# our homepage url baseURL = "https://cullmann.io/" # cullmann.io website title = "Ignorance is bliss..." # theme hugo-coder theme = "beautifulhugo" # content == english, Impressum is german languagecode = "en" defaultcontentlanguage = "en" # allow git enableGitInfo = true # nice urls canonifyurls = true # pygment settings pygmentsStyle = "trac" pygmentsUseClasses = true pygmentsCodeFences = true pygmentsCodefencesGuessSyntax = true # add info for crawlers enableRobotsTXT = true [outputs] # JSON for search home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"] [params] # we want to self-host stuff, no data leaks to google and co. selfHosted = true # Kate mascot logo = "images/christoph_avatar.png" dateFormat = "January 2, 2006" commit = true rss = false comments = false readingTime = true wordCount = false useHLJS = true socialShare = false showRelatedPosts = true # # links to my public profiles # [[params.social]] name = "E-Mail" icon = "fa fa-envelope" weight = 1 url = "mailto:christoph@cullmann.io" [[params.social]] name = "GitHub" icon = "fab fa-github" weight = 2 url = "https://github.com/christoph-cullmann/" [[params.social]] name = "GitLab" icon = "fab fa-gitlab" weight = 3 url = "https://gitlab.com/cullmann" [[params.social]] name = "Twitter" icon = "fab fa-twitter" weight = 4 url = "https://twitter.com/ChrCullmann/" [[params.social]] name = "YouTube" icon = "fab fa-youtube" weight = 5 url = "https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristophCullmann/" [[params.social]] name = "amazon.de" icon = "fab fa-amazon" weight = 6 url = "https://www.amazon.de/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGWKWWFPCHLCW6E33CEFF7XKIHAQ" # # main menu # [menu] [[menu.main]] name = "BLOG" url = "" weight = 10 [[menu.main]] identifier = "menu" name = "MORE" weight = 20 [[menu.main]] parent = "menu" name = "Projects" url = "projects/" weight = 30 [[menu.main]] parent = "menu" name = "Academic" url = "academic/" weight = 40 [[menu.main]] parent = "menu" name = "Links" url = "links/" weight = 50 [[menu.main]] parent = "menu" name = "Impressum" url = "impressum/" weight = 70 [[menu.main]] name = "ABOUT" url = "about/" weight = 30 # maximal privacy [privacy] [privacy.disqus] disable = true [privacy.googleAnalytics] disable = true [privacy.instagram] disable = true [privacy.twitter] disable = true [privacy.vimeo] disable = true [privacy.youtube] disable = true