{{- if hugo.IsProduction | or (eq site.Params.env "production") | and (ne .Params.robotsNoIndex true) }} {{- else }} {{- end }} {{- /* Title */}} {{ if .IsHome }}{{ else }}{{ if .Title }}{{ .Title }} | {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ site.Title }} {{- /* Meta */}} {{- if .IsHome }} {{ with site.Params.keywords -}}{{ end }} {{- else }} {{- end }} {{- if site.Params.analytics.google.SiteVerificationTag }} {{- end }} {{- if site.Params.analytics.yandex.SiteVerificationTag }} {{- end }} {{- if site.Params.analytics.bing.SiteVerificationTag }} {{- end }} {{- if site.Params.analytics.naver.SiteVerificationTag }} {{- end }} {{- /* Styles */}} {{- /* includes */}} {{- $includes := slice }} {{- $includes = $includes | append (" " | resources.FromString "assets/css/includes-blank.css")}} {{- if not (eq site.Params.assets.disableScrollBarStyle true) }} {{- $ScrollStyle := (resources.Get "css/includes/scroll-bar.css") }} {{- $includes = (append $ScrollStyle $includes) }} {{- end }} {{- $includes_all := $includes | resources.Concat "assets/css/includes.css" }} {{- $theme_vars := (resources.Get "css/core/theme-vars.css") }} {{- $reset := (resources.Get "css/core/reset.css") }} {{- $media := (resources.Get "css/core/zmedia.css") }} {{- $license_css := (resources.Get "css/core/license.css") }} {{- $common := (resources.Match "css/common/*.css") | resources.Concat "assets/css/common.css" }} {{- /* markup.highlight.noClasses should be set to `false` */}} {{- $chroma_styles := (resources.Get "css/includes/chroma-styles.css") }} {{- $chroma_mod := (resources.Get "css/includes/chroma-mod.css") }} {{- /* order is important */}} {{- $core := (slice $theme_vars $reset $common $chroma_styles $chroma_mod $includes_all $media) | resources.Concat "assets/css/core.css" | resources.Minify }} {{- $extended := (resources.Match "css/extended/*.css") | resources.Concat "assets/css/extended.css" | resources.Minify }} {{- /* bundle all required css */}} {{- /* Add extended css after theme style */ -}} {{- $stylesheet := (slice $license_css $core $extended) | resources.Concat "assets/css/stylesheet.css" }} {{- if not site.Params.assets.disableFingerprinting }} {{- $stylesheet := $stylesheet | fingerprint }} {{- else }} {{- end }} {{- /* Search */}} {{- if (eq .Layout `search`) -}} {{- $fastsearch := resources.Get "js/fastsearch.js" | js.Build (dict "params" (dict "fuseOpts" site.Params.fuseOpts)) | resources.Minify }} {{- $fusejs := resources.Get "js/fuse.basic.min.js" }} {{- $license_js := resources.Get "js/license.js" }} {{- if not site.Params.assets.disableFingerprinting }} {{- $search := (slice $fusejs $license_js $fastsearch ) | resources.Concat "assets/js/search.js" | fingerprint }} {{- else }} {{- $search := (slice $fusejs $fastsearch ) | resources.Concat "assets/js/search.js" }} {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{- /* Favicons */}} {{- /* RSS */}} {{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}} {{ end -}} {{- range .AllTranslations -}} {{ end -}} {{- partial "extend_head.html" . -}} {{- /* Misc */}} {{- if hugo.IsProduction | or (eq site.Params.env "production") }} {{- template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }} {{- template "partials/templates/opengraph.html" . }} {{- template "partials/templates/twitter_cards.html" . }} {{- template "partials/templates/schema_json.html" . }} {{- end -}}