) : p = new B( r - s / u * e.height / 2, o + e.height ) : i < l && o < n ? y >= d ? p = new B(i + e.width, a + d * e.width / 2) : p = new B( r + s / u * e.height / 2, o + e.height ) : i < l && o > n ? y >= d ? p = new B(i + e.width, a - d * e.width / 2) : p = new B(r + e.height / 2 * s / u, o) : i > l && o > n && (y >= d ? p = new B(i, a - e.width / 2 * d) : p = new B(r - e.height / 2 * s / u, o)), p; }, B0 = function(e, t) { let i = { x: 0, y: 0 }; i.x = t.x + t.width / 2, i.y = t.y + t.height / 2; let o = me(e, i); i.x = e.x + e.width / 2, i.y = e.y + e.height / 2; let l = me(t, i); return { startPoint: o, endPoint: l }; }; const Y0 = function(e, t, i, o) { let l = 0; for (let n of t) { l = l + 1; let r = n.wrap && b.wrap, a = N0(b); o.db.getC4Type() === "C4Dynamic" && (n.label.text = l + ": " + n.label.text); let u = Yt(n.label.text, a); I("label", n, r, a, u), n.techn && n.techn.text !== "" && (u = Yt(n.techn.text, a), I("techn", n, r, a, u)), n.descr && n.descr.text !== "" && (u = Yt(n.descr.text, a), I("descr", n, r, a, u)); let d = i(n.from), y = i(, p = B0(d, y); n.startPoint = p.startPoint, n.endPoint = p.endPoint; } U.drawRels(e, t, b); }; function Me(e, t, i, o, l) { let n = new Se(l); = / Math.min(oe, o.length); for (let [r, a] of o.entries()) { let s = 0; a.image = { width: 0, height: 0, Y: 0 }, a.sprite && (a.image.width = 48, a.image.height = 48, a.image.Y = s, s = a.image.Y + a.image.height); let u = a.wrap && b.wrap, d = Ht(b); if (d.fontSize = d.fontSize + 2, d.fontWeight = "bold", I( "label", a, u, d, ), a.label.Y = s + 8, s = a.label.Y + a.label.height, a.type && a.type.text !== "") { a.type.text = "[" + a.type.text + "]"; let T = Ht(b); I( "type", a, u, T, ), a.type.Y = s + 5, s = a.type.Y + a.type.height; } if (a.descr && a.descr.text !== "") { let T = Ht(b); T.fontSize = T.fontSize - 2, I( "descr", a, u, T, ), a.descr.Y = s + 20, s = a.descr.Y + a.descr.height; } if (r == 0 || r % oe === 0) { let T = + b.diagramMarginX, R = + b.diagramMarginY + s; n.setData(T, T, R, R); } else { let T = !== ? + b.diagramMarginX :, R =; n.setData(T, T, R, R); } = a.alias; let y = l.db.getC4ShapeArray(a.alias), p = l.db.getC4ShapeKeys(a.alias); p.length > 0 && Pe( n, e, y, p ), t = a.alias; let C = l.db.getBoundarys(t); C.length > 0 && Me( e, t, n, C, l ), a.alias !== "global" && De(e, a, n), = Math.max( + b.c4ShapeMargin, ), = Math.max( + b.c4ShapeMargin, ), Jt = Math.max(Jt,, Zt = Math.max(Zt,; } } const I0 = function(e, t, i, o) { b = Ut().c4; const l = Ut().securityLevel; let n; l === "sandbox" && (n = Qt("#i" + t)); const r = l === "sandbox" ? Qt(n.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) : Qt("body"); let a = o.db; o.db.setWrap(b.wrap), Re = a.getC4ShapeInRow(), oe = a.getC4BoundaryInRow(), _e.debug(`C:${JSON.stringify(b, null, 2)}`); const s = l === "sandbox" ?`[id="${t}"]`) : Qt(`[id="${t}"]`); U.insertComputerIcon(s), U.insertDatabaseIcon(s), U.insertClockIcon(s); let u = new Se(o); u.setData( b.diagramMarginX, b.diagramMarginX, b.diagramMarginY, b.diagramMarginY ), = screen.availWidth, Jt = b.diagramMarginX, Zt = b.diagramMarginY; const d = o.db.getTitle(); let y = o.db.getBoundarys(""); Me(s, "", u, y, o), U.insertArrowHead(s), U.insertArrowEnd(s), U.insertArrowCrossHead(s), U.insertArrowFilledHead(s), Y0(s, o.db.getRels(), o.db.getC4Shape, o), = Jt, = Zt; const p =; let T = p.stopy - p.starty + 2 * b.diagramMarginY; const D = p.stopx - p.startx + 2 * b.diagramMarginX; d && s.append("text").text(d).attr("x", (p.stopx - p.startx) / 2 - 4 * b.diagramMarginX).attr("y", p.starty + b.diagramMarginY), Qe(s, T, D, b.useMaxWidth); const L = d ? 60 : 0; s.attr( "viewBox", p.startx - b.diagramMarginX + " -" + (b.diagramMarginY + L) + " " + D + " " + (T + L) ), _e.debug("models:", p); }, Ee = { drawPersonOrSystemArray: Pe, drawBoundary: De, setConf: ce, draw: I0 }, V0 = (e) => `.person { stroke: ${e.personBorder}; fill: ${e.personBkg}; } `, j0 = V0, H0 = { parser: He, db: we, renderer: Ee, styles: j0, init: (e) => { Ee.setConf(e.c4); } }; export { H0 as diagram }; //#