From 3be5285488090ab70254b3080e33e64e6c702d2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Cullmann Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 22:27:55 +0200 Subject: sync theme --- .../assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js | 2960 -------------------- 1 file changed, 2960 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js (limited to 'themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js') diff --git a/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js b/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6fa572c..0000000 --- a/themes/blowfish/assets/lib/mermaid/ganttDiagram-2c592def.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2960 +0,0 @@ -import { s as nr, u as rr } from "./utils-aa888deb.js"; -import { w as hn, x as mn, R as dn, C as gn, y as ir, z as ar, A as he, B as Be, D as Ze, E as sr, F as ee, G as or, H as _e, g as vt, I as nt, l as me, f as Wt, e as cr } from "./config-e567ef17.js"; -import { m as ur } from "./mermaidAPI-04b5c286.js"; -import { s as lr, g as fr, d as hr, e as mr, b as dr, a as gr, f as yr } from "./commonDb-4dc3d465.js"; -import { c as pr } from "./setupGraphViewbox-a4603a92.js"; -import { i as yn } from "./init-f9637058.js"; -import "./errorRenderer-a3c4bedb.js"; -function Ht(t, e) { - return t == null || e == null ? NaN : t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : t >= e ? 0 : NaN; -} -function kr(t, e) { - return t == null || e == null ? NaN : e < t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : e >= t ? 0 : NaN; -} -function Ae(t) { - let e, r, n; - t.length !== 2 ? (e = Ht, r = (c, g) => Ht(t(c), g), n = (c, g) => t(c) - g) : (e = t === Ht || t === kr ? t : vr, r = t, n = t); - function i(c, g, l = 0, b = c.length) { - if (l < b) { - if (e(g, g) !== 0) - return b; - do { - const v = l + b >>> 1; - r(c[v], g) < 0 ? l = v + 1 : b = v; - } while (l < b); - } - return l; - } - function a(c, g, l = 0, b = c.length) { - if (l < b) { - if (e(g, g) !== 0) - return b; - do { - const v = l + b >>> 1; - r(c[v], g) <= 0 ? l = v + 1 : b = v; - } while (l < b); - } - return l; - } - function s(c, g, l = 0, b = c.length) { - const v = i(c, g, l, b - 1); - return v > l && n(c[v - 1], g) > -n(c[v], g) ? v - 1 : v; - } - return { left: i, center: s, right: a }; -} -function vr() { - return 0; -} -function Tr(t) { - return t === null ? NaN : +t; -} -const xr = Ae(Ht), br = xr.right; -Ae(Tr).center; -const Mr = br; -var de = Math.sqrt(50), ge = Math.sqrt(10), ye = Math.sqrt(2); -function wr(t, e, r) { - var n, i = -1, a, s, c; - if (e = +e, t = +t, r = +r, t === e && r > 0) - return [t]; - if ((n = e < t) && (a = t, t = e, e = a), (c = pn(t, e, r)) === 0 || !isFinite(c)) - return []; - if (c > 0) { - let g = Math.round(t / c), l = Math.round(e / c); - for (g * c < t && ++g, l * c > e && --l, s = new Array(a = l - g + 1); ++i < a; ) - s[i] = (g + i) * c; - } else { - c = -c; - let g = Math.round(t * c), l = Math.round(e * c); - for (g / c < t && ++g, l / c > e && --l, s = new Array(a = l - g + 1); ++i < a; ) - s[i] = (g + i) / c; - } - return n && s.reverse(), s; -} -function pn(t, e, r) { - var n = (e - t) / Math.max(0, r), i = Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10), a = n / Math.pow(10, i); - return i >= 0 ? (a >= de ? 10 : a >= ge ? 5 : a >= ye ? 2 : 1) * Math.pow(10, i) : -Math.pow(10, -i) / (a >= de ? 10 : a >= ge ? 5 : a >= ye ? 2 : 1); -} -function pe(t, e, r) { - var n = Math.abs(e - t) / Math.max(0, r), i = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10)), a = n / i; - return a >= de ? i *= 10 : a >= ge ? i *= 5 : a >= ye && (i *= 2), e < t ? -i : i; -} -function Cr(t, e) { - let r; - if (e === void 0) - for (const n of t) - n != null && (r < n || r === void 0 && n >= n) && (r = n); - else { - let n = -1; - for (let i of t) - (i = e(i, ++n, t)) != null && (r < i || r === void 0 && i >= i) && (r = i); - } - return r; -} -function Dr(t, e) { - let r; - if (e === void 0) - for (const n of t) - n != null && (r > n || r === void 0 && n >= n) && (r = n); - else { - let n = -1; - for (let i of t) - (i = e(i, ++n, t)) != null && (r > i || r === void 0 && i >= i) && (r = i); - } - return r; -} -function Sr(t) { - return t; -} -var Pt = 1, ne = 2, ke = 3, zt = 4, je = 1e-6; -function _r(t) { - return "translate(" + t + ",0)"; -} -function Ar(t) { - return "translate(0," + t + ")"; -} -function Fr(t) { - return (e) => +t(e); -} -function Yr(t, e) { - return e = Math.max(0, t.bandwidth() - e * 2) / 2, t.round() && (e = Math.round(e)), (r) => +t(r) + e; -} -function Ur() { - return !this.__axis; -} -function kn(t, e) { - var r = [], n = null, i = null, a = 6, s = 6, c = 3, g = typeof window < "u" && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? 0 : 0.5, l = t === Pt || t === zt ? -1 : 1, b = t === zt || t === ne ? "x" : "y", v = t === Pt || t === ke ? _r : Ar; - function y(p) { - var I = n ?? (e.ticks ? e.ticks.apply(e, r) : e.domain()), C = i ?? (e.tickFormat ? e.tickFormat.apply(e, r) : Sr), _ = Math.max(a, 0) + c, E = e.range(), W = +E[0] + g, O = +E[E.length - 1] + g, R = (e.bandwidth ? Yr : Fr)(e.copy(), g), P = p.selection ? p.selection() : p, w = P.selectAll(".domain").data([null]), Y = P.selectAll(".tick").data(I, e).order(), B = Y.exit(), x = Y.enter().append("g").attr("class", "tick"), m ="line"), u ="text"); - w = w.merge(w.enter().insert("path", ".tick").attr("class", "domain").attr("stroke", "currentColor")), Y = Y.merge(x), m = m.merge(x.append("line").attr("stroke", "currentColor").attr(b + "2", l * a)), u = u.merge(x.append("text").attr("fill", "currentColor").attr(b, l * _).attr("dy", t === Pt ? "0em" : t === ke ? "0.71em" : "0.32em")), p !== P && (w = w.transition(p), Y = Y.transition(p), m = m.transition(p), u = u.transition(p), B = B.transition(p).attr("opacity", je).attr("transform", function(h) { - return isFinite(h = R(h)) ? v(h + g) : this.getAttribute("transform"); - }), x.attr("opacity", je).attr("transform", function(h) { - var T = this.parentNode.__axis; - return v((T && isFinite(T = T(h)) ? T : R(h)) + g); - })), B.remove(), w.attr("d", t === zt || t === ne ? s ? "M" + l * s + "," + W + "H" + g + "V" + O + "H" + l * s : "M" + g + "," + W + "V" + O : s ? "M" + W + "," + l * s + "V" + g + "H" + O + "V" + l * s : "M" + W + "," + g + "H" + O), Y.attr("opacity", 1).attr("transform", function(h) { - return v(R(h) + g); - }), m.attr(b + "2", l * a), u.attr(b, l * _).text(C), P.filter(Ur).attr("fill", "none").attr("font-size", 10).attr("font-family", "sans-serif").attr("text-anchor", t === ne ? "start" : t === zt ? "end" : "middle"), P.each(function() { - this.__axis = R; - }); - } - return y.scale = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (e = p, y) : e; - }, y.ticks = function() { - return r = Array.from(arguments), y; - }, y.tickArguments = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (r = p == null ? [] : Array.from(p), y) : r.slice(); - }, y.tickValues = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (n = p == null ? null : Array.from(p), y) : n && n.slice(); - }, y.tickFormat = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (i = p, y) : i; - }, y.tickSize = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (a = s = +p, y) : a; - }, y.tickSizeInner = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (a = +p, y) : a; - }, y.tickSizeOuter = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (s = +p, y) : s; - }, y.tickPadding = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (c = +p, y) : c; - }, y.offset = function(p) { - return arguments.length ? (g = +p, y) : g; - }, y; -} -function Lr(t) { - return kn(Pt, t); -} -function Er(t) { - return kn(ke, t); -} -const Nr = Math.PI / 180, Ir = 180 / Math.PI, Bt = 18, vn = 0.96422, Tn = 1, xn = 0.82521, bn = 4 / 29, Tt = 6 / 29, Mn = 3 * Tt * Tt, Wr = Tt * Tt * Tt; -function wn(t) { - if (t instanceof ot) - return new ot(t.l, t.a, t.b, t.opacity); - if (t instanceof ut) - return Cn(t); - t instanceof dn || (t = ir(t)); - var e = se(t.r), r = se(t.g), n = se(t.b), i = re((0.2225045 * e + 0.7168786 * r + 0.0606169 * n) / Tn), a, s; - return e === r && r === n ? a = s = i : (a = re((0.4360747 * e + 0.3850649 * r + 0.1430804 * n) / vn), s = re((0.0139322 * e + 0.0971045 * r + 0.7141733 * n) / xn)), new ot(116 * i - 16, 500 * (a - i), 200 * (i - s), t.opacity); -} -function zr(t, e, r, n) { - return arguments.length === 1 ? wn(t) : new ot(t, e, r, n ?? 1); -} -function ot(t, e, r, n) { - this.l = +t, this.a = +e, this.b = +r, this.opacity = +n; -} -hn(ot, zr, mn(gn, { - brighter(t) { - return new ot(this.l + Bt * (t ?? 1), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); - }, - darker(t) { - return new ot(this.l - Bt * (t ?? 1), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); - }, - rgb() { - var t = (this.l + 16) / 116, e = isNaN(this.a) ? t : t + this.a / 500, r = isNaN(this.b) ? t : t - this.b / 200; - return e = vn * ie(e), t = Tn * ie(t), r = xn * ie(r), new dn( - ae(3.1338561 * e - 1.6168667 * t - 0.4906146 * r), - ae(-0.9787684 * e + 1.9161415 * t + 0.033454 * r), - ae(0.0719453 * e - 0.2289914 * t + 1.4052427 * r), - this.opacity - ); - } -})); -function re(t) { - return t > Wr ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / Mn + bn; -} -function ie(t) { - return t > Tt ? t * t * t : Mn * (t - bn); -} -function ae(t) { - return 255 * (t <= 31308e-7 ? 12.92 * t : 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055); -} -function se(t) { - return (t /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); -} -function Or(t) { - if (t instanceof ut) - return new ut(t.h, t.c, t.l, t.opacity); - if (t instanceof ot || (t = wn(t)), t.a === 0 && t.b === 0) - return new ut(NaN, 0 < t.l && t.l < 100 ? 0 : NaN, t.l, t.opacity); - var e = Math.atan2(t.b, t.a) * Ir; - return new ut(e < 0 ? e + 360 : e, Math.sqrt(t.a * t.a + t.b * t.b), t.l, t.opacity); -} -function ve(t, e, r, n) { - return arguments.length === 1 ? Or(t) : new ut(t, e, r, n ?? 1); -} -function ut(t, e, r, n) { - this.h = +t, this.c = +e, this.l = +r, this.opacity = +n; -} -function Cn(t) { - if (isNaN(t.h)) - return new ot(t.l, 0, 0, t.opacity); - var e = t.h * Nr; - return new ot(t.l, Math.cos(e) * t.c, Math.sin(e) * t.c, t.opacity); -} -hn(ut, ve, mn(gn, { - brighter(t) { - return new ut(this.h, this.c, this.l + Bt * (t ?? 1), this.opacity); - }, - darker(t) { - return new ut(this.h, this.c, this.l - Bt * (t ?? 1), this.opacity); - }, - rgb() { - return Cn(this).rgb(); - } -})); -function Hr(t, e) { - e || (e = []); - var r = t ? Math.min(e.length, t.length) : 0, n = e.slice(), i; - return function(a) { - for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) - n[i] = t[i] * (1 - a) + e[i] * a; - return n; - }; -} -function Pr(t) { - return ArrayBuffer.isView(t) && !(t instanceof DataView); -} -function Vr(t, e) { - var r = e ? e.length : 0, n = t ? Math.min(r, t.length) : 0, i = new Array(n), a = new Array(r), s; - for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) - i[s] = Fe(t[s], e[s]); - for (; s < r; ++s) - a[s] = e[s]; - return function(c) { - for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) - a[s] = i[s](c); - return a; - }; -} -function Rr(t, e) { - var r = new Date(); - return t = +t, e = +e, function(n) { - return r.setTime(t * (1 - n) + e * n), r; - }; -} -function Br(t, e) { - var r = {}, n = {}, i; - (t === null || typeof t != "object") && (t = {}), (e === null || typeof e != "object") && (e = {}); - for (i in e) - i in t ? r[i] = Fe(t[i], e[i]) : n[i] = e[i]; - return function(a) { - for (i in r) - n[i] = r[i](a); - return n; - }; -} -function Fe(t, e) { - var r = typeof e, n; - return e == null || r === "boolean" ? ar(e) : (r === "number" ? he : r === "string" ? (n = Be(e)) ? (e = n, Ze) : sr : e instanceof Be ? Ze : e instanceof Date ? Rr : Pr(e) ? Hr : Array.isArray(e) ? Vr : typeof e.valueOf != "function" && typeof e.toString != "function" || isNaN(e) ? Br : he)(t, e); -} -function Zr(t, e) { - return t = +t, e = +e, function(r) { - return Math.round(t * (1 - r) + e * r); - }; -} -function jr(t) { - return function(e, r) { - var n = t((e = ve(e)).h, (r = ve(r)).h), i = ee(e.c, r.c), a = ee(e.l, r.l), s = ee(e.opacity, r.opacity); - return function(c) { - return e.h = n(c), e.c = i(c), e.l = a(c), e.opacity = s(c), e + ""; - }; - }; -} -const Xr = jr(or); -function qr(t) { - return Math.abs(t = Math.round(t)) >= 1e21 ? t.toLocaleString("en").replace(/,/g, "") : t.toString(10); -} -function Zt(t, e) { - if ((r = (t = e ? t.toExponential(e - 1) : t.toExponential()).indexOf("e")) < 0) - return null; - var r, n = t.slice(0, r); - return [ - n.length > 1 ? n[0] + n.slice(2) : n, - +t.slice(r + 1) - ]; -} -function bt(t) { - return t = Zt(Math.abs(t)), t ? t[1] : NaN; -} -function Gr(t, e) { - return function(r, n) { - for (var i = r.length, a = [], s = 0, c = t[0], g = 0; i > 0 && c > 0 && (g + c + 1 > n && (c = Math.max(1, n - g)), a.push(r.substring(i -= c, i + c)), !((g += c + 1) > n)); ) - c = t[s = (s + 1) % t.length]; - return a.reverse().join(e); - }; -} -function $r(t) { - return function(e) { - return e.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(r) { - return t[+r]; - }); - }; -} -var Qr = /^(?:(.)?([<>=^]))?([+\-( ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.\d+)?(~)?([a-z%])?$/i; -function jt(t) { - if (!(e = Qr.exec(t))) - throw new Error("invalid format: " + t); - var e; - return new Ye({ - fill: e[1], - align: e[2], - sign: e[3], - symbol: e[4], - zero: e[5], - width: e[6], - comma: e[7], - precision: e[8] && e[8].slice(1), - trim: e[9], - type: e[10] - }); -} -jt.prototype = Ye.prototype; -function Ye(t) { - this.fill = t.fill === void 0 ? " " : t.fill + "", this.align = t.align === void 0 ? ">" : t.align + "", this.sign = t.sign === void 0 ? "-" : t.sign + "", this.symbol = t.symbol === void 0 ? "" : t.symbol + "", = !!, this.width = t.width === void 0 ? void 0 : +t.width, this.comma = !!t.comma, this.precision = t.precision === void 0 ? void 0 : +t.precision, this.trim = !!t.trim, this.type = t.type === void 0 ? "" : t.type + ""; -} -Ye.prototype.toString = function() { - return this.fill + this.align + this.sign + this.symbol + ( ? "0" : "") + (this.width === void 0 ? "" : Math.max(1, this.width | 0)) + (this.comma ? "," : "") + (this.precision === void 0 ? "" : "." + Math.max(0, this.precision | 0)) + (this.trim ? "~" : "") + this.type; -}; -function Jr(t) { - t: - for (var e = t.length, r = 1, n = -1, i; r < e; ++r) - switch (t[r]) { - case ".": - n = i = r; - break; - case "0": - n === 0 && (n = r), i = r; - break; - default: - if (!+t[r]) - break t; - n > 0 && (n = 0); - break; - } - return n > 0 ? t.slice(0, n) + t.slice(i + 1) : t; -} -var Dn; -function Kr(t, e) { - var r = Zt(t, e); - if (!r) - return t + ""; - var n = r[0], i = r[1], a = i - (Dn = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(i / 3))) * 3) + 1, s = n.length; - return a === s ? n : a > s ? n + new Array(a - s + 1).join("0") : a > 0 ? n.slice(0, a) + "." + n.slice(a) : "0." + new Array(1 - a).join("0") + Zt(t, Math.max(0, e + a - 1))[0]; -} -function Xe(t, e) { - var r = Zt(t, e); - if (!r) - return t + ""; - var n = r[0], i = r[1]; - return i < 0 ? "0." + new Array(-i).join("0") + n : n.length > i + 1 ? n.slice(0, i + 1) + "." + n.slice(i + 1) : n + new Array(i - n.length + 2).join("0"); -} -const qe = { - "%": (t, e) => (t * 100).toFixed(e), - b: (t) => Math.round(t).toString(2), - c: (t) => t + "", - d: qr, - e: (t, e) => t.toExponential(e), - f: (t, e) => t.toFixed(e), - g: (t, e) => t.toPrecision(e), - o: (t) => Math.round(t).toString(8), - p: (t, e) => Xe(t * 100, e), - r: Xe, - s: Kr, - X: (t) => Math.round(t).toString(16).toUpperCase(), - x: (t) => Math.round(t).toString(16) -}; -function Ge(t) { - return t; -} -var $e =, Qe = ["y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "µ", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; -function ti(t) { - var e = t.grouping === void 0 || t.thousands === void 0 ? Ge : Gr($, Number), t.thousands + ""), r = t.currency === void 0 ? "" : t.currency[0] + "", n = t.currency === void 0 ? "" : t.currency[1] + "", i = t.decimal === void 0 ? "." : t.decimal + "", a = t.numerals === void 0 ? Ge : $r($, String)), s = t.percent === void 0 ? "%" : t.percent + "", c = t.minus === void 0 ? "−" : t.minus + "", g = t.nan === void 0 ? "NaN" : t.nan + ""; - function l(v) { - v = jt(v); - var y = v.fill, p = v.align, I = v.sign, C = v.symbol, _ =, E = v.width, W = v.comma, O = v.precision, R = v.trim, P = v.type; - P === "n" ? (W = !0, P = "g") : qe[P] || (O === void 0 && (O = 12), R = !0, P = "g"), (_ || y === "0" && p === "=") && (_ = !0, y = "0", p = "="); - var w = C === "$" ? r : C === "#" && /[boxX]/.test(P) ? "0" + P.toLowerCase() : "", Y = C === "$" ? n : /[%p]/.test(P) ? s : "", B = qe[P], x = /[defgprs%]/.test(P); - O = O === void 0 ? 6 : /[gprs]/.test(P) ? Math.max(1, Math.min(21, O)) : Math.max(0, Math.min(20, O)); - function m(u) { - var h = w, T = Y, o, F, f; - if (P === "c") - T = B(u) + T, u = ""; - else { - u = +u; - var A = u < 0 || 1 / u < 0; - if (u = isNaN(u) ? g : B(Math.abs(u), O), R && (u = Jr(u)), A && +u == 0 && I !== "+" && (A = !1), h = (A ? I === "(" ? I : c : I === "-" || I === "(" ? "" : I) + h, T = (P === "s" ? Qe[8 + Dn / 3] : "") + T + (A && I === "(" ? ")" : ""), x) { - for (o = -1, F = u.length; ++o < F; ) - if (f = u.charCodeAt(o), 48 > f || f > 57) { - T = (f === 46 ? i + u.slice(o + 1) : u.slice(o)) + T, u = u.slice(0, o); - break; - } - } - } - W && !_ && (u = e(u, 1 / 0)); - var Z = h.length + u.length + T.length, j = Z < E ? new Array(E - Z + 1).join(y) : ""; - switch (W && _ && (u = e(j + u, j.length ? E - T.length : 1 / 0), j = ""), p) { - case "<": - u = h + u + T + j; - break; - case "=": - u = h + j + u + T; - break; - case "^": - u = j.slice(0, Z = j.length >> 1) + h + u + T + j.slice(Z); - break; - default: - u = j + h + u + T; - break; - } - return a(u); - } - return m.toString = function() { - return v + ""; - }, m; - } - function b(v, y) { - var p = l((v = jt(v), v.type = "f", v)), I = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(bt(y) / 3))) * 3, C = Math.pow(10, -I), _ = Qe[8 + I / 3]; - return function(E) { - return p(C * E) + _; - }; - } - return { - format: l, - formatPrefix: b - }; -} -var Ot, Sn, _n; -ei({ - thousands: ",", - grouping: [3], - currency: ["$", ""] -}); -function ei(t) { - return Ot = ti(t), Sn = Ot.format, _n = Ot.formatPrefix, Ot; -} -function ni(t) { - return Math.max(0, -bt(Math.abs(t))); -} -function ri(t, e) { - return Math.max(0, Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(bt(e) / 3))) * 3 - bt(Math.abs(t))); -} -function ii(t, e) { - return t = Math.abs(t), e = Math.abs(e) - t, Math.max(0, bt(e) - bt(t)) + 1; -} -function ai(t) { - return function() { - return t; - }; -} -function si(t) { - return +t; -} -var Je = [0, 1]; -function kt(t) { - return t; -} -function Te(t, e) { - return (e -= t = +t) ? function(r) { - return (r - t) / e; - } : ai(isNaN(e) ? NaN : 0.5); -} -function oi(t, e) { - var r; - return t > e && (r = t, t = e, e = r), function(n) { - return Math.max(t, Math.min(e, n)); - }; -} -function ci(t, e, r) { - var n = t[0], i = t[1], a = e[0], s = e[1]; - return i < n ? (n = Te(i, n), a = r(s, a)) : (n = Te(n, i), a = r(a, s)), function(c) { - return a(n(c)); - }; -} -function ui(t, e, r) { - var n = Math.min(t.length, e.length) - 1, i = new Array(n), a = new Array(n), s = -1; - for (t[n] < t[0] && (t = t.slice().reverse(), e = e.slice().reverse()); ++s < n; ) - i[s] = Te(t[s], t[s + 1]), a[s] = r(e[s], e[s + 1]); - return function(c) { - var g = Mr(t, c, 1, n) - 1; - return a[g](i[g](c)); - }; -} -function An(t, e) { - return e.domain(t.domain()).range(t.range()).interpolate(t.interpolate()).clamp(t.clamp()).unknown(t.unknown()); -} -function li() { - var t = Je, e = Je, r = Fe, n, i, a, s = kt, c, g, l; - function b() { - var y = Math.min(t.length, e.length); - return s !== kt && (s = oi(t[0], t[y - 1])), c = y > 2 ? ui : ci, g = l = null, v; - } - function v(y) { - return y == null || isNaN(y = +y) ? a : (g || (g = c(, e, r)))(n(s(y))); - } - return v.invert = function(y) { - return s(i((l || (l = c(e,, he)))(y))); - }, v.domain = function(y) { - return arguments.length ? (t = Array.from(y, si), b()) : t.slice(); - }, v.range = function(y) { - return arguments.length ? (e = Array.from(y), b()) : e.slice(); - }, v.rangeRound = function(y) { - return e = Array.from(y), r = Zr, b(); - }, v.clamp = function(y) { - return arguments.length ? (s = y ? !0 : kt, b()) : s !== kt; - }, v.interpolate = function(y) { - return arguments.length ? (r = y, b()) : r; - }, v.unknown = function(y) { - return arguments.length ? (a = y, v) : a; - }, function(y, p) { - return n = y, i = p, b(); - }; -} -function Fn() { - return li()(kt, kt); -} -function fi(t, e, r, n) { - var i = pe(t, e, r), a; - switch (n = jt(n ?? ",f"), n.type) { - case "s": { - var s = Math.max(Math.abs(t), Math.abs(e)); - return n.precision == null && !isNaN(a = ri(i, s)) && (n.precision = a), _n(n, s); - } - case "": - case "e": - case "g": - case "p": - case "r": { - n.precision == null && !isNaN(a = ii(i, Math.max(Math.abs(t), Math.abs(e)))) && (n.precision = a - (n.type === "e")); - break; - } - case "f": - case "%": { - n.precision == null && !isNaN(a = ni(i)) && (n.precision = a - (n.type === "%") * 2); - break; - } - } - return Sn(n); -} -function hi(t) { - var e = t.domain; - return t.ticks = function(r) { - var n = e(); - return wr(n[0], n[n.length - 1], r ?? 10); - }, t.tickFormat = function(r, n) { - var i = e(); - return fi(i[0], i[i.length - 1], r ?? 10, n); - }, t.nice = function(r) { - r == null && (r = 10); - var n = e(), i = 0, a = n.length - 1, s = n[i], c = n[a], g, l, b = 10; - for (c < s && (l = s, s = c, c = l, l = i, i = a, a = l); b-- > 0; ) { - if (l = pn(s, c, r), l === g) - return n[i] = s, n[a] = c, e(n); - if (l > 0) - s = Math.floor(s / l) * l, c = Math.ceil(c / l) * l; - else if (l < 0) - s = Math.ceil(s * l) / l, c = Math.floor(c * l) / l; - else - break; - g = l; - } - return t; - }, t; -} -function Yn() { - var t = Fn(); - return t.copy = function() { - return An(t, Yn()); - }, yn.apply(t, arguments), hi(t); -} -function mi(t, e) { - t = t.slice(); - var r = 0, n = t.length - 1, i = t[r], a = t[n], s; - return a < i && (s = r, r = n, n = s, s = i, i = a, a = s), t[r] = e.floor(i), t[n] = e.ceil(a), t; -} -var oe = new Date(), ce = new Date(); -function tt(t, e, r, n) { - function i(a) { - return t(a = arguments.length === 0 ? new Date() : new Date(+a)), a; - } - return i.floor = function(a) { - return t(a = new Date(+a)), a; - }, i.ceil = function(a) { - return t(a = new Date(a - 1)), e(a, 1), t(a), a; - }, i.round = function(a) { - var s = i(a), c = i.ceil(a); - return a - s < c - a ? s : c; - }, i.offset = function(a, s) { - return e(a = new Date(+a), s == null ? 1 : Math.floor(s)), a; - }, i.range = function(a, s, c) { - var g = [], l; - if (a = i.ceil(a), c = c == null ? 1 : Math.floor(c), !(a < s) || !(c > 0)) - return g; - do - g.push(l = new Date(+a)), e(a, c), t(a); - while (l < a && a < s); - return g; - }, i.filter = function(a) { - return tt(function(s) { - if (s >= s) - for (; t(s), !a(s); ) - s.setTime(s - 1); - }, function(s, c) { - if (s >= s) - if (c < 0) - for (; ++c <= 0; ) - for (; e(s, -1), !a(s); ) - ; - else - for (; --c >= 0; ) - for (; e(s, 1), !a(s); ) - ; - }); - }, r && (i.count = function(a, s) { - return oe.setTime(+a), ce.setTime(+s), t(oe), t(ce), Math.floor(r(oe, ce)); - }, i.every = function(a) { - return a = Math.floor(a), !isFinite(a) || !(a > 0) ? null : a > 1 ? i.filter(n ? function(s) { - return n(s) % a === 0; - } : function(s) { - return i.count(0, s) % a === 0; - }) : i; - }), i; -} -var Xt = tt(function() { -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return e - t; -}); -Xt.every = function(t) { - return t = Math.floor(t), !isFinite(t) || !(t > 0) ? null : t > 1 ? tt(function(e) { - e.setTime(Math.floor(e / t) * t); - }, function(e, r) { - e.setTime(+e + r * t); - }, function(e, r) { - return (r - e) / t; - }) : Xt; -}; -const di = Xt; -Xt.range; -const lt = 1e3, it = lt * 60, ft = it * 60, mt = ft * 24, Ue = mt * 7, Ke = mt * 30, ue = mt * 365; -var Un = tt(function(t) { - t.setTime(t - t.getMilliseconds()); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e * lt); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / lt; -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCSeconds(); -}); -const Lt = Un; -Un.range; -var Ln = tt(function(t) { - t.setTime(t - t.getMilliseconds() - t.getSeconds() * lt); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e * it); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / it; -}, function(t) { - return t.getMinutes(); -}); -const qt = Ln; -Ln.range; -var En = tt(function(t) { - t.setTime(t - t.getMilliseconds() - t.getSeconds() * lt - t.getMinutes() * it); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e * ft); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / ft; -}, function(t) { - return t.getHours(); -}); -const Gt = En; -En.range; -var Nn = tt( - (t) => t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), - (t, e) => t.setDate(t.getDate() + e), - (t, e) => (e - t - (e.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset()) * it) / mt, - (t) => t.getDate() - 1 -); -const Mt = Nn; -Nn.range; -function gt(t) { - return tt(function(e) { - e.setDate(e.getDate() - (e.getDay() + 7 - t) % 7), e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - }, function(e, r) { - e.setDate(e.getDate() + r * 7); - }, function(e, r) { - return (r - e - (r.getTimezoneOffset() - e.getTimezoneOffset()) * it) / Ue; - }); -} -var wt = gt(0), $t = gt(1), gi = gt(2), yi = gt(3), Ct = gt(4), pi = gt(5), ki = gt(6); -wt.range; -$t.range; -gi.range; -yi.range; -Ct.range; -pi.range; -ki.range; -var In = tt(function(t) { - t.setDate(1), t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setMonth(t.getMonth() + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return e.getMonth() - t.getMonth() + (e.getFullYear() - t.getFullYear()) * 12; -}, function(t) { - return t.getMonth(); -}); -const Qt = In; -In.range; -var Le = tt(function(t) { - t.setMonth(0, 1), t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear() + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return e.getFullYear() - t.getFullYear(); -}, function(t) { - return t.getFullYear(); -}); -Le.every = function(t) { - return !isFinite(t = Math.floor(t)) || !(t > 0) ? null : tt(function(e) { - e.setFullYear(Math.floor(e.getFullYear() / t) * t), e.setMonth(0, 1), e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - }, function(e, r) { - e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear() + r * t); - }); -}; -const dt = Le; -Le.range; -var Wn = tt(function(t) { - t.setUTCSeconds(0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e * it); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / it; -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCMinutes(); -}); -const vi = Wn; -Wn.range; -var zn = tt(function(t) { - t.setUTCMinutes(0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setTime(+t + e * ft); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / ft; -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCHours(); -}); -const Ti = zn; -zn.range; -var On = tt(function(t) { - t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return (e - t) / mt; -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCDate() - 1; -}); -const Ee = On; -On.range; -function yt(t) { - return tt(function(e) { - e.setUTCDate(e.getUTCDate() - (e.getUTCDay() + 7 - t) % 7), e.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - }, function(e, r) { - e.setUTCDate(e.getUTCDate() + r * 7); - }, function(e, r) { - return (r - e) / Ue; - }); -} -var Ne = yt(0), Jt = yt(1), xi = yt(2), bi = yt(3), Dt = yt(4), Mi = yt(5), wi = yt(6); -Ne.range; -Jt.range; -xi.range; -bi.range; -Dt.range; -Mi.range; -wi.range; -var Hn = tt(function(t) { - t.setUTCDate(1), t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setUTCMonth(t.getUTCMonth() + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return e.getUTCMonth() - t.getUTCMonth() + (e.getUTCFullYear() - t.getUTCFullYear()) * 12; -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCMonth(); -}); -const Ci = Hn; -Hn.range; -var Ie = tt(function(t) { - t.setUTCMonth(0, 1), t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); -}, function(t, e) { - t.setUTCFullYear(t.getUTCFullYear() + e); -}, function(t, e) { - return e.getUTCFullYear() - t.getUTCFullYear(); -}, function(t) { - return t.getUTCFullYear(); -}); -Ie.every = function(t) { - return !isFinite(t = Math.floor(t)) || !(t > 0) ? null : tt(function(e) { - e.setUTCFullYear(Math.floor(e.getUTCFullYear() / t) * t), e.setUTCMonth(0, 1), e.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - }, function(e, r) { - e.setUTCFullYear(e.getUTCFullYear() + r * t); - }); -}; -const St = Ie; -Ie.range; -function Pn(t, e, r, n, i, a) { - const s = [ - [Lt, 1, lt], - [Lt, 5, 5 * lt], - [Lt, 15, 15 * lt], - [Lt, 30, 30 * lt], - [a, 1, it], - [a, 5, 5 * it], - [a, 15, 15 * it], - [a, 30, 30 * it], - [i, 1, ft], - [i, 3, 3 * ft], - [i, 6, 6 * ft], - [i, 12, 12 * ft], - [n, 1, mt], - [n, 2, 2 * mt], - [r, 1, Ue], - [e, 1, Ke], - [e, 3, 3 * Ke], - [t, 1, ue] - ]; - function c(l, b, v) { - const y = b < l; - y && ([l, b] = [b, l]); - const p = v && typeof v.range == "function" ? v : g(l, b, v), I = p ? p.range(l, +b + 1) : []; - return y ? I.reverse() : I; - } - function g(l, b, v) { - const y = Math.abs(b - l) / v, p = Ae(([, , _]) => _).right(s, y); - if (p === s.length) - return t.every(pe(l / ue, b / ue, v)); - if (p === 0) - return di.every(Math.max(pe(l, b, v), 1)); - const [I, C] = s[y / s[p - 1][2] < s[p][2] / y ? p - 1 : p]; - return I.every(C); - } - return [c, g]; -} -Pn(St, Ci, Ne, Ee, Ti, vi); -const [Di, Si] = Pn(dt, Qt, wt, Mt, Gt, qt); -function le(t) { - if (0 <= t.y && t.y < 100) { - var e = new Date(-1, t.m, t.d, t.H, t.M, t.S, t.L); - return e.setFullYear(t.y), e; - } - return new Date(t.y, t.m, t.d, t.H, t.M, t.S, t.L); -} -function fe(t) { - if (0 <= t.y && t.y < 100) { - var e = new Date(Date.UTC(-1, t.m, t.d, t.H, t.M, t.S, t.L)); - return e.setUTCFullYear(t.y), e; - } - return new Date(Date.UTC(t.y, t.m, t.d, t.H, t.M, t.S, t.L)); -} -function Ft(t, e, r) { - return { y: t, m: e, d: r, H: 0, M: 0, S: 0, L: 0 }; -} -function _i(t) { - var e = t.dateTime, r =, n = t.time, i = t.periods, a = t.days, s = t.shortDays, c = t.months, g = t.shortMonths, l = Yt(i), b = Ut(i), v = Yt(a), y = Ut(a), p = Yt(s), I = Ut(s), C = Yt(c), _ = Ut(c), E = Yt(g), W = Ut(g), O = { - a: A, - A: Z, - b: j, - B: k, - c: null, - d: sn, - e: sn, - f: Qi, - g: oa, - G: ua, - H: qi, - I: Gi, - j: $i, - L: Vn, - m: Ji, - M: Ki, - p: U, - q: S, - Q: un, - s: ln, - S: ta, - u: ea, - U: na, - V: ra, - w: ia, - W: aa, - x: null, - X: null, - y: sa, - Y: ca, - Z: la, - "%": cn - }, R = { - a: V, - A: q, - b: z, - B: H, - c: null, - d: on, - e: on, - f: da, - g: wa, - G: Da, - H: fa, - I: ha, - j: ma, - L: Bn, - m: ga, - M: ya, - p: ht, - q: $, - Q: un, - s: ln, - S: pa, - u: ka, - U: va, - V: Ta, - w: xa, - W: ba, - x: null, - X: null, - y: Ma, - Y: Ca, - Z: Sa, - "%": cn - }, P = { - a: m, - A: u, - b: h, - B: T, - c: o, - d: rn, - e: rn, - f: Bi, - g: nn, - G: en, - H: an, - I: an, - j: Hi, - L: Ri, - m: Oi, - M: Pi, - p: x, - q: zi, - Q: ji, - s: Xi, - S: Vi, - u: Li, - U: Ei, - V: Ni, - w: Ui, - W: Ii, - x: F, - X: f, - y: nn, - Y: en, - Z: Wi, - "%": Zi - }; - O.x = w(r, O), O.X = w(n, O), O.c = w(e, O), R.x = w(r, R), R.X = w(n, R), R.c = w(e, R); - function w(M, D) { - return function(L) { - var d = [], G = -1, N = 0, Q = M.length, J, at, rt; - for (L instanceof Date || (L = new Date(+L)); ++G < Q; ) - M.charCodeAt(G) === 37 && (d.push(M.slice(N, G)), (at = tn[J = M.charAt(++G)]) != null ? J = M.charAt(++G) : at = J === "e" ? " " : "0", (rt = D[J]) && (J = rt(L, at)), d.push(J), N = G + 1); - return d.push(M.slice(N, G)), d.join(""); - }; - } - function Y(M, D) { - return function(L) { - var d = Ft(1900, void 0, 1), G = B(d, M, L += "", 0), N, Q; - if (G != L.length) - return null; - if ("Q" in d) - return new Date(d.Q); - if ("s" in d) - return new Date(d.s * 1e3 + ("L" in d ? d.L : 0)); - if (D && !("Z" in d) && (d.Z = 0), "p" in d && (d.H = d.H % 12 + d.p * 12), d.m === void 0 && (d.m = "q" in d ? d.q : 0), "V" in d) { - if (d.V < 1 || d.V > 53) - return null; - "w" in d || (d.w = 1), "Z" in d ? (N = fe(Ft(d.y, 0, 1)), Q = N.getUTCDay(), N = Q > 4 || Q === 0 ? Jt.ceil(N) : Jt(N), N = Ee.offset(N, (d.V - 1) * 7), d.y = N.getUTCFullYear(), d.m = N.getUTCMonth(), d.d = N.getUTCDate() + (d.w + 6) % 7) : (N = le(Ft(d.y, 0, 1)), Q = N.getDay(), N = Q > 4 || Q === 0 ? $t.ceil(N) : $t(N), N = Mt.offset(N, (d.V - 1) * 7), d.y = N.getFullYear(), d.m = N.getMonth(), d.d = N.getDate() + (d.w + 6) % 7); - } else - ("W" in d || "U" in d) && ("w" in d || (d.w = "u" in d ? d.u % 7 : "W" in d ? 1 : 0), Q = "Z" in d ? fe(Ft(d.y, 0, 1)).getUTCDay() : le(Ft(d.y, 0, 1)).getDay(), d.m = 0, d.d = "W" in d ? (d.w + 6) % 7 + d.W * 7 - (Q + 5) % 7 : d.w + d.U * 7 - (Q + 6) % 7); - return "Z" in d ? (d.H += d.Z / 100 | 0, d.M += d.Z % 100, fe(d)) : le(d); - }; - } - function B(M, D, L, d) { - for (var G = 0, N = D.length, Q = L.length, J, at; G < N; ) { - if (d >= Q) - return -1; - if (J = D.charCodeAt(G++), J === 37) { - if (J = D.charAt(G++), at = P[J in tn ? D.charAt(G++) : J], !at || (d = at(M, L, d)) < 0) - return -1; - } else if (J != L.charCodeAt(d++)) - return -1; - } - return d; - } - function x(M, D, L) { - var d = l.exec(D.slice(L)); - return d ? (M.p = b.get(d[0].toLowerCase()), L + d[0].length) : -1; - } - function m(M, D, L) { - var d = p.exec(D.slice(L)); - return d ? (M.w = I.get(d[0].toLowerCase()), L + d[0].length) : -1; - } - function u(M, D, L) { - var d = v.exec(D.slice(L)); - return d ? (M.w = y.get(d[0].toLowerCase()), L + d[0].length) : -1; - } - function h(M, D, L) { - var d = E.exec(D.slice(L)); - return d ? (M.m = W.get(d[0].toLowerCase()), L + d[0].length) : -1; - } - function T(M, D, L) { - var d = C.exec(D.slice(L)); - return d ? (M.m = _.get(d[0].toLowerCase()), L + d[0].length) : -1; - } - function o(M, D, L) { - return B(M, e, D, L); - } - function F(M, D, L) { - return B(M, r, D, L); - } - function f(M, D, L) { - return B(M, n, D, L); - } - function A(M) { - return s[M.getDay()]; - } - function Z(M) { - return a[M.getDay()]; - } - function j(M) { - return g[M.getMonth()]; - } - function k(M) { - return c[M.getMonth()]; - } - function U(M) { - return i[+(M.getHours() >= 12)]; - } - function S(M) { - return 1 + ~~(M.getMonth() / 3); - } - function V(M) { - return s[M.getUTCDay()]; - } - function q(M) { - return a[M.getUTCDay()]; - } - function z(M) { - return g[M.getUTCMonth()]; - } - function H(M) { - return c[M.getUTCMonth()]; - } - function ht(M) { - return i[+(M.getUTCHours() >= 12)]; - } - function $(M) { - return 1 + ~~(M.getUTCMonth() / 3); - } - return { - format: function(M) { - var D = w(M += "", O); - return D.toString = function() { - return M; - }, D; - }, - parse: function(M) { - var D = Y(M += "", !1); - return D.toString = function() { - return M; - }, D; - }, - utcFormat: function(M) { - var D = w(M += "", R); - return D.toString = function() { - return M; - }, D; - }, - utcParse: function(M) { - var D = Y(M += "", !0); - return D.toString = function() { - return M; - }, D; - } - }; -} -var tn = { "-": "", _: " ", 0: "0" }, et = /^\s*\d+/, Ai = /^%/, Fi = /[\\^$*+?|[\]().{}]/g; -function X(t, e, r) { - var n = t < 0 ? "-" : "", i = (n ? -t : t) + "", a = i.length; - return n + (a < r ? new Array(r - a + 1).join(e) + i : i); -} -function Yi(t) { - return t.replace(Fi, "\\$&"); -} -function Yt(t) { - return new RegExp("^(?:" +"|") + ")", "i"); -} -function Ut(t) { - return new Map(, r) => [e.toLowerCase(), r])); -} -function Ui(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 1)); - return n ? (t.w = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Li(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 1)); - return n ? (t.u = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Ei(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.U = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Ni(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.V = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Ii(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.W = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function en(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 4)); - return n ? (t.y = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function nn(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.y = +n[0] + (+n[0] > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3), r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Wi(t, e, r) { - var n = /^(Z)|([+-]\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?/.exec(e.slice(r, r + 6)); - return n ? (t.Z = n[1] ? 0 : -(n[2] + (n[3] || "00")), r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function zi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 1)); - return n ? (t.q = n[0] * 3 - 3, r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Oi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.m = n[0] - 1, r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function rn(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.d = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Hi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 3)); - return n ? (t.m = 0, t.d = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function an(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.H = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Pi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.M = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Vi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 2)); - return n ? (t.S = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Ri(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 3)); - return n ? (t.L = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Bi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r, r + 6)); - return n ? (t.L = Math.floor(n[0] / 1e3), r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Zi(t, e, r) { - var n = Ai.exec(e.slice(r, r + 1)); - return n ? r + n[0].length : -1; -} -function ji(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r)); - return n ? (t.Q = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function Xi(t, e, r) { - var n = et.exec(e.slice(r)); - return n ? (t.s = +n[0], r + n[0].length) : -1; -} -function sn(t, e) { - return X(t.getDate(), e, 2); -} -function qi(t, e) { - return X(t.getHours(), e, 2); -} -function Gi(t, e) { - return X(t.getHours() % 12 || 12, e, 2); -} -function $i(t, e) { - return X(1 + Mt.count(dt(t), t), e, 3); -} -function Vn(t, e) { - return X(t.getMilliseconds(), e, 3); -} -function Qi(t, e) { - return Vn(t, e) + "000"; -} -function Ji(t, e) { - return X(t.getMonth() + 1, e, 2); -} -function Ki(t, e) { - return X(t.getMinutes(), e, 2); -} -function ta(t, e) { - return X(t.getSeconds(), e, 2); -} -function ea(t) { - var e = t.getDay(); - return e === 0 ? 7 : e; -} -function na(t, e) { - return X(wt.count(dt(t) - 1, t), e, 2); -} -function Rn(t) { - var e = t.getDay(); - return e >= 4 || e === 0 ? Ct(t) : Ct.ceil(t); -} -function ra(t, e) { - return t = Rn(t), X(Ct.count(dt(t), t) + (dt(t).getDay() === 4), e, 2); -} -function ia(t) { - return t.getDay(); -} -function aa(t, e) { - return X($t.count(dt(t) - 1, t), e, 2); -} -function sa(t, e) { - return X(t.getFullYear() % 100, e, 2); -} -function oa(t, e) { - return t = Rn(t), X(t.getFullYear() % 100, e, 2); -} -function ca(t, e) { - return X(t.getFullYear() % 1e4, e, 4); -} -function ua(t, e) { - var r = t.getDay(); - return t = r >= 4 || r === 0 ? Ct(t) : Ct.ceil(t), X(t.getFullYear() % 1e4, e, 4); -} -function la(t) { - var e = t.getTimezoneOffset(); - return (e > 0 ? "-" : (e *= -1, "+")) + X(e / 60 | 0, "0", 2) + X(e % 60, "0", 2); -} -function on(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCDate(), e, 2); -} -function fa(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCHours(), e, 2); -} -function ha(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, e, 2); -} -function ma(t, e) { - return X(1 + Ee.count(St(t), t), e, 3); -} -function Bn(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCMilliseconds(), e, 3); -} -function da(t, e) { - return Bn(t, e) + "000"; -} -function ga(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCMonth() + 1, e, 2); -} -function ya(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCMinutes(), e, 2); -} -function pa(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCSeconds(), e, 2); -} -function ka(t) { - var e = t.getUTCDay(); - return e === 0 ? 7 : e; -} -function va(t, e) { - return X(Ne.count(St(t) - 1, t), e, 2); -} -function Zn(t) { - var e = t.getUTCDay(); - return e >= 4 || e === 0 ? Dt(t) : Dt.ceil(t); -} -function Ta(t, e) { - return t = Zn(t), X(Dt.count(St(t), t) + (St(t).getUTCDay() === 4), e, 2); -} -function xa(t) { - return t.getUTCDay(); -} -function ba(t, e) { - return X(Jt.count(St(t) - 1, t), e, 2); -} -function Ma(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCFullYear() % 100, e, 2); -} -function wa(t, e) { - return t = Zn(t), X(t.getUTCFullYear() % 100, e, 2); -} -function Ca(t, e) { - return X(t.getUTCFullYear() % 1e4, e, 4); -} -function Da(t, e) { - var r = t.getUTCDay(); - return t = r >= 4 || r === 0 ? Dt(t) : Dt.ceil(t), X(t.getUTCFullYear() % 1e4, e, 4); -} -function Sa() { - return "+0000"; -} -function cn() { - return "%"; -} -function un(t) { - return +t; -} -function ln(t) { - return Math.floor(+t / 1e3); -} -var pt, Kt; -_a({ - dateTime: "%x, %X", - date: "%-m/%-d/%Y", - time: "%-I:%M:%S %p", - periods: ["AM", "PM"], - days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], - shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], - months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], - shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] -}); -function _a(t) { - return pt = _i(t), Kt = pt.format, pt.parse, pt.utcFormat, pt.utcParse, pt; -} -function Aa(t) { - return new Date(t); -} -function Fa(t) { - return t instanceof Date ? +t : +new Date(+t); -} -function jn(t, e, r, n, i, a, s, c, g, l) { - var b = Fn(), v = b.invert, y = b.domain, p = l(".%L"), I = l(":%S"), C = l("%I:%M"), _ = l("%I %p"), E = l("%a %d"), W = l("%b %d"), O = l("%B"), R = l("%Y"); - function P(w) { - return (g(w) < w ? p : c(w) < w ? I : s(w) < w ? C : a(w) < w ? _ : n(w) < w ? i(w) < w ? E : W : r(w) < w ? O : R)(w); - } - return b.invert = function(w) { - return new Date(v(w)); - }, b.domain = function(w) { - return arguments.length ? y(Array.from(w, Fa)) : y().map(Aa); - }, b.ticks = function(w) { - var Y = y(); - return t(Y[0], Y[Y.length - 1], w ?? 10); - }, b.tickFormat = function(w, Y) { - return Y == null ? P : l(Y); - }, b.nice = function(w) { - var Y = y(); - return (!w || typeof w.range != "function") && (w = e(Y[0], Y[Y.length - 1], w ?? 10)), w ? y(mi(Y, w)) : b; - }, b.copy = function() { - return An(b, jn(t, e, r, n, i, a, s, c, g, l)); - }, b; -} -function Ya() { - return yn.apply(jn(Di, Si, dt, Qt, wt, Mt, Gt, qt, Lt, Kt).domain([new Date(2e3, 0, 1), new Date(2e3, 0, 2)]), arguments); -} -var xe = function() { - var t = function(B, x, m, u) { - for (m = m || {}, u = B.length; u--; m[B[u]] = x) - ; - return m; - }, e = [1, 3], r = [1, 5], n = [7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 35, 40], i = [1, 15], a = [1, 16], s = [1, 17], c = [1, 18], g = [1, 19], l = [1, 20], b = [1, 21], v = [1, 22], y = [1, 23], p = [1, 24], I = [1, 25], C = [1, 26], _ = [1, 27], E = [1, 29], W = [1, 31], O = [1, 34], R = [5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 35, 40], P = { - trace: function() { - }, - yy: {}, - symbols_: { error: 2, start: 3, directive: 4, gantt: 5, document: 6, EOF: 7, line: 8, SPACE: 9, statement: 10, NL: 11, dateFormat: 12, inclusiveEndDates: 13, topAxis: 14, axisFormat: 15, tickInterval: 16, excludes: 17, includes: 18, todayMarker: 19, title: 20, acc_title: 21, acc_title_value: 22, acc_descr: 23, acc_descr_value: 24, acc_descr_multiline_value: 25, section: 26, clickStatement: 27, taskTxt: 28, taskData: 29, openDirective: 30, typeDirective: 31, closeDirective: 32, ":": 33, argDirective: 34, click: 35, callbackname: 36, callbackargs: 37, href: 38, clickStatementDebug: 39, open_directive: 40, type_directive: 41, arg_directive: 42, close_directive: 43, $accept: 0, $end: 1 }, - terminals_: { 2: "error", 5: "gantt", 7: "EOF", 9: "SPACE", 11: "NL", 12: "dateFormat", 13: "inclusiveEndDates", 14: "topAxis", 15: "axisFormat", 16: "tickInterval", 17: "excludes", 18: "includes", 19: "todayMarker", 20: "title", 21: "acc_title", 22: "acc_title_value", 23: "acc_descr", 24: "acc_descr_value", 25: "acc_descr_multiline_value", 26: "section", 28: "taskTxt", 29: "taskData", 33: ":", 35: "click", 36: "callbackname", 37: "callbackargs", 38: "href", 40: "open_directive", 41: "type_directive", 42: "arg_directive", 43: "close_directive" }, - productions_: [0, [3, 2], [3, 3], [6, 0], [6, 2], [8, 2], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 2], [10, 2], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 1], [10, 2], [10, 1], [4, 4], [4, 6], [27, 2], [27, 3], [27, 3], [27, 4], [27, 3], [27, 4], [27, 2], [39, 2], [39, 3], [39, 3], [39, 4], [39, 3], [39, 4], [39, 2], [30, 1], [31, 1], [34, 1], [32, 1]], - performAction: function(x, m, u, h, T, o, F) { - var f = o.length - 1; - switch (T) { - case 2: - return o[f - 1]; - case 3: - this.$ = []; - break; - case 4: - o[f - 1].push(o[f]), this.$ = o[f - 1]; - break; - case 5: - case 6: - this.$ = o[f]; - break; - case 7: - case 8: - this.$ = []; - break; - case 9: - h.setDateFormat(o[f].substr(11)), this.$ = o[f].substr(11); - break; - case 10: - h.enableInclusiveEndDates(), this.$ = o[f].substr(18); - break; - case 11: - h.TopAxis(), this.$ = o[f].substr(8); - break; - case 12: - h.setAxisFormat(o[f].substr(11)), this.$ = o[f].substr(11); - break; - case 13: - h.setTickInterval(o[f].substr(13)), this.$ = o[f].substr(13); - break; - case 14: - h.setExcludes(o[f].substr(9)), this.$ = o[f].substr(9); - break; - case 15: - h.setIncludes(o[f].substr(9)), this.$ = o[f].substr(9); - break; - case 16: - h.setTodayMarker(o[f].substr(12)), this.$ = o[f].substr(12); - break; - case 17: - h.setDiagramTitle(o[f].substr(6)), this.$ = o[f].substr(6); - break; - case 18: - this.$ = o[f].trim(), h.setAccTitle(this.$); - break; - case 19: - case 20: - this.$ = o[f].trim(), h.setAccDescription(this.$); - break; - case 21: - h.addSection(o[f].substr(8)), this.$ = o[f].substr(8); - break; - case 23: - h.addTask(o[f - 1], o[f]), this.$ = "task"; - break; - case 27: - this.$ = o[f - 1], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 1], o[f], null); - break; - case 28: - this.$ = o[f - 2], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 2], o[f - 1], o[f]); - break; - case 29: - this.$ = o[f - 2], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 2], o[f - 1], null), h.setLink(o[f - 2], o[f]); - break; - case 30: - this.$ = o[f - 3], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 3], o[f - 2], o[f - 1]), h.setLink(o[f - 3], o[f]); - break; - case 31: - this.$ = o[f - 2], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 2], o[f], null), h.setLink(o[f - 2], o[f - 1]); - break; - case 32: - this.$ = o[f - 3], h.setClickEvent(o[f - 3], o[f - 1], o[f]), h.setLink(o[f - 3], o[f - 2]); - break; - case 33: - this.$ = o[f - 1], h.setLink(o[f - 1], o[f]); - break; - case 34: - case 40: - this.$ = o[f - 1] + " " + o[f]; - break; - case 35: - case 36: - case 38: - this.$ = o[f - 2] + " " + o[f - 1] + " " + o[f]; - break; - case 37: - case 39: - this.$ = o[f - 3] + " " + o[f - 2] + " " + o[f - 1] + " " + o[f]; - break; - case 41: - h.parseDirective("%%{", "open_directive"); - break; - case 42: - h.parseDirective(o[f], "type_directive"); - break; - case 43: - o[f] = o[f].trim().replace(/'/g, '"'), h.parseDirective(o[f], "arg_directive"); - break; - case 44: - h.parseDirective("}%%", "close_directive", "gantt"); - break; - } - }, - table: [{ 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: e, 30: 4, 40: r }, { 1: [3] }, { 3: 6, 4: 2, 5: e, 30: 4, 40: r }, t(n, [2, 3], { 6: 7 }), { 31: 8, 41: [1, 9] }, { 41: [2, 41] }, { 1: [2, 1] }, { 4: 30, 7: [1, 10], 8: 11, 9: [1, 12], 10: 13, 11: [1, 14], 12: i, 13: a, 14: s, 15: c, 16: g, 17: l, 18: b, 19: v, 20: y, 21: p, 23: I, 25: C, 26: _, 27: 28, 28: E, 30: 4, 35: W, 40: r }, { 32: 32, 33: [1, 33], 43: O }, t([33, 43], [2, 42]), t(n, [2, 8], { 1: [2, 2] }), t(n, [2, 4]), { 4: 30, 10: 35, 12: i, 13: a, 14: s, 15: c, 16: g, 17: l, 18: b, 19: v, 20: y, 21: p, 23: I, 25: C, 26: _, 27: 28, 28: E, 30: 4, 35: W, 40: r }, t(n, [2, 6]), t(n, [2, 7]), t(n, [2, 9]), t(n, [2, 10]), t(n, [2, 11]), t(n, [2, 12]), t(n, [2, 13]), t(n, [2, 14]), t(n, [2, 15]), t(n, [2, 16]), t(n, [2, 17]), { 22: [1, 36] }, { 24: [1, 37] }, t(n, [2, 20]), t(n, [2, 21]), t(n, [2, 22]), { 29: [1, 38] }, t(n, [2, 24]), { 36: [1, 39], 38: [1, 40] }, { 11: [1, 41] }, { 34: 42, 42: [1, 43] }, { 11: [2, 44] }, t(n, [2, 5]), t(n, [2, 18]), t(n, [2, 19]), t(n, [2, 23]), t(n, [2, 27], { 37: [1, 44], 38: [1, 45] }), t(n, [2, 33], { 36: [1, 46] }), t(R, [2, 25]), { 32: 47, 43: O }, { 43: [2, 43] }, t(n, [2, 28], { 38: [1, 48] }), t(n, [2, 29]), t(n, [2, 31], { 37: [1, 49] }), { 11: [1, 50] }, t(n, [2, 30]), t(n, [2, 32]), t(R, [2, 26])], - defaultActions: { 5: [2, 41], 6: [2, 1], 34: [2, 44], 43: [2, 43] }, - parseError: function(x, m) { - if (m.recoverable) - this.trace(x); - else { - var u = new Error(x); - throw u.hash = m, u; - } - }, - parse: function(x) { - var m = this, u = [0], h = [], T = [null], o = [], F = this.table, f = "", A = 0, Z = 0, j = 2, k = 1, U =, 1), S = Object.create(this.lexer), V = { yy: {} }; - for (var q in this.yy) -, q) && (V.yy[q] = this.yy[q]); - S.setInput(x, V.yy), V.yy.lexer = S, V.yy.parser = this, typeof S.yylloc > "u" && (S.yylloc = {}); - var z = S.yylloc; - o.push(z); - var H = S.options && S.options.ranges; - typeof V.yy.parseError == "function" ? this.parseError = V.yy.parseError : this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError; - function ht() { - var rt; - return rt = h.pop() || S.lex() || k, typeof rt != "number" && (rt instanceof Array && (h = rt, rt = h.pop()), rt = m.symbols_[rt] || rt), rt; - } - for (var $, M, D, L, d = {}, G, N, Q, J; ; ) { - if (M = u[u.length - 1], this.defaultActions[M] ? D = this.defaultActions[M] : (($ === null || typeof $ > "u") && ($ = ht()), D = F[M] && F[M][$]), typeof D > "u" || !D.length || !D[0]) { - var at = ""; - J = []; - for (G in F[M]) - this.terminals_[G] && G > j && J.push("'" + this.terminals_[G] + "'"); - S.showPosition ? at = "Parse error on line " + (A + 1) + `: -` + S.showPosition() + ` -Expecting ` + J.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[$] || $) + "'" : at = "Parse error on line " + (A + 1) + ": Unexpected " + ($ == k ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[$] || $) + "'"), this.parseError(at, { - text: S.match, - token: this.terminals_[$] || $, - line: S.yylineno, - loc: z, - expected: J - }); - } - if (D[0] instanceof Array && D.length > 1) - throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + M + ", token: " + $); - switch (D[0]) { - case 1: - u.push($), T.push(S.yytext), o.push(S.yylloc), u.push(D[1]), $ = null, Z = S.yyleng, f = S.yytext, A = S.yylineno, z = S.yylloc; - break; - case 2: - if (N = this.productions_[D[1]][1], d.$ = T[T.length - N], d._$ = { - first_line: o[o.length - (N || 1)].first_line, - last_line: o[o.length - 1].last_line, - first_column: o[o.length - (N || 1)].first_column, - last_column: o[o.length - 1].last_column - }, H && (d._$.range = [ - o[o.length - (N || 1)].range[0], - o[o.length - 1].range[1] - ]), L = this.performAction.apply(d, [ - f, - Z, - A, - V.yy, - D[1], - T, - o - ].concat(U)), typeof L < "u") - return L; - N && (u = u.slice(0, -1 * N * 2), T = T.slice(0, -1 * N), o = o.slice(0, -1 * N)), u.push(this.productions_[D[1]][0]), T.push(d.$), o.push(d._$), Q = F[u[u.length - 2]][u[u.length - 1]], u.push(Q); - break; - case 3: - return !0; - } - } - return !0; - } - }, w = function() { - var B = { - EOF: 1, - parseError: function(m, u) { - if (this.yy.parser) - this.yy.parser.parseError(m, u); - else - throw new Error(m); - }, - // resets the lexer, sets new input - setInput: function(x, m) { - return this.yy = m || this.yy || {}, this._input = x, this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = !1, this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0, this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "", this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"], this.yylloc = { - first_line: 1, - first_column: 0, - last_line: 1, - last_column: 0 - }, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [0, 0]), this.offset = 0, this; - }, - // consumes and returns one char from the input - input: function() { - var x = this._input[0]; - this.yytext += x, this.yyleng++, this.offset++, this.match += x, this.matched += x; - var m = x.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g); - return m ? (this.yylineno++, this.yylloc.last_line++) : this.yylloc.last_column++, this.options.ranges && this.yylloc.range[1]++, this._input = this._input.slice(1), x; - }, - // unshifts one char (or a string) into the input - unput: function(x) { - var m = x.length, u = x.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); - this._input = x + this._input, this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - m), this.offset -= m; - var h = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); - this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1), this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1), u.length - 1 && (this.yylineno -= u.length - 1); - var T = this.yylloc.range; - return this.yylloc = { - first_line: this.yylloc.first_line, - last_line: this.yylineno + 1, - first_column: this.yylloc.first_column, - last_column: u ? (u.length === h.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + h[h.length - u.length].length - u[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - m - }, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [T[0], T[0] + this.yyleng - m]), this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this; - }, - // When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action - more: function() { - return this._more = !0, this; - }, - // When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead. - reject: function() { - if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) - this._backtrack = !0; - else - return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true). -` + this.showPosition(), { - text: "", - token: null, - line: this.yylineno - }); - return this; - }, - // retain first n characters of the match - less: function(x) { - this.unput(this.match.slice(x)); - }, - // displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages - pastInput: function() { - var x = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); - return (x.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + x.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); - }, - // displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages - upcomingInput: function() { - var x = this.match; - return x.length < 20 && (x += this._input.substr(0, 20 - x.length)), (x.substr(0, 20) + (x.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, ""); - }, - // displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages - showPosition: function() { - var x = this.pastInput(), m = new Array(x.length + 1).join("-"); - return x + this.upcomingInput() + ` -` + m + "^"; - }, - // test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token - test_match: function(x, m) { - var u, h, T; - if (this.options.backtrack_lexer && (T = { - yylineno: this.yylineno, - yylloc: { - first_line: this.yylloc.first_line, - last_line: this.last_line, - first_column: this.yylloc.first_column, - last_column: this.yylloc.last_column - }, - yytext: this.yytext, - match: this.match, - matches: this.matches, - matched: this.matched, - yyleng: this.yyleng, - offset: this.offset, - _more: this._more, - _input: this._input, - yy: this.yy, - conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0), - done: this.done - }, this.options.ranges && (T.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0))), h = x[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g), h && (this.yylineno += h.length), this.yylloc = { - first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, - last_line: this.yylineno + 1, - first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, - last_column: h ? h[h.length - 1].length - h[h.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + x[0].length - }, this.yytext += x[0], this.match += x[0], this.matches = x, this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng]), this._more = !1, this._backtrack = !1, this._input = this._input.slice(x[0].length), this.matched += x[0], u =, this.yy, this, m, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]), this.done && this._input && (this.done = !1), u) - return u; - if (this._backtrack) { - for (var o in T) - this[o] = T[o]; - return !1; - } - return !1; - }, - // return next match in input - next: function() { - if (this.done) - return this.EOF; - this._input || (this.done = !0); - var x, m, u, h; - this._more || (this.yytext = "", this.match = ""); - for (var T = this._currentRules(), o = 0; o < T.length; o++) - if (u = this._input.match(this.rules[T[o]]), u && (!m || u[0].length > m[0].length)) { - if (m = u, h = o, this.options.backtrack_lexer) { - if (x = this.test_match(u, T[o]), x !== !1) - return x; - if (this._backtrack) { - m = !1; - continue; - } else - return !1; - } else if (!this.options.flex) - break; - } - return m ? (x = this.test_match(m, T[h]), x !== !1 ? x : !1) : this._input === "" ? this.EOF : this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. Unrecognized text. -` + this.showPosition(), { - text: "", - token: null, - line: this.yylineno - }); - }, - // return next match that has a token - lex: function() { - var m =; - return m || this.lex(); - }, - // activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack) - begin: function(m) { - this.conditionStack.push(m); - }, - // pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack - popState: function() { - var m = this.conditionStack.length - 1; - return m > 0 ? this.conditionStack.pop() : this.conditionStack[0]; - }, - // produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state - _currentRules: function() { - return this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1] ? this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules : this.conditions.INITIAL.rules; - }, - // return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available - topState: function(m) { - return m = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(m || 0), m >= 0 ? this.conditionStack[m] : "INITIAL"; - }, - // alias for begin(condition) - pushState: function(m) { - this.begin(m); - }, - // return the number of states currently on the stack - stateStackSize: function() { - return this.conditionStack.length; - }, - options: { "case-insensitive": !0 }, - performAction: function(m, u, h, T) { - switch (h) { - case 0: - return this.begin("open_directive"), 40; - case 1: - return this.begin("type_directive"), 41; - case 2: - return this.popState(), this.begin("arg_directive"), 33; - case 3: - return this.popState(), this.popState(), 43; - case 4: - return 42; - case 5: - return this.begin("acc_title"), 21; - case 6: - return this.popState(), "acc_title_value"; - case 7: - return this.begin("acc_descr"), 23; - case 8: - return this.popState(), "acc_descr_value"; - case 9: - this.begin("acc_descr_multiline"); - break; - case 10: - this.popState(); - break; - case 11: - return "acc_descr_multiline_value"; - case 12: - break; - case 13: - break; - case 14: - break; - case 15: - return 11; - case 16: - break; - case 17: - break; - case 18: - break; - case 19: - this.begin("href"); - break; - case 20: - this.popState(); - break; - case 21: - return 38; - case 22: - this.begin("callbackname"); - break; - case 23: - this.popState(); - break; - case 24: - this.popState(), this.begin("callbackargs"); - break; - case 25: - return 36; - case 26: - this.popState(); - break; - case 27: - return 37; - case 28: - this.begin("click"); - break; - case 29: - this.popState(); - break; - case 30: - return 35; - case 31: - return 5; - case 32: - return 12; - case 33: - return 13; - case 34: - return 14; - case 35: - return 15; - case 36: - return 16; - case 37: - return 18; - case 38: - return 17; - case 39: - return 19; - case 40: - return "date"; - case 41: - return 20; - case 42: - return "accDescription"; - case 43: - return 26; - case 44: - return 28; - case 45: - return 29; - case 46: - return 33; - case 47: - return 7; - case 48: - return "INVALID"; - } - }, - rules: [/^(?:%%\{)/i, /^(?:((?:(?!\}%%)[^:.])*))/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:\}%%)/i, /^(?:((?:(?!\}%%).|\n)*))/i, /^(?:accTitle\s*:\s*)/i, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:accDescr\s*:\s*)/i, /^(?:(?!\n||)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:accDescr\s*\{\s*)/i, /^(?:[\}])/i, /^(?:[^\}]*)/i, /^(?:%%(?!\{)*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:[^\}]%%*[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:%%*[^\n]*[\n]*)/i, /^(?:[\n]+)/i, /^(?:\s+)/i, /^(?:#[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:%[^\n]*)/i, /^(?:href[\s]+["])/i, /^(?:["])/i, /^(?:[^"]*)/i, /^(?:call[\s]+)/i, /^(?:\([\s]*\))/i, /^(?:\()/i, /^(?:[^(]*)/i, /^(?:\))/i, /^(?:[^)]*)/i, /^(?:click[\s]+)/i, /^(?:[\s\n])/i, /^(?:[^\s\n]*)/i, /^(?:gantt\b)/i, /^(?:dateFormat\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:inclusiveEndDates\b)/i, /^(?:topAxis\b)/i, /^(?:axisFormat\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:tickInterval\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:includes\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:excludes\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:todayMarker\s[^\n;]+)/i, /^(?:\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\b)/i, /^(?:title\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:accDescription\s[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?:section\s[^#:\n;]+)/i, /^(?:[^#:\n;]+)/i, /^(?::[^#\n;]+)/i, /^(?::)/i, /^(?:$)/i, /^(?:.)/i], - conditions: { acc_descr_multiline: { rules: [10, 11], inclusive: !1 }, acc_descr: { rules: [8], inclusive: !1 }, acc_title: { rules: [6], inclusive: !1 }, close_directive: { rules: [], inclusive: !1 }, arg_directive: { rules: [3, 4], inclusive: !1 }, type_directive: { rules: [2, 3], inclusive: !1 }, open_directive: { rules: [1], inclusive: !1 }, callbackargs: { rules: [26, 27], inclusive: !1 }, callbackname: { rules: [23, 24, 25], inclusive: !1 }, href: { rules: [20, 21], inclusive: !1 }, click: { rules: [29, 30], inclusive: !1 }, INITIAL: { rules: [0, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48], inclusive: !0 } } - }; - return B; - }(); - P.lexer = w; - function Y() { - this.yy = {}; - } - return Y.prototype = P, P.Parser = Y, new Y(); -}(); -xe.parser = xe; -const Ua = xe; -var be = {}, La = { - get exports() { - return be; - }, - set exports(t) { - be = t; - } -}; -(function(t, e) { - (function(r, n) { - t.exports = n(); - })(_e, function() { - var r = "day"; - return function(n, i, a) { - var s = function(l) { - return l.add(4 - l.isoWeekday(), r); - }, c = i.prototype; - c.isoWeekYear = function() { - return s(this).year(); - }, c.isoWeek = function(l) { - if (!this.$utils().u(l)) - return this.add(7 * (l - this.isoWeek()), r); - var b, v, y, p, I = s(this), C = (b = this.isoWeekYear(), v = this.$u, y = (v ? a.utc : a)().year(b).startOf("year"), p = 4 - y.isoWeekday(), y.isoWeekday() > 4 && (p += 7), y.add(p, r)); - return I.diff(C, "week") + 1; - }, c.isoWeekday = function(l) { - return this.$utils().u(l) ? || 7 : % 7 ? l : l - 7); - }; - var g = c.startOf; - c.startOf = function(l, b) { - var v = this.$utils(), y = !!v.u(b) || b; - return v.p(l) === "isoweek" ? y ? - (this.isoWeekday() - 1)).startOf("day") : - 1 - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7).endOf("day") : g.bind(this)(l, b); - }; - }; - }); -})(La); -const Ea = be; -var Me = {}, Na = { - get exports() { - return Me; - }, - set exports(t) { - Me = t; - } -}; -(function(t, e) { - (function(r, n) { - t.exports = n(); - })(_e, function() { - var r = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }, n = /(\[[^[]*\])|([-_:/.,()\s]+)|(A|a|YYYY|YY?|MM?M?M?|Do|DD?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,3}|z|ZZ?)/g, i = /\d\d/, a = /\d\d?/, s = /\d*[^-_:/,()\s\d]+/, c = {}, g = function(C) { - return (C = +C) + (C > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3); - }, l = function(C) { - return function(_) { - this[C] = +_; - }; - }, b = [/[+-]\d\d:?(\d\d)?|Z/, function(C) { - ( || ( = {})).offset = function(_) { - if (!_ || _ === "Z") - return 0; - var E = _.match(/([+-]|\d\d)/g), W = 60 * E[1] + (+E[2] || 0); - return W === 0 ? 0 : E[0] === "+" ? -W : W; - }(C); - }], v = function(C) { - var _ = c[C]; - return _ && (_.indexOf ? _ : _.s.concat(_.f)); - }, y = function(C, _) { - var E, W = c.meridiem; - if (W) { - for (var O = 1; O <= 24; O += 1) - if (C.indexOf(W(O, 0, _)) > -1) { - E = O > 12; - break; - } - } else - E = C === (_ ? "pm" : "PM"); - return E; - }, p = { A: [s, function(C) { - this.afternoon = y(C, !1); - }], a: [s, function(C) { - this.afternoon = y(C, !0); - }], S: [/\d/, function(C) { - this.milliseconds = 100 * +C; - }], SS: [i, function(C) { - this.milliseconds = 10 * +C; - }], SSS: [/\d{3}/, function(C) { - this.milliseconds = +C; - }], s: [a, l("seconds")], ss: [a, l("seconds")], m: [a, l("minutes")], mm: [a, l("minutes")], H: [a, l("hours")], h: [a, l("hours")], HH: [a, l("hours")], hh: [a, l("hours")], D: [a, l("day")], DD: [i, l("day")], Do: [s, function(C) { - var _ = c.ordinal, E = C.match(/\d+/); - if ( = E[0], _) - for (var W = 1; W <= 31; W += 1) - _(W).replace(/\[|\]/g, "") === C && ( = W); - }], M: [a, l("month")], MM: [i, l("month")], MMM: [s, function(C) { - var _ = v("months"), E = (v("monthsShort") || { - return W.slice(0, 3); - })).indexOf(C) + 1; - if (E < 1) - throw new Error(); - this.month = E % 12 || E; - }], MMMM: [s, function(C) { - var _ = v("months").indexOf(C) + 1; - if (_ < 1) - throw new Error(); - this.month = _ % 12 || _; - }], Y: [/[+-]?\d+/, l("year")], YY: [i, function(C) { - this.year = g(C); - }], YYYY: [/\d{4}/, l("year")], Z: b, ZZ: b }; - function I(C) { - var _, E; - _ = C, E = c && c.formats; - for (var W = (C = _.replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(LTS?|l{1,4}|L{1,4})/g, function(x, m, u) { - var h = u && u.toUpperCase(); - return m || E[u] || r[u] || E[h].replace(/(\[[^\]]+])|(MMMM|MM|DD|dddd)/g, function(T, o, F) { - return o || F.slice(1); - }); - })).match(n), O = W.length, R = 0; R < O; R += 1) { - var P = W[R], w = p[P], Y = w && w[0], B = w && w[1]; - W[R] = B ? { regex: Y, parser: B } : P.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, ""); - } - return function(x) { - for (var m = {}, u = 0, h = 0; u < O; u += 1) { - var T = W[u]; - if (typeof T == "string") - h += T.length; - else { - var o = T.regex, F = T.parser, f = x.slice(h), A = o.exec(f)[0]; -, A), x = x.replace(A, ""); - } - } - return function(Z) { - var j = Z.afternoon; - if (j !== void 0) { - var k = Z.hours; - j ? k < 12 && (Z.hours += 12) : k === 12 && (Z.hours = 0), delete Z.afternoon; - } - }(m), m; - }; - } - return function(C, _, E) { - E.p.customParseFormat = !0, C && C.parseTwoDigitYear && (g = C.parseTwoDigitYear); - var W = _.prototype, O = W.parse; - W.parse = function(R) { - var P =, w = R.utc, Y = R.args; - this.$u = w; - var B = Y[1]; - if (typeof B == "string") { - var x = Y[2] === !0, m = Y[3] === !0, u = x || m, h = Y[2]; - m && (h = Y[2]), c = this.$locale(), !x && h && (c = E.Ls[h]), this.$d = function(f, A, Z) { - try { - if (["x", "X"].indexOf(A) > -1) - return new Date((A === "X" ? 1e3 : 1) * f); - var j = I(A)(f), k = j.year, U = j.month, S =, V = j.hours, q = j.minutes, z = j.seconds, H = j.milliseconds, ht =, $ = new Date(), M = S || (k || U ? 1 : $.getDate()), D = k || $.getFullYear(), L = 0; - k && !U || (L = U > 0 ? U - 1 : $.getMonth()); - var d = V || 0, G = q || 0, N = z || 0, Q = H || 0; - return ht ? new Date(Date.UTC(D, L, M, d, G, N, Q + 60 * ht.offset * 1e3)) : Z ? new Date(Date.UTC(D, L, M, d, G, N, Q)) : new Date(D, L, M, d, G, N, Q); - } catch { - return new Date(""); - } - }(P, B, w), this.init(), h && h !== !0 && (this.$L = this.locale(h).$L), u && P != this.format(B) && (this.$d = new Date("")), c = {}; - } else if (B instanceof Array) - for (var T = B.length, o = 1; o <= T; o += 1) { - Y[1] = B[o - 1]; - var F = E.apply(this, Y); - if (F.isValid()) { - this.$d = F.$d, this.$L = F.$L, this.init(); - break; - } - o === T && (this.$d = new Date("")); - } - else -, R); - }; - }; - }); -})(Na); -const Ia = Me; -var we = {}, Wa = { - get exports() { - return we; - }, - set exports(t) { - we = t; - } -}; -(function(t, e) { - (function(r, n) { - t.exports = n(); - })(_e, function() { - return function(r, n) { - var i = n.prototype, a = i.format; - i.format = function(s) { - var c = this, g = this.$locale(); - if (!this.isValid()) - return a.bind(this)(s); - var l = this.$utils(), b = (s || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ").replace(/\[([^\]]+)]|Q|wo|ww|w|WW|W|zzz|z|gggg|GGGG|Do|X|x|k{1,2}|S/g, function(v) { - switch (v) { - case "Q": - return Math.ceil((c.$M + 1) / 3); - case "Do": - return g.ordinal(c.$D); - case "gggg": - return c.weekYear(); - case "GGGG": - return c.isoWeekYear(); - case "wo": - return g.ordinal(c.week(), "W"); - case "w": - case "ww": - return l.s(c.week(), v === "w" ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "W": - case "WW": - return l.s(c.isoWeek(), v === "W" ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "k": - case "kk": - return l.s(String(c.$H === 0 ? 24 : c.$H), v === "k" ? 1 : 2, "0"); - case "X": - return Math.floor(c.$d.getTime() / 1e3); - case "x": - return c.$d.getTime(); - case "z": - return "[" + c.offsetName() + "]"; - case "zzz": - return "[" + c.offsetName("long") + "]"; - default: - return v; - } - }); - return a.bind(this)(b); - }; - }; - }); -})(Wa); -const za = we; -nt.extend(Ea); -nt.extend(Ia); -nt.extend(za); -let st = "", We = "", ze, Oe = "", Et = [], Nt = [], He = {}, Pe = [], te = [], _t = ""; -const Xn = ["active", "done", "crit", "milestone"]; -let Ve = [], It = !1, Re = !1, Ce = 0; -const Oa = function(t, e, r) { - ur.parseDirective(this, t, e, r); -}, Ha = function() { - Pe = [], te = [], _t = "", Ve = [], Vt = 0, Se = void 0, Rt = void 0, K = [], st = "", We = "", ze = void 0, Oe = "", Et = [], Nt = [], It = !1, Re = !1, Ce = 0, He = {}, yr(); -}, Pa = function(t) { - We = t; -}, Va = function() { - return We; -}, Ra = function(t) { - ze = t; -}, Ba = function() { - return ze; -}, Za = function(t) { - Oe = t; -}, ja = function() { - return Oe; -}, Xa = function(t) { - st = t; -}, qa = function() { - It = !0; -}, Ga = function() { - return It; -}, $a = function() { - Re = !0; -}, Qa = function() { - return Re; -}, Ja = function() { - return st; -}, Ka = function(t) { - Et = t.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/); -}, ts = function() { - return Et; -}, es = function(t) { - Nt = t.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/); -}, ns = function() { - return Nt; -}, rs = function() { - return He; -}, is = function(t) { - _t = t, Pe.push(t); -}, as = function() { - return Pe; -}, ss = function() { - let t = fn(); - const e = 10; - let r = 0; - for (; !t && r < e; ) - t = fn(), r++; - return te = K, te; -}, qn = function(t, e, r, n) { - return n.includes(t.format(e.trim())) ? !1 : t.isoWeekday() >= 6 && r.includes("weekends") || r.includes(t.format("dddd").toLowerCase()) ? !0 : r.includes(t.format(e.trim())); -}, Gn = function(t, e, r, n) { - if (!r.length || t.manualEndTime) - return; - let i; - t.startTime instanceof Date ? i = nt(t.startTime) : i = nt(t.startTime, e, !0), i = i.add(1, "d"); - let a; - t.endTime instanceof Date ? a = nt(t.endTime) : a = nt(t.endTime, e, !0); - const [s, c] = os( - i, - a, - e, - r, - n - ); - t.endTime = s.toDate(), t.renderEndTime = c; -}, os = function(t, e, r, n, i) { - let a = !1, s = null; - for (; t <= e; ) - a || (s = e.toDate()), a = qn(t, r, n, i), a && (e = e.add(1, "d")), t = t.add(1, "d"); - return [e, s]; -}, De = function(t, e, r) { - r = r.trim(); - const i = /^after\s+([\d\w- ]+)/.exec(r.trim()); - if (i !== null) { - let s = null; - if (i[1].split(" ").forEach(function(c) { - let g = At(c); - g !== void 0 && (s ? g.endTime > s.endTime && (s = g) : s = g); - }), s) - return s.endTime; - { - const c = new Date(); - return c.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0), c; - } - } - let a = nt(r, e.trim(), !0); - if (a.isValid()) - return a.toDate(); - { - me.debug("Invalid date:" + r), me.debug("With date format:" + e.trim()); - const s = new Date(r); - if (s === void 0 || isNaN(s.getTime())) - throw new Error("Invalid date:" + r); - return s; - } -}, $n = function(t) { - const e = /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([Mdhmswy]|ms)$/.exec(t.trim()); - return e !== null ? [Number.parseFloat(e[1]), e[2]] : [NaN, "ms"]; -}, Qn = function(t, e, r, n = !1) { - r = r.trim(); - let i = nt(r, e.trim(), !0); - if (i.isValid()) - return n && (i = i.add(1, "d")), i.toDate(); - let a = nt(t); - const [s, c] = $n(r); - if (!Number.isNaN(s)) { - const g = a.add(s, c); - g.isValid() && (a = g); - } - return a.toDate(); -}; -let Vt = 0; -const xt = function(t) { - return t === void 0 ? (Vt = Vt + 1, "task" + Vt) : t; -}, cs = function(t, e) { - let r; - e.substr(0, 1) === ":" ? r = e.substr(1, e.length) : r = e; - const n = r.split(","), i = {}; - er(n, i, Xn); - for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++) - n[s] = n[s].trim(); - let a = ""; - switch (n.length) { - case 1: - = xt(), i.startTime = t.endTime, a = n[0]; - break; - case 2: - = xt(), i.startTime = De(void 0, st, n[0]), a = n[1]; - break; - case 3: - = xt(n[0]), i.startTime = De(void 0, st, n[1]), a = n[2]; - break; - } - return a && (i.endTime = Qn(i.startTime, st, a, It), i.manualEndTime = nt(a, "YYYY-MM-DD", !0).isValid(), Gn(i, st, Nt, Et)), i; -}, us = function(t, e) { - let r; - e.substr(0, 1) === ":" ? r = e.substr(1, e.length) : r = e; - const n = r.split(","), i = {}; - er(n, i, Xn); - for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a++) - n[a] = n[a].trim(); - switch (n.length) { - case 1: - = xt(), i.startTime = { - type: "prevTaskEnd", - id: t - }, i.endTime = { - data: n[0] - }; - break; - case 2: - = xt(), i.startTime = { - type: "getStartDate", - startData: n[0] - }, i.endTime = { - data: n[1] - }; - break; - case 3: - = xt(n[0]), i.startTime = { - type: "getStartDate", - startData: n[1] - }, i.endTime = { - data: n[2] - }; - break; - } - return i; -}; -let Se, Rt, K = []; -const Jn = {}, ls = function(t, e) { - const r = { - section: _t, - type: _t, - processed: !1, - manualEndTime: !1, - renderEndTime: null, - raw: { data: e }, - task: t, - classes: [] - }, n = us(Rt, e); - r.raw.startTime = n.startTime, r.raw.endTime = n.endTime, =, r.prevTaskId = Rt, =, r.done = n.done, r.crit = n.crit, r.milestone = n.milestone, r.order = Ce, Ce++; - const i = K.push(r); - Rt =, Jn[] = i - 1; -}, At = function(t) { - const e = Jn[t]; - return K[e]; -}, fs = function(t, e) { - const r = { - section: _t, - type: _t, - description: t, - task: t, - classes: [] - }, n = cs(Se, e); - r.startTime = n.startTime, r.endTime = n.endTime, =, =, r.done = n.done, r.crit = n.crit, r.milestone = n.milestone, Se = r, te.push(r); -}, fn = function() { - const t = function(r) { - const n = K[r]; - let i = ""; - switch (K[r].raw.startTime.type) { - case "prevTaskEnd": { - const a = At(n.prevTaskId); - n.startTime = a.endTime; - break; - } - case "getStartDate": - i = De(void 0, st, K[r].raw.startTime.startData), i && (K[r].startTime = i); - break; - } - return K[r].startTime && (K[r].endTime = Qn( - K[r].startTime, - st, - K[r], - It - ), K[r].endTime && (K[r].processed = !0, K[r].manualEndTime = nt( - K[r], - "YYYY-MM-DD", - !0 - ).isValid(), Gn(K[r], st, Nt, Et))), K[r].processed; - }; - let e = !0; - for (const [r, n] of K.entries()) - t(r), e = e && n.processed; - return e; -}, hs = function(t, e) { - let r = e; - vt().securityLevel !== "loose" && (r = nr(e)), t.split(",").forEach(function(n) { - At(n) !== void 0 && (tr(n, () => { -, "_self"); - }), He[n] = r); - }), Kn(t, "clickable"); -}, Kn = function(t, e) { - t.split(",").forEach(function(r) { - let n = At(r); - n !== void 0 && n.classes.push(e); - }); -}, ms = function(t, e, r) { - if (vt().securityLevel !== "loose" || e === void 0) - return; - let n = []; - if (typeof r == "string") { - n = r.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/); - for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { - let s = n[a].trim(); - s.charAt(0) === '"' && s.charAt(s.length - 1) === '"' && (s = s.substr(1, s.length - 2)), n[a] = s; - } - } - n.length === 0 && n.push(t), At(t) !== void 0 && tr(t, () => { - rr.runFunc(e, ...n); - }); -}, tr = function(t, e) { - Ve.push( - function() { - const r = document.querySelector(`[id="${t}"]`); - r !== null && r.addEventListener("click", function() { - e(); - }); - }, - function() { - const r = document.querySelector(`[id="${t}-text"]`); - r !== null && r.addEventListener("click", function() { - e(); - }); - } - ); -}, ds = function(t, e, r) { - t.split(",").forEach(function(n) { - ms(n, e, r); - }), Kn(t, "clickable"); -}, gs = function(t) { - Ve.forEach(function(e) { - e(t); - }); -}, ys = { - parseDirective: Oa, - getConfig: () => vt().gantt, - clear: Ha, - setDateFormat: Xa, - getDateFormat: Ja, - enableInclusiveEndDates: qa, - endDatesAreInclusive: Ga, - enableTopAxis: $a, - topAxisEnabled: Qa, - setAxisFormat: Pa, - getAxisFormat: Va, - setTickInterval: Ra, - getTickInterval: Ba, - setTodayMarker: Za, - getTodayMarker: ja, - setAccTitle: lr, - getAccTitle: fr, - setDiagramTitle: hr, - getDiagramTitle: mr, - setAccDescription: dr, - getAccDescription: gr, - addSection: is, - getSections: as, - getTasks: ss, - addTask: ls, - findTaskById: At, - addTaskOrg: fs, - setIncludes: Ka, - getIncludes: ts, - setExcludes: es, - getExcludes: ns, - setClickEvent: ds, - setLink: hs, - getLinks: rs, - bindFunctions: gs, - parseDuration: $n, - isInvalidDate: qn -}; -function er(t, e, r) { - let n = !0; - for (; n; ) - n = !1, r.forEach(function(i) { - const a = "^\\s*" + i + "\\s*$", s = new RegExp(a); - t[0].match(s) && (e[i] = !0, t.shift(1), n = !0); - }); -} -const ps = function() { - me.debug("Something is calling, setConf, remove the call"); -}; -let ct; -const ks = function(t, e, r, n) { - const i = vt().gantt, a = vt().securityLevel; - let s; - a === "sandbox" && (s = Wt("#i" + e)); - const c = a === "sandbox" ? Wt(s.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) : Wt("body"), g = a === "sandbox" ? s.nodes()[0].contentDocument : document, l = g.getElementById(e); - ct = l.parentElement.offsetWidth, ct === void 0 && (ct = 1200), i.useWidth !== void 0 && (ct = i.useWidth); - const b = n.db.getTasks(), v = b.length * (i.barHeight + i.barGap) + 2 * i.topPadding; - l.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + ct + " " + v); - const y =`[id="${e}"]`), p = Ya().domain([ - Dr(b, function(m) { - return m.startTime; - }), - Cr(b, function(m) { - return m.endTime; - }) - ]).rangeRound([0, ct - i.leftPadding - i.rightPadding]); - let I = []; - for (const m of b) - I.push(m.type); - const C = I; - I = Y(I); - function _(m, u) { - const h = m.startTime, T = u.startTime; - let o = 0; - return h > T ? o = 1 : h < T && (o = -1), o; - } - b.sort(_), E(b, ct, v), pr(y, v, ct, i.useMaxWidth), y.append("text").text(n.db.getDiagramTitle()).attr("x", ct / 2).attr("y", i.titleTopMargin).attr("class", "titleText"); - function E(m, u, h) { - const T = i.barHeight, o = T + i.barGap, F = i.topPadding, f = i.leftPadding, A = Yn().domain([0, I.length]).range(["#00B9FA", "#F95002"]).interpolate(Xr); - O( - o, - F, - f, - u, - h, - m, - n.db.getExcludes(), - n.db.getIncludes() - ), R(f, F, u, h), W(m, o, F, f, T, A, u), P(o, F), w(f, F, u, h); - } - function W(m, u, h, T, o, F, f) { - y.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(m).enter().append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", function(k, U) { - return U = k.order, U * u + h - 2; - }).attr("width", function() { - return f - i.rightPadding / 2; - }).attr("height", u).attr("class", function(k) { - for (const [U, S] of I.entries()) - if (k.type === S) - return "section section" + U % i.numberSectionStyles; - return "section section0"; - }); - const A = y.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(m).enter(), Z = n.db.getLinks(); - if (A.append("rect").attr("id", function(k) { - return; - }).attr("rx", 3).attr("ry", 3).attr("x", function(k) { - return k.milestone ? p(k.startTime) + T + 0.5 * (p(k.endTime) - p(k.startTime)) - 0.5 * o : p(k.startTime) + T; - }).attr("y", function(k, U) { - return U = k.order, U * u + h; - }).attr("width", function(k) { - return k.milestone ? o : p(k.renderEndTime || k.endTime) - p(k.startTime); - }).attr("height", o).attr("transform-origin", function(k, U) { - return U = k.order, (p(k.startTime) + T + 0.5 * (p(k.endTime) - p(k.startTime))).toString() + "px " + (U * u + h + 0.5 * o).toString() + "px"; - }).attr("class", function(k) { - const U = "task"; - let S = ""; - k.classes.length > 0 && (S = k.classes.join(" ")); - let V = 0; - for (const [z, H] of I.entries()) - k.type === H && (V = z % i.numberSectionStyles); - let q = ""; - return ? k.crit ? q += " activeCrit" : q = " active" : k.done ? k.crit ? q = " doneCrit" : q = " done" : k.crit && (q += " crit"), q.length === 0 && (q = " task"), k.milestone && (q = " milestone " + q), q += V, q += " " + S, U + q; - }), A.append("text").attr("id", function(k) { - return + "-text"; - }).text(function(k) { - return k.task; - }).attr("font-size", i.fontSize).attr("x", function(k) { - let U = p(k.startTime), S = p(k.renderEndTime || k.endTime); - k.milestone && (U += 0.5 * (p(k.endTime) - p(k.startTime)) - 0.5 * o), k.milestone && (S = U + o); - const V = this.getBBox().width; - return V > S - U ? S + V + 1.5 * i.leftPadding > f ? U + T - 5 : S + T + 5 : (S - U) / 2 + U + T; - }).attr("y", function(k, U) { - return U = k.order, U * u + i.barHeight / 2 + (i.fontSize / 2 - 2) + h; - }).attr("text-height", o).attr("class", function(k) { - const U = p(k.startTime); - let S = p(k.endTime); - k.milestone && (S = U + o); - const V = this.getBBox().width; - let q = ""; - k.classes.length > 0 && (q = k.classes.join(" ")); - let z = 0; - for (const [ht, $] of I.entries()) - k.type === $ && (z = ht % i.numberSectionStyles); - let H = ""; - return && (k.crit ? H = "activeCritText" + z : H = "activeText" + z), k.done ? k.crit ? H = H + " doneCritText" + z : H = H + " doneText" + z : k.crit && (H = H + " critText" + z), k.milestone && (H += " milestoneText"), V > S - U ? S + V + 1.5 * i.leftPadding > f ? q + " taskTextOutsideLeft taskTextOutside" + z + " " + H : q + " taskTextOutsideRight taskTextOutside" + z + " " + H + " width-" + V : q + " taskText taskText" + z + " " + H + " width-" + V; - }), vt().securityLevel === "sandbox") { - let k; - k = Wt("#i" + e); - const U = k.nodes()[0].contentDocument; - A.filter(function(S) { - return Z[] !== void 0; - }).each(function(S) { - var V = U.querySelector("#" +, q = U.querySelector("#" + + "-text"); - const z = V.parentNode; - var H = U.createElement("a"); - H.setAttribute("xlink:href", Z[]), H.setAttribute("target", "_top"), z.appendChild(H), H.appendChild(V), H.appendChild(q); - }); - } - } - function O(m, u, h, T, o, F, f, A) { - const Z = F.reduce( - (z, { startTime: H }) => z ? Math.min(z, H) : H, - 0 - ), j = F.reduce((z, { endTime: H }) => z ? Math.max(z, H) : H, 0), k = n.db.getDateFormat(); - if (!Z || !j) - return; - const U = []; - let S = null, V = nt(Z); - for (; V.valueOf() <= j; ) - n.db.isInvalidDate(V, k, f, A) ? S ? S.end = V : S = { - start: V, - end: V - } : S && (U.push(S), S = null), V = V.add(1, "d"); - y.append("g").selectAll("rect").data(U).enter().append("rect").attr("id", function(z) { - return "exclude-" + z.start.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); - }).attr("x", function(z) { - return p(z.start) + h; - }).attr("y", i.gridLineStartPadding).attr("width", function(z) { - const H = z.end.add(1, "day"); - return p(H) - p(z.start); - }).attr("height", o - u - i.gridLineStartPadding).attr("transform-origin", function(z, H) { - return (p(z.start) + h + 0.5 * (p(z.end) - p(z.start))).toString() + "px " + (H * m + 0.5 * o).toString() + "px"; - }).attr("class", "exclude-range"); - } - function R(m, u, h, T) { - let o = Er(p).tickSize(-T + u + i.gridLineStartPadding).tickFormat(Kt(n.db.getAxisFormat() || i.axisFormat || "%Y-%m-%d")); - const f = /^([1-9]\d*)(minute|hour|day|week|month)$/.exec( - n.db.getTickInterval() || i.tickInterval - ); - if (f !== null) { - const A = f[1]; - switch (f[2]) { - case "minute": - o.ticks(qt.every(A)); - break; - case "hour": - o.ticks(Gt.every(A)); - break; - case "day": - o.ticks(Mt.every(A)); - break; - case "week": - o.ticks(wt.every(A)); - break; - case "month": - o.ticks(Qt.every(A)); - break; - } - } - if (y.append("g").attr("class", "grid").attr("transform", "translate(" + m + ", " + (T - 50) + ")").call(o).selectAll("text").style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "none").attr("font-size", 10).attr("dy", "1em"), n.db.topAxisEnabled() || i.topAxis) { - let A = Lr(p).tickSize(-T + u + i.gridLineStartPadding).tickFormat(Kt(n.db.getAxisFormat() || i.axisFormat || "%Y-%m-%d")); - if (f !== null) { - const Z = f[1]; - switch (f[2]) { - case "minute": - A.ticks(qt.every(Z)); - break; - case "hour": - A.ticks(Gt.every(Z)); - break; - case "day": - A.ticks(Mt.every(Z)); - break; - case "week": - A.ticks(wt.every(Z)); - break; - case "month": - A.ticks(Qt.every(Z)); - break; - } - } - y.append("g").attr("class", "grid").attr("transform", "translate(" + m + ", " + u + ")").call(A).selectAll("text").style("text-anchor", "middle").attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "none").attr("font-size", 10); - } - } - function P(m, u) { - const h = []; - let T = 0; - for (const [o, F] of I.entries()) - h[o] = [F, x(F, C)]; - y.append("g").selectAll("text").data(h).enter().append(function(o) { - const F = o[0].split(cr.lineBreakRegex), f = -(F.length - 1) / 2, A = g.createElementNS("", "text"); - A.setAttribute("dy", f + "em"); - for (const [Z, j] of F.entries()) { - const k = g.createElementNS("", "tspan"); - k.setAttribute("alignment-baseline", "central"), k.setAttribute("x", "10"), Z > 0 && k.setAttribute("dy", "1em"), k.textContent = j, A.appendChild(k); - } - return A; - }).attr("x", 10).attr("y", function(o, F) { - if (F > 0) - for (let f = 0; f < F; f++) - return T += h[F - 1][1], o[1] * m / 2 + T * m + u; - else - return o[1] * m / 2 + u; - }).attr("font-size", i.sectionFontSize).attr("font-size", i.sectionFontSize).attr("class", function(o) { - for (const [F, f] of I.entries()) - if (o[0] === f) - return "sectionTitle sectionTitle" + F % i.numberSectionStyles; - return "sectionTitle"; - }); - } - function w(m, u, h, T) { - const o = n.db.getTodayMarker(); - if (o === "off") - return; - const F = y.append("g").attr("class", "today"), f = new Date(), A = F.append("line"); - A.attr("x1", p(f) + m).attr("x2", p(f) + m).attr("y1", i.titleTopMargin).attr("y2", T - i.titleTopMargin).attr("class", "today"), o !== "" && A.attr("style", o.replace(/,/g, ";")); - } - function Y(m) { - const u = {}, h = []; - for (let T = 0, o = m.length; T < o; ++T) -, m[T]) || (u[m[T]] = !0, h.push(m[T])); - return h; - } - function B(m) { - let u = m.length; - const h = {}; - for (; u; ) - h[m[--u]] = (h[m[u]] || 0) + 1; - return h; - } - function x(m, u) { - return B(u)[m] || 0; - } -}, vs = { - setConf: ps, - draw: ks -}, Ts = (t) => ` - .mermaid-main-font { - font-family: "trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif; - font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family); - } - .exclude-range { - fill: ${t.excludeBkgColor}; - } - - .section { - stroke: none; - opacity: 0.2; - } - - .section0 { - fill: ${t.sectionBkgColor}; - } - - .section2 { - fill: ${t.sectionBkgColor2}; - } - - .section1, - .section3 { - fill: ${t.altSectionBkgColor}; - opacity: 0.2; - } - - .sectionTitle0 { - fill: ${t.titleColor}; - } - - .sectionTitle1 { - fill: ${t.titleColor}; - } - - .sectionTitle2 { - fill: ${t.titleColor}; - } - - .sectionTitle3 { - fill: ${t.titleColor}; - } - - .sectionTitle { - text-anchor: start; - // font-size: ${t.ganttFontSize}; - // text-height: 14px; - font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif; - font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family); - - } - - - /* Grid and axis */ - - .grid .tick { - stroke: ${t.gridColor}; - opacity: 0.8; - shape-rendering: crispEdges; - text { - font-family: ${t.fontFamily}; - fill: ${t.textColor}; - } - } - - .grid path { - stroke-width: 0; - } - - - /* Today line */ - - .today { - fill: none; - stroke: ${t.todayLineColor}; - stroke-width: 2px; - } - - - /* Task styling */ - - /* Default task */ - - .task { - stroke-width: 2; - } - - .taskText { - text-anchor: middle; - font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif; - font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family); - } - - // .taskText:not([font-size]) { - // font-size: ${t.ganttFontSize}; - // } - - .taskTextOutsideRight { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor}; - text-anchor: start; - // font-size: ${t.ganttFontSize}; - font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif; - font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family); - - } - - .taskTextOutsideLeft { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor}; - text-anchor: end; - // font-size: ${t.ganttFontSize}; - } - - /* Special case clickable */ - .task.clickable { - cursor: pointer; - } - .taskText.clickable { - cursor: pointer; - fill: ${t.taskTextClickableColor} !important; - font-weight: bold; - } - - .taskTextOutsideLeft.clickable { - cursor: pointer; - fill: ${t.taskTextClickableColor} !important; - font-weight: bold; - } - - .taskTextOutsideRight.clickable { - cursor: pointer; - fill: ${t.taskTextClickableColor} !important; - font-weight: bold; - } - - /* Specific task settings for the sections*/ - - .taskText0, - .taskText1, - .taskText2, - .taskText3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextColor}; - } - - .task0, - .task1, - .task2, - .task3 { - fill: ${t.taskBkgColor}; - stroke: ${t.taskBorderColor}; - } - - .taskTextOutside0, - .taskTextOutside2 - { - fill: ${t.taskTextOutsideColor}; - } - - .taskTextOutside1, - .taskTextOutside3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextOutsideColor}; - } - - - /* Active task */ - - .active0, - .active1, - .active2, - .active3 { - fill: ${t.activeTaskBkgColor}; - stroke: ${t.activeTaskBorderColor}; - } - - .activeText0, - .activeText1, - .activeText2, - .activeText3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor} !important; - } - - - /* Completed task */ - - .done0, - .done1, - .done2, - .done3 { - stroke: ${t.doneTaskBorderColor}; - fill: ${t.doneTaskBkgColor}; - stroke-width: 2; - } - - .doneText0, - .doneText1, - .doneText2, - .doneText3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor} !important; - } - - - /* Tasks on the critical line */ - - .crit0, - .crit1, - .crit2, - .crit3 { - stroke: ${t.critBorderColor}; - fill: ${t.critBkgColor}; - stroke-width: 2; - } - - .activeCrit0, - .activeCrit1, - .activeCrit2, - .activeCrit3 { - stroke: ${t.critBorderColor}; - fill: ${t.activeTaskBkgColor}; - stroke-width: 2; - } - - .doneCrit0, - .doneCrit1, - .doneCrit2, - .doneCrit3 { - stroke: ${t.critBorderColor}; - fill: ${t.doneTaskBkgColor}; - stroke-width: 2; - cursor: pointer; - shape-rendering: crispEdges; - } - - .milestone { - transform: rotate(45deg) scale(0.8,0.8); - } - - .milestoneText { - font-style: italic; - } - .doneCritText0, - .doneCritText1, - .doneCritText2, - .doneCritText3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor} !important; - } - - .activeCritText0, - .activeCritText1, - .activeCritText2, - .activeCritText3 { - fill: ${t.taskTextDarkColor} !important; - } - - .titleText { - text-anchor: middle; - font-size: 18px; - fill: ${t.textColor} ; - font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial, sans-serif; - font-family: var(--mermaid-font-family); - } -`, xs = Ts, As = { - parser: Ua, - db: ys, - renderer: vs, - styles: xs -}; -export { - As as diagram -}; -//# -- cgit v1.2.3