path: root/themes/CodeIT/assets/css/_variables.scss
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/CodeIT/assets/css/_variables.scss')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/CodeIT/assets/css/_variables.scss b/themes/CodeIT/assets/css/_variables.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ca9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/CodeIT/assets/css/_variables.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// ==============================
+// Variables
+// ==============================
+// ========== Global ========== //
+// Font and Line Height
+$global-font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, PingFang SC,
+ Microsoft YaHei UI, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans,
+ Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default;
+$global-font-size: 16px;
+$global-font-weight: 400;
+$global-line-height: 1.5rem;
+// Color of the background
+$global-background-color: #fff !default;
+$global-background-color-dark: #292a2d !default;
+// Color of the text
+$global-font-color: #161209 !default;
+$global-font-color-dark: #a9a9b3 !default;
+// Color of the secondary text
+$global-font-secondary-color: #a9a9b3 !default;
+$global-font-secondary-color-dark: #5d5d5f !default;
+// Color of the link
+$global-link-color: #161209 !default;
+$global-link-color-dark: #a9a9b3 !default;
+// Color of the hover link
+$global-link-hover-color: #2d96bd !default;
+$global-link-hover-color-dark: #fff !default;
+// Color of the border
+$global-border-color: #f0f0f0 !default;
+$global-border-color-dark: #363636 !default;
+// ========== Global ========== //
+// ========== Scrollbar ========== //
+// Color of the scrollbar
+$scrollbar-color: #87878d !default;
+// Color of the hover scrollbar
+$scrollbar-hover-color: #a9a9b3 !default;
+// ========== Scrollbar ========== //
+// ========== Selection ========== //
+// Color of the selected text
+$selection-color: rgba(53, 166, 247, 0.25) !default;
+$selection-color-dark: rgba(50, 112, 194, 0.4) !default;
+// ========== Selection ========== //
+// ========== Header ========== //
+// Height of the header
+$header-height: 3.5rem !default;
+// Color of the header background
+$header-background-color: #f8f8f8 !default;
+$header-background-color-dark: #252627 !default;
+// Font style of the header title
+$header-title-font-family: $global-font-family !default;
+$header-title-font-size: 1.5rem !default;
+// Color of the hover header item
+$header-hover-color: #161209 !default;
+$header-hover-color-dark: #fff !default;
+// Color of the search background
+$search-background-color: #e9e9e9 !default;
+$search-background-color-dark: #363636 !default;
+// ========== Header ========== //
+// ========== Single Content ========== //
+// Font size of the TOC
+$toc-title-font-size: 1.2rem !default;
+$toc-content-font-size: 1rem !default;
+// Color of the single link
+$single-link-color: #2d96bd !default;
+$single-link-color-dark: #55bde2 !default;
+// Color of the hover single link
+$single-link-hover-color: #ef3982 !default;
+$single-link-hover-color-dark: #bdebfc !default;
+// Color of the table background
+$table-background-color: #fff !default;
+$table-background-color-dark: #272c34 !default;
+// Color of the table thead
+$table-thead-color: #ededed !default;
+$table-thead-color-dark: #20252b !default;
+// Color of the blockquote
+$blockquote-color: #6bd6fd !default;
+$blockquote-color-dark: #59c5ec !default;
+// ========== Single Content ========== //
+// ========== Pagination ========== //
+// Color of the link in pagination
+$pagination-link-color: #2d96bd !default;
+$pagination-link-color-dark: #a9a9b3 !default;
+// Color of the hover link in pagination
+$pagination-link-hover-color: #000 !default;
+$pagination-link-hover-color-dark: #fff !default;
+// ========== Pagination ========== //
+// ========== Code ========== //
+// Color of the code
+$code-color: #e74c3c !default;
+$code-color-dark: #e5bf78 !default;
+// Color of the code background
+$code-background-color: #f5f5f5 !default;
+$code-background-color-dark: #272c34 !default;
+$code-info-color: #9c9c9c !default;
+$code-info-color-dark: #b1b0b0 !default;
+// Font size of the code
+$code-font-size: 0.875rem !default;
+// Font family of the code
+$code-font-family: Source Code Pro, Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace,
+ $global-font-family !default;
+// Code type map
+$code-type-map: (
+ // Custom code type
+ language-bash: "Bash",
+ language-c: "C",
+ language-cs: "C#",
+ language-cpp: "C++",
+ language-clojure: "Clojure",
+ language-coffeescript: "CoffeeScript",
+ language-css: "CSS",
+ language-dart: "Dart",
+ language-diff: "Diff",
+ language-erlang: "Erlang",
+ language-go: "Go",
+ language-go-html-template: "Go HTML Template",
+ language-groovy: "Groovy",
+ language-haskell: "Haskell",
+ language-html: "HTML",
+ language-http: "HTTP",
+ language-xml: "XML",
+ language-java: "Java",
+ language-js: "JavaScript",
+ language-javascript: "JavaScript",
+ language-json: "JSON",
+ language-kotlin: "Kotlin",
+ language-latex: "LaTeX",
+ language-less: "Less",
+ language-lisp: "Lisp",
+ language-lua: "Lua",
+ language-makefile: "Makefile",
+ language-markdown: "Markdown",
+ language-matlab: "Matlab",
+ language-objectivec: "Objective-C",
+ language-php: "PHP",
+ language-perl: "Perl",
+ language-python: "Python",
+ language-r: "R",
+ language-ruby: "Ruby",
+ language-rust: "Rust",
+ language-scala: "Scala",
+ language-scss: "Scss",
+ language-shell: "Shell",
+ language-sql: "SQL",
+ language-swift: "Swift",
+ language-tex: "TeX",
+ language-toml: "TOML",
+ language-ts: "TypeScript",
+ language-typescript: "TypeScript",
+ language-vue: "Vue",
+ language-yml: "YAML",
+ language-yaml: "YAML"
+) !default;
+// Color map of the code highlight
+$code-highlight-color-map: (
+ /* Parentheses */ "p": #a9a9b3,
+ /* Keyword */ "k": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordConstant */ "kc": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordDeclaration */ "kd": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordNamespace */ "kn": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordPseudo */ "kp": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordReserved */ "kr": #b501a9,
+ /* KeywordType */ "kt": #b501a9,
+ /* Name */ "n": #333333,
+ /* NameAttribute */ "na": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameBuiltin */ "nb": #f74840,
+ /* NameBuiltinPseudo */ "bp": #f74840,
+ /* NameClass */ "nc": #cb8100,
+ /* NameConstant */ "no": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameDecorator */ "nd": #0086c1,
+ /* NameEntity */ "ni": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameException */ "ne": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameFunction */ "nf": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameFunctionMagic */ "fm": #1ccad6,
+ /* NameLabel */ "nl": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameNamespace */ "nn": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameOther */ "nx": #333333,
+ /* NameProperty */ "py": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameTag */ "nt": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameVariable */ "nv": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameVariableClass */ "vc": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameVariableGlobal */ "vg": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameVariableInstance */ "vi": #2b77fa,
+ /* NameVariableMagic */ "vm": #2b77fa,
+ /* Literal */ "l": #2aa198,
+ /* LiteralDate */ "ld": #2aa198,
+ /* LiteralString */ "s": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringAffix */ "sa": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringBacktick */ "sb": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringChar */ "sc": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringDelimiter */ "dl": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringDoc */ "sd": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringDouble */ "s2": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringEscape */ "se": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringHeredoc */ "sh": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringInterpol */ "si": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringOther */ "sx": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringRegex */ "sr": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringSingle */ "s1": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralStringSymbol */ "ss": #24a443,
+ /* LiteralNumber */ "m": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberBin */ "mb": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberFloat */ "mf": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberHex */ "mh": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberInteger */ "mi": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ "il": #e2893c,
+ /* LiteralNumberOct */ "mo": #e2893c,
+ /* Operator */ "o": #f19b04,
+ /* OperatorWord */ "ow": #b501a9,
+ /* Comment */ "c": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentHashbang */ "ch": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentMultiline */ "cm": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentSingle */ "c1": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentSpecial */ "cs": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentPreproc */ "cp": #a0a1a8,
+ /* CommentPreprocFile */ "cpf": #a0a1a8,
+ /* Generic */ "g": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericDeleted */ "gd": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericEmph */ "ge": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericError */ "gr": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericHeading */ "gh": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericInserted */ "gi": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericOutput */ "go": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericPrompt */ "gp": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericStrong */ "gs": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericSubheading */ "gu": #e72d40,
+ /* GenericTraceback */ "gt": #e72d40,
+ /* TextWhitespace */ "w": #bbbbbb
+) !default;
+$code-highlight-color-map-dark: (
+ /* Parentheses */ "p": #a9a9b3,
+ /* Keyword */ "k": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordConstant */ "kc": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordDeclaration */ "kd": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordNamespace */ "kn": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordPseudo */ "kp": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordReserved */ "kr": #d371e3,
+ /* KeywordType */ "kt": #d371e3,
+ /* Name */ "n": #a9b2c0,
+ /* NameAttribute */ "na": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameBuiltin */ "nb": #19b9c4,
+ /* NameBuiltinPseudo */ "bp": #ecbf6f,
+ /* NameClass */ "nc": #ecbf6f,
+ /* NameConstant */ "no": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameDecorator */ "nd": #ecbf6f,
+ /* NameEntity */ "ni": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameException */ "ne": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameFunction */ "nf": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameFunctionMagic */ "fm": #19b9c4,
+ /* NameLabel */ "nl": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameNamespace */ "nn": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameOther */ "nx": #a9a9b3,
+ /* NameProperty */ "py": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameTag */ "nt": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameVariable */ "nv": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameVariableClass */ "vc": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameVariableGlobal */ "vg": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameVariableInstance */ "vi": #41b0f5,
+ /* NameVariableMagic */ "vm": #41b0f5,
+ /* Literal */ "l": #2aa198,
+ /* LiteralDate */ "ld": #2aa198,
+ /* LiteralString */ "s": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringAffix */ "sa": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringBacktick */ "sb": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringChar */ "sc": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringDelimiter */ "dl": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringDoc */ "sd": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringDouble */ "s2": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringEscape */ "se": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringHeredoc */ "sh": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringInterpol */ "si": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringOther */ "sx": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringRegex */ "sr": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringSingle */ "s1": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralStringSymbol */ "ss": #8cc570,
+ /* LiteralNumber */ "m": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberBin */ "mb": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberFloat */ "mf": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberHex */ "mh": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberInteger */ "mi": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ "il": #db985c,
+ /* LiteralNumberOct */ "mo": #db985c,
+ /* Operator */ "o": #ecbf6f,
+ /* OperatorWord */ "ow": #d371e3,
+ /* Comment */ "c": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentHashbang */ "ch": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentMultiline */ "cm": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentSingle */ "c1": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentSpecial */ "cs": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentPreproc */ "cp": #7e848f,
+ /* CommentPreprocFile */ "cpf": #7e848f,
+ /* Generic */ "g": #f16372,
+ /* GenericDeleted */ "gd": #f16372,
+ /* GenericEmph */ "ge": #f16372,
+ /* GenericError */ "gr": #f16372,
+ /* GenericHeading */ "gh": #f16372,
+ /* GenericInserted */ "gi": #f16372,
+ /* GenericOutput */ "go": #f16372,
+ /* GenericPrompt */ "gp": #f16372,
+ /* GenericStrong */ "gs": #f16372,
+ /* GenericSubheading */ "gu": #f16372,
+ /* GenericTraceback */ "gt": #f16372,
+ /* TextWhitespace */ "w": #bbbbbb
+) !default;
+// ========== Code ========== //
+// ========== Admonition ========== //
+// Color map of the admonition
+$admonition-color-map: (
+ "note": #448aff,
+ "abstract": #00b0ff,
+ "info": #00b8d4,
+ "tip": #00bfa5,
+ "success": #00c853,
+ "question": #64dd17,
+ "warning": #ff9100,
+ "failure": #ff5252,
+ "danger": #ff1744,
+ "bug": #f50057,
+ "example": #651fff,
+ "quote": #9e9e9e,
+) !default;
+// Color map of the admonition background
+$admonition-background-color-map: (
+ "note": rgba(68, 138, 255, 0.1),
+ "abstract": rgba(0, 176, 255, 0.1),
+ "info": rgba(0, 184, 212, 0.1),
+ "tip": rgba(0, 191, 165, 0.1),
+ "success": rgba(0, 200, 83, 0.1),
+ "question": rgba(100, 221, 23, 0.1),
+ "warning": rgba(255, 145, 0, 0.1),
+ "failure": rgba(255, 82, 82, 0.1),
+ "danger": rgba(255, 23, 68, 0.1),
+ "bug": rgba(245, 0, 87, 0.1),
+ "example": rgba(101, 31, 255, 0.1),
+ "quote": rgba(159, 159, 159, 0.1),
+) !default;
+// ========== Admonition ========== //
+$MAX_LENGTH: 12000px;